Studies in the psychology of sex, volume 4 (of 6) by Havelock Ellis. - HTML preview

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have become a drunkard, had I not been casually--or I must say,

Providentially--directed to the common sense plan of measuring my

whisky in a dram glass; so that the alcohol could not steal a

march upon me.

"This period was one of acute mental suffering. One cause of the

nervous tension was--as I have now no doubt--the need of healthy

sexual intercourse. I proved this eventually. My circumstances,

which had long been adverse to marriage, at length were shaped in

that direction. I renewed acquaintance with a lady whom I had

known well some years before; and our friendship ripened until,

after much perplexity on my side, owing to the uncertainty of my

health and prospects, I decided that it was right to speak. We

were married after a few months; and I realized that I had gained

an excellent wife. We did not come together sexually for some

nights after marriage; but, having once tasted the pleasure of

the marriage bed, I have to admit that, partly owing to ignorance

of the hygiene of marriage, I was for some time rather

unrestrained in conjugal relations, requiring intercourse as

often as eight or nine times a month. This was not unnatural when

one considers that I had now for the first time free access to a

woman, after a long and weary struggle to preserve chastity.

Married life, however, tends naturally--or did so in my case--to

regulate desire; and when I began to understand the ethics and

hygiene of sex, as I did a year or two after marriage, I was

enabled to exercise increasing self-restraint. We are now sparing

in our enjoyment of conjugal pleasure. We have had no children;

and I attribute this chiefly to the remaining sexual weakness in

myself.[220] But I may say that not only my sexual power, but my

nerve-power and general health, were greatly improved by

marriage; and though I have fallen back, the last year or two,

into a poor state of health, the cause of this is probably

overwork rather than anything to do with sex. Not but what it

must be said that, had it not been for the juvenile masturbation

superadded to a neuropathic temperament, my constitution would no

doubt have endured the general strain of life better than it has

done. The algolagnia, being one of the congenital conditions of

my sexual instinct, must be considered fundamental, and certainly

has not been eliminated. If I were to allow myself indulgence in

algolagnic reveries they would even now excite me without

difficulty; but I have systematically discouraged them, so that

they give me little or no practical trouble. My erotic dreams,

which years ago were (to the best of my remembrance) frequently

algolagnic, are now almost invariably normal.

"My conjugal relations have always been on the lines of strictly

normal sexuality. I have a deep sense of the obligations of

monogamous marriage, besides a sincere affection for my wife;

consequently I repress as far as possible all sexual inclinations, such as will come involuntarily sometimes, toward

other women.

"From what I have disclosed, it will be seen that I am but a

frail man; but for many years I have striven honestly and hard to

discipline sexuality within myself, and to regulate it according

to right reason, pure hygiene, and the moral law; and I can but

hope and believe that the Divine Power in which I have endeavored

to trust will in the future, as it has done in the past, working

by natural methods and through the current events of my life,

amend and control my sex life and conduct it to safe and

honorable issues."

HISTORY II.--A.B., married, good general health, dark hair, fair

complexion, short-sighted, and below medium height.

Parents both

belong to healthy families, but the mother suffered from nerves

during early years of married life, and the father, a very

energetic and ambitious man, was cold, passionless, and

unscrupulous. A.B. is the oldest child; two of the brothers and

sisters are slightly abnormal, nervously. But, so far as is

known, none of the family has ever been sexually abnormal.

A.B. was a bright, intelligent child, though inclined to be

melancholy (and in later years prone to self-analysis). At

preparatory school was fairly forward in studies, at public

school somewhat backward, at University suddenly took a liking to

intellectual pursuits. Throughout he was slack at games. Has

never been able to learn to swim from nervousness.

Can whistle

well. Has always been fond of reading, and would like to have

been an author by profession. He married at 24, and has had two

children, both of whom showed congenital physical abnormalities.

Before the age of 7 or 8 A.B. can remember various trifling

incidents. "One of the games I used to play with my sister," he

writes, "consisted in pretending we were 'father and mother' and

were relieving ourselves at the w.c. We would squat down in

various parts of the room, prolong the simulated act, and talk. I

do not remember what our conversation was about, nor whether I

had an erection. I used also to make water from a balcony into

the garden, and in other unusual places.

"The first occasion on which I can recollect experiencing

sensations or emotions similar in character to later and more

developed feelings of desire was at the age of about 7 or 8, when

I was a dayboy at a large school in a country town and absolutely

innocent as to deed, thought, or knowledge. I fell in love with a

boy with whom I was brought in contact in my class, about my own

age. I remember thinking him pretty. He paid me no attention. I

had no distinct desire, except a wish to be near him, to touch

him, and to kiss him. I blushed if I suddenly saw him, and

thought of him when absent and speculated on my chances of seeing

him again. I was put into a state of high ecstasy when he invited

me to join him and some friends one summer evening in a game of


"At the age of 8 I was told by my father's groom where babies

came from and how they were produced. (I already knew the

difference in sexual organs, as my sister and I were bathed in

the same room.) He told me no details about erection, semen, etc.

Nor did he take any liberties with me. I used to notice him

urinating; he used to push back the foreskin and I thought his

penis large.

"When about 8 years old the nursemaid told me that the boy at her

last place had intercourse with his sister. I thought it

disgusting. About a year later I told the nurse I thought the

story of Adam and Eve was not true and that when Eve gave Adam

the apple he had intercourse with her and she was punished by

having children. I don't know if I had thought this out, or if it

had been suggested to me by others. This nurse used often to talk

about my 'tassel.'

"A family of several brothers went to the same school with me,

and we used to indulge in dirty stories, chiefly, however, of the

w.c. type rather than sexual.

"When I was about 10 I learned much from my father's coachman. He

used to talk about the girls he had had intercourse with, and how

he would have liked this with my nursemaid.

"A year later I went to a large day school. I think most of the

boys, if not nearly all, were very ignorant and innocent in

sexual matters. The only incident in this connection I can

recollect is asking a boy to let me see his penis; he did so.

"During the summer holidays, at a watering place I attended a

theatrical performance and fell in love with a girl of about 12

who acted a part. I bought a photograph of her, which I kept and

kissed for several years after. About the same time I thought

rather tenderly of a girl of my own age whose parents knew mine.

I remember feeling that I should like to kiss her.

Once I

furtively touched her hair.

"When I was 12 I was sent to a small preparatory boarding

school, in the country. During the holidays I used to talk about

sexual things with my father's footman. He must have told me a

good deal. I used to have erections. One evening, when I was in

bed and everyone else out (my mother and the children in the

country) he came up to my room and tried to put his hand on my

penis. I had been thinking of sexual matters and had an erection.

I resisted, but he persisted, and when he succeeded in touching

me I gave in. He then proceeded to masturbate me. I sank back,

overcome by the pleasant sensation. He then stopped and I went on

myself. In the meantime he had taken out his penis and

masturbated himself before me until the orgasm occurred. I was

disgusted at the sight of his large organ and the semen. He then

left me. I could hardly sleep from excitement. I felt I had been

initiated into a great and delightful mystery.

"I at once fell into the habit of masturbation. It was some

months before I could produce the orgasm; at about 13 a slight

froth came; at about 14 a little semen. I do not know how

frequently I did it--perhaps once or twice a week. I used to feel

ashamed of myself afterward. I told the man I was doing it and he

expressed surprise I had not known about it before he told me. He

warned me to stop doing it or it would injure my health. I

pretended later that I had stopped doing it.

"I practiced solitary masturbation for some months.

At first the

semen was small in amount and watery.

"I had not at this time ever succeeded in drawing the foreskin

below the 'corona.' After masturbation I would sometimes feel

local pain in the penis, sometimes pains in the testicles, and

generally a feeling of shame, but not, I think, any lassitude.

The shame was a vague sense of discomfort at having done what I

knew others would regard as dirty. I also experienced fears that

I was injuring my health.

"It was not long before I found other boys at the preparatory

school with whom I talked of sexual things and in some cases

proceeded to acts. The boys were between the ages of 9 and 14;

they left at 14 or 15 for the public schools. We slept in

bedrooms--several in one room.

"There was no general conversation on sexual matters. Few of the

boys knew anything about things--perhaps 7 or 8 out of 40. Before

describing my experiences at the school I may mention that I

cannot remember having at this period any wish to experience

heterosexual intercourse; I knew as yet nothing of homosexual

practices; and I did not have, except in one case, any love or

affection for any of the boys.

"One night, in my bedroom--there were about six of us--we were

talking till rather late. My recollection commences with being

aware that all the boys were asleep except myself and one other,

P. (the son of a clergyman), who was in a bed at exactly the

opposite end of the room. I suppose we must have been talking

about this sort of thing, for I vividly remember having an

erection, and suddenly--as if by premonition--

getting out of my

bed, and, with heart beating, going softly over to P.'s bed. He

exhibited no surprise at my presence; a few whispered words took

place; I placed my hand on his penis, and found he had an

erection. I started masturbating him, but he said he had just

finished. I then suggested, getting into bed with him. (I had

never heard at that time of such a thing being done, the idea

arose spontaneously.) He said it was not safe, and placed his

hand on my penis, I think with the object of satisfying and

getting rid of me. He masturbated me till the orgasm occurred.

"I had no further relations with him, except on one occasion,

shortly afterward, when one day, in the w.c. he asked me to

masturbate him. I did so. He did not offer to do the same to me.

"He was a delicate, feeble boy; not good at work; womanish in his

ways; inclined to go in for petty bullying, until a boy showed

fight, when he discovered himself to be an arrant coward. Four or

five years later I met him at the university. His greeting was

cool. My next affair was with a boy who was about my age (13),

strong, full-blooded, coarse, always in 'hot water.'

He was the

son of the headmaster of one of the best-known public schools. It

was reported that two brothers had been expelled from this public

school for what we called 'beastliness.' He told me his older

brother used to have intercrural intercourse with him. This was

the first I had heard of this. We used to masturbate mutually. I

had, however, no affection or desire for him.

"With E., another boy, I had no relations, but I remember him as

the first person of the same sex for whom I experienced love. He

was a small, fair, thin, and little boy, some two years younger

than myself, so my inferior in the social hierarchy of a school.

"At the end of my last term I had two disappointments. I was

beaten by a younger and clever boy for the first place in the

school, and also beaten by one point in the competition for the

Athletic Cup by a stronger boy who had only come to the school

that very term. However, as a consolation prize, and as I was

leaving, the headmaster gave me a second prize. This soothed my

hurt feelings, and I remember, just after the 'head'

had read out

the prizes, on the last day of term, E., coming up to me, putting

his arm on my shoulder, looking at me rather pensively, and in a

voice that thrilled me and made me wish to kiss and hug him, tell

me he was so glad I had got a prize and that it was a shame that

other chap had beaten me for the cup.

"I was three years (aged 12 to 15) at the preparatory school. I

started in the bottom form and ended second in the school. My

reports were generally good, and I was keen to do well in work. I

was considerably influenced by the 'head.' He was a clergyman,

but a man of wide reading, broad opinion, great scholarship, and

great enthusiasm. We became very friendly.

"During the holidays I now first practiced intercrural

intercourse with a younger brother. I started touching his penis,

and causing erections, when he was about 5.

Afterward I got him

to masturbate me and I masturbated him; I used to get him into

bed with me. On one occasion I spontaneously (never having heard

of such a thing) made him take my penis in his mouth.

"This went on for several years. When I was about 16

and he about

10, the old family nurse spoke to me about it. She told me he had

complained of my doing it. I was in great fear that my parents

might hear of it. I went to him; told him I was sorry, but I had

not understood he disliked it, but that I would not do it again.

"About a year later (having persisted in this promise) I made

overtures to him, but he refused. I then commended his conduct,

and said I knew he was quite right, and begged him to refuse

again if I should ever suggest it. I did not ever suggest it

again. For many years I bitterly reproached myself for having

corrupted him. However, I do not think any harm has been done

him. But my self-reproaches have caused me to feel I owe some

reparation to him. I also have more affection for him than for my

other brothers and sisters.

"At the age of 15 I went to one of the large public schools. I

was fairly forward for my age, and entered high. But I made small

progress. I had bad reports; I was 'slack in games,'

and not

popular among the boys. In fact, I stood still, so that when I

left I was backward in comparison with other boys of even less

natural intelligence.

"The teaching was certainly bad. Moreover, I had not any friends,

and this made me very sensitive. It was to a great extent my

fault. When I first went there I was taken up by a set above

me--boys who were 'senior' to me in standing. When they left I

found myself alone.

"My unpopularity was increased by my being considered to put on

'side'; also because I paid attention to my dress.

"At the public school I had homosexual relations with various

boys, usually without any passion. With one boy, however, I was

deeply in love for over a year; I thought of him, dreamed of him,

would have been content only to kiss him. But my courtship met

with no success.

"When carrying on with other boys the desire to reach the crisis

was not always strong, perhaps out of shyness or modesty.

Occasionally I had intercrural connection, which gave me the

first intimation of what intercourse with a woman was like. When

I masturbated in solitude I used to continue till the orgasm.

"My housemaster one day sent for me and said he had walked

through my cubicle and noticed a stain on the sheet.

At this time

I used to have nocturnal emissions. I cannot remember whether on

this occasion the stain was due to one, or to masturbation. But I

imagined that one did not have 'wet dreams' unless one

masturbated. So when he went on to say that this was a proof that

I was immoral I acknowledged I masturbated. He then told me I

would injure my health--possibly 'weaken my heart,'

or 'send

myself mad'; he said that he would ask me to promise never to do

it again.

"I promised. I left humiliated and ashamed of myself; also

generally frightened. He used to send for me every now and then,

and ask me if I had kept my promise. For some months I did. Then

I relapsed, and told him when he asked me.

Ultimately he ceased

sending for me--apparently convinced either that I was cured or

that I was incorrigible.

"A year or so afterward he discovered in my study (for I was now

in the upper school and had a study) a French photograph that a

boy had given me, entitled '_Qui est dans ma chambre?_' It

represented a man going by mistake into the wrong bedroom; inside

the room was a woman, in nightdress, in an attitude that

suggested she had just been relieving herself. My housemaster

told me the picture was terribly indecent, and that, taken with

what he knew of my habits, it showed I was not a safe boy to be

in the school. He added that he did not wish to make trouble at

home, but that he advised me to get my parents to remove me at

the end of that term, instead of the following term, when, in the

ordinary course of things, I should have left.

"I wrote to my people to say I was miserable at school, and I was

removed at the end of that term.

"My first case of true heterosexual passion was with a girl

called D., whom I first knew when she was about 16.

My family and

hers were friendly. My attraction to her soon became a matter of

common knowledge and joking to members of my family.

She was a

dark, passionate-looking child, with large eyes that--to

me--seemed full of an inner knowledge of sexual mysteries.

Precocious, vain, jealous, untruthful--those were qualities in

her that I myself soon recognized. But the very fact that she was

not conventionally 'goody-goody' proved an attraction to me.

"I never openly made love to her, but I delighted to be near her.

Our ages were sufficiently separated for this to be noticeable. I

dreamed of her, and my highest ideal of blessedness was to kiss

her and tell her I loved her. I heard that she had been

discovered talking indecently in a w.c. to some little boys, sons

of a friend of my family's. The knowledge of this precocity on

her part intensified my fascination for her.

"When I left home to return to school I kissed her--

the only

time. Absence did nothing to diminish my affection.

I thought of

her all day long, at work or at play. I wrote her a letter--not

openly passionate, but my real feelings toward her must have been

apparent. I found out afterward that her mother opened the


"When I returned home for the holidays her mother asked me not;

to write her any letters and not to pay attentions to her, as I

might 'spoil her.' I promised. I was, of course, greatly


"D. used to come to our house to see my younger sister. She had

clearly been warned by her mother not to allow me to speak to

her. I was too nervous to make any advances; besides, I had

promised. As I grew older, my passion died out. I have hardly

ever seen her since. She married some years ago. I still retain

sentimental feelings toward her.

"I was now 18; I had stopped growing and was fairly broad and

healthy. Intellectually I was rather precocious, though not

ambitious. But I was no good at games, had no tastes for physical

exercises, and no hobbies.

"During the holidays, in my last year at school, I had gone to

the Royal Aquarium with a school companion. This was followed by

one or two visits to the Empire Theatre. It was then that I first

discovered that sexual intercourse took place outside the limits

of married life. On one occasion my friend talked to one of the

women who were walking about. This same friend spoke to a

prostitute at Oxford. (At this time I went up to the university.)

Once or twice I met this girl. She used to ask about my friend.

My feelings toward her were a combination of admiration for her

physical beauty, a sense of the 'mystery' of her life, and pity

for her isolated position.

"On the whole, my first university term produced considerable

improvement in me. I began to be interested in my work and to

read a fair amount of general literature. I learned to bicycle

and to row. I also made one intimate friend.

"In my first holiday I went to the Empire and made the

acquaintance of a girl there, W.H. She attracted me by her quiet

appearance. I eventually made arrangements to pay her a visit. My

apprehensions consisted of: 1. Fear of catching venereal disease.

This I decided to safeguard by using a 'French letter.' 2. Fear

that she might have a 'bully.'

"The girl showed no sexual desire; but at that time this did not

attract my attention.

"I got very much 'gone' on her, paid her several visits, gave her

some presents I could ill afford, and felt very distressed when

she informed me she was to be married and therefore could not see

me any more.

"My experiences with prostitutes cover a period of twelve years.

During three years of this period I was continually in their

company. I have had intercourse with some two dozen; in some

cases only once; in others on numerous occasions.

They have

usually been of the class that frequent Piccadilly, St. James