57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Quantum of Something in Infiniteness of Nothingness Probably, the most required learning for 21st century ‘humanism’ is the understanding and acceptance of innate and dominant ‘animalism’ and its evolutionary continuity in all schemes and spectrum of things, we know as human and associate with the idealism of humanity. In other words, the essential unlearning for modern humanism is divesting itself of the burden of abstractions and mysticism of human exclusivity-superiority and accept human as potentially the most precarious and calamitous animal species to inflict self-destruction and cannibalism. It seems; the contemporary idea of the continued legacy of the relationship of humans, in the hierarchy of living beings, with the universe is flawed and based on scammed understanding of the true nature of human consciousness. The entrenched and innately manifested animalism in humans may be termed as tribalism or any other name but the fact remains that humans are unique species of life and their evolved design is a huge aberration to what a usual life stands

in relationship with its milieus. This uniqueness must be understood in the light of complex aberration and not simple excellence.

Second comes the need to understand and demystify the structures and functionality of this entrenched and evolved animalism, tribalism or whatever, within the precinct of probability of what is known as humanism or human consciousness-cognition, in the macrocosmic perspective of life and cosmic constructs. This may also help a lot in understanding the hypocrisy and façade of cultures as a poorly designed and failed human enterprise to cover up its embedded animalism.

It has to be ingrained in the primary awareness of every human being that consciousness, this mystical sense of ‘I’ and ‘Me’, cannot be seen and accepted as something exclusive, superior and mystically transcendental to humans. Rather, consciousness is an inevitable and innate media of anything associated with what we know as life, in its manifestations in millions of species, from bacteria to single cell organism, peaking into an organism with 30 trillion cells called human. Consciousness happens as life happens and as life is manifested and journeyed in millions of different possible dimensions, consciousness also expresses itself in concomitant dimensionalities of each shade of life.

It has to be learnt by every growing human child that human consciousness is a scammed and muddled up version of somewhat successful original animal consciousness, which is nothing great but in sum-totality a workable model for simulating realities of milieus for the moving organism to survive and proliferate. It has already been outlined by some scientists that human consciousness is likely to be an evolution-dysfunction, emanating out of the tumultuous and haphazard warehousing of accrued and accumulated entropies, in the unimaginably long journey of species

progression, in growing complexities of ambient milieus as well as cosmic construct. The complex entropic propensities of animalism-tribalism of humanism have to be explained in a novel and alternative language, bereft of mysticism and avowed spiritualization, to bring home the true precariousness and pathologies of human consciousness. This shall ingrain in every growing child the critical need to imbibe self-discipline to successfully train the human mind so that it outsmarts the scammed consciousness.

Very interestingly; consciousness must not be understood and accepted as some emergent entity only in living media. Rather, consciousness in its holism and entirety has to be realized as a navigational medium whenever and wherever there happens to be some sort of information processing; be it in biological models or in non-biological ones. Very naturally, consciousness is important only as a navigation media of something more crucial and generic called life. And life is important but the most central and primary is Information, more broadly the Information System; its embedded situation in reality and its inevitable processing.

That is why the ‘media’ of information processing has to be nearly impeccable through self-discipline and self-training and the input Data has to be true, objective and self-regulatory. These are the challenges the modern artificial intelligence experts are dealing with, as they are designing the non-biological models of consciousness and cognition. Definitely; the dimensions of the reality of processing too need to be understood in its holism and therefore, the related ideas of information communication, reception and the experience-cognition structures of emergent information actualization in different living and non-living media have to be deciphered and understood well. Modern science of artificial intelligence and molecular biology et al are doing great in trying to decipher the details of

the processing realities in living beings as well in manufactured information models.

It is almost like, if a car happens; steering wheel, brakes, clutch has to happen. Different car types and models, or simply any moving machine can come up with different designs of steering wheels-brakes but their core navigational role s in the overall mechanism of cars shall remain the same just because of the singular fact that a car has been designed and evolved as a media for moving out in external milieus safely, to reach a determined destination. Similar is the relationship between consciousnesses, as a driving navigation tool and the mechanism of the vehicles called life, in the physical-psychological-cultural milieus.

A person driving a car seldom feels the entirety of a car’s mechanical complexities, as driving requires the driver to only focus on the Interface of steering wheel-brakes-clutch. This is similar to the sense of primacy and protagonism of consciousness in driving the vehicle of Life. As consciousness is the navigational Media and its tools of experience-cognition constitute the Interface, it is automatically and innately confused with Life itself. Consciousness is not life, in its full structural-functional complexities; rather it is just a media to model or simulate life, its causalities and realities for navigational convenience. That is why its primacy and protagonism is a falsehood-illusion. Life and its dimensionalities as the media for inevitable Information Processing are primary understanding for 21st century humanism. Then only we can understand the true reality of consciousness as the navigational media of life itself. Finally, everything boils down to the primacy of Information in all realities.

Interestingly, as we shift our obsessive insistence from mysticism of consciousness to more primary reality of life and information, we automatically have to delve deep into the bio-chemical and bio-energetic basis and complexities, involved in emergence of something very primeval in cosmic arrangements of realities. The primacy and criticality is not the question of consciousness. Rather, it is the question of why and how life happened. It is the substrate, which contemporary science has been growingly successful in unraveling. As we have talked earlier, modern science is more interested in knowing about why there is something rather than nothing? The question of consciousness comes only later as it is just the emergent media for embedded and innate purpose of navigating the something, as it happened in the cosmic infinity of nothingness.

Life and its primeval causality with cosmic realities are the primacy and centrality of human inquisition of understanding of all realities, including the Self. Life has been and continues to be a journey of incessant evolution of scales, dimensions and diversities of expressions of this somethingness, in its full spectrum and holism. Consciousness is only a secondary media for navigating it in optimal ways in this long journey of scales, dimensions and diversities. Naturally, consciousness has associational scales, dimensions and diversities. Therefore, consciousness also needs to be understood well and trained suitably to unravel the primacy of the question of why there is something than nothing, as consciousness is the sole media of navigational abilities for this somethingness called life, in its holism and entirety.

This relationship of Life, Consciousness and Cosmos has been the core of spiritualism for humanism. This spirituality is now in safe, logical and objective domain of modern science. Very naturally, science has invested its resources in unraveling the realities of Life itself, with objective

understanding of this navigational tool of Consciousness. It is singular tragedy of humanity that mass majority of men and women are not even aware of modern scientific spirituality as dominant populist cultures remain obsessively reluctant to update and upgrade their old-archaic-arcane-fake-fudged-fraudulent notions and perceptions of realities of life and self. It is damn easy to see and understand that falsehood, fakeness and illusions of understanding by humanity could only breed scammed consciousnesses as well as damned cultures. Scams cannot breed sanity and system. Therefore, humanity cannot even think of being free of the million pathologies its cultures and life-living remain infested with.

The 21st century humanity has its intellectual universe well defined and probably the first time in human history, the future journey stands clearly laid out. It is very genuinely understood and accepted that the universe of reality, as the optimal potential of any human consciousness could perceive of, seems like a localized model of Information and its complex relationship with different possible ambient media, within the infiniteness of the fabric of evolving Information embedded in the potentials of nothingness. It is growingly being realized that the very core question of

‘why there is something than nothing’ is a massively layered one, which is unraveled as concentric expanding circles of probable realities, as the media of consciousness expands and extends its potential of knowledge of the dynamics of the nothingness itself. This cyclicality of evolving and empowering consciousness and the unraveling of reality need to be underlined. It also has to be underscored that humanity cannot afford to leave mass majority of men and women at those layers of this concentric circles, which contemporary human consciousness was thousands of years back. It is a challenge that entire humanity moves together in ever expanding circles of evolving consciousness. There simply cannot be

different timelines for existing humanity as 7.5 billion living in different timelines; as it is happening now; ranging thousands of years, is definitive recipe for disaster.

Consciousness needs to continue expanding its potentials to be able to continue unraveling more and more concentric layers of reality in the infinity of nothingness. All humans need to be at the same layer of reality.

The universe of somethingness is only that much, as is the potential of consciousness to actualize the causalities of information embedded in it.

The universe expands as the consciousness extends the limits of its infinite potentials to process information.

The most remarkable journey of humanity has been this incessant and copious empowerment and expansion of the potential of human consciousness to unravel the somethingness in nothingness. The true prosperity of humanity is the collective empowerment of consciousness and journeys of all men and women into realities together and hand-in-hand.

Rest is just means to facilitate the journeys. The means cannot be ends and if human cultures and civilizations are hell-bent to imbibe in average men and women to accept means as ends as benchmarks of successes, then the cultures are scammed and pathologies run amuck.

Human intellectual journeys in the last over ten thousand years is a tiny little timeframe, in the billions of years of unraveling of cosmic realities and essentially, this intellectual journey to decipher realities and self is all about expanding and extending the outer margins of understanding the constitution of the infinitely layered nothingness. Every small evolution of human intellect is a step ahead in discovering or deciphering something novel and alternative, in the infiniteness of nothingness. It is a clear 21st century intellectual acceptance that nothingness is the infinite universe of

probabilities of somethingness, as human consciousness, as a potent media, keeps expanding its knowledge potential to sense out possible patterns of causalities in the expansive randomness of seemingly acausal nothingness.

The human journey of expanding intellectual potentials to extend the boundaries of consciousness in unraveling ever more somethingness in the cosmos of nothingness continues but in the 21st century, this journey stands far more resourced and confident as modern science has amply understood the centrality and criticality of Information, its constituent bits as well as the complexities of emergent web of probable realities that is available for ever evolving consciousness to decipher. The very idea of capabilities of consciousness to decipher those computationally reducible realities in the cosmic expanse of computational irreducibility is now growingly being understood and underlined. This basis of somethingness in nothingness is slowly being understood by the contemporary intellect of humanity. This we shall talk about in the next and concluding chapter.
