Me and my friend President Obama by Peiman Ghasemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Did you know black words on white papers are each others complement. Did you know many scientists believe, first races of mankind came from Africa. (President Barack Obama)

When the American people selected the US President, Mr. Barack Obama, to go to the house (White House), BBC (the British Broadcasting Corporation) started to attack his personality and his supporters behind the scene. BBC tortured some of the supporters of the president; I was a young boy during the volant time of this accidents. (I remember when I was a young boy while I hadn’t lots of knowledge, I wrote to BBC Persian: “likewise what I heard from Iranian people, when years ago you broadcast to people about that astronauts have seen Imam Khomeinies face on the moon so you supported Iranian regime’s revolution to reach the victory27.)28 Many years later likewise what you going to read in the Chapter 3, I did some activities while I was communicating with BBC and while I was communicating with the others also, but it was such an agitated activities what I didn’t like nor it was beneficial for me and also made my situation worsen. It’s interesting, I loved some of the BBC documentaries like “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold” and “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”29 the movie. I have some friends there. One of their documentaries what I love is The Planet The Earth!


Barack Hussein Obama II, date of birth: August 4, 1961. He is the 44th President of the United States, and the first African American to hold the office. His story is the American story — values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.

With a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, President Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He was raised with help from his grandfather, who served in Patton's army, and his grandmother, who worked her way up from the secretarial pool to middle management at a bank.

After working his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans, President Obama moved to Chicago, where he worked with a group of churches to help rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants.

He went on to attend law school, where he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004, running unsuccessfully for the United States House of Representatives in 2000.

President Obama's years of public service are based around his unwavering belief in the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose. In the Illinois State Senate, he passed the first major ethics reform in 25 years, cut taxes for working families, and expanded health care for children and their parents. As a United States Senator, he reached across the aisle to pass groundbreaking lobbying reform, lock up the world's most dangerous weapons, and bring transparency to government by putting federal spending online.

He was elected the 44th President of the United States on November 4, 2008, and sworn in on January 20, 2009. He and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

In 2004, Obama received national attention during his campaign to represent Illinois in the United States Senate with his victory in the March Democratic Party primary, his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July, and his election to the Senate in November. He began his presidential campaign in 2007 and, after a close primary campaign against Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008, he won sufficient delegates in the Democratic Party primaries to receive the presidential nomination. He then defeated Republican nominee John McCain in the general election, and was inaugurated as president on January 20, 2009. Nine months after his election, Obama was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The next day, some news channels, the Islamic ones at most, such as IRIB (The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Agency and its related branches) made a propaganda on media against him related to a few groups of people (some protesters) who was against the decision what the Nobel made.

During his first two years in office, Obama signed into law economic stimulus legislation in response to the Great Recession in the form of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. Other major domestic initiatives in his first term included the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often referred to as "Obamacare"; the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act; and the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010. In foreign policy, Obama ended U.S. military involvement in the Iraq War, increased U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan, signed the New START arms control treaty with Russia, ordered U.S. military involvement in Libya, and ordered the military operation that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden. In November 2010, the Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives as the Democratic Party lost a total of 63 seats; and, after a lengthy debate over federal spending and whether or not to raise the nation's debt limit, Obama signed the Budget Control Act of 2011 and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 what will have long term benefits also.

Obama was re-elected president in November 2012, defeating Republican nominee Mitt Romney, and was sworn in for a second term on January 20, 2013. During his second term, Obama has promoted domestic policies related to gun control in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and has called for full equality for LGBT Americans, while his administration has filed briefs which urged the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 and California's Proposition 8 as unconstitutional. In foreign policy, Obama has continued the process of ending U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan. What you read in the current paragraph is only a brief description about him what you can find elsewhere also. In chapter 3 you will learn more about what we did. You will read more about our communication.

US secret activities about Russian are not completely describable, and these activities are complicated30.


The contact form of the Central Intelligence Agency what I used to contact them I remember, it didn’t take a long time after my first communication with the Central Intelligence Agency when Russians found me in Iran; they extracted my brain pattern, my logic and reasoning and decision making system for a while. It’s very interesting for me that Russians from the beginning of my cooperation with US intelligence was kidding me and joking and told: “let we find-out what they want to do with you and what happened to you with your fucked-up brain” During that moment of time I was only a teenager who because of a variety of hard lessons which I needed to study and because of using some kind of supplements and drugs which I needed to take to enhance my cognitive system and my memory and because of the actions of some leaders (whom acted behind the scene, when they found-out about I am communicating with America. Leaders included Iranian and Chinese), I got sick mentally by hallucinati31ons. Iranian Ministry of Intelligence likewise what I wrote before in this book caused mental problems for me (but also Iranian agents shared some secret facts to me - see the Chapter 4, where I wrote “Likewise what I wrote before, Iranian intelligence charged me”); I don’t know a lot about Chinese yet, so I wont describe a lot about what they did.

I remember after I wrote my first message through the Internet, to the Central Intelligence Agency, I received an answer from a personal email which somebody was created (using yahoo service provider) nick-name of the sender was Kevin (but I don’t remember what was the email address, exactly). He asked me that “describe me, what is your complete name, and for what kind of organization you are working for?” etc. I became suspected about, why he didn’t write me through an official email address (why the sender domain name is not something like this (format), then I asked him about the reason! He knew Persian language. I wrote him: “If you really work for CIA so why your email address is different.” He didn’t answered (I taught contacting or working for CIA or any other American agencies will deliver a satisfiable level of security for you and they will ensure your safety). I phoned the Public Affairs then I asked them about the reason but the problem didn’t solve.(maybe it affected my life a few percent32 as one of the causes which increased my hallucinations and made me nervous and made me suspected to my environmental situations also. Because of the messages what they transfered to me was not clear and I needed to increase my attentions to my current environmental situations before, to find-out what they meant) Iranian Ministry of Intelligence started to brain-wash me, to change my ideologies like them selves, it was so dangerous for them when one day I become an important person and I act against them. However their activities increased my wisdom after many years. While even some of their leaders in Iran falsified my pre-university educational examination “Konkoor”. In Iran every students could join the “Konkoor” only one time per year, during the summer.

When I was in Tehran, many times the Iranian Basij forces or agents of the Iranian Intelligence Service33 told me, they want to explode my car. Only they liked to make me fear a lot but not to explode it really. when I was in a train (metro) in Tehran, because of they was seriously after me, so I crashed the glass of the windows of the metro, I don’t know who was the driver of the metro could see the parts of the glasses which was dropping down on the sides of the railroad or not, but he increased the speed of the train. I braked the glass using a fire extinguisher capsule (while I was a weak and a young boy), the speed of the train was something between 70 km p/h to 100 km p/h. I dropped my self (jumped) out of the train, I got confused, it was not so painful, I didn’t scream at all, I released my body so relax near the rail way easily and I let it roll on the surface of the ground then after a few seconds I looked to my foots and my hands so calm then I stood up slowly! A little the skin of my hands teared but only I lost a few drops of my blood! Suddenly they stopped following me, they feared so they left me alone for a while. When I was breathing then I felt the smells of my blood in my lungs but I hadn’t pain nor I braked my bones! Inside of the nature, there was some kind of buildings and some people was working there. I don’t know maybe there was electricity facilities and some people was working. I went forward, there was a fence which the workers made there, using iron networks. There was some wires there to split this place (nature) from the nearby freeway on side. I decided to cut the wires using my knife at first but it was impossible for me, then I decided to off the fence but I couldn’t. I returned to the train station, I went to a restaurant nearby. I washed my hands and cleared the blood from my skin and I ordered a barbecue (Kebab) for my self.


Iranian Kebab


Iranian Kebab

The food was so delicious. I went out of the restaurant. It was not the first time when I checked my shoes to find-out that is anything inside of them, Iranian Agents told me that we put a device and some kind of chips there to track your location; I was not an agent, I didn’t know there is nothing there but they could track my location when my cell-phone is on or when I was using an ATM to receive money from the banks by my personal credit card, while I personally tasted that they (the government) could do it in Iran many years ago, about 2004 and many years before of this. One of the injuries of my hand is related to when I jumped out of the metro and then it became completely alright like before after a few days (as much as the injury was small) and the second time is related to when I was about 17 years old and I was living with my family in Iran when I did fireworks and I injured my finger when I have not traveled to Turkey even, what is related to when I was searching about the ways of receiving the American citizenship when I got hospitalized and its documents got submitted inside of Iranian hospitals! I remember these problems happened to me only a few years before of when I join the Red Cross and the Red Crescent Society as a medic there!

I remember that I was casually reading some books like “Iran: Time for a New Approach”34. I searched through the Internet and inside of some encyclopedias, to search about Obama’s personality. It was so interesting for me, the name of the US president is Barack Hussein. Hussein was a figure in the history of Islam. Two major ideologies and branches of Islam are Shia and Sunni. Sunni Muslims attacked one of the Shia Imams (Hussein) and killed him. They also killed many members of his families. They was living in middle east and they was not black nor living in Africa, later (likewise what you can see in many books about the history of Islam) their ideologies spread in Africa also (nowadays I was talking with president Obama and he note “did you know many Americans immigrated to America from Africa. In fact many scientists believe one of the first race of mankind spread around the globe from Africa.”) Muslims prophet was Muhammad and he was living somewhere in middle east. While Currant (one of the figures in the history of mathematics) in his book (“What is mathematics?”) named these Islamists the Hindu people, but Muhammad he his self birth place was not India35. He born in a desert which people call Iraq. In Rushdie’s book36 you see, prostitutes of Mecca named Muhammad’s wifes names on them selves to increase their guests. Another subjects which you can see in his book, Muhammad said Gabriel (Jibrail, Jibril) delivered the words of the god to him but one day Satan do it, but he imagines it is Gabriel again, then Muhammad approved the verses to get submitted in Quran but later Muhammad denies the verses and he receives some new verses about that it was the devil who gave the verses to Muhammad, but Sir. Salman Rushdie asks in his book, if the devil told these words to Muhammad so, how are you sure about who told all of the other verses of the Quran to Muhammad was not the devil instead of Gabriel!

Like what you read in the first paragraphs of this chapter, while I was in touch with BBC (still) and also agents of the Iranian regime was after me, writing casual messages to CIA and the White House, and standing against Iranian nuclear program caused that (supporters of)37 BBC and Iranian Regime Intelligence Service (while some other civil private organizations in Iran was aware of what is happening to me) attacked me, they caused mental problems for me, BBC repeated that “boro panah begir” (while I was getting mental torture by their voice when they was repeating it in my brain through classified secret methods of communication - Regarded to the laws of the International Amnesty torturing by voice is one of the methods of torture what some governments do with some prisoners) if we normally translate what they said, it means “go and take cover” but if we look carefully at this term they wanted to say “bow38! ro39 pan40 ah41 beg IR42” they tried to say, we boo (bow) you, dictator supporters of Obama and who don’t believe in our channels programs, my nationality (Persian office of BBC) is Iranian.

Even if you watch some of the investigative documentaries which some of the famous directors made against our government in America (which is even against the routine and normal news what they broadcast for public), you will find out Iranian regime is going to increase the amount of their enriched Uranium but these documentaries are against a war what they told it could happen in Iran. I remember that I was not a Christian yet. I was a teenager Muslim but I was not a devoted one, but because of my love to US president when I was drinking cold water, to showed to whom liked to bother me (and torture me using secret weapons) because of contacting president Obama, I’m proud of US presidents, I said: “Ya Hussein” a few times I said: “Ya Barack Hussein”. The philosophy of this culture (the Islamist-shia culture) is related to about a thousand years ago, when (likewise what you can see in some books, majoring historical science) Armies of Yazid son of the Moavie (they was Sunni leaders) cut the head of Hussein while when he asked them to give him water the Army didn’t. There is a law what exists in Islam about when you change your religion to any other religions, when you was a Muslim before, so the Islamist leader must kill you. I remember when I was about fifteen years old, I was watching some video clips about when (even nowadays) a Muslim cut the head of the other one (in Iraq) then because of the pressure of his tongue behind of his tooths, the pressure opens his jaw and his tongue rolling out (they was such a fearful clips for me when I saw them), about nine years later, I became a Christian and it was one year later (about ten years after that I was watching these violated clips about Islamists) when Barack Hussein Obama gave me the authority of decision making and CIA gave me an E-5 unofficial medal of honor.

I was a teenager and I was watching that in Iran it was necessary for women to wear scarf and men liked to follow them and joke with them and it was a habit for these men that if any other man talk with this woman or if he talk with any other women nearby then they attack him, usually! When I was juggling late nights there (for example in Esfahan, Apadana Street) I saw prostitutes was inside of the cars of some men sometimes then the man continued driving the car while she liked to get out and she was screaming because of she didn’t like to stay with him. Their people usually love some funny activities like fire play and they love to visit their families such as the father, the mother and the grandmother usually! There are a variety of different people there, many people there, have not been in America but like the American culture (some of these peoples don’t like) they watch different type of the perfect movies what the Hollywood produces for people, because of they like science and technology so they like the American cities designs and architectures and it’s skyscrapers; they have lots of universities and the students can study a variety of science there but these universities are not completely perfect like the European nor like the American universities.


Siosepol Bridge Esfahan-Iran

I was searching in the website of the international-police (Interpol). I was reading some articles about the required trainings what was necessary to become a member of the Interpol. I remember, one of the required trainings was about 12 Kilometers of juggling with about 30 minutes of soft and easy exercises, every 3 Kilometers. One day I decided to do it, I woke up soon in the morning. I wore my clothes then I came to the street, from the eastern part of my city (Ghadir Gharden, 22 Bahman street, Shariati alley) to the center of this city (Enghelab square) then to the south (Azadi sq./Darwaze-shiraz sq.) and then I returned to the center (where there is a river there near the Enghelab square, it name is Zayande-rood river and there was a bridge on the river, it name was Siosepol bridge. Sometimes some people had written their names on it walls or paint a logo or a word on it walls but it was better that they had not done it so when it walls was shinning in the night it would have a better lighting effect when the tourisms looked to the walls from inside of the bridge, when they viewed it not from a far distance) and then I went to the north, there was the house of my grandmother43, who died some years ago. She didn’t go to school. I remember when she was dieing because of hemorrhage (Brain Bleeding): hemorrhage means loosing lots of blood of the body which causes loosing concentration and attention of the person and then it causes death. I was taking care of my ground mother in a hospital there, what was not a modernized hospital. Once when because of the windy weather while the windows was open then the door shut hard and for a few seconds my ears was buzzing. My grandmother was unconscious there. We name this situation “Coma” - mentally unconsciousness of the brain. There are two types of coma: one of the types is light coma, the other type is deep coma. likewise what you see here, I writing these descriptions so calm. I remember when our teacher was teaching me how to be a medic, they told me: “no one must become nervous when they are medicating the patients.” Likewise what you see, I describe you the idioms which doctors use, while I am so calm, while I liked my grandmother so much; it’s a basic for every important figures, agents and medics, not to let their brain, because of the pain or because of their environmental situation of the moment, act against the logic.

One of the strange things what people don’t know, in many countries, is CPR (Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation), while learning it causes your ability of saving the life of your family. It’s so easy! But if while the heart of the patient is beating healthy, you try to do it, you going to hurt the parts of his body or probably you going to kill him! Also when somebody’s heart don’t breathing, it don’t mean that his heart (for sure) stopped, but if his heart stops suddenly his breathing stops. You must put the tips of your fingers on the vein of his neck or you must put the tips of your fingers on the wrist of his hands then check, is it beating? (you must try it about healthy individuals to insure your self about when some bodies heart is beating so you fill the pulse on his skin and you are never wrong. If it’s not beating, then you must put the patient on a hard surface, you make your lungs full of fresh air what is full of the oxygen and then you open his mouth and then blow it inside of his lungs, at the moment you do it again and again, two more times! Then you put your both hands while you tied your fingers to each other on the middle of his chest, while you haven’t bent your arms (I usually sit on the right side so I can set and maintain a better pressure on the patient’s heart on the left side), you stiff your hands while one is on the other one (the tip of your fingers don’t touch his chest during the massage and you set the pressure on the heart using the pressure which the muscles of your backbone maintain for you), you press the chest (beat it repeatedly (in fact press the chest slowly), push it up and down, as much as you can) for 1 minute, the patient’s chest bends down a few inches then you do it again, you do it at least about sixty times (it’s not necessary you set the timer nor waste your time, you can count to seventy during the massage but don’t forget you must press it as much as it is possible for you to do it correctly, the more the better), then you check his heart pulse, is it beating? If not, to complete the final step, until it starts to beat again, you blow the fresh air to his lungs two times and then set the pressure on his heart for 30 seconds (you can count to forty) without checking his heart pulse you blow the fresh air to his lungs two more times and maintain pressure on his heart for 30 seconds again, then you check his heart pulse, is it beating? If not, then you repeat the final step which I described.

While I can’t describe a lot about HIV (Aids) widespread around the globe and while the recent drugs are not available for people and even when I wrote to IFRC and also I had an interview with VOA PNN News (Voice of America News) about HIV widespread Me (Right), ms. Mahshid Nadiri (Left) - VOANews (Voice of America) then I worsened my problems and I caused a bad situation for my self, but also I must recommend you that not only during the sex people must care about their hygiene and use Condom, but also there are some kind of anti virus drugs which doctors are not usually aware of that yet (specially in developing countries) or at least they do not prescribe them usually, the name of these kind of drugs is anti retro-viral. If you get infected by HIV so if you receive these kind of medicines, before of the first 48 hour of infection, probably you going to heal your body from HIV and hopefully you going to be fine completely, soon. About hepatitis you can do it also. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is the use of ARVs (anti retro-virals) as soon as possible after exposure to HIV, to prevent HIV infection. PEP can reduce the rate of infection in health care workers exposed to HIV by 79%. The US Public Health Service recommends using a combination of three approved ARVs for four weeks. People can be exposed to HIV during unsafe sexual activity, when a condom breaks during sex, or if they share needles for injecting drugs. Infants can be exposed if they drink breast milk from an infected woman. In a study of PEP in 400 cases of possible sexual exposure to HIV, not one person became infected with HIV. In order for post-exposure prophylaxis to have a chance of working, the medication needs to be taken as soon as possible, and within 72 hours of exposure to HIV. Left any longer and it is thought that the effectiveness of the treatment is severely diminished. But it is very important that a person using PEP takes the treatment exactly as prescribed by their doctor or health worker. The side effects of the medication are a reason why some people find it difficult to adhere to the full 28-day course of treatment properly. So I personally recommend you that if you can visit your doctor during the first hours of the suspicious contact then you ask him to prescribe you the drugs else you yourself should do it. Warning, all of the dosages what I mentioned are for adult people only. Zidovudine (Oral: 300 mg orally every 12 hours or 200 mg orally every 8 hours) is the drug that is primarily prescribed after an occupational exposure to HIV and it is the only drug that has been tested in trials on health care workers. Nowadays most treatment starter packs contain a combination of zidovudine, lamivudine (150 mg twice a day) and nelfinavir (750 mg three times a day—in the third world countries they also prescribe lopinavir or ritonavir instead of nelfinavir), as it is generally thought that combination drug therapy is more effective than zidovudine alone. The results of one occupational exposure study showed that taking a course of zidovudine after exposure reduced the risk of HIV infection by approximately 81 percent. As of 2013, the prevention regimen recommended in the United States consists of three medications—tenofovir, emtricitabine and raltegravir (in the 3rd world countries raltegravir is not prescribed usually)—as this may reduce the risk further. Take this three kind of drugs at a same time this is a method for therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of HIV (tenofovir 300 mg per day, emtricitabine 200 to 400 mg per day, Raltegravir 800 mg Once Daily). Visit your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor must adjust the dosage for you to decrease the side effects of the drugs! Long-term use of anti retro-virals (at any dosages and speccialy at this high and effective dosages what I mentioned here) can weaken (causes depression for) the body’s immune system and it would damage your liver also!


Likewise what I wrote in this chapter, I went to the house of my grandmother after acting on the scheme what I had read before in the website of Interpol, not only it didn’t makes me tried but also it was an interesting and freshening and enjoy-full exercise for me. Wearing fine clothes and good shoes is very important for you during exercise. Consuming dietary supplements is very important for your health, eating a satisfiable amount of foods containing a balanced mixture of carbohydrates and proteins (a few boiled glair eggs and a glass of low-fat milk what you drink for breakfast, contains proteins and calcium, what is required for your (daily) diet) and antioxidants and vitamins and BCAAs (Branched-chain amino acids) are necessary for your body during these kind of exercises.