57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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21st Century Agenda and New Sovereign

This entire spectrum of restrictiveness of intuitiveness of experience-cognition regime and routine in perceptualizing Reality and installation-institution of protagonism of Selfhood has to be understood to break free of

the falsehood of self as well as that of the entire gamut of personal as well as collective life-living in contemporary human world of hypocritical-depraved-criminalized cultures. The scam we all are living and perpetuating while believing that we are successfully pursuing our life goals and purposes, cannot be understood and done away with if we continue to be slaves to evolution-designed preponderance of intuitive living, in a suffocatingly localized physical-psychological-cultural milieu. Human civilizations and cultures so far have been a sorry and sordid saga of lived out fake-fudged-scammed realities, engendered by the falsehood of protagonistic self and perpetuated by collective will of generic intuitiveness. This realization and consequent living out of the novel-alternative non-intuitive reality is the true attainment of this precious yet hugely painful and perilous human life, which has been and remains embroiled in and obsessed with animalistic propensities and pursuits.

Understanding this is a potential of human consciousness, which sadly is attainable only for a handful of men and women as this potential requires proficient and prolonged mind training; primarily by personal will, against the collective benchmarking of animalistic successes by dominant-populist cultures.

It is a time and opportunity of huge celebration for larger humanity that the initial two decades of 21st century science has very successfully laid down the ground rules to unravel-expose the mechanism-processes of the falsehood of everything that contemporary humanity has acquired as legacy of scammed civilization-cultures and continue to perpetuate them even in the modern times of scientific rationality of brute objectivity. It is a colossal satisfaction that geniuses of modern science have begun to understand the very core causality of the scammed life-living. The scientific breakthroughs and journeys in the domains of artificial intelligence and evolutionary-

molecular biology et al have stood us to decipher the true and objective basis of Consciousness as Interface and its complex relationship with Information in milieus. This has helped in exposing the scams of contemporary life-living as it helps in understanding the restrictiveness and falsehood of intuitiveness of human experience-cognition of all realities.

Modern science has begun to successfully model out novel and alternative artificial Interface of two-way information processing, which stands to expose the mysticism built around the falsehood of ‘supernatural’ human consciousness and its scammed realities of life-living. Interestingly; rather very dangerously; artificial and non-biological models of information interface, which many see as competing manufactured consciousnesses, pitted against human consciousness, are already presenting themselves as potent alternative to make almost 90 percent of existing humanity as redundant and replaceable. One humanly aligned and oriented, manufactured consciousness, in an artificial interface, is good enough to be superior to collective stupidities and hypocrisies of millions of men and women, forced to live out animalistic consciousnesses.

Most definitively; first time in history of human civilizations and cultures, humanity has been presented with unflinching evidences and even potent physical models to expose the stupidity-hypocrisy-depravity-criminality-deception et al, which mass majority of billions of men and women have lived out and still living; even hailing them as pompous attainments and luminous successes. The façade and charade of golden protagonism of the mystical pompousity of human consciousness as portal of all realities have fallen flat and the garbage that humanity has so meticulously sustained and perpetuated, as populist cultures, has been spilled all over. Artificial Intelligence and its simulation artistry has powerfully exposed the reality that how and why mass majority of existing population of men and women

are costly burden and wasteful load for planet’s health and why and how existing populist cultures are the scammed manufacturers of these garbage.

Modern science has provided this golden opportunity to humanity to understand the power and importance of Information and this critical need to dump all existing cultures to install a novel and alternative global culture, where sanity, sanctity and veracity of Information is guaranteed with utmost scientific precision and care. Where the innate and embedded culpability-fallibility of consciousness is unceremoniously accounted for to dethrone it from the crown position in contemporary human cultures; so that the rightful and ultimate sovereignty of Information, over the doubtful-dubious suzerainty of protagonistic consciousness is finalized.

The 21st century humanity has been so fortunate that now it has unwavering knowledge and replicable skills to understand and accept the actuality of the reality of the age-old, archaic and arcane idea of Consciousness, which definitively seems the singular causality of the colossal plexus and plausibility of stupidity-hypocrisy-depravity-criminality of humanity since thousands of years. It seems beyond reasonable doubts that 21st century humanity has to dump the very basis of all pathologies of contemporary human cultures and life-living by discarding the centrality and predominance assigned to consciousness as ultimate sovereign of all behavior-actions and assign its rightful place under the suzerainty of the new sovereign of Information.

It is time to understand both the outgoing sovereign of consciousness as well as the new sovereign of Information. It is time to fully understand the innate as well as manufactured culpability of consciousness and the challenges for humanity, as it stands to assign the crown position to the new sovereign of Information. It is time to build up novel-alternative and

impeccable checks and balances, based on foolproof modern technology, not philosophies, for the new sovereign of Information as the old sovereign has successfully and unscrupulously bypassed all humanly designed existing checks and balances in contemporary cultures.
