57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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The Potentials and Probabilities

This very potent and cogent tool or mechanism of experience-cognition is the seed of all potentials and all potentials are value-neutral probabilities of realities for the media of consciousness. That is why it engenders the two extremities of God as well as Demon, depending on the ambient and dominant causalities of the local milieus, where and wherein a subjective consciousness navigates as a theatre and operates as a protagonist. After millenniums of human life-living history, it is common knowledge as how this dynamic agency of experience-cognition, in interactions with local-ambient milieus, has created the varied and contrasting spectrum of worst of the probabilities of criminalities-depravities-banalities as well as best of compassion-fraternity-splendor. That is probably why, since very inception of human civilization to this date, this mystical instrument of subjective and contrasting experience-cognition has been the subject of core interest and investigation.

Consciousness as the theatre as well as a protagonist is probably the most mesmerizing emergent reality out of the cosmic construct as it happens to be the sole portal of actualization of all probabilities of realities.

Consciousness in its holism and entirety of spectrum is the singular

potential of all probabilities. It engendered philosophy, spiritualism, psychology and now modern science. The journey of consciousness from its cellular origin to evolved human eventuality, over billions of years has been some magic and mysticism, which needs to be fully unraveled and understood. Sadly, the mysticism and misunderstanding about it and around it has persisted over the millenniums and that is probably why; gruesome and burgeoning pathologies of human cultures have eluded lasting cure; or at least a good management of the malaise.

If we look back at human journey of empowerment or the history of evolution to complexity of cultures, we can say with utmost surety that the one of the most remarkable achievements of modern day humanity has been the painfully and painstakingly evolving knowledge of the very structure and functionality of this potent driving force of experience-cognition itself. Contemporary and modern empowerment of humanity is about a brilliant and deeper unraveling of core structures-functionalities of not only consciousness but life itself, in its holism and microcosm. It seems hugely debilitating and pathological that larger humanity had to and still has to accept and live out the fake-fudged-fabricated-propagandist ideas about experience-cognition, life and reality, created and perpetuated by old-archaic depraved-criminalized agencies of religion-spiritualism-philosophy-politics; before the modern objective science of consciousness-cognition-causality could come up with true and verifiable knowledge. Tragically enough, even today, over 99 percent of humans remain oblivious of scientific facts and happily live out the fake-fudged-fabricated ideas.

Very clearly, the pathologies of humanity have been two dimensional –

first, the very lack of true-objective-verifiable knowledge of the life-living force of experience-cognition and secondly, the persistent and hypocritically perpetuated spread of fake-fudged-partial-propagandist

knowledge among larger humanity, across all cultures. It is hugely depressing and massively perilous for humanity that larger pathologies of human cultures have remained as catastrophic and pervading as they have been thousands of years back, when humans were not even cultured and civilized. The ritualism has been modified; depravity remains the same.

May be, it is time we humans looked deep into the dimensionalities of the persistent pathologies of experience-cognition and design probable cures and good management. As I humbly hypothesized earlier; it is such a marvelous facility and faculty of the mechanism of human experience-cognition that it can witness and analyze the self. Since very early days of human civilization, our worthy ancestors realized this and therefore, the powerful idea of aatm-anveshan (self-exploration and self-dialogue) has remained at the core of Oriental religions, philosophy and spiritualism. This process however also met with the same pathologies, we have mentioned above. Most modern popular spiritual practices stand as corrupted and corroded versions of the originality of the idea of understanding the journey of Self.

This 54th of my own 57 is a humble enterprise to look at these pathologies and arrive at a possible solution or management. The hypothesis, as mentioned earlier, is that these 57 years of my own subjective experience-cognition as well as the freely available modern scientific knowledge about life-living as well as reality in general, may help to unravel and decipher the dynamics of pathologies as well as their probable cures and good management.

Pathology is very much embedded in and coalesced with existence and reality, primarily because of their vastness, randomness and complexities as well as the way multidimensionality of reality, as experienced by different

media of consciousnesses, exist and compete with each other. What adds to the propensities of pathologies is the fact that an individual subjective experience-cognition structure and its mechanism-processes are innately too poor and insufficient media to fully understand reality in its holism, until and unless mentally trained for it. Consciousness is only innately designed for survival and to thrive in acquiring existential (competitive) skills that too in a rather localized ambient milieu. That is probably why it is not so difficult to become a billionaire business man or woman but hugely tough to be a compassionate and magnanimous gentle man or woman. The former is easy as it is attained flowing with the current, whereas the later is a struggle against the current. The former requires skilled enterprise to use the current for personal success, whereas the later needs discipline and conscientious resolve to go against the current. It requires long mind training, discipline and acquired non-intuitive knowledge to understand and internalize the multidimensionality of reality.

Only a handful is fortunate to have them. Therefore, pathologies remain with the mass majority and cure is available for a few.

The cosmos and the life-living structures are hugely colossal, expansive, diverse, randomized and complex. The individual subjective consciousness and its innate-intuitive-untrained experience-cognition faculties are too poorly qualified to face and understand the complexities. This creates twin troubles – first, it ensures that pathologies-troubles are the rule and health-solutions are scattered and minority availability. Secondly, it makes understanding of reality hugely difficult, which in turn cyclically engenders and adds more and more pathologies into the life-living structures and systems.

It is probably an easy way to understand that evolution may be termed as a rather slow-paced race against mounting and diversifying pathologies in the

overall life-living environment. Probably, evolution engineered this potent tool of experience-cognition in living beings, especially a rather complex mechanism of Consciousness in humans, as a design to tide over the ambient pathologies and optimize survival of the living being. Evolutionary tool of survivalism is the wired competitiveness for self-preservation and an untrained consciousness innately epitomizes the competitive spirit and propensities in all living organisms. But the same consciousness has the potential to unravel the pathological propensities of brute competitiveness and replace it with conscious-conscientious compassion-fraternity.

In that sense, pathologies emanating out of brute competitiveness are the true and real attributes of innate milieus as it is powered by the reality of evolution. Therefore, naturally, love-compassion-fraternity can better be understood as illusions of consciousness and a fabrication of virtual spectrum of experience-cognition. In that sense, animalistic competitiveness is reality-viscerality of human body-brain and compassionate fraternity is a simulation of consciousness, qualifying body-brain to wear the crown of humanism. This illusion-simulation is the sole and singular basis of humanism and human cultures, as it has been consciously designed to counter the innate and automatic accruals of competitiveness as embedded in reality of evolution in physical milieus.

This dualism or conflict of human consciousness, as evolved in long time progression, was very clearly understood very early by humanity, almost 3000 years back. The ancient Indian philosophy-spiritualism, as scripted in Yoga and Buddhist scriptures, clearly mentions as how consciousness itself is the sole media of both conflicting and competing cognitions of competitiveness and compassion. It mentions that the same consciousness shall viscerally indulge in selfish indulgence and monopolistic attainments.

The indulgences and attainments itself has the seeds of detachment,

renunciation and compassion, as the consciousness is constantly in knowledge and acceptance of inevitable fragility and mortality of self.

Consciousness seats the twin and conflicting cognitions of utility and futility, indulgence and moderation, attachment and detachment, competitiveness and compassion. The fragility, ephemerality and mortality is embedded in consciousness and it breeds the twin and conflicting cognitions. This is the design of evolution and hardware of consciousness.

However, this very design or mechanism of evolution has been beset with the same twin trouble – experience-cognition system or Consciousness systems is very complex and diversified and secondly, humanity has never truly understood its complex reality. Both factors have ensured that contemporary humanity now lives in a life-living environment, which is so brimming with uncontrolled pathologies that it is almost impossible for any individual consciousness or experience-cognition system to work in sanity, vitality and prosperity.

There are three core dimensions, which need to be unraveled and understood in complex details to decipher the pathologies of human life-living; both at personal as well as collective levels. They are –

1. Consciousness (experience-cognition) as a navigational tool of a complex bio-chemical entity called life and embedded pathologies in its interactional functionality with equally complex physical-psychological milieus.

2. Energy and trajectory of Evolution, its holistic interpretation in terms of complex causalities of life with milieus, overall impact on consciousness and aligned pathologies for life-living.

3. Complete lack of knowledge of Reality of consciousness-evolution processes and almost total historical failure of humanity and its

intellectual leadership to put up corrective or healing mechanisms to arrest or manage the intense propensities of vast-complex pathologies.

It has to be mentioned here that the journey of my own 57 has clearly and painfully underlined the importance of a very old and established but massively ignored artistry of a knowledge regime, which was established and elaborated by our worthy ancestors almost over 3000 years back. In ancient Indian philosophical-spiritual traditions, it was insisted and reiterated that life was a very potent and galvanized media for the singular purpose and pursuit of knowledge acquisition. Two terms or ideas, known as aatm-gyan and tatva-gyan, dominated the massive load of philosophy-spirituality, which were scripted as early as 3000 years back. The Sanskrit word Gyan meant knowledge, aatm and tatva signified self and elements respectively.

Spiritualism essentially meant life-long initiatives to unravel and imbibe knowledge about Self as well as all Elements (causalities) in external as well as internal milieus and decipher the intrinsic and embedded relationship between the two to optimize personal as well as collective wellness and prosperity. Aatm and tatva gyan were described as two critical tools to decode and decipher the maaya (illusion) of reality, which consciousness encountered in life-living. In contemporary times, pure science has taken over the same role, which was earlier assigned to philosophy and spiritualism. In 21st century, core science is the only true religion but is known to and followed only by a handful.

It has to be understood that ancient Indian society-culture probably created a sort of role-segregation to optimize collective life-living wellness-prosperity by classifying society into four role-work specializations. In

modern contemporary times, science classifies this role segregation on the basis of dominant consciousnesses or brain types. It hypothesizes that different humans are born with and persist with shades of consciousnesses, innately aligned towards and suited for different role-work propensities and life-living choices. This role segregation has also been defined in terms of different brain types, humans are born with. In ancient Indian culture, those consciousnesses suited for knowledge pursuit were assigned the label or term of Brahmnas. The protective warrior roles and societal regulations were allocated the term called Chhatriyas. The Vaishyas were made to supervise trade and commerce and the Sudras were assigned the roles of production and all manufacturing activities, involving physical work. It is believed that the Brahmna-Chhatriya-Vaishya-Sudra identities were not persons or individuals but shades of consciousnesses, considered innately suited for specific roles. These roles were assigned for collective wellness and prosperity and in a sense also eased out life-living for individuals.

However, it was highly restrictive for consciousnesses and in a sense augmented the pathology of slavery of experience-cognition spectrum.

Essentially, the Brahmnas created rules and laws of good and prosperous life-living, which were coded into ritualistic practices ( karma), assigned to all, popularly known as dharma or religion. This model of societal management was replicated in different forms, in almost all contemporary civilizations, across geographical expanse. The role segregation was required, as ancient humans settled, led a regulated life and necessitated specific behavior-action regime, against the innate evolutionary design of brute competitiveness and self aggrandizement. However, the embedded pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality vitiated the role-segregation models and evolved the most brutal pathology of Power Politics. This pathology of depraved-criminalized power politics remains the most deadly

disease of human cultures, even in modern times of knowledge, reason and rationality.

This simple and innocuous social arrangement was later corrupted and the depravity spread to all aspects of life-living. This also happened with all civilizations and cultures. All human histories, across geographies have common evolutional trajectories of pathologies. The pathologies are now beyond redemption. This can be understood simply by looking at contemporary Brahmnas, whom we know as politicians (modern lawmakers) and their massively multidimensional depravities and criminalities. Politics and power structures, across geographies have common and generic depravities, hypocrisies and criminalities.

Human history of civilizations-cultures and trajectory of evolution, hint at the causality of corruption and criminality in human world. It is easy to understand and accept as how corruption and criminality creep in and get institutionalized in human world. The very organismic and entrenched propensity to optimize survival potentials has engrained and embedded seeds of corruption-criminality. The Brahman role of law making or supervision of Dharma was designed for consciousness and not the person.

The role was meant to be assigned to a consciousness, which had the innate faculty and facility of suitable experience-cognition spectrum to successfully perform the role. However, a consciousness may be objective and continuous (theoretically immortal) entity in a milieu but consciousness itself is housed in a body, which is mortal, ephemeral and very subjective.

This duality of role-performance between virtuality of experience-cognition and potent perception of the reality of body creates all pathological propensities. The body has the innate and embedded urge to maximize survival, perpetuate-monopolize personal positions of favorability in the

milieu and attain immortality of attainments. The brain is objectively aligned to body’s instinctive need for navigation in a milieu.

Subconsciously therefore, the brain automatically aligns with body’s assignment of survival meaning-worth and alters the experience-cognition spectrum to attain whatever a body seeks for successful navigation in an ambient milieu. Most pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality are subconscious; so are virtuosities.

Moreover, as the milieus become more competitive, the subconscious propensities for pathological behavior enhance. Evolution ensured that societies became growingly competitive as growing human population augmented the competitiveness for acquiring-preserving-monopolizing the limited and dwindling resources in an ambient milieu. Modern contemporary times are marked by worst of competitiveness and deep deceptions, as massive human population has created pathological inequality and struggle for bare survival. The pathologies are therefore at their worst ever.

The evolutional journey of human pathologies; especially in three core expressions of hypocrisy, depravity and criminality, is well documented and almost common for all different races of humanity. This itself suggests that the seeds of all pathologies are embedded and enshrined in the singular common thread of ‘experience-cognition’ mechanism-processes. The very design and functionality of experience-cognition germinates and blossoms all possible pathologies of life-living. As we talked about it earlier; it is singular tragedy of humanity that consciousness has not yet been fully unraveled and deciphered. Also, even when loads of novel knowledge has been acquired by modern science about consciousness and cognitive processes of brain states, mass majority of humans are still not aware of them and still stick with archaic, obsolete and depraved religion-

spiritualism. Very naturally, the pathologies it potentials are also beyond correction and remedies.

This eBook is aimed at humbly attempting to unravel the pathological propensities and causalities of the pathologies of experience-cognition processes. The idea is to understand pathologies so that you have the facility to optimize your personal sanity-wellness-prosperity, even while living in a milieu, where collective pathologies are well beyond redemption and good management.
