57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Constructs of Contemporary Chaos and Possible Cure The primary and probably the core reality of the cosmos, to be unraveled and understood, is the incidence and initiation of the reality of the entity called Life. It is hugely tough for an individual man or woman to realize and internalize what life is; in its holism and entirety. This media of experience-cognition, which a human consciousness or human life-living is designed to have, for actualization of the reality called life, is very restrictive and poorly endowed media. It is intensely wired to happily and viscerally react and respond to sinews of ambient and dominant cultural themes of very localized milieus. In stupid and vulnerable ways; average untrained and un-evolved consciousness is fashionable, hooked to trends and insinuations of populist cultures.

Science tells us that Reality of consciousness and its experience-cognition structures is a wide and deep spectrum. It is not a specificity of situation but a spectrum of generic probabilities. It is altogether different reality that 99

percent humans actualize only a miniature portion of true potentials of their consciousness. Almost 3000 years back, the same idea has been mentioned in Indian spiritual treatise named Geeta, which says, reality is a wide spectrum and an average human consciousness has very limited cognition to stand and perceive only a miniscule part or portion of this spectrum of reality. It says, human consciousness can stand only at the two ends or at a point on this wide spectrum; only God can experience and cognitize the entire spectrum of reality at once. This ‘God’ sure looks like a metaphor of human potential itself and nothing more or else. This restrictiveness of innate human consciousness and expansiveness of the spectrum of reality have to be understood and internalized to cure pathologies. This however is available only to handful.

I and my 57 happened in a cosmic milieu, which is beyond perceptional limits of my personal-subjective experience-cognition structures. I and my 57 happened billions of years after life happened in this cosmic milieu, of which my personal existence and its experience are akin to not even a dust particle. The challenge for this dust particle called Self or ‘I’ is to discover and relate to the colossal expanse of universe and multitude of multidimensional Realities as well as Lives, pervading the space, beyond restrictiveness of body and milieu. The easy alternative is to drop the challenge, indulge in visceral propensities and remain a happy protagonist of the reassuring theatre of body and milieu-culture.

The magic is – this fragile, effervescent and transient media of my personal stupid Self has the endowed and entrenched potential to successfully attain the experiential landmarks of the entire spectrum of reality. This ‘I’ has the

potential to be my own ‘God’ but for that to happen, it has to be trained hard and long to actualize the multidimensionality of the realities of self as well as the cosmic constructs. This potential has to be diligently optimized through internalization and practice of objective scientific knowledge, which is the inventory of painfully evolved collective intellect. My intuitiveness has to be a galvanized and willful vehicle, to journey my nascent non-intuitiveness to destinations in the infiniteness of information.

The success comes through this powerful potential of experience-cognition mechanism-process of my stupid Consciousness, but it has to be consciously journeyed through the roads of reason, rationality and objectivity. The two parts of my consciousness – the theatre and the protagonist, have to be trained and consciously evolved in the light of objective scientific knowledge. My ‘theatre’ of consciousness has to be fed with right, true and verifiable data so that it has the sanity, symmetry and sonority of Information to process reality in cyclic causalities and construct its subjective models in most objective ways. My ‘protagonist’ of consciousness also has to be trained to understand and internalize non-intuitiveness of experience-cognition processes so that my protagonist has this conscious facility to witness myself and have compatible subconscious faculty to act-behave the processed righteousness-goodness. It is a missing availability.

The classical dualism of situation is – my consciousness is designed to be very local and thrive in restrictive ambient milieus, subconsciously pursuing wired animalistic survival goals of safety, food and sex, through instinctive psychological tools of power and politics to compete well and succeed. My protagonist is instinctively ‘fashionable’ and viscerally wishes to stand in comforting company of majoritarianism of populism of ambient culture. It feels secure and thrilled to align with passion and propagation of

mainstream; rather than stand lonely and be labeled a loser at best and a psychedelic at worst.

On the other side; the same consciousness has the potential to consciously expand, rise above the local and align with infinite cosmic realities to experience and internalize plethora of shades of novel and alternative realities, without the trepidation of mainstream-populist labeling. These realities have no availability of the stardom of theatrics of populism and mainstream. These realities and their experiential-cognitive bliss is rather a suspicious possession, for which the populism-mainstream is vehemently unforgiving.

The innate design of my untrained consciousness (hardware) is to optimize the reality of survival, which is the singular hardwired need of my body-mind. On the other hand, the potential of my trained-evolved consciousness (software) is to mindfully enterprise, cognizant simulations of the artistic-aesthetic illusions of experience-cognitions beyond survival needs, to add loads of meanings-purposes-values et al to my existence. Hardware is animalistic but real, whereas the software is humanistic but illusionary.

Populism feeds on reality-practicality and has admirable advocacy from cultures, whereas ‘illusions’ are personal simulations, the mainstream always wishes to smother and kill. Reality is animalistic or purely organismic; only illusions-simulations and conscious knowledge of its artistry is human. Human cultures are marketplace for animalism.

Interestingly; in a scammed-depraved culture, hardware functions of reality become illusionary and delusional as survival is threatened and becomes complex. In an ideal and good culture, the software functions of illusions become realities as survival challenges are minimized and simplified. The human life-living art and aesthetics is to install and actualize the illusions of

the simulations of love-compassion-fraternity as golden realities of life-living and render the realities of survival the status and situation of uncared illusions. The conscious processes of every man and woman to shift the roles of their subconscious from reality of survival to illusions-simulations of art-aesthetics and its success is the test of good and prosperous cultures.

Tragically; humanity has never been successful in creating a propitious culture.

My consciousness is both a theatre of experiences, dominated by unconscious-subconscious information processing, as well as a protagonist, having the potential to rise above the theatrical universe and consciously model out, simulate and enact a role, based on reason-rationality-intellect.

Only true, objective and scientific knowledge of all probabilities of realities can do this for me. This can happen only when I dump and unlearn the old-archaic fake-fudged knowledge of populist-dominant religion-philosophy-spirituality-lore, to which I have been exposed to and made to experience since childhood up to 25 years into my adulthood.

The theatre of my consciousness shall be flooded with loads of scripts, subconsciously or consciously offered to the protagonist of my consciousness for subconscious or conscious enactments. The ambient milieus and cultures, where my consciousness operates, since childhood till my death, have infinite information – both fake-fudged and real-true and they in specific causalities present themselves as scripts for the protagonist of my consciousness. This is the information trajectory and processes for all living beings in the animal world.

In the animal life-living, the theatre is the protagonist as ‘scripts’ decide both theatre as well as protagonist. The conscious spectrum for animals is very miniscule and therefore everything is auto-processing. The protagonist

part is a powerful and discretionary reality only for humans as human brain states have evolved to witness itself; though largely in retrospection.

Human conscious spectrum is potent enough to introspect and judge the subconscious scripts. However, this introspection-judging faculty is not automatically right and true. Also, ideally, introspection should be available in contemporaneousness of time-space but unfortunately, most of introspection and judging comes only as a throwback facility to witness near and distant past. Introspective realism is mostly subjective and depends on the information a person has. Most men and women have only partial, even fake-fudged-propagandist information and therefore, their introspection-judgment is not objectively true and right.

The animal has the advantage over average humans in the sense that all information its subconscious self receives from its ambient milieus are real-true as it does not have a culture to induce and install fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist ones. Only humans are destined to use fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist information and they also infuse them in animal milieus to catch or kill them.

The trouble is that mass majority of men and women only have powerful innate subconscious and very insipid conscious spectrum and like animals, there is little difference between their theatre and protagonist parts of consciousness. Adds to the trouble is the fact that their subconscious protagonist is offered information from milieus that are fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist, scripting illusionary realities, which their unsuspecting protagonist enacts as living realities.

This is the falsehood of self or maaya, which mass majority of untrained and un-evolved humanity lives out. Most men and women think and feel that they as protagonist are enacting behavior-actions, whereas in actuality

of reality; it is the fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist scripts, which decide and direct the behavior-actions. Contemporary human cultures, especially the modern politics of power and economics of inequality ensure that average men and women have plethora of fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist information so that they live out this convenience of falsehood of self.

What my life becomes; depends solely on how my existence of few decades, journeys the comprehensiveness and holism of the potentials of my experience-cognition spectrum, embedded in unconscious-subconscious-conscious layers of my emergent consciousness, based on objective and holistic information. Life is all about the journeying of ‘Self’

into the infinite spectrum of information; majority of it coming subconsciously and automatically from the local-ambient milieus and cultures, till adulthood but an infinite universe of information waiting there to be consciously explored, with acquisition of modern objective scientific knowledge, post adulthood. How richly and diversely my restrictive and stupid experience-cognition journeys this spectrum of probable realities through conscious-conscientious information acquisition is the attainment worth a penny. My protagonist has to grow, evolve and be empowered enough to witness and objectively introspect-judge my own theatre and its evolving scripts.

My protagonist has to be visionary, not reactionary in the sense that it has to have the necessary intellectual tool to hold back and reprocess all information that lands at the theatre of my subconscious-conscious and recheck the veracity-sincerity-sanity of all scripts, before behaving-acting them out. Human pathologies emanate out of this dualism and endemic gap between actual and potential of experience-cognition entity and its

journeys. Most men and women are reactionary geniuses and the populist cultures only insinuate them to be stupendous about it.

In contemporary populist cultures, mass majority of men and women are tragically destined to have the theatre as well as the protagonist of their consciousnesses, confined to experiencing and pursuing only survival issues and successes. The contemporary hypocritical-depraved-criminalized human milieus and cultures, with massive complexities and competitiveness, adorned with acute inequalities, ensure that most survival successes of most consciousnesses happen only when the ‘protagonist’

dumps its innocence-integrity and resorts to ingenuity-depravity, aligning with power and politics of the mainstream ‘theatre’ of collective consciousnesses.

The question, we may humbly try to find the answer of, is why mass majority of men and women and their lives remain embroiled in instinctive-intuitive survival goals, surrendering to pathologies of arcane power politics of one-upmanship? Why human potential of consciousness remains very poorly untapped for most men and women? Why the larger humanity remains oblivious of true meaning-potential-dimensions of Life and live out their precious time by pursuing animalistic survival goals through brutal organismic propensities? Why human intellect has failed big time in evolving and installing tools to weed out this powerful falsehood of self?

By trying to decipher and explain this; we may finally find the root causality of the pathologies of human world and life-living. This in turn may help establish the possible curative prescriptions for pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality. Thankfully, human collective intellect has attained the threshold of scientific information, which can lead humanity to reasonably good answers but tragically; science is not fashionable yet.

As we have hypothesized earlier, human life-living and its pathologies cannot be fully and holistically understood without deciphering the very chemical and biochemical basis of life itself. It is where information happens and is processed to model out realities for emergent bio-chemical entity of consciousness. As many modern scientists have begun to say, consciousness is not the core question and conundrum; rather, the original inquisition is; why there is something rather than nothing? It is now realized by many that consciousness, or its workable model can be explained; even though it is still pretty tough for an average person to actualize the idea of consciousness.

What however is of larger, deeper and primeval concern is the question about how matter is created, how life becomes a possibility out of matter, how chemistry of reality engenders the biological basis of reality, how biological plexuses create the foundation of experiences-memory-psychology and how organization and relationship of matter and life stands out as portal to reality in its multidimensionality. It is probably the most exciting thing to decipher and unravel as how bits of information journeys and organizes in mass magnitudes to create the universe of multidimensional emergent realities, of which life and especially human life is just a tiny part. The artificial intelligence domain is doing wonderful things to expand human understanding of realities at cellular levels, 30

trillions of which collectively constitute humanity.

It is original inquest to unravel how chemicals create this powerful biological media of self-regulating and evolving entity called life. It is still undecipherable as how chemicals process information out of the ambient milieus and how these chemical processing of information engender a probable model of the ambient reality for a biological being. How this probable model, which is now popularly known as simulation of possible

reality, successfully navigates a life form, through chemical information processing is the critical question.

May be, far more critical is this question as what truly constitute the holism-entirety of the meaning-scope of Information and how it is simulated or modeled into in different levels of realities, from very microscopic level of a string or particle to the cosmic level of a black hole.

It shall be mesmerizing then to experience and internalize as how different manifestations of Information simulates or models the mystical realities of emotions, thinking, memories, imaginations, intellect and psychic experiences, out of the substrate of chemical plexus, engendering biological frameworks.

It seems, the questions of consciousness, the subjective self, experience-cognition and even that of the actuality of all realities are only secondary and probably easily explainable, if the core and critical question of the very chemical-biochemical basis of life and informational universe of biochemical processing are unraveled and understood. My own ‘57’ makes me feel that it is not very tough to understand as how and why my ‘I’ has done or is doing what it has, at the theatre of lie-living, but it is currently impossible for me to realize as how the 30 trillion cells, of which my existence is composed of, and their bio-chemical information processing plexuses collectively and cooperatively construct and conduct my individuality and its experience-cognition system, which enterprise all the how and why my ‘I’ has done, is doing, what it has. My ‘I’ can witness my protagonist self and can even understand the plexus of causalities that lead and script my protagonist self but ‘I’ would stand better and more efficient if it could know as how and what bio-chemical processing of my body-mind information plexus interacts how and why with information plexus in

external physical-psychological milieus to construct and actualize my protagonist self.

This is the frontier science and it is such a huge satisfaction that evolutionary-molecular biology and artificial intelligence wings of modern science have come together to delve deep into the core question for humanity. Much has been understood, even though in elementary ways; yet loads remain to be known. It is huge bliss to keep my ‘57’ and ‘possible beyond’ aligned with probable journeys of humanity into these novel and alternative knowledge about realities.

It has to be understood as why it is far more important to first unravel the bare-basics and entrenched processes of information processing in chemical plexuses in living universe, rather than remaining confused about consciousness and cognition. It has to be accepted that human consciousness and human experience-cognition of reality is only an evolved destination in the extremely long journey of cellular and even pre-cellular life forms, which happened billions of years before humans happened. That is why; if human realities and its pathologies have to be explained and understood, in its holism and entirety, then the primeval and transcendental actuality of life and its chemical-biochemical bases have to be deciphered and internalized. Somehow, it seems primary to unravel as how information is seeded in biochemical substrate and how information itself engenders biological models of information processing called life, rather than knowing how these life models then process the experience-cognition of realities.

It is true that not everything has been unraveled and understood so far about life and primeval reality of why there is something rather than nothing.

Still, it is such a huge joy and satisfaction that modern science has

facilitated good knowledge to hypothesize about some probabilities. This shall help in unraveling the bases of human pathologies and probable remedies.

There are mesmerizing happenings in human life-living and they seem mystical to most men and women. The experience-cognition spectrum produces such varied life-living situations of realizations that an average person is completely baffled about them and therefore is innately prone to pathologies. The massive spectrum of emotions, thinking, memories, imaginations, intellect and psychic experiences, which a human consciousness can experience are all hugely powerful and debilitating for an average man or woman. This mystical self and its confused situation in the complexities of milieus are perfect platform for most of stupidities, hypocrisies, depravity and criminality.

Why we experience things and situations the way we do? Why different people experience one thing or situation differently and react to them variedly? Then there are very powerful elements of emotions, which baffle men and women the most and stand them to behave mystically. The emotions of love, hatred, anger and the most confounding emotion of fear are profoundly mystifying as most people fail to explain and handle them.

The fact remains that the entire spectrum of all these life-living realities of experiential universe has bio-chemical basis, working as substrate of information processing. This biochemical substrate and its evolutional trajectories have to be understood well as it is the true ‘God’ for all living beings in the contemporary time-space. The magic-mysticism is not in life and consciousness but in the very reality of Information itself. This

‘divinity’ of Information must be the sole icon of all attention and internalization.

For almost 99 percent of men and women the reality remains that their Consciousnesses fail to understand and grapple with what happens to and with their subjective Self. They fail to be aware of and accept the contemporary intellect of modern science, which has loads of objective and proven information about the biochemical substrate. This substrate is the new ‘God’ and actual divinity, which 99 percent humans are either not aware or fail to acknowledge. They happily opt to remain aligned with fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist information, the populist and mainstream cultures have heaped on them.

It is probably impossible or massively tough for a model of information processing to understand the universe of reality of information. It seems nearly impossible for a media of information processing (consciousness) to unravel through its restrictive experience-cognition mechanism, what information is and how it works its ways in the biochemical plexuses of organisms. It becomes possible only when brilliant scientists rise above the intuitiveness of experience-cognition spectrum and devise such scientific processes, which empowers consciousness to expand its experience-cognition potential to novel and alternative domains of non-intuitive realizations.

The deep-rooted and multidimensional spectrum of contrasting and conflicting behavior in world of living in general and human world in particular adds more mysticism and marvel to life-living. This mysticism, misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the realities of experience-cognition in the most critical domains of emotions, feelings, expressions and behaviors engender almost all of the most hazardous pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality in human world. To make it worse; most pathological propensities are expressed unconsciously and subconsciously; therefore most men and women feel, they are victims of wrongs of others,

even while they actually victimize others by their behavior-action. The causalities get all muddled up.

This mysticism and resultant pathologies in life-living has resulted in creation of traditions and wisdoms, since thousands of years back, enshrined in religion, spirituality, philosophy, psychology and cultural practices. However, these classical wisdoms stand as archaic, obsolete and hugely conflated as they are mostly speculative. These wisdoms have undergone such massive corrosion because of the mixing of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality that they now stand as seeds of most pathological propensities in modern human cultures.

As contemporary laws and governance practices are also based on these archaic-obsolete wisdoms and traditions, they too are prime movers and installers of most heinous of pathologies. As in contemporary human world, most heinous and calamitous pathologies have unscrupulously aligned with political power and its criminalized structures; the human world has now become unmanageably unfit for sanity and survival.

The pathologies are entrenched deep in the popular and practiced socio-cultural-political-economic wisdom of contemporary humanity. Almost 99

percent of humanity is guided and maneuvered by massively hypocritical-depraved-criminalized wisdoms of contemporary religion-spirituality, philosophy-psychology, jurisprudence-governance and cultural lore-practices. They need to be replaced by objective scientific knowledge of reality about life and experience-cognition. This simply cannot happen as 99 percent of stupidity is too good and colossal to allow the reign of reason-rationality of just one percent of modern scientific intellect.

The modern scientific knowledge about life and experience-cognition spectrum need to be unraveled, popularized and accepted. We talk about

them and try to internalize them. As we have talked earlier, there is a huge need for humanity to ‘unlearn’ the archaic and obsolete knowledge about what has been considered and accepted as reality. The entire spectrum of realities about life, consciousness, experience-cognition and existence needs to be altered and a novel and alternative one to be accepted, as advanced and unraveled by contemporary modern science.

There are core issues that need to be internalized with high conscious awareness. There are two broad universes or spectrums of reality – first is the reality as constructed and evolved by independent forces or elements of nature. The second reality is one the humanity experiences or cognitizes, through its very restricted navigational media of consciousness and those which humans have constructed and institutionalized through cultural living. No doubt, the primary reality of nature is all pervading and even secondary reality of humanly constructed world of civilization-culture has all the elements and forces of nature’s cosmic reality. The human world reality is just a tiny subsystem of reality, within the colossal system of cosmic reality. We can say, human reality is a small set of specific system, within the larger generic system of cosmic reality. Even this small specific reality of humanity has infinite grains of more specific realities of individual men and women. The individual realities interact and compete within the subsystem of larger specific spectrum of reality of collective humanity, which in turn interacts and competes with generic reality of cosmic system.

It has to be realized and internalized that all three system-subsystems of realities are always interactional and evolving, therefore all possible realities in cosmic spectrum are not fixed but transient and situational. The most critical aspect of the realities is that the human world of realities has been consciously designed to undo the pathologies of cosmic realities. The

human world of realities is distinctively marked by an evolved, powerful and personalized sense of Self and therefore a more intense and varied experience-cognition spectrum. Human civilization and culture has been a very tumultuous yet creative journey of evolution and empowerment of this experience-cognition spectrum. The history of this journey is a spectacular and equally tragic saga of battle between raw nature and evolved culture.

This prolonged and incessant battle between nature and culture – the two competing systems of realities explains both pathologies of human world as well as the virtues collective humanity has institutionalized.

The root cause or seed of all human pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality lies in the fact that even though the collective humanity has erected and institutionalized a well organized civilization of man-made culture of appropriates and righteousness; every single human life starts with unconscious-subconscious orientation and propensities, majorly inclined towards innate cosmic nature and requires to consciously mould itself to fit into the mould of man-made cultures. This personal and subjective journey of every human child for optimal and smooth assimilation-integration into cultured life-living is just a potential, with equal probabilities of pathologies and virtuosity. This journey of a child is from nature to nurture – from raw and uninhibited experience-cognition to organized and orchestrated experience-cognition of culture.

The dynamics of genesis and propagation of pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality have to be understood in the light of this process or journey of individual human life, from nature to nurture. This journey of transformation and evolving of experience-cognition system of an individual child from innate and embedded natural realities to nurtured and organized cultural realities of human world need to be understood. There are twin troubles in this journey or process, which unleashes pathological

propensities. Skillful management and solution of this twin trouble leads to virtuosity.

The primary trouble is poor and even wrong socialization, education and mental training of most children, leading to insufficient and unhealthy integration-assimilation of the grown up man or woman into the culture and civilized life-living. Second aspect of the integration trouble is the diseased, depraved and criminalized culture and civilized life-living itself. Therefore, it is rare to find a person, who has been fortunate enough to have right and appropriate mind training to evolve a consciousness and experience-cognition structure, ideally galvanized to assimilate into collective goals of society and culture. Moreover, even if a person is good enough to have it; the contemporary society-culture-polity-economy-religion is so highly hypocritical, depraved and criminalized that it becomes impossible for any sane and rational person to relate to it and assimilate into it. And if this assimilation-integration happens; it is bound to be unhealthy and depraved.

Very naturally, the ambient and existing levels and intensity of pathologies only increase every passing moment.

The primary need of the contemporary times is to understand as why this twin processes are dominant in modern times and how they are adding to human pathologies, instead of curing them. It is not a complex idea or reality to understand. In fact, it is so vivid and massively expressed that anybody can feel it and see it happening all around. The levels of hypocrisy, corruption and criminalization of both individual men-women as well as society-culture-polity-economy-religion are so excruciatingly high and pervasive that it is very clear that sanity, system, wellness and virtuosity are impossible.

The modern contemporary milieus are so complex, such massively competitive and so brutally corrupted-criminalized that there is a perpetual and deep sense of survival crisis writ large on the faces of average individuals as well as on human institutions. In such survival battle, only deception-depravity-hypocrisy wins. When 99 percent of experience-cognition media is pathological and struggling to barely survive, it is impossible to expect sanity, purity and virtuosity.
