Mid-East Dilemma & WW-3 by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Mid-Easts Effect upon Creation, Energy Being’s, Astrology

Effect, Balancing Energy in this Region, Alien Connection.


Definition: Energy Being (Soul)

Souls, as most humans call it, are simply energy creations; as God, or the ‘Source of all Life’ as Energy Beings call it, is infinite energy. This energy is basically that part of God which connects all living things to each other, and therefore connects us all to God.

God created energy beings in his own image and those on planet Earth call them Souls; these souls then experience what God has created and that which is still being created. Creation has no ending or beginning, it is infinite, even if mankind cannot yet understand the full vastness of true energy containing a life-force of its own, sustained by the source of all energy life.

As a Soul (Energy Being), we have the limited ability to create which was given to us by God, so we grow and experience the knowledge and truth of God, and then add to his creations. God then in turn experiences through us, the positive and negative aspects of our creations which is a never-ending cycle of life in this created dimension.

As energy beings, we are experiencing and gathering information not only for the Source of all Life, but for our individual advancement. No matter whether we are in the human form or back in our true dimension, we are always seeking to grow more God-like in our own right. Remember your true form is that of pure energy, all things are energy; you will always maintain your individuality if you desire to do so. Just know that as an energy being you are part of a larger grouping of energy beings. That is the connection we all have to that which humans call God.

As you combine your energy to this larger group, Gods energy expands and continues to grow. Worry not about joining your energy with other energy beings, for you still retain your individual identity, for we are all a part of that infinite energy of our loving Creator.

This form you are in now is a permanent form in terms of your true physical form. Your body that you are navigating this lifetime with is your permanent self for this lifetime’s purpose. You will discard it; 'you' will return to this place, your true place of residence and be in your true form. There will be, at times, when your sense of individuality is not what you sense it to be. As you have understood, all things are energy, you are currently energy, you will always be energy, and energy is in all things. There will be no change from this.

It is important to know that there is no separation of spirit or soul from what is presently one complete being to another. They often act as mirrors for our own acts and thoughts. We easily identify that which is present in ourselves. This is because we are all energy and we are all the same grouping of energy; it is not a problem to understand that inference once you return to your true home.

Through your incarnations in the physical world you inhabit now, you will always retain a few of your true traits and some of those other traits and ways of thinking that were acquired in that lifetime. It is important to say now that you will not always be separate. You will not always be an individual, you will experience a grouping, you are an energy that will maintain that sense of energy and identity but there is not always a complete separation, there is a conglomeration of energy, a greater sum when these are all combined.

There is information presently not known about this on your created dimension and there is a great deal that would only confuse and would not be readily understood. You will always maintain your right of the self, to be only that which you desire; you are never forced to sacrifice your own ideas or sense of self and/or your purpose for that of another. All that is done, is done so at your will. You will not feel a sense of loss. It is to give freely and become something greater that you are evolving. It is knowing on this lifetime that you are not separate individuals but all part of the same energy type and the same accessible knowledge spread across all spirits in this world. You are not unique in that sense, all may know what there is to know, many simply are not interested or choose not to know it or because of the purpose of their lifetime here now, will not come to know it because of the other areas of development that will take place.

It is important to know that there will be many times of coming back to this plane for many so that there is an understanding of human life and emotions and actions that are eternal, that is to say, they are universal by your standard, they are true no matter what place or time you reside. These things will be true no matter what motivates them in most situations. It is important to know these and to understand them, but we cannot force an individual to learn them, we cannot twist an arm. It is only done through your action as you are ready to involve yourself. You are not scorned when it takes you more or less time to progress; there is no measuring rod of comparison to others.

It is better to reach higher levels than to maintain the same level of living. You are not alone in this endeavor; you are not left to solve progression and development on your own. You have teachers, you have guides, you have them in your incarnation and you have them in your existence once you leave the physical body. It is up to the individual to make progress but that is only the individual that will do this. Higher is achievement but will only present more necessary work, so it is not as though there is a relief, some stopping point at which you may say, ‘now all my work is done.’ Though you should also consider that by work, we do not mean that which is labor intensive and earns you a meager wage, this is not working for another entity, this is true work and spiritual living on yourself, that which benefits all entities. Trying to say that there is no self beyond a certain point is not accurate, though there is some sensation of being part of a greater being, it is no different than how each being is related now, you only have the illusion of being separated and isolated by your physical exterior impressions. You are all one.

Q. Humans may ask where do new energy beings come from?

New energy beings in your world of holographic illusion are already in existence. They are simply being brought into a physical existence for the purpose of experiencing the life they have been interested in living and the goals and experiences they have chosen.

It is not a matter of simply two beings in the physical world having sex and bringing into life a new being. There is a great deal of work and effort and discussion that takes place before the being, or any being, is assigned to a particular body. This can happen an eternity prior to the couple ever meeting, this can happen during the time the mother is carrying the child. There is a great deal of energy and involvement when it is being determined what being, or which being shall provide the life force for the physical body being created.

There are new experiences always being created and new expectations for living beings in all forms. This is the reason for constant creation. There is no creation simply to have creation, no creation simply for creation’s sake. There is a method to what you might call madness or a method to the actions though it may not be readily available at all times. The necessary actions will take place, at times there are nonphysical actions that follow physical actions, and there are physical actions and outcomes that follow non-physical actions.

What we are saying, is that there are times, for example, in the bringing of a physical being into the earth plane, the physical act of sex will bring about an available body to be inhabited and therefore the process of obtaining life force to inhabit it is undergone, and in other circumstances there is a life force that needs to inhabit a body so that physical production of a new physical human being is conducted. How is the non-physical being formed? From what source? There is a universal presence, a commonality in all of you, this is because you are all from the same source. You may decide to return to it at some point in your existence as your true self, or you may not. It is not for anyone to decide but your own mind, your true mind. There is not a great being that determines when a new soul shall be made. There is only the Source of all Life that springs forth a portion, an abstract of itself, so that new life can begin.

There is a great deal of this that you will not understand but it is important that you open yourself to it. The reasons that you are not alone, the reason that you are all connected is because your true forms all emanate and radiate your true source. You are all part of the same being, you are all part of the same energy.

The bible explains that you are all part of the same creator, and essentially, the essence of this story is true and accurate. You are all formed from a single source, a single entity. You are not from an individual who decides that you must experience life, you are not present for an eternity from the time of the big bang and then assigned a physical body for a human existence. There is not a line in the fluffy magic clouds of heaven where you await a physical body in which to inhabit. Your source is just that, it is a source, it is the energy in all things. All things come from the source, you are a similar being to the true source of all life. You are able to create as is the source. You are able to experience and learn and produce things in your environment as is this source. All things that are true for all beings are true for the source. All things that are true for the source are true for all beings.

You are all able to isolate yourselves and mock yourselves, and have yourselves. The source is also capable of this but the source is also capable of self-love, the connectedness that you share with others is often because you were sent with similar purpose, but often the love you share or the experience or interest that you share is due to the fact that you are parts, pieces, and beings from the same radiant source of all things. There are many levels to this discussion, suffice to say at this time, you are being informed that you are all one being. You are individualized in this life time to experience specific actions, you are a source among sources for the purpose of learning what can and cannot be done and the implications of cause and effect in this created dimension. This dimension is necessary because the source cannot provide for you another way of learning at the rate at which it occurs here. The rate at which you learn is often slow but you are measuring this by human measurement.

Be calm, be still. The source is infinite, do not worry that you lose your individuality when you leave this existence. You do not become part of a being of which you have no control. You retain individuality and your essential being no matter what form you take, no matter where you choose to inhabit, no matter what purpose you intend to focus. You simply do or do not associate with things and this is by your own choosing. You will understand a great deal about this at a later time, but your connectedness is because you are all from the same source, all things, all things ever created are from the same source. All things can be produced by parts of the source, you, you as a being can create, you are the source, and therefore, in that context, all things are also created by the source. You are not governed by a supreme being. You ‘are’ the Supreme Being, you ‘are’ the Creator.

Q. Why are Energy Beings who take on lifetimes such as Hitler, Napoleon, Stalin, Genghis Khan and the like allowed to incarnate knowing they will bring chaos and destruction?

In some cases, this is not decided prior to their arrival. It is not decided that they will slaughter so many. It is important to know that many have a choice but no judgement is passed nor should be passed if they make a decision in a lifetime, or multiple decisions, that lead to the appearance of a violent and barbaric life. No judgement should be passed if they are decided upon such a lifetime before they enter. Many times, the being brings into fruition the physical expression a nonphysical energy imbalance. They bring the focus of the world or those directly impacted to a specific issue. Often times this is repeated through your history because there are many beings on different paths. Many beings at different levels of experience. It is not for us or you to say what is or isn't needed, understand that there is always a balance and any imbalance must be corrected. If you have 25 beings full of hate and 25 beings filled with love, this does not appear acceptable by your terms. This can be acceptable. The degree to which this balance is carried out physically and emotionally is important and becomes less and less about counting the beings. The severity of action facilitates the appearance of an imbalanced number count. Energy will be righted and balanced. Do not confuse this idea with one person not murdering leading to the existence of at least one murderer. It is the energy and the actions leading to this event that are important. There are no simple acts that can be measured without true evaluation of the cause. You must move beyond assessing hatred. You must examine where this act took root. The finishing move to any behavior is often what is judged on your plane. In doing so you prevent yourself from balancing your own energy and looking into the voids that are present in the beings with which you share an existence.

Q. Why should the worlds populations be concerned about the middle east conflict or any other so-called problem areas if all teach a lesson and/or experience for Energy Beings who come for that kind of life time?

There are in any lifetime the beings that are requesting to be there. They do not all arrive in the same place with the same reasons or with the same vision. Your vision now is of higher service to you and for others than the vision of some others. It is a call to action, an assistance, a hope that you are instilling in a being the drive for higher action. Not more action, but a drive nonetheless to achieve a higher vibration of action. You are in an existence where all action will impact the life of everyone else. There are many things that are not for each being but there cannot be conflict that doesn't express energy that is passed through existence. Environmentally what happens on the other side of the globe will impact you, the importance to see here is that it is not just physically evident where these things are happening, you will not just see them. Often observation is limited to physical vision. You know that there are more ways of expression and monitoring than merely with the eyes.

It is true, that many will come for the experience of that lifetime, for the turmoil, for the violence. If the knowledge of this is brought into your lifetime, though you are not directly in the immediate area, are you not also involved? If there were a time when a person could be insulated, we do not know it. There is a great deal of work to be done on many levels, and while previously a person's world may be a very narrow field in which they spent that lifetime, there are many who are now seeing that field of vision, literally, expand and involve things that are not simply in their immediate backyard, as you might say.

The internet is a wonderful physical manifestation of your world's interconnectedness. All things exist on the internet, it is what you choose to view with your computer that fills your vision. It does not disprove the existence of or make less useful or less concerning the other areas that exist.

You cannot save them all in the sense that you will not change all minds instantly. Education, not in a dogmatic sense of any kind, more in exposure to differing cultures and humanizing those cultures and the diversity so that you can see that there are no differences.

The problem many will have who read this is to not force anyone to the table with any particular type of idea.

Infiltrating these areas with any differing view will be difficult and it is important to know that infiltrating is not in the military sense. There are some small schools that have started in many parts of the world that slowly begin to inject the area with diversity. We do not mean new people are moving to this area, we mean new ideas, some directly, some indirectly in opposition to currently held beliefs. You do not need to have these ideas meet head on. The goal is subtle introduction so that those who cling to such specific views will be brought to new thinking of their own volition. We do not force; the being will change. Some may take many lifetimes. Some are drawn to these areas because they are higher beings wishing to experience this type of viewpoint in a physical body and others are gathering with the vibration to which they are accustomed. If your neighbor is thirsty, should you not show him the well? Show him. Show the benefits. Positive influence is what religious groups begin with, but their good deeds often go through terrible convolution in their own minds because they are there with the intent to change and manifest their own vision of greatness and grandeur. Wanting more for a person is not a religious belief we hold. Stop forcing anyone counter to your own beliefs to some new way of thinking. In order for anyone to adopt a new method or new viewpoint they have to gradually meet it on their own. Some are already curious and when given that gentle push they will be interested in the sea's worth of new information. Others will be keener, but first you must facilitate the acquisition of new information in breadcrumb sized morsels. Not in a violent response that is diametrically opposed to all things this being currently sees as factual concrete life.

You are addressing individual scenarios and this is exceptional. We do not mean to diverge from topics, we can sense that is your concern. These answers will illustrate a higher level of rotational theory regarding the operations and interconnectedness of things. There are so many labels established by mankind. It is important to move to a higher vantage point to see that there are greater reasons for cause and effect. Daily life is the focus because that is where the mind can easily operate without much major conflict or work but there are higher overarching explanations and material to understand than what is readily available for one viewpoint directed at a specific problem.

Often it is a concern that something does not directly impact your own personal life, so therefore, it is not something to concern yourself with. This may or may not be true for your life and you may or may not become involved in some small or large degree. But simply seeing what appears to be a disastrous conflict on the television does not mean that same type of energy expression, evolving, and educating (in a spiritual sense) is not currently happening in some expression in your own life.

While people may provide mirrors to your own personality and thought process the television and what you see, hear, and read about others provides a mirror to your interaction with others. Do not be isolated from others, do not limit your own views, do not build walls from those who are separate from you. Do not limit your interaction in your own existence. By comparison a society that you currently see in conflict is the manner in which most people live their personal lives in a peaceful society. You may live in the United States and your city is not at war, or your personal life is stable and peaceful by man's definition, but do your interactions with others you encounter illustrate peace? Do they show your true inner self to theses other beings you encounter? Or, are you isolated behind a wall for your own protection? This may not be because you worry about violence, you may worry about conflict in life, in interests, in hobbies, in purpose, in view, in culture. Do not fear these things. Do not isolate.

Countries who isolate have a history in your world that you can read and understand these principles. The division and borders established in your world at any level are clear and direct representations of what people do as they live their lives. It is not a difficult life to hold ideas and congregate only with those similar to you. You can interact with those who are different. You may learn. They may learn. They may stay the same. You may stay the same. The conversation never has to reach a critical subject, though if it does there will be understanding by some party, no matter how vicious the language has the potential to be, not that words in that way may ever be uttered, though it is possible.

An earth without invisible borders is possible when beings in this existence live without borders, real or created within their minds. You can create conversations you are interested in having with any being no matter what their present thoughts may be. All conversation is gradual. All conversation can occur without borders, without being part of what society may obligate you to through politeness and ‘small talk’ conversation points. Often there is not enough time given to others so there is not enough time to grow beyond ‘small talk’ and politeness, or topics that appear superficial. If more time is given to conversation and expression of ideas there will be more time to discuss that which is not immediately present. Ideas from the media are discussed because they are immediately available, they are mutually shared. The critical thinking has been done for you already, this is the manner in which they present it. Create more discussion without borders of any kind, facilitate small. It will grow. There will be opposition if you start grand, this is not because you are a failure, but this is because not all beings can accept direct conflict with what they have held as unchallenged viewpoints for most of their lifetimes.

Expressing energy is all you are doing at any point, no matter what you are doing or what you are thinking. It is important to understated that this happens on many levels, or scales. In minds and on a global scale. You are welcome to operate within the world in any manner you select, and instead of one action perform the other. You are not obligated to any level of change or to assist anyone in any endeavor. Though, when your mind is clean, when you have lost resentment and hatred, when you help those near your path find their way out of the woods, you are achieving something greater than just your own personal goals.

Q. Since this is a learning area (Middle East) for both positive/negative type incarnations by Energy Beings, why must the energy be balanced at all in this area of the world?

Areas are both dependent and independent when speaking in terms of energy balance. A being, a sole individual is not dependent and independent in terms of energy balance, energy dependence, and energy independence. Therefore, it is not necessarily that it MUST be balanced or that it is in a state of imbalance. All energy, as your own science teaches, is in a state of constant being. It is constant, it is always. Energy will change forms, its charge will change, its purpose will change, energy can flow from one area and create in another. While striving to balance a personal energy field, or if one creates imbalance, there is an equal but opposite field created elsewhere. It is not to say things in this regard are negative or positive, only that they exist.

Many areas such as these are remnants of old energy shift, or energy neglect. Old energy that has shifted and created a deficit somewhere is balanced by energy of equal but opposite manifesting. This isn't created from thin air, so to speak, but it is the constant leveling and balance. It would seem worth saying that positive is not in existence without negative. Negative does not mean murder compared to sainthood of positive, the higher your energy field ascends the differing of ‘negative’ will change. It can be seen as relative. It is not a constant state and must not be focused in the mind as necessarily a battle of good versus evil. The world can ascend, an individual can ascend, if there will be yin and yang. When some energy is not addressed, or a particular energy over indulges or circumvents that route of opposing energy, so much so that it is repressed, somewhere in the nature of existence, that neglected energy will manifest. It is not wholly dependent on only the isolated area.

In the case of the Middle East it is also necessary to view the energy with which fellow men care for others locally and abroad. This is not different that's the violence in your local cities of the United States. Ascension will occur by the individual once the see-saw action of extreme energy expression is less volatile and centered, when it does not sway from polar opposite to polar opposite of the scale. It is only by your hand alone that the greatest amount of change can happen. It is of course the individual who must say that today is the newest day and sweep the slate clean of previous transgressions. Small individual strides will lead to larger masses and global changes. This does not indicate that violence eradicated in one part of your existence will see it flourish in another part. When the extremes of energy are not so extreme, you will it see this violence erupt, but currently the self-interest and opposite energy exists at such a great volume in comparison this is the outward development of the equation.

It is of the self that we should be concerned but not in so much a way as to neglect those around us. Remember that you are not placing yourself on a pedestal higher or lower than your fellow man. To have patience and understanding with your fellow beings is to have love for them. If you must repeat something 1,000 different ways or 1,000 different times so that it is understood with your last breath, it is more successful in this moment; more often frustration and futility enter the mind when we encounter frustration or opposition, the average being does not see success and they falter or give up entirely. Peace exterior does not come until peace interior. Patience is part of that process.

Balancing Energy for Peace:

The consideration is that all beings are accomplishing some specific task or process in every specific moment; no matter what they believe or feel to be true at that time. While they are, all doing something, it is not a universal method to balance this energy in any particular way. Rather than give specific physical action many will begin a more peaceful environment, indirectly, when they view each action as if they were involved in it, but as a third party.

It is not necessary to engage in so many activities. It is often necessary to engage in peaceful protests when other methods of communication do not present hopeful or worthwhile outcomes.

The nature of the community is that there will always be some discourse, but it is not to be met with more discourse. A great deal of chaos, confusion and disharmony is currently met with more of the same energy. To use the example of some of the riots and anger regarding the police; often there is not a singular reason that these acts have been carried out, the shootings, there are many reasons.

What these serve to show and illustrate for many is the disconnection between those who operate governments and their citizens. There is not a universal response. Violence cannot be met with violence. That is to say, there should not be offensive violence, and truly, there should be no defensive violence.

Some would say that your army should be used to protect your soil, and that you should only respond when provoked. While this may be a seemingly better form of violence, it is still violence. The phrase that works so well is that someone must be the more mature and responsible one of the two children fighting.

If you are being met with fists, weapons, hate and even hurtful words which could spark controversy, it is not necessary to turn the other cheek, nor is it necessary to return fire physically, mentally or verbally. It is time to take a stand and realize that if those actions are being perpetuated, there is one aspect that is missing. It is not a cheesy love song or about giving flowers to everyone, but the mutual respect, understanding and love for humanity is missing. By your growth and development charts created by physicians it is important for a child to be nurtured and cared for in many stages of life throughout their young years. Love, caring and understanding should not stop and start at points in life, but these are not for some beings.

Some beings will need to experience this through others or received from others at many later stages of life. Even by your own science and understanding of human development you can see where most problems begin. Why then do you not correct them? Why not then address them?

Most often in these events that make headlines it is important to look beyond the specific event. The specific event; the shooting, the trial, the riots that follow, we need to look beyond that cause. The cause will never be the same no matter what city or country these events unfold.

The event is just a starter, a catalyst, a tiny break in the dam that allows for these energies or imbalances to come forward. Please do not read this as though there is some imbalance-physically, mentally, energetically or otherwise-with those who commit these acts or those who become concerned with them. These same things unfold in everyone’s life but only on different scales. What the violent homicidal maniac needs, so does the quiet minister (please note we use these terms for illustration only, they are mankind’s definitions so we use them so others understand; all life is the same and not different).

Realize that not just the military but law enforcement and criminal systems should be reformed. There were so many who wanted to use prison and jail as a form of rehabilitation. How much rehabilitation takes place globally? How much takes place only in your specific location? How much rehabilitation takes place for someone who enters that system for a short or extended period of days?

Please consider a very simple idea; when walking, do you always wait for the crosswalk signal? Do you always cros