57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Learning and Unlearning – 1

Probably, one of the early and basic learning for my ‘57’ has been the realization of critical importance of mouth and tongue in the overall scheme of things in human world of realities and experience-cognition. Equally vital has been this realization that probably, this very crucial mouth-tongue twin roles have been the worst managed and with most propensities of pathologies. Out of the five sensory organs for experience-cognition, it is hugely interesting that only mouth-tongue has been assigned dual roles and that too something created by humans themselves, which is exclusive in living universe. Largely, eyes can see, ears can listen, nose can smell, skin can feel but mouth-tongue alone can not only taste but also perform the most critical and potentially most pathology-prone task of speaking, evolved and assigned exclusively by human evolution. Tragically, even the naturally assigned role of eating-tasting has emerged probably as the most potentially pathological function in human life-living. Naturally, the mouth-

tongue stands as number one agency for good management in contemporary human world and cultures.

The criticality of mouth-tongue, its pathological propensities and express requirement to have optimal management of their twin roles need to be understood. As we have talked earlier, a subjective human consciousness is an emergent and evolving virtual model of ambient reality, working primarily as a navigational tool for the body-mind. Subjective consciousness or the sense of personal self may feel like actuality of reality but it is only a representation or enactment of fragments of reality in a very localized ambient external milieu. Very naturally, different subjective consciousnesses or personal selves of over 7.5 billion people on earth shall perceive reality differently. The external body of billions of men and women shall look common and alike but their consciousnesses or personal selves shall always be uncommon and diverse as their experience-cognition spectrum shall always be varied and multidimensional. It is only natural that billions of humans shall always stand in competition and conflict with each other. In such a human world, it is the very critical role of the mouth-tongue to facilitate coexistence, compassion and cooperation for a peaceful and prosperous life-living. Mouth-tongue has been assigned the role of expression of intent through humanly designed language, which is actually itself a model or simulation of the actuality of reality of subjective consciousness or personal self. This criticality of role, complexity involved in its actualization and required training have to be accepted and profound importance has to be assigned to its optimal performance.

The agency of mouth-tongue has been assigned this most critical task of dexterously and truly ‘representing’ a man or woman’s consciousness, personality and intentionality, largely through a virtual and metaphoric tool of language, which is not actuality of reality but a man-made model for

representing the actuality of reality of the intentionality of consciousness-self in a localized milieu, which itself is not actuality of reality but only a virtual model or simulation of actuality of reality of external milieus.

Moreover, the language as a model and metaphorization of reality, as modeled and simulated by consciousness, is happening at brain states. The mouth-tongue is only a ‘ spokesperson’ of the intent of brain engendered content of perceived-actualized reality. The vocal chords, lips, face muscles surrounding it and especially the eyes together constitute the full personality of the spokesperson. This personality of the spokesperson needs entrenched discipline and persevered practice of the artistry of expression to assign and extend holism to the content of intent, as proposed by the brain states. The tone-tenure, facial expressions and even body’ unspoken language have to be in perfect and full symmetry and symphony with the intent assigned to the mouth-tongue by the brain-engendered consciousness. This is huge task and role, for which not even one percent humans are trained since their childhood.

Very naturally, the mouth-tongue has to be highly skillful, brilliantly trained and massively empowered with the spectrum of linguistic excellence, to perform the assigned role with optimality, if not perfection. It is singular human tragedy that the mouth-tongue of mass majority of men and women are not only massively poor in performing this role, rather they use them to kill all possibilities of sanity, compassion, coexistence and cooperation. It is growingly being realized that in contemporary human world, linguistic skills are on the decline and abstractions of expressions are on rise as collective space is shrinking at the cost of augmenting personal spaces and non-language mechanical communication are in vogue.

It is hugely important to understand the uniqueness of reality of human world and the role of mouth-tongue in it, in the entire spectrum of all lives in the biosphere. The very consciousness of different men and women is designed to have the experience-cognition of reality differently and multidimensionally. This itself lands multitude of humans in competitiveness to make others see and accept their personal-subjective model or framework of reality. Moreover, human society is an arrangement of very localized milieu with rules and traditions, where men and women have to compete and cooperate to maintain a sustained and smooth life-living. In such a human world, the only commonly available tool for lasting success and peaceful coexistence is language and how the mouth-tongue of men and women use them with utmost clarity, compassion and amicability to augment sanity-system and diminish strife and conflicts. Language, especially the spoken one, is the most precious currency to successfully buy and sell personal wares of consciousness in the marketplace of society-culture, to augment personal as well as collective wellness. This currency has to be impeccable and above mistrust.

It is such a massive human tragedy that in contemporary human world, competitiveness for bare survival has augmented, swaying beyond the levels of sanity and manageability and growing complexities of cultural life-living in cacophonic-claustrophobic-crumbling modern urban milieus have together forced most men and women to live an un-conscientious and subconscious-instinctive life, intuitively aligned towards survival success at whatever cost. Mass majority of humans in contemporary modern times, live their lives in such physical-psychological-cultural milieus, which is subhuman and unimaginably unsuitable for sanity and peaceful coexistence. Such inhuman conditions require brilliance and inventiveness of language and dexterous protagonism of mouth-tongue of all men and

women to maintain sanity and system in society. It seems, on the contrary, mouth-tongue of average person has lost the plot and rather, they have become the largest and worst tools of offloading of pathologies of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality.

Growingly, linguistic skills have waned too much and quantum of abstractions and conflation has augmented to dangerous levels. Somehow, when the primary need of average men and women is to survive and sustain itself in massively competitive milieus, it is only natural and subconscious choice to use abuses, slangs and unscrupulous gestures to win in the battle of one-upmanship. Good and aesthetic language is required when affection and fraternity is aimed at. However, for battles and successes, sanity of language is a burden of a loser and therefore innately and subconsciously sidelined by most men and women in their collective spaces. Naturally, in contemporary human milieus, pathologies enter and get flared up through a facility-faculty, the humanity so painstakingly designed and evolved to create a world of lovingly peaceful coexistence and compassionate cooperation.

Another pathological dimension of mouth-tongue malfunction, apart from expressional-communicational disaster, is the massive mismanagement of mouth-tongue as an agency or portal of gastronomical and wellness excellence. The mouth-tongue has been designed and evolved in human body system as the gatekeeper or sentinel for the sanity and systematic functioning of digestive and endocrine systems. Both systems and their healthy-optimal functioning in human body are key to smooth and systematic metabolism, which in turn contribute significantly to the overall homeostasis. Metabolism is the portal to optimality of all other systems in human body. The food we eat and the way we eat is critical to metabolic sanity and system. It affects the digestive system, which in turn leads to

pathology of endocrine system and together they kill the sanity-system-symmetry of metabolism. A dysfunctional metabolic system is root causality of most troubles of all other systems in human body, including the very crucial immune system.

It is such a satisfying thing that in almost all ancient cultures, food was assigned high ritualistic purity and sanity. It is an old human wisdom, which says, ‘you are what you eat and the way you eat’. The high conscious value assigned to mouth-tongue, with respect to food and dietary habits, is the culturally assigned wisdom, evolved and perpetuated so diligently by early civilizations. Tragically, humanity has lost this wisdom and contemporary human world has turned this traditional and respectable sentinel of mouth-tongue into a depraved-criminalized-hypocritical scammer.

It is such a scary and sinister situation in modern contemporary human world that if metabolic sanity and homeostasis is accepted as benchmark for qualifying as a human, almost 99 percent men and women shall fail to stand as humans and shall be labeled as either pathologically inclined or doomed. Average modern contemporary mouth-tongue follows no rules-rituals of sanity-system-symmetry and stands as single culprit of destroying the health-purity of endocrine as well as immune systems.

We need to understand the critical role of mouth-tongue and how it is singularly destroying human civilization. We have to realize as how mouth-tongue sanity and purity is aligned to the sanity-system of human milieus and how pathological milieus induce and install troubles for mouth-tongue sanity. We all need to understand the critical role of metabolism and high value of endocrine system sanity in maintaining homeostatic excellence of human life-living.

Modern science, especially the molecular biologists and evolutionary biologists have been telling humanity about the critical importance of mitochondrial health and sanity in human life-living, homeostasis and especially in management of aging and pathologies. The brilliant breakthroughs in the field of bioenergetics are almost making humanity rethink its life-living choices. The optimality-sanity of mitochondrial functional sanity is key to cellular wellness, which is singularly critical to metabolic prosperity. This mitochondrial sanity and metabolic prosperity is being primarily vitiated and killed by the stupidity and criminality of mouth-tongue as it fails to be a loyal-honest sentinel, allowing the trespassing and intentional invasion of the digestive systems with all dubious and diabolic foods in most inappropriate and pathologically infested ways. This vitiates the inter cellular and intra cellular milieus, affecting the excellence of mitochondrial functioning in maintaining homeostasis. This alone is responsible for most of the pathological states of body and mind.

There is one important example about mouth-tongue stupidity-criminality and its role in unleashing plethora of pathologies. There is a pathological state in body system homeostasis termed as Hyperinsulinemia, which means there is significantly more insulin in body than normal. This situation almost kills the sanity-symmetry of the endocrine system, which is a very critical system of human wellness. Hyperinsulinemia happens when pancreas has to make and dump more insulin to synthesize higher levels of glucose in blood. This pathological state is a result of mismanaged food habits as in contemporary age of easy and instant food availability, growing number of men and women are eating much more calories, especially sugar, than required for body’s health.

It is growingly warned that bad and over eating habits are cumulative effects of stressed or deranged life-living, emanating out of pathologically inclined milieus, marked by extreme inequality, instability and insecurity.

This in turn aggravates the psychological sanity. The endocrine system is linked to psychological states of mind-body and reacts to milieus to maintain homeostatic equilibrium. A disturbed and stressed mind finds and funds the easiest, cheapest and readily available comfort in the short-lived thrills of eating more and tantalizing foods; especially the processed ones.

This in turn stresses the endocrine system more.

Hyperinsulinemia is a precursor to the global menace of diabetes as it is linked to insulin resistance. Still, it does not reflect any symptom in an average person. However, hyperinsulinemia results in weight gain, food indulgence, fatigue, inability to focus, general lethargy and may lead to early stages of mood disorders and depression. There seems to be growing evidences that hyperinsulinemia is not only a critical element in largely disturbing the sanity-system-harmony of the very crucial Endocrine system, rather it also a prime causality in disarraying homeostasis of body-mind, especially the immune system.

Recent researches seem to point out to the probability that hyperinsulinemia as a pathological state is trigger for many crippling lifestyle as well as infectious diseases. The core reality, about which there seems to be growing evidences, is that hyperinsulinemia points out to a state of human body, which is antithetical to cellular sanity-system-harmony as it badly affects the mitochondrial functioning.

Cellular health and cellular homeostasis is the primary structure on which life-living of an organism is built and sustained. Hyperinsulinemia is known to be a warning signal that the most critical function of

mitochondria, which is the energy synthesizing mechanism of cells and contributes a lot in overall homeostasis, is in jeopardy as higher glucose vitiates the cytoplasmic homeostasis. All these happen or have the potential to happen as more men and women tend to eat a lot more than necessary, eat a lot unhealthier than required and lead a chronically stressful sedentary life. The mouth-tongue sanity is a victim and it turns into a victimizer for human life.

The mouth-tongue stupidity-criminality is modern day killer of homeostatic sanity-system-harmony in both their dual roles. It seems very natural that modern cultures should invest more physical and human resources to install a sense of acquired discipline since early childhood, to make men and women understand the critical role of language and eating habits not only for personal wellness but also the collective wellness of societies and cultures. There is growing evidence that cellular homeostasis, which is the primary need for healthy living, is under loads of pressure and threat because of modern day choices of human world of living; especially because of two crucial factors of over and wrong eating, coupled with lack of chronic physical activity and perpetuity of stressed living. Both aspects require discipline of mouth-tongue as it shall lead to less stressful individual and society by having amicability-compassion in linguistic expressions. Gastronomical discipline shall pave the ways for healthier individuals as well as society.

The overriding sentiment behind this detailing of mouth-tongue discipline is the core idea, which we have talked about earlier. It is about the modern day need of understanding Life and Reality in the light of contemporary scientific knowledge of holism of experience-cognition and consciousness as a navigation media. The transcendental idea of holism is about being knowledgeable about the wide and deep spectrum of experience-cognition,

unlearning the narrow and archaic perceptions and installing a sense of diligent discipline in personal life-living.
