Kelvinism 2.0 by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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You are more than just another pixel on the screen of big media

another tool made to be used by corporations

a peasant lucky to be able to listen to a feudal lord preaching

they say that there are no false profits

for false prophets

but that doesn’t mean that you have to listen

you are more than just another cog in the collective

another wheel made to be driven

and pushed to the limit of chaos

you are worth more than this

type of thinking

that makes victims

of the lives this drunken lifeguard thinks it is saving

while giving it nothing worth living for

somewhere beyond the clank of industry

and the braying of experts

that are paid by them

somewhere beyond the hundred year old ideas

that are celebrated as progressive

there is a peace

a hill surrounded by the promise of the divine

a higher goal than fear

a better place than slavery

to those who preach about freedom

even while they are cracking the whip

a monument over the horizon

the salve for our burning desire

a hideaway for the desperate

that waits to reward the pilgrim

the oasis that waits for the seeker

who will give up everything

to seek it