Poetry in Spoken Word by Tracy Kocsis - HTML preview

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I don’t see the pain

Of living in this meager state

My home hasn’t been plundered,

I have some joy when I’m awake.

Not the kind of joy one would expect

I’m not shouting from the rooftops

Or out breaking my neck.

I’m content to live within my means.

Even if that means never being seen.

Misery hasn’t defeated me yet.

I haven’t surrendered my soul,

At least, not yet.

I recognize the tragedy

Of being manipulated

And handled without care.

I see the element of sadness

I have tasted despair.

Is it more than I can handle?

I’m far from broken.

Am I completely devastated?

This shall remain unspoken.

I’d like to say that I am

Crawling from my grave.

The weight of the world

Has brought me low.

The weight of the world,

I still see some hope.