18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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Dictionary meaning

img6.png The fact of believing; belief, faith.

img6.png A particular set of beliefs.

img6.png A regulating principle.

img6.png A determinate method prescribed for performing any operation and producing a certain result.

The concept:

This is one of the most powerful mindset you can develop. Literally, it can make you the omnipotent and immune to everything that is not serving you.

It will make you stand like a giant oak tree which is not shakable even at the storms. You want to be like that, people are drawn to such people. People with this mindset are winners or strong players in everything.

One of the reasons behind me becoming emotionally healthy and positive is this mindset. That's my secret to be uplifting, always.

Principles are a solution to dynamic inconsistency.

The 13th mindset that I want you to develop is creed mindset. Which basically is all about defining a set of rules for yourself. A code of conduct for yourself that will support you to do the right things at the time of emotional confusions and also project that you are an individual of value with principles to live your life with.

Even if I try my best I will not be able to make you realize that this mindset is way more important than anything else in the world.

Living a life of principles is what magnifies your character. It is what makes you attractive and wise.

Why to develop creed mindset?

Consider any self-control problem. For example, a person trying to lose weight presented with free cookies. The temptation to eat the cookie is very strong although if the person eats free cookies every time he would be harmed. The cookie problem occurs when short-run incentives overcome the real long-run benefit.

Now, suppose the person has a principle of never eating cookies. Such a person would not even consider the benefit of eating the cookie.

People live by principles in order to avoid falling into myopic traps. Principles are internal mechanisms for people to commit to long-run beneficial behavior in the face of short run temptation. They work by making behavior consistent with long run benefits more salient in the short run.

How to develop creed mindset?

Nothing can be simpler than this. You just have to follow the below steps:

  1. The first thing you need to do is make a law book for yourself ;) it's a fancy word, don't go that deep. You just need to keep your journal in which you will write your creed. It will be foolish if you to state a few rules without having any realization behind it. Having a strong reason for why you will follow your rules is a critical factor that will ensure that you follow'em. Following what you state till the last breath your life is not a child's game. It takes real courage and a strong will to stick with your creed. So write down a creed for yourself only when you have a real life experience behind it. For example, I made a rule for myself that I will never spend more than 5 secs thinking about anything that is not serving me in any form. Now I have a strong reason and an experience supporting it from behind. There was a time when I was suffering with over thinking, It had reached to such a terrible level where I wasn't able to sleep at nights, spending whole night thinking about mere stupid things was not a joyous experience, it only gave me suffering. When I realized that this addiction was not serving me in any way and I had to stop, it didn't serve me to progress on my path nor did it help me to become happy. So why would I think so much then? Do you see my point? I had both an experience + a realization behind this rule of mine which instantly solved the problem and I am still following it to the top for 2 years now. That's the power. So start making a list of rules you'll follow throughout the rest of your life after you learn something through an experience.
  2. The second step is to follow it, act upon it without apologizing for it or explaining it to anyone else. You don't have to care about other's opinion just focus on following your creed, becoming a man of dignity. Benjamin Franklin is one of the greatest examples, he was known as the man of virtue. He had his 13 virtues which he followed every day; in fact he even had a custom diary for himself in which he had daily check boxes for each virtue. He made it a point that he will live his life by those virtues and die for it as well. He shares a beautiful story about his choice of dignity/virtue over money. I won't share the entire story her but what he was pointing out was that you can survive with mere pennies, sleeping on wooden floor with a filthy jacket and a slice of bread to eat. If you can survive without money it means it's not the thing to exchange your dignity with it. Make perfect sense. Once

you write a rule follow it, ignore any degree of tension that makes you break your virtue. Stick to it.

Remember, writing down your creed in the journal immediately after the realization and experience is essential. Also you don't want to forget'em over time, so make sure you make a checklist and tick off the items every day before going to bed like Benjamin Franklin.