Naked Leavings by Candice James - HTML preview

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Candice James

Copyright 2009


I gave my head a shake,

Cleared out the cobwebs,

And looked back in angst and dismay

On the chaotic landscape of my life,

Filled with emotion.  Filled with strife.

Harmony, the ever elusive butterfly

I tried so desperately to catch

With my torn and ripped net of delusion.

Reality,  always a caterpillar in the fog

Never quite able to cocoon on its own.

So many legs yet such a slow walker.

So many stories and such a low talker.


The net of delusion is powerful indeed

And sweet sweet poison to the soul.


Ah well, the language of Tutankhamen

Is not wasted only on the lost souls of drink.

It’s lost on the druggies and addicts

Who try to construct pyramids out of

Grainy gauze and broken toothpicks.

Such an impossible task and yet these

Inane, insane inebriates still flounder

Through life’s dance with all the wrong steps.


Some eyes have a blank, hollow stare.

Some eyes pierce with danger reined in.

Some eyes dull with diminishing hope

But once in awhile you gaze into eyes

That permeate the darkness and lay open

Secrets disguised and hidden too long.

These are the eyes that guide angels

Toward us in our greatest moments of need.

These are the eyes I search for

In dark cathedrals and ebony alleys.

Day after day.  Night after night.


The net of delusion is powerful indeed

And sweet sweet poison to the soul.