57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Historicity of Human Pathologies

To understand the pathologies of human world and its possible cure-management, we have to unravel and decode the twin dimensions of Reality as well as its Experience-Cognition, not only in human life-living but across all lives. This understanding is easy as well as hugely difficult. It depends largely on how we approach knowledge and how we deal with experience-cognition of the reality of what we can term and accept as knowledge. I very humbly attempt to unravel the processes of pathologies, which my own 57 years of life-living has experienced and internalized.

It is important to unravel and internalize the aspects of reality and experience-cognition. It is difficult because there are parts of them, which are unraveled intuitively but large parts are non-intuitive and therefore tough to internalize. The intuitive experiences are primary and direct;

backed by prompt evidences of senses and therefore come automatically, whereas non-intuitive ones are secondary, indirect and embedded; the evidences for which come not from senses but external information, therefore available for experiencing only as derivative cognition.

For example, a heads in a toss of a coin is direct reality, whereas the reality of the probability of a tails is an embedded and indirect one. Even while the manifested reality of heads works its ways in milieus or consciousness, the embedded reality of tails and its probabilities remain there in milieus-consciousness, dormant but ready to come alive anytime. The heads is visible and therefore senses endorse its evidence, whereas a tails is invisible and therefore not to be evidenced by senses. There is a famous experiment where a hundred people would be told – ‘Look the crow has taken your ears away’ and subconsciously and automatically, 99 percent people would first look away to track the crow and only one percent would first check its ears, before realizing that it is a joke. It happens because of the fact that tracking a crow is visceral reaction of brain. as a crow can be seen and ears not. May be, the word crow coming first before ears, in the framing of sentencing, also makes the brain react to looking at crow first!

For example, nakedness is directly and intuitively associated with the auto-manifested experience-cognition of sensuality but the non-intuitive experience of inevitable mortality-fragility is embedded in nakedness; very rarely experienced and internalized. Sensuality is upfront, intuitive and automatic reaction of the senses for which brain is wired. The mortality-fragility is embedded but hidden, non-intuitive and derivative experiencing, which is happily deferred by the brain. However, if the nakedness happens to be that of an old, emaciated, traumatized body, instead of a young, blossoming, gleaming body; the same brain shall come up with the emotion

of disgust, rather than happiness as the primary cognition shall be mortality-fragility, rather than sensuality.

This very dualism seems to have been potently expressed in many ancient temples of India, where nakedness of body and its sensuality was adorned on the outer walls of temples. The embedded-ness of spirituality in sensuality is the holism of reality of nakedness. This is the intuitive and non-intuitive divide. Most men and women understand sensuality and spirituality only as different mutually exclusive parts and never internalize its true holism. This is the seed of pathology in human experience-cognition structures.

In that light, knowledge should ideally be known and accepted as a set of information, which facilitates and augments integration and holism of different possible dimensions of the probabilities of reality, which otherwise intuitively and viscerally look singular and partial. Knowledge leads to holism by integrating the parts, intuitively available for experience-cognition, with non-intuitive cognition. Relying and accepting only visceral-intuitive cognition is solipsism and marked anti-intellectualism, which almost 99 percent people are pathologically inflicted with. This pathology is itself non-intuitive; hard for intuitiveness to accept and internalize.

Knowledge facilitates experience-cognition to internalize the critical importance of this very process of non-intuitive thinking and information processing of brain states. This specific mind training of non-intuitive experience-cognition for curative processes of the pathology has always been missing. Modern times are worse. This intuitive and non-intuitive experience-cognition has to be understood in detail to unravel the deep

pathologies of consciousness in particular and that of humanity in general.

Let us understand it with another easy and popular example.

It is a golden rule of life-living – what you want is what you seek but what

you seek is not always what you need. This rule is most vividly expressed in the food you love to eat. Usually, most people eat the type of food they love and relish the taste, appearance and aroma of. However, we all must remember that what we eat should always help us enhance our health and nutrition. If taste, beauty and aroma of food we eat are additionally available with health and nutrition then it is ideal. This doesn’t happen as most people eat only for taste and beauty and ignore health and nutrition.

You need to understand why it happens. Mostly, our food habits underline the conflict between what we seek and what actually we need the best.

The crucial question and critical answer must be understood. Why it is that what we seek is not always what we actually need. This difference and conflict between our desires and needs must be clearly understood. To understand this, we have to understand the terms intuitive and non-intuitive.

We have already talked about them and their importance. This knowledge is essential for understanding your relationship with reality. This awareness is singularly vital for your lifelong wellness not only for health but overall success in all walks of life-living.

Broadly, intuitive is what you feel and believe as true and right, without any external evidence, just because it makes you feel good and happy. Non-intuitiveness is often contrary to intuitive feeling, based on objective facts as sufficient scientific evidence; even as it does not feel the way you like and want. Often, what you feel, what you want and therefore seek, is intuitive feeling, the evidence of which comes from your own body and brain. Therefore, you don’t even bother to entertain any other evidence,

different to what your body-mind tells you. Contrary to this, what you actually need may be available to non-intuitive perceptions, the evidence of which is available but you have not yet known and therefore you do not entertain. Taste, beauty and aroma of food is the evidence of your body and it is self-evident, visceral and intuitive to you, therefore it seems that any other external evidence for utility-worth is not required. However, what your health needs is based on evidences, which is externally available through scientific knowledge but not approached as it stands contrary to self-evidences of body.

This conflict between intuitive and non-intuitive experiences installs the primary and most critical cycle of learning and unlearning throughout your life. What you need to learn very specifically is that primary and core purpose and utility of eating food is to provide good and right ingredients to the mitochondria of trillions of cells in your body, to produce energy and perform many homeostatic roles, which your body and brain needs to survive and work. You are made of 30 trillion cells and the mitochondria in every cell, is the master chef that cooks energy for life of cells and does other important things to make you live well. Then there are over 35 trillion bacteria in your gut, which help you in metabolism and immunity. The mitochondria also have bacterial ancestry. You have to take good care of your mitochondria and bacteria. This very learning is possible only when you unlearn that what you seek to eat is what your body-brain needs to survive and work well. This intuitiveness is needed to be unlearnt to allow the acceptance of non-intuitiveness of reality, not only about food but most other realities in your life-living.

This idea about intuitiveness and non-intuitiveness, its inbuilt conflict and value of it was handed over to me by my father, when I was only ten years of age. I grew up to experience the true value and different aspects of the

idea and I am still experimenting with it. Essentially, growing up and maturing in life’s journey means that you clearly see and understand this conflict between desires and actual needs. Maturity and intellect is to internalize as why bare and exclusive intuitive desires and wants, which mass majority of people seeks in their lives, are root cause of loads of stupidities, hypocrisies and unintended (subconscious) wrongs most people do. Intellect is to install the non-intuitiveness in time to galvanize the holism of all realities one has to face in life-living.

Taste, beauty and aroma of food are intuitive experiences and true and right only to you, as your own body-mind gives you the proof. Different people shall have different desires of taste-appearance-aroma, as per the proofs given by their body-brain. Health and nutrition of food is non-intuitive reality, as it is singular and common to all humans. The evidences of true and right health need of food are common and available to all but you have to learn them. They don’t come automatic to you like taste, beauty and aroma of food you desire.

Health and nutrition needs are clearly defined by proven scientific evidences that it is required for energy to your 30 trillion cells. That is why, what you seek is not what you always need. Reality is not only intuitive but a mix of intuitive experiences and the conflicting non-intuitive facts. The conflict between your desires and actual needs shall remain because of ignorance of facts. Knowledge ends all conflicts as it makes all your needs to stand as what you begin to seek.

That is why you should always make a balance between your intuitive and non-intuitive feelings, perceptions and experiences about truth and worth-utility of not only the food you eat but everything else you choose for your desires and wants. That shall help you seek those, you actually need.

In the ancient Indian Yoga philosophy-spirituality as well as in Buddhist traditions, this very powerful spectrum of dualism of experience-cognition of knowledge of reality has been elaborated in details. It is amazing and equally enlightening as how early humans; even 3000 years back could unravel the seed situation of all human pathologies, embedded in the mechanism and processes of how dualistically reality is unraveled by subjective experience-cognition. The tragedy is; as only small part of knowledge is intuitively available for internalization; mass majority of humans are only aware about physically manifested rituals of meditation and exercises, associated with Yoga as well as Buddhism. The embedded and non-intuitive philosophy-spirituality of these two powerful systems of knowledge is largely ignored. That is why even sublime spiritualism has also become the vehicle of pathological propensities in contemporary times.

The Yoga-Buddhist philosophies insisted thousands of years back that reality is almost always multidimensional and unraveled through intuitive as well as non-intuitive processes of experience-cognition. The twin ideas of aatm gyan and tatva gyan were elaborated to unravel and understand the processes of expressions of multidimensional reality. The ground rules for aatm gyan and tatva gyan were also clearly laid down. Knowledge of self and elements of reality was clearly emphasized as the sole purpose of life-living to minimize pathological propensities and optimize personal as well as collective sanity-wellness-prosperity. Modern science of consciousness, cognition and causality now deal with the same idea of dualism and multidimensionality of expression of reality through a plexus of tangible-intangible information.

To understand this in simple way, what we have been talking about, we detail a very popular and daily life example, elaborated in Yoga-Buddhist philosophy. It shall very clearly elaborate about all aspects of reality as well

as experience-cognition, we have discussed above. There is a story about a poor man, who suddenly found a large pot with hundred gold coins in it.

The poor man could not believe his luck and became extremely happy. He thought, he was the happiest man on earth and began to believe that all his woes and pains were gone as he had the wealth and prosperity. However, very soon, the initial euphoria was replaced by fear that he may lose the wealth as the king may take it away or the thieves would steal it. Happiness was replaced by worries as how to protect his new wealth. Months later, he was also unhappy that a hundred gold coins were not enough as the richest man in his neighborhood had more. Finally, he was depressed thinking that the wealth he had would be of little use as he would one day die and would have to leave the gold coins for his stupid sons, who would squander it.

The simple idea behind the story is about how reality is not singular but multidimensional and latent, as any information is causally linked to different information already existing in an ambient milieu. This story points out to the fact that the very intuitiveness paves the ways for many non-intuitive experiences to come and get internalized in progression of time and space. This story also points out to the holism of different parts; a reality is available for experience-cognition and the need to integrate them all for prosperity of life-living. The Yoga philosophy insisted on this dualism by insisting that any reality, which a person experiences or has the cognition of, is only one aspect of different and competing-cooperating probabilities. It said, a specific situation is just one of the many probabilities of experience-cognition, embedded in the larger reality.

Therefore, different subjects or observers of experience-cognition may have different perception of what may intuitively seem to be a singular reality.

This means, reality may not be exactly what it is but what one makes it and out of it. This means, reality is subjective to experience-cognition, even

while objectively, reality is only multidimensional probability. This knowledge is critical and its attainment is the process of aatm and tatva gyan.

So, the safe hypothesis is that reality is not a singular specific situation but a spectrum with probabilities of actualizations, depending upon the specificities of different subjective experiences-cognitions. This is what we may accept as seed of pathologies in human life-living. Different people and different life forms shall have different intuitive experience-cognition of reality, even while there shall always remain common singular non-intuitive dimension of the same reality to be experienced. This self-evident intuitiveness is so powerful and seeded so deep in subconscious mind layers that every individual shall seldom accept what others accept as real and true. This conflict and competitiveness embedded in the way reality expresses itself and is accepted as spectrum, rather than singular situation, is the seed of all pathologies. The remedy therefore is in holism; in compassionate acceptance of non-intuitiveness.

The seed trouble is that all conflicting-competing realities, or at least the perceptions of realities, have to co-exist and survive within an ambient milieu and this unleashes a hugely pathological element of ‘Power’ in life-living. Almost every human being knows and realizes that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Still, from as simple as personal-family relationships to complex milieus of society-cultures and nations, almost all realities in human world are shaped, guided and maneuvered by multi-dimensionalities of power.

This embedded element of power in all realities in turn engenders the structures of Politics. The pathologies are embedded in reality as all realities in human world; as average person experiences them, have

juxtaposition of power and politics in them. Both come intuitively to most humans. It has to be understood that power is innate in life-living as it is a natural expression of entrenched competitiveness for survival. That is why power structures and their expressions in terms of political choices are organic, visceral, intuitive and common even in animal world.

However, politics in its full spectrum is purely human creation as politics stands out as humanly orchestrated ingenuity to ensure not only primary survival successes but also those attainments, which are socially-culturally relevant and worthy. In animal world, politics is a small set of behavioral traits of deceptions, which most animals resort to for bare and simple competitiveness of survival optimization in personal as well as collective spaces. Humans add energy of intelligence of cunningness to expand the domain of deceptions into multidimensionality of depravity and criminality.

There are two aspects of pathologies and their manifestations in life-living.

The first is the structure of pathologies, as embedded in humanly perceived-experienced reality and its expressions itself. Second is the human intellectual investment, or the failure of it, for successful management of the pathologies. The histories of humanity and contemporary human cultures across the globe are strong testimonies of the situation that human intellectual faculties have failed big time in not only understanding but also in optimal management of pathologies. The failure emanates out of the big time inability as well as obduracy to refuse to see and accept both reality as well as illusions of life-living.

Probably, the worst and potentially most perilous reality in human world and life-living is what we may call the Falsehood or Illusion of Self. This falsehood-illusion, about what most men and women think of and perceive of personhood or subjective self, breeds loads of dishonesty and deception

in the idea of Consciousness. This in turn engenders the ultimate and multidimensional pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality in human life-living systems and cultures.

This hypothesis of falsehood-illusion of self is as old as human civilization itself. In ancient Indian philosophical-spiritual traditions, it was referred as Maaya (illusion). This classical idea of Maaya, as early as almost 3000

years back, was central to the overall philosophy of life-living and subjectiveness of personhood. It elaborated a hypothesis about how reality, as it expresses itself to the experience-cognition spectrum, is an illusion, which humans live out, because of the fact that consciousness as the media of experience-cognition, falsely or illusionally perceives the virtuality as reality.

It largely happens as what consciousness intuitively perceives-experiences is only a small restrictive portion of reality and what it misses is the holism of reality, which comes only after it is juxtaposed and rationalized by counter-intuitiveness or non-intuitiveness. The long journey of human intellectual evolution is the saga of expansion of the horizon and domain of non-intuitive experiences of realities, through objective scientific knowledge, which 99 percent men and women are always unaware of. This is the basis of falsehood-illusion of self. The Yoga philosophy and Buddhist traditions meticulously detailed the regime of falsehood or illusion of consciousness and cognition.

Early human knowledge could experience the falsehood of self and even laid out the pathologies involved with this falsehood. However, it is only contemporary and modern science, which could understand the objective and verifiable physical basis of this hypothesis of falsehood of self. The modern science has laid down the neuro-biological causalities behind this

falsehood of self. Science has unraveled the mechanisms and processes of body-brain, to elaborate as how a transient, ephemeral and emergent brain process of consciousness routinely and repeatedly fakes and fudges information from milieus to present a virtual model of reality for an innocuous and limited purpose of navigation of the organism in the external milieus. Science has decoded the mechanism-processes of what ancient humans called Maaya; now better understood as the more specifically elaborated but complex idea of Simulation.

It is tough to fully understand and internalize the idea of Maaya or simulation in its holism, as the very experience-cognition of this idea is conflational and emergent. Consciousness of individuality or subjective Self is very difficult to be deciphered as consciousness as a virtual model of navigational map of ambient reality is both a theatre of manifestations of reality as well as an emergent entity of a protagonist, which leads the navigational roles. Consciousness as a model therefore incorporates the twin roles of perception as well as action. These twin roles get conflated and the hypocrisy or falsehood of self is accentuated.

The perceptional field or spectrum decides the boundaries of the actional field and actional spectrum in turn shapes up the landscape of perception.

Therefore, as the perceptional field is just the theatre, where reality is only

‘scripted’ or represented as a model of probability in a given time-space frame, the protagonist has to be nothing but a virtuality of probability of reality. Both theatre and protagonist are only a probable model or enactment of reality; therefore consciousness is also a navigation tool to enact or model a virtual copy of reality. Very naturally, the sense of subjective Self or individuality is an emergent spectrum of probable enactments or models of reality, in a restrictive ambient-localized time-space landscape.

This representation or enactment of reality by an agency of emergent enactment itself is not easy to understand and internalize. We intuitively feel and accept understanding as some segregated and stand-alone entity but it is in fact very well part and parcel of the complex processes of information processing of brain states. It is like we all feel seeing as some distinct and discreet function but the reality remains that it is not, as seeing and its visualization is only a part of the complex cognition process, involving a wide spectrum of bio-chemical processes. That is probably why human hypocrisies and resultant depravity-criminality of individual or collective consciousness is so endemic and embedded in life-living and experience-cognition. The compassionate acceptance of stupidity-hypocrisy of intuitiveness and its failed marriage with non-intuitiveness is hugely missing in 99 percent of men and women.

It is critically required to get into details of this falsehood of self and deeply understand how human world pathologies are the natural outcomes of this embedded trouble in the experience-cognition structures. Once we understand the falsehood of self and the Maaya of reality, we can easily visualize the human pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality.

Decoding the mechanism-process of pathologies itself is half the cure of the malaise. We can also realize that as mass majority of men and women live out the falsehood and virtuality as truth and reality and they are never ever trained or educated to unravel the falsehood-virtuality; they live out the pathologies as ‘success’ and in turn add magnitude and dimension to already flared up pathologies.

It is a mystically marvelous situation that for trillions of living experiences-cognitions of different organisms, except those of humans, the virtuality or partial-fudged reality is the only true reality. It is almost certain that only humans have the evolved brain structures and now optimized knowledge

regime to consciously and intellectually differentiate between the probabilities of real and virtual – intuitive and non-intuitive. Only humans have the mental faculty to unravel and understand Maaya or simulation. It is however debatable whether an average human consciousness has the ability to come out of this simulation and break free of the maaya. This golden mental faculty and facility, to discern the full spectrum of probabilities of reality, seems to be the only intellectual instrument to escape the onslaught of pathologies in life-living.

Tragically, this mental-intellectual faculty is not an automatic accrual or possession of every single human brain. In fact, like all other living organisms on earth, mass majority of humans are intuitively wired to accept the falsehood as truth and subjective virtuality as singular objective reality.

Human faculty is only an evolution over animal faculty and human brain states have common experience-cognition structures with animals. The human evolutional faculty is only very recent appendage to the animal realities and if untrained, mass majority of humans remains as animal, as their animal brains innately require them to be. The intellect to discern and doubt the falsehood-virtuality comes with long mind training, which only a handful men and women are lucky enough to have.

The conscious is not a segregated entity but only a continuous part of the spectrum of unconscious and subconscious. This is critical knowledge and requires persevered mind training to actualize and internalize this reality of consciousness. Also, a conscious and a conscientious human being are not the same reality; they are emergent, evolving and continuous stages of life-living journey or span. Both probabilities are only an evolutional and emergent probability out of the spectrum of unconscious-subconscious and available only after long mind training, through a well structured education-upbringing regime.

All these aspects have been well understood and practically replicated in artificial intelligence domain. This probability is available only to a handful as even in modern contemporary human world, mass majority of men and women are still struggling with primeval survival question and cannot afford the leisure and self-analysis or witnessing prosperity of consciousness. This is human tragedy. This disability or tragedy is the prime causality of most pathologies of human life-living.

This disability in fact seems to be the favored design of evolution. It has to be understood. It is such a huge facility for contemporary humans that modern science has painstakingly acquired the knowledge in many critical domains like neuroscience, evolutionary biology, artificial intelligence, etc.

As we have talked earlier, early humans, even thousands of years back, could understand this disability, we are talking about now. They unraveled this disability through the media of experience-cognition and expressed it through questions about life-living ‘reality’, which even contemporary modern men and women ask in 21st century. This disability, as the probable evolutionary design and its relationship with pathologies of human world needs to be understood.

To decipher and internalize this all, modern humanity has to first ‘unlearn’

the age old, archaic, mundane, obsolete, fake-fudged-propagandist and largely speculative knowledge, as advanced and popularized by religion-spirituality-traditions, which happen to be the primary reason as why mass majority of humans still live out the falsehood of self and virtuality as singular reality. This unlearning alone can make possible, the galvanized acceptance of modern scientific knowledge about the disabilities of consciousness and experience-cognition structures of human brain. This in turn may facilitate the correction-cure-management of pathologies of human world.

This ‘unlearning’ is not an easy thing to happen to humanity in general as it requires colossal and entrenched change in the way a normal and subconscious experience-cognition of a man or woman perceives reality of Life as well as the Living in milieus. That is why the human pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality are also colossal and entrenched.

Thousands of years of cultural stupidities and hypocrisies simply cannot be unlearnt by the mass majority of humanity, who are happily oblivious of and blissfully reluctant to undertake and imbibe modern scientific knowledge about self and reality.

The task is huge even for a man or woman, who is willing and able to accept and internalize objective and scientific novel and alternative knowledge. Since thousands of years, average person has been subconsciously and consciously mentally trained to visualize and live out the idea of consciousness, solely in terms of intuitive human experience-cognition. This primary and hugely restrictive premise has to be unlearnt and altered. Modern scientific knowledge has facilitated the validated knowledge that sees and actualizes consciousness not only in terms of human experiences but largely in relationship to a universal spectrum of organismic sensing and navigation in macrocosmic biosphere. Moreover, the very core idea and reality of life itself needs to be visualized not solely as human but essentially as a chemical probability and its evolution not only on earth but in the vast milieu of infinite cosmos.

The modern scientific approach of accepting reality as plexus of information has completely changed the way self and reality are required to be accepted and internalized by experience-cognition structures. The core hypothesis of Information as core and critical constituent of reality facilitates a novel and alternative approach to the very spectrum of experience-cognition. But it is difficult to learn this novel-alternative

hypothesis as thousands of years of cultural burden of archaic and fudged knowledge has to be unlearnt first. Also, the new scientific ideas of Information et al require a level of mental awareness and mind training to reorient perceptional processes, which is missing for the mass majority of men and women. The very existing and archaic model of experience-cognition has to be altered to allow the advent of a novel and alternative experience-cognition of the realities of intelligence, consciousness and information et al.

The novelty of the hypothesis of Information facilitates the probability of the viability of computational realities of consciousness and experience-cognition. It is mesmerizing and hugely satisfying how modern and contemporary knowledge of artificial intelligence presents a viable and measurable process of the probability of computational model of consciousness and cognition, which explains the reality of self and that of the milieus. Artificial intelligence, along with molecular biology and evolutionary biology are hugely helpful in powerfully facilitating a novel and alternative understanding of how life is a function of information entrenched in chemical constructs of matter, which pervade the cosmos and its probabilistic emergence in interactions with milieus.

This modern scientific knowledge is not easy to be understood and imbibed at the first place and secondly, reluctance of mass majority of men and women to accept them ensures that humanity at large remains hooked to the age-old, archaic, obsolete, fake-fudged-fraudulent, speculative knowledge pool. This is critical phase of humanity where a section of very empowered and knowledgeable humans are themselves creating alternative models of consciousness and cognition in humanly designed mechanical structures, which growingly stand as far more endowed entities than average human consciousness-cognition. This is magic for the enlightened and empowered

but a probable recipe of monstrosity for the already depraved-criminalized human minds and a tool for misery of the unsuspecting mass majority of humans.

As the falsehood-conflation of self and restricted experience-cognition of reality remains the primary and core basis of human life-living and functioning of contemporary society-cultures, it is only natural that age-old pathologies of humanity proliferate and continue to lead humanity to deeper abyss of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality. The very reason and core causality of this perpetuity of pathological state has to be understood to accept the remedial route for personal correction. As modern science has unraveled loads about consciousness, cognition and evolutionary biology, it is possible to make out probable causality of persistent pathologies.

It is now a very reasonable hypothesis to accept that much of the falsehood and hypocrisy of self is associated with thousands of years of long and complicated culture of mysticism, woven around the idea and reality of Consciousness and Life. This mysticism about consciousness and innate penchant of humanity to make good commerce out of it, has added loads of fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist elements into it. That is probably why, maximum pathologies of human life-living emanate out of the falsehood and hypocrisy of consciousness. Society, cultures, polity, economy and religion are all theatres of dramas, enacted by this powerful protagonist of hypocritical individual as well as depraved collective consciousnesses. The best of human hypocrisies and depravities are however invested in politics and commerce as both in complicity control all power structures to keep mass majority of humanity in continued dungeon of darkness of faked-fudged-fraudulent-fabricated-propagandist realities.

As the protagonist is fake-fudged and the theatre is fed with faked-fudged-fraudulent-fabricated-propagandist data, the enactments of unsuspecting-untrained subjective consciousnesses of average men and women are bound to be massively pathological. This was understood even by early humans thousands of years back and now modern science has unraveled its core causalities. Yet, larger humanity could never institutionalize a remedial structure to arrest the propensities of pathologies in society-cultures. We need to try and understand the reason behind it all. This 57’s 54th is a very humble attempt to present and share with you, what has been internalized in my own stupid and superficial journey of time-space virtuality called life.
