Mid-East Dilemma & WW-3 by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Religion’s Role in the Mid-East, Children are the Key, Pope, Mind-Energy Healing, Illuminati, Muhammad.


Q. What role does the Religions of this area (Middle East) play in the ongoing conflict? (Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Etc.)

There is a deep need for understanding. What is at the forefront of their mind is that they cannot extrapolate individual events. Each event is judged on a continuous timeline. Therefore, though each act can be seen unrelated, each act is considered after all those that came before it. That meaning, someone will need to break the cycle. Peace will not be achieved until one party is able to treat previous events as truly being in the past. Not simply turning the page but moving onto a new book, a one completely blank of any previous debts by other groups. When this freedom is granted all can move forward. You have this problem in all groups, very much in all cultures. Healing of this magnitude takes time but it should not be lost through each generation. Lessons is what should be taken from the past, not a seemingly higher moral ground that allows a dream to be held which does not truly impact the lives of those living at present.

The lesson here, and in all cases, though a spotlight is easier cast on this dare of existence, the lesson of forgiveness. Slowly there are no physical walls being breached and torn down, destroyed. In several ways, your digital media, that used. Y the media, has a great hand in these. ‘Humanizing’ is almost a cruel word when seen. By our plane, you are all human. You are not factions into similar and dissimilar. But your internet and spreading of true information you are humanizing beings who were previously alienated and separated by information given by forefathers and by information given. Asked on a construct in your reality that allowed you to see one being as higher or lower in some sort of worldly caste system. All are worthy. All are equal. You are not comparing apples to oranges, you are all the same fruit, at least as we are discussing it here.

Q. Is it possible to create peace between religions and between the religious and non-religious points of view?

There is no greater peace available to you than for men and women of like-mind to work together for a common goal. The mission here is not to change those you encounter who have differing views. No matter the situation being discussed or the cause that has anyone concerned, know that all situations and events have a common thread. If you must use religion and must keep it in your life you are not wrong or negative, this is a result of cause and effect. Know that your religion is not the only religion, nor is it more correct than other religious studies, this is simply the belief system that is right for you right now. In the same way, you should not view another religion in a negative way, less than your religion, or somehow demeaning to those who believe in it, it is simply correct for that person in that moment.

Examining religions there are many common core beliefs, there are some branches that offer specific differences and make the more unique than others, but they are what is correct for that person at the time, you will not force them into a new way of being. If they choose change of any kind, it will be done of their own free will and not simply because you forced an idea into their physical sense. It is not faith alone that keeps man apart, it is the idea that it is somehow protecting him, when, it may better illustrate the point if you view any religious text as a manual for training them mind, in certain respects. Where the mind goes, the physical shall follow. Simply because you cannot manifest a green apple in your hand at this immediate moment does not mean that your mind cannot create and impact the physical world without your physical work. When your religion speaks on healing, helping, and assisting others and prayer, these are all things that are done in the mind. Because many do not believe this can be done it is the excuse that a text showed them the way or because of prayer or meditation they accomplished this task. Divine intervention is more often the result of your thought or action more than it is some other-worldly being. There is much done to protect an individual if it is needed and part of the predetermined course for an individual, however, many acts are simply the unfolding of human events and do not require praise to anyone other than the human spirit. In this way, mankind does not take credit for its own inventions or creative endeavors. Often times religion is blamed, the difference in religion is blamed for a war or smaller altercation. We forget that all belief systems want peace, even if they are wanting peace only for themselves and to damn the others, war does not bring them peace, mankind blames higher powers for wars when all war does is bring lessons to this plane that need to be expressed as they have not been learned and retained for many. There may be some intervention for the individual level but it is not the act of some higher power that allows you to ride into battle unscathed for your country's honor; this is the cause and effect process of your mind. Know that it is not as capable in the physical body as it is outside of it, therefore it is possible for your work to have not been enough or to be seemingly undone by the work of another.

It is not a matter of peace for the sake of peace but to reach an understanding that no matter what belief is held there is a common thread in all beliefs. Self-preservation is at the root of all beings, some beings are more stable in their ability to see true danger and discern false danger, danger to the ego, and they are able to act accordingly. It is this understanding of the self, to understand that no attack warrants a return of the same energy, that allows beings to reprimand others who follow violent paths, even then that is done without the knowledge of what the other being's true purpose in this time is being used for and to what end. It is without fear or prejudice that all things will be accomplished. There will always be differing views but there will be a time when fewer and fewer social classes are defined by these types of beliefs and while differences will be held they will not spill out into public address and public prosecution of those with opposing views. Specifically, it is possible to hold office without judgment or use of power that is viewed by others as being skewed because of your personal beliefs.

This is a work in progress, it is not the heathen who does not have religion, it is not the heathen that needs to have an understanding of religion. It is the follower that needs to examine his purpose, mission, and reasoning for being a follower. While there is no belief system more superior to another it is important to understand that if you do not believe fully in a text, you are causing doubt within yourself because of higher knowledge. It is important to understand that while you may use parts of a text associated with a particular religion, it is that association with that religion which will also draw energy into you and out of you based on the energy within this plane regarding this religion. Labels are important to society and all words and works have energy associated with them. If you are reading page 492 and study it in-depth and this is your religion, you will be impact by the pages surrounding your paragraphs of faith. Draw only into your life what you examine as truly being for your purpose. Do not accept additional attachments simply because they are free and included and no additional cost. There is always a cost or toll, it will always impart energy to you and exchange among others. Examine these things, allow it to be tested by others if you feel convinced. Learn to ask questions.

Q. What would be a basic definition of God or the Supreme Creator?

The creator of all things in all forms and in all specific and general definitions is all that is and has been. Growth is achieved when those things created by the supreme entity achieve growth. The life force from which all that exists flows; that is the Creator. There are many definitions in religious texts that touch on this information. Many are similar within their religious texts, there are similar definitions across religions that refer to the same person or same type of entity. These definitions often refer to the same supreme high being. The creator is that which brings into existence all forms of every emotion, each action, and each entity. There are physical and biological processes that take place to sprout new life but these are also the formation of order as defined by the creator. As we are all, all living things, we are all made in his image as many religious texts would state, we are also able to create. We often do not create on the grandest of scales on relation to that which has created all that exists, but there is a similarity, and a likeness that allows us to act as a scale version of that which we have come from. The perfect definition of the Supreme Being and creator would be simply, to hold a mirror to one’s self. This is the same makings of the creator. There is no physical form but in your true form you are the creator. You manifest and you create, you bring into being, you take action. You radiate all things, and form your perspective, notwithstanding the judgment of others; you create that which you view to be the best possible manifestation for the present situation. You create and experience all that there is to know and all that will ever be done. You are a peaceful creator abut also exhibit forces that may appear as destructive forces. There is balance; this is the goal, to achieve the balance that the creator has instilled in all things. The nature of this planet is balance. Your understanding of energy and how it will not disappear, it only changes form. This is true; this is true of all things. There are no good or evil, only various forms in which emotion, energy, thought, and actions manifest. An action or thought on its own is not judged as good or evil, it is only the perception of man when that action is compared to others is there a measuring rod. There is no harsh or cruel being to scold you or punish you, there are beings that are higher in development that will help you along your path both in this plane and once you cross over and return to your home, there are no beings to deliver punishment or guilt when you are in your true form. There are others who exist in an alternate form, such as the human body, for purposes of learning, but not all are necessary because of their spiritual evolution or understanding of universal law and all experiences within it. Patience and understanding is the creator, but so are all things that would be seen to the contrary of these things. It is important to see that there is no being that opposes the creator, there are no groups of being s who are responsible for acts that you, human beings, declare as evil. There are no beings set aside simply for the purpose of creating evil thoughts or acts. All things, all things, all things are the result of the creator. All things that you create are the result of the creator or are assembled in such a way that all experience and benefit. You are not alone in your thinking. There are times when a person may find themselves asking the question of who is god, when there is no reality greater than knowing that there is a creator within your physical body. You may wonder this for the reason of experiencing two lifetimes, as it were, that of the physical human existence over and over again learning lessons, and that of the energy being, that of your true self in your true home world. It is a matter of learning. There is only energy, that which is universal in our plane, your true home. You will grow beyond this realm of your current physical existence and that of your home that you will return to upon your death in the physical realm. All progress and move beyond the current realm. There is much growth that is achieved by all through the experiences of all. The creator built this and allows you to grow and create and in this manner both creators crate and grow and learn from the actions of the other. All things, all ideas and actions, beliefs and thoughts are assimilated. Each will become the knowledge of the other. It is not for our knowing to understand all things prior to the time of acceptance and readiness but there is a great present just as there is a great past for each individual who has experienced many lifetimes in a physical existence. This is only a training ground. Many interact here. You can exist in it in many life forms. Higher beings or those which are evolutionary more advanced are not part of your soul chain or grouping but are simply that of another type of evolution. There were, in the beginning, only one source or type of life, throughout the ages there have been many splits or fracturing of existence and therefore many have evolved in different ways from those who were originally directly part of their life group. This is why there are so many types, this is why there are those who have mastered the path of non-violence, this is why there are those who are able to travel great distances across the heavens. Do not accept the ideas that you are less evolved in every sense simply because you are on this planet. There are many things that these beings, those you perceive to be higher evolved, there are many things that they wish to understand that you currently have thorough knowledge on and regarding. It is important to know that they too are creators and you will learn in mutually beneficial relationships. They are not different. There is no difference.

Q. How is God defined by those in the Spirit World?

This concept has already been given to humankind, but I will address this question to provide further understanding for those who wish it. First let me just say that communicating with those in the human form is like speaking with a five-year-old child. How do you explain the complexities of the Universe to one who has not yet evolved high enough to comprehend such knowledge?

Now, with that being said let me begin by saying in the

World of Spirit there are no religions of any kind. Religion is something humankind invented here on planet earth; all religions on the earth today were created by humankind and none have been sanctioned by God. Now to continue on with your original query about how God is defined by those in the Spirit World; here on earth some of you refer to yourselves as souls who inhabit a human form. The word ‘soul’ has religious significance attached to it to give it meaning here on earth. Those on the other side of life are simply known as ‘energy beings’ who occupy different levels of consciousness based on their overall spiritual evolution. To them your ‘God’ is simply known as a ‘Creator’ with no religious connotation attached.

The God you refer to is but one of many Creators who oversee the vastness of dimensional realms. These Creators are exceptional and highly evolved energy beings. They are each in charge, if you will, of a single dimension, for a lack of a better word, and maintain order throughout using the natural and spiritual laws set forth by the ‘Source of all life.’ So, the Creator, that which you call God, is in overall control of this dimension you now dwell in. Inside this dimension, that which you call God assisted in creating many universes and these contain many galaxies of stars which contain many planets and moons and other cosmic units, all containing life; energy forms of varying degrees, which inhabit the zillions upon zillions of planets and moons. Not millions or billions, or trillions but zillions upon zillions going into infinity. The Creator of this one dimension also oversees the welfare of those energy beings that come in order to grow, learn and experience as you seek to advance yourselves into higher realms of consciousness. Each dimension then has a multitude of energy beings, such as you, who are watched over and assisted by a hierarchical group of advanced energy beings; Spirit Doctors, Agents, Angels, Archangels, Master Teachers and other highly evolved beings who then assist the Creator with running and overseeing that dimension or plane of existence.

For example, you yourself may evolve high enough that one day, if you so choose, you can occupy the position of ‘Creator’ in your own right and should that come about there are those within that dimension who may view you as their one and only ‘God.’ That is, until those energy beings evolve and advance spiritually to where they understand you are not the God of their limited understanding, but simply a very highly advanced energy being. Then you will realize all energy beings are connected, one to another, through that which those in the spirit world refer to as the ‘Source of all Life’ which is the originator of all there is.

The ‘Source of all Life’ for your limited understanding is simply an ‘Intelligent, Self-Aware expanding Energy’ which created life as we know it. All Creator’s or those you would call a God are watched over and supervised as it were by the

‘Source of all Life.’

In the human form, you have a beginning and an end through your linear time and space understanding. The

‘Source of all Life’ contains no such limitation. It will be hard for you to fathom but the ‘Source of all Life’ never had a beginning and will never have an ending. You are living in a created illusion which uses time and space for learning purposes only. In that which you would call your true home world there is no time or space, everything--past, present and future--are occurring simultaneously and moves in a circular, not linear pattern.

We’re back to the ‘five-year-old child’ thing again. You may never truly understand this concept while in the human form, or even when you are back in the world of spirit, but as you continue to grow in spiritual awareness it will make more and more sense to you as you evolve.

Just know that when you, the energy being, leaves this human body and return to the world of spirit, you will ‘not’ become all knowing or enlightened as it were. Some energy beings will make great strides in their individual advancement while others will advance very little, if at all. All proceed at their own pace; just as you in the human form have many who are viewed as being highly educated and many who are not.

Q. Can the existence of the Supreme Creator or God be proven scientifically now or in the future?

Science, in the future, will prove many things. The existence of communication that exists beyond physical means will be proven; there will be many abilities that will be proven. The existence of the many dimensions that exist will be proven. The reason that these are not widely accepted now is because of the scientific methods to produce and measure them. There are many methods that do not allow for these subjects to exist. There are many methods that do not allow for these matters to be measured, there are no acceptable means to prove any form of communication or energy transfer beyond that of what physically can be measured at this time. There are not tools or measuring devices through this sort of ideology, that are currently in existence, that will produce accurate readings, or any readings of these occurrences. These things will be proven. There will be many who arrive and speak on behalf of the creator but many will still interpret the information as they see fit for their present place on their spiritual journey in that specific lifetime. While the existence of a more unified and less structured spiritual guiding force, or religion, will emerge as the dominant force, there will still be many who restrict the creator to some specific ideas or form. It is not for man to decide and deliver that message of their definition of the creator to all; it is up to each man to decide what is acceptable for him or her at their present place in their evolution. Though coming to this knowledge will aid all, will aid the individual, this is progress.

There will be ideas surfacing in the scientific world that will lead others to the conclusion that there was not a random series of events that lead to the creation of the world or any other galaxy. The other life forms that will be encountered and discovered will shake many from the religions that have existed in the world for a great deal of time. They will not believe that their god had created these other life forms. Some will still believe but will view them as demonic while others will claim that their god has created these entities. This is a slow and trying process for many who are aware of this knowledge already at this time.

Remember, simply because they are unaware in their physical form, they do know and have some knowledge of this, no matter their evolution, once they return to their true existence. What is applied in this lifetime is aided by prior knowledge and the path set forth before your arrival, you can be of peace but have no knowledge of the creator, but a better understanding of achieving your goals will be aided by this knowledge. Nothing is gained by ignorance but nothing lost in some areas. Stagnation will set in if learning is not made your purpose, anyone’s purpose, but remaining the same often one does not lose ground, depending on the area being considered. It is to break free from control that is important. To see that the world is to be experienced, not experienced through the filter of what some specific group or entity expects you to believe or feel.

There will be scientific proof of other realms of existence and this will lead many, through the channeling of information, this proven method, and this will lead them to the existence, the true existence of the creator. Your ability to communicate beyond your physical means must be proven by ‘scientific methods’ first. There are those working in less acceptable areas of science that will eventually push this to the front.

Q. What would be a true definition of the 'illuminati’?

This is a very generic term. Keep in mind that the development of this word has some basis in a specific group but many times now this word is used to define the unseen people or unexplainable forces behind a certain outcome or opposing expectations. Now, rather than divulge some mysterious information that is not disastrous, that is, it will give no purpose; think clearly about what you want in your life. Often times when we envision these things for ourselves we are not completely accurate with the work it takes to achieve it. Often, we are met with resistance because we often do not anticipate all the things that we may encounter, nor should you spend years dedicated to planning for all possible outcomes of one decision. Your life is to be lived and associated with other actions and energies that interest you.

Too often we locate problems, we find a cause, we find the actor or the initiator, but we do not know what step to take after we have assigned responsibility to a specific form of existence. For many, the term creates an outlet for many larger plans that fail due to their own passive life or their own lack of control. This is not to say that all people blame others for outcomes and we do not intend to state that many do not take responsibility for their own actions. These are not true, do not find your senses offended by such inferences. What we mean to say is that many assign this term as a cause but do very little to create a response or engage in action or even to verify the existence or prove the involvement of some mysterious unnamed group of individuals that are controlling society or aspects of society behind a curtain.

This could be said for many aspects but many who are controlling are in the open and their sole purpose is additional financial wealth, power, and those things which keep them in their current state. Their focus is their own improvement, not the improvement of any society; this last statement is a clear definition of this term.


The Pope has no ‘special’ communication with God, no more so than any other being on earth. His overall role in the beginning was simply that of a teacher. The Catholic religion has undergone many changes throughout the centuries. The Catholic Church of today’s time would be seen more as a collection of corporations which hold all the vast wealth with the Pope simply occupying a ‘figurehead’ position which contains very little authority. The corporations and their governing boards are running things behind the scenes as it were.

Q. What is the connection between the Catholic Pope and the illuminati?

There is no clear and consistent connection to any specific group and the Catholic faith or Pope. There is a great deal of power and control that is held by this religion. There are a great deal of physical objects and texts retained by this organization. It is not necessarily one question of what interest they have; their own mission is the perpetuation of their ideals and ensuring their followers maintain them. The controlling powers of this faith only remain in a position of perceived power when there is an adequate flock.

Their concern in global events is not one consistently aligned with larger or specific powers. Their hold is individualized, as a larger organization networked throughout many cultures and continents there is not extreme dependence on others' involvement.

Typically, this faith is approached for collaboration rather than reaching out for assurance. They seek control and they maintain it because those outside their faith also see them in this light. Perpetuation of ideals that serve no one is within the hierarchy of their leadership. Horrible atrocities, though not unique to this faith, are continued around the globe for the sake of control. Not illegal in many places is it to withhold information in the same way as it is illegal to intentionally deceive; this is their method. No honesty, no integrity.

Q. What connection, if any, does the illuminati have with the Middle East crisis?

There is not a controlling interest here with this region's people in mind for liberation, freedom, or peace. Remember that nothing that is gained or carried out in this region is less than humankind's own experience on varying levels. The involvement of others allows an imbalance to continue because of support provided to various parties from the outside. If it were humanitarian and truly educational, educational in fact held throughout the universe, not fact based on the views of enemies, these things would be utilized by the people living in these places.

Those in power are not dissuaded from violence to prevent another leader from extending their own hand into the global geopolitical sphere. There is not overwhelming concern to quell violence at its true root cause. All interests want immediate cures and there are no impartial bodies currently involved to provide that mediation. The people themselves will do so over time but there must not be an outside presence constantly adding and subtracting the energy balance. Strong held beliefs will come to pass, they shall be disregarded, as new generations arrive and elder generations see the path to humane interaction. True possessions are not worth a life, nor worth violence. True possessions are carried with you no matter your form.


The prophet Muhammad was simply another higher evolved energy being who incarnated into that time and area of the world to unite the people in order to guide them out of chaos; to show them a better way to live together in peace and harmony.

The Quran and the Bible were both created by mankind, not by the Creator, and both holy books started out uncorrupt in their earlier forms. Yet both were subject to omissions and negative alterations by men of authority and power throughout the following centuries; which was done in order to control, in their respective areas of the world, the uneducated and superstitious people who easily succumb to such unscrupulous manipulations.

Q. How does one say or bring forth true prayer so that it can have an impact on their life, family, mother earth and all those we share the universe with?

This is a matter of your intent. Select your outcome; envision it as you would enjoy it coming to fruition. Ask that energy be sent so that it is done. This is the same manner by which healing or other energy is transferred. You can send energy to it. You can repeat your statement of intent in your mind as often as you wish. This will radiate out from your body and deliver the energy into the universe. The fact that your mind is power that constructs the universe around you this is doing the same. Your energy emanates from all around you. Know that some things will not be interfered with and there are some that may ultimately change because of the energy directed by you and others towards it. It is only necessary to speak the positive outcome you wish. It is possible that you ask your guides questions and receive answers directly or in some physical manifestation on your plane. It is only necessary to have in your mind the vision of the completed outcome that you wish to achieve. The asking of prayers for others is as simple as asking for prayers or positive outcome for yourself in some certain situations. Simply settle your thoughts on the outcome or action you would like to see and visualizing this energy leaving your body and affecting the universe for the positive development of this event, action, feeling, will contribute greatly to it. This act is done with all thoughts that you hold true and visualization helps the physical body and the physical mind perceive the true nature of what is attempting to be created. It is not always necessary to visualize, simply settle on your intention, your desired actions and outcomes. The energy will be released simply by your repetitive thought energy or worlds spoken. It matters not how this outcome is affected by your energy if it was never meant to be. There is much that relates to some general and basic plan and goals can be met no matter what path you take, they can be received in many forms, so fear nothing of skewing your original purpose in this lifetime by altering an event through your power of thoughts and energy. There are some that will not be changed and others that can be changed.

Realize that for some, no matter what energy you wish upon them, there will not be change until they are ready for this and accept it and desire it. It should be known that there are many who are positively impacted by your energy even though the desired outcome is not presently visible or measurable. There is power in numbers. There is great power in groups of spirits who wish the same positive outcome, though in some cases, it is not possible to intervene because the will of so many is that someone be saved or ot