57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Learning and Unlearning – 2

Another critical learning of my 57 has been this very tough but cardinal need of unlearning the populist and auto-accruing experience-cognition of Self, or what is popularly advertised and pampered as Consciousness. To unlearn, question and reinvent the sense of self and its precariously bubbly Protagonism, in the overall scheme of populist life-living, is probably the most required 21st century agenda for humanity, for any meaningful understanding of reality as well as the entire spectrum of experience-cognition lived out by an individual. Probably, this alone can help in removing the restrictiveness of human life-living as akin to animals and in turn save a person as well as the human world of most of the pathologies.

Very naturally, this shall lay down new basis for a novel and alternative culture and societal system as well as the life-living structures. This is required the most and therefore needs to be understood well.

Since early stages of human civilization, may be as early as 3000 years back; humanity could understand the localized situation of human life in the expansive cosmic milieu and therefore asked the relevant question of what reality is and what is life and its purpose in the overall scheme of ephemeral-transient existentialism. They formed the very basis of organized

and structured philosophy and spiritualism. In almost all cultures across the globe, humanity explored the questions and loads of observations were made, which now form the classical wisdom of humanity in the form of philosophical-spiritual treatises and traditions.

Many things were observed right and many not. It happened as intuitive cognition-experience was relied upon and non-intuitive ones were still not explored and available. However, it seems; almost all early philosophical-spiritual traditions till date, missed out on a very critical reality, which only modern contemporary science has been successful in establishing and validating. This missing reality has been about the very reality of Self or Consciousness as observer and experiencer of realities, despite its mystical misadventures. Philosophy-spiritualism questioned and explored all realities in praiseworthy details but seldom questioned the very basis, validity and veracity of Self or Consciousness as the agency of probe, exploration and actualization of the realization of realities. The intuitive-visceral gateway was the only perceivable tool available then.

They relied on Consciousness as innate and transcendental agency of experience-cognition of all realities, which they questioned and probed.

However, they could not accept that the very idea of the agency of consciousness as protagonist and truth actualizer is questionable as consciousness, as realized and cognitized by average person, could be flawed, fudged, faked and conflated. The hardware-software problems of consciousness were not understood and accepted well. Early wisdom doubted cognition but seldom the very consciousness itself. The element of illusion or maaya, was assigned to cognition but not the very agency or media of cognition – the consciousness. No doubt, early wisdom, which is still most dominant for mass majority of men and women, assigned loads of mysticism and opportunistic ambiguity to consciousness; especially the

heroic sense of protagonist. This mysticism-ambiguity seeded religion and ritualism of spiritual abstractions.

Modern science questions and probably answers as why a normal, untrained and un-evolved consciousness or self, as observer, agency of truth decipherer and reality experience itself, can be an unfit and probably a scammed media of experience-cognition. As the traditional wisdom of philosophy-spiritualism, accrued thousands of years back, still forms the singular basis of most life-living realities, mass majority of men and women believe and follow; there is an urgent and colossal need to make larger humanity unlearn them and learn the novel and alternative reality of consciousness and experience-cognition, as explored by modern science.

It is probably the toughest and most complicated task for a man or woman to explore the probability of reality of the falsehood or scam of self and accept a novel, realistic and alternative experience-cognition of self, based on modern objective scientific knowledge. It is tough because the process is against intuitive experience-cognition processes, embedded deep and strong in the body-brain mechanism of humans. It is hugely difficult to recognize the trap of intuitiveness and come out of it. The dominant populist culture, based on majoritarianism of mediocrity of collective intuitive experiences-cognitions, makes it more difficult for the young mind of a man or a woman to accept novelty and alternative reality.

This very limitation of intuitiveness and innateness in experience-cognition processes of consciousness has to be understood with the help of modern objective scientific knowledge about brain and neural processing of information plexus. Once we understand, experience and internalize the true and holistic reality of self or consciousness, we can easily actualize the hypocrisy-depravity-criminality of human world as most contemporary

pathologies emanate out of this flawed, fudged and scammed experience-cognition of realities. This shall also facilitate an interesting journey of novel-alternative experiences-cognitions, diversifying and enriching the spectrum of Self and life-living. Once the innate and embedded culpability of consciousness and its protagonist self is understood and accepted, it shall be easy to do away with the pathologies it gets aligned with.

The core idea of consciousness or this very paramount and perpetual sense of subjective self needs to be understood in modern scientific light as in contemporary human world, this sense of self is shrouded in too many and too much of abstractions and fake-fudged mysticism. Also, it seems, without understanding the true nature and reality of sense of self, there cannot be actualization of the holism and spectrum of reality of life-living.

Very naturally, the pathologies emanating out of flawed and scammed understanding of realities shall remain uncured-unmanaged.

There are brute and self-denying realities about the sense of self and that is why it is tough to accept them. This powerful façade of Intuitiveness and dominant-populist insistence to rely on it restricts the experience-cognition of holism of realities of self as well as life-living. It is very difficult to rise above and go beyond intuitiveness. It requires mind training from early childhood to unlearn restrictiveness and falsehood of self, see through the dimensions of the populism of the idea of consciousness and use the power of objective scientific knowledge to usher in novel-alternative non-intuitive spectrum of experience-cognition of the potential probabilities of realities of self and life-living.

The important larger and objective reality for humanity is to universalize the very mechanics and neuro-chemical locus of the emergent and transient virtuality of the reality of consciousness or the sense of self. There is an

express need for larger humanity to redefine, reinstall and reposition the very feel and experiencing of what is popularly realizable as ‘I’ or ‘Me’ to an average man or woman. The I, Me; this powerful sense of subjectivity, personalization and protagonist self must be reinvented and re-actualized by modern men and women to weed out all the hypocritical frills and facades of populist abstractions from the old, archaic and obsolete idea of the reality of consciousness. It must be understood and accepted that consciousness, this subjective sense of self, the ‘I’ or ‘Me’ is the sole and singular agency for actualization of all probabilities of realities. The consciousness is the only portal of experience-cognition of multitudes of realities as available spectrum. Therefore, it is singularly most fundamental and irreplaceable learning for every man and woman to unlearn the restrictiveness of the intuitiveness of consciousness as the protagonist and learn the scientifically validated reality of consciousness as the emergent-transient navigation map of neural plexuses for singular but complex role of survival successes; that too in a very localized-ambient milieu, with scammed idealisms.

In contemporary age of scientific rationality and intellect, the 21st century humanity has to understand and accept the core causality of most pathologies in human world of life-living. Humanity has to accept that consciousness is just a media of navigational facilitation and this media has physiological-psychological mechanism, bereft of any mysticism and magicality. Also, this navigation map of consciousness is designed and has evolved not as something exclusive and specific for humans. The brain, neural plexus and their navigational functionality are generic and largely common in all complex organisms, including modern humans, which itself is an evolutional product, actualized after millions of years of genetic journey. That is probably why, consciousness, as experienced by average

man and woman, has no specific suitability to humanity; therefore requiring intense and prolonged mind training of every child, as it grows and assimilates into the ambient cultures.

This mind training, as part of fundamental education routine, has to impart scientifically validated knowledge about evolutionary journey and design of human consciousness in body-brain anatomy as well as the navigational roles and challenges faced by average human consciousness in navigating a man or woman through the complexities of physical and cultural human milieus. To understand the navigational mechanism of consciousness, modern men and women also have to imbibe and experience the very contemporary idea of Information as causal structures of reality.

It has to be understood that consciousness in human anatomical system is a generic facility or faculty, almost preloaded as endemic in all complex organisms. However, human consciousness is the most challenged and most unprepared to navigate a human child, growing in very complex and massively hypocritical-depraved-criminalized physical-psychological-cultural milieus. A new born cub of a lion or tiger has very successful consciousness mechanism, as it is good enough to navigate the newly arrived cub into survival success. It is because its ambient milieu is natural with no animal-made culture and whatever navigational challenges the cub has to face is exclusively physical, specific to geographical diversity.

The human child is not as fortunate as it is born with a navigation system, wired for navigational intuitiveness in the ambient physical milieu only. It has to grow and simultaneously evolve the navigational skills of his or her consciousness, to survive in a man-made complex culture, where high hypocrisy-depravity-criminality levels are all set to kill his or her innate innocence and sense of sanity. Consciousness, as a navigational media of

body-brain of organisms, has not been exclusively or specifically designed for navigational functional excellence in something as synthetic and pathologically fabricated psychological-cultural milieus as what exist in contemporary human world.

Human brain sure has evolved to have the new appendages in it, the cortex part, especially the prefrontal cortex, which seems to have been the newest addition in brain anatomy to help humans navigate through the conflicting and complex psychological-cultural milieus. However, this new brain anatomy is not preloaded or wired with cultural navigational skills. It facilitates as it provides the physiological structure for possible new functions in modern man-made cultural settings but every growing human child needs to be trained and educated to acquire the culturally specific navigational skills. The new hardware is there in modern human brain states but the software has to be loaded with specific education and training, since early childhood. This is hugely missing as the very reality of human consciousness and its role as a media of experience-cognition stands faked-fudged-scammed. This is the portal of most human pathologies.

There are two broad aspects of the pathology of human world. First emanates out of the fact that consciousness as a media of navigation for successful socio-cultural maneuvering has always remained a flawed-scammed and very partial understanding for mass majority of humanity.

The most dangerous and potentially criminal part of this scammed understanding has been the falsehood of the sense of protagonism of self, which most men and women live out. This scammed protagonist – the deep sense of I, Me or Myself and its spectrum of fake-fudged-fraudulent perceptions have been the script writer, director, actor as well as the audience of all dramas of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality at the theatre of life-living since inception of human civilization. These scammed ideations

of consciousness, with all its weaknesses and troubles, land into more and larger problems as it has to navigate a man or woman in a socio-cultural milieu, which in contemporary times has become massively complex and hypocritical-depraved-criminalized. This is the second aspect of the pathologies.

The worst remains the fact that even when modern scientific knowledge has empowered larger humanity to understand the scam of consciousnesses as well as the evolutionary causalities of pathologies of human world; mass majority of humans remain oblivious of the new knowledge, the education system and social training fail to adapt to it and even the intellectual leadership of humanity makes no effort to lead modern humanity towards a novel and alternative culture, based on the new scientific knowledge.

Human intellectual failure has had a long history at every critical stage of human evolution but contemporary human world is probably witnessing the worst of it. Probably, human intellect itself is the worst victim of the falsehood of protagonism, which potentially disarrays most of the righteousness and appropriates of life-living.

This failure of human intellect and intellectual leadership in understanding the big trap of consciousness and in allowing undue complexities in cultures is the single biggest reason for the hell humanity is living out in contemporary world. The pathologies of human world may be very complex and the malaises they have inflicted on human cultures as well as individual minds may be very deep and wide but the solution and correction of the malaise is very simple. Tragically enough, human intellect never ever endeavored to install and exercise the simple solution. This needs to be understood and explained.

It has to be understood and accepted by larger humanity that consciousness as a navigation tool or media is innately a restrictive flawed-scammed protagonist. This protagonist is hugely potentialed to be one’s own God but has equal potentials to be the demon it has become. The protagonist needs long mind training and persevered practice to successfully navigate a human life in the very complex, complicated and competitive man-made modern physical-psychological-cultural milieus. This is a huge task and not possible for most of average men and women. However, what is possible and must be done is that every child must be educated and trained about the innate and embedded fallibility, culpability and impropriety of consciousness and the limitations of experience-cognition of the protagonist emerging out of it. This realization must be installed as part of early educational regime of all children.

This realization includes the mind training of all children that as human protagonist is very fallible and prone to subconscious and un-conscientious mistakes and impropriety, every man and woman needs to be humble and compassionate towards all. Humility and Compassion must be installed and ingrained in all children since early childhood and this learning must be essential primary knowledge. For functional success of humility and compassion in every individual and in all walks of human life-living, it is also primary and fundamental that every child must be trained to have the unflinching discipline of mouth-tongue. Language is the media of sharing of intent and therefore, every child must be trained to have the discipline of language and to be able to express his or her learnt as well as innate intent of humility and compassion to others.

Equally important aspect of mouth-tongue discipline is food habit as it is singularly responsible for sanity and systemic excellence-prosperity of metabolism. Only a healthy man or woman can successfully bear the

burden of humility-compassion in a complex and competitive human world.

In contemporary human world, almost 99 percent of humans are culprits of their own metabolic health as their mouth-tongue is criminally antithetical to food discipline, which is essential for righteousness of life energy. It is a huge tragedy for contemporary humanity that most children are actually encouraged by their parents and peers to dump compassion-humility and become more cunning-crafty-camouflaged and competitive to succeed in a

‘brutal’ world. It is criminal to train a human child to do away with the innate innocence of its uninhibited humanism and imbibe brute animalism to ‘succeed’ in a massively unequal and competitive world, that too just for the sake of bare survival and consumption of handful of goodies. An already scammed consciousness of children are thus further corrupted and criminalized by society and cultures in contemporary human world. The protagonist of consciousness benchmarks it as success and this success in turn infuses more and more hypocrisy-depravity-criminality in cultures.

It needs to be understood and assigned due respect and relevance that consciousness of every organism, including humans, is merely a navigation media, designed and evolved by brain states and therefore, consciousness is always very locally contextual to ambient milieus. For all organisms, excluding humans, consciousness and milieus have easy, smooth and innate symmetry and synchronization. In animal world, the milieu for every new born animal progeny is almost preloaded in subconscious-unconscious spectrum of its consciousness. The new born animal does not need to be sent to school-college to be trained as it consciously learns the simple and un-hypocritical survival requirements of the milieu it is born in, by simply remaining with the large herd of its species, watching other animals. The animal milieu is largely physical and almost all specifics of individual

animal behavior-action are either already wired in subconscious-unconscious or learnt easily, simply by copying other animals.

This is not the case with human world and new born human child. The relationship between consciousness and milieu in human world is complex, complicated, diverse and massively hypocritical. The milieu for a new born human child is largely and massively psychological-cultural-ideational and therefore, the wired-innate subconscious-unconscious spectrum of the new born human child is very poorly attuned to and in tattered auto-mode sync to his or her ambient milieus. Vey naturally, a new born human child has the daunting task of consciously learning the complex-diverse details of his or her local milieus for years to acquire survival successes. Adds to this challenge is the huge load of hypocritical behavior-action, which a new born has to face, adjust to and still perform brilliantly to stupidly-hypocritically benchmarked parameters of social successes.

Like a new born in all animal worlds, human new born also subconsciously-unconsciously learns almost everything from its local ambient social-cultural-familial milieus by copying others and therefore, every human new born almost always learns, imbibes and internalizes the hypocrisy-depravity-criminality dominating the ambient milieus. This is a successful design of evolution for animal world, which preceded human arrival but stands as a flawed and pathological proposition for human world. Pathologies of ambient milieus get subconsciously-unconsciously installed and ingrained in every new born human child’s consciousness.

Only a handful human child has the good fortune to have the right and appropriate mind training by his or her family and peer to understand this trap of consciousness and unlearn the scam and pathologies of ambient milieus.

It is tragic that human intellectual leadership have failed to provide this very basic requirement to every human child. This pathological relationship of human consciousness with its milieu has not only been not cured by human intellectual leadership, rather they have only ensured that the pathologies become pandemic. In 21st century human world, all shades of intellect have been made subservient and subordinate to the political leadership as the politicians are the lawmakers. The politicians in almost all cultures are the most hypocritical-depraved-criminalized humans. It is only very natural that the political leadership ensures that collective human intellect works not for successes of humanity but for their own political survival successes. The human intellect finds it easy and better to dump masses and align with politicians to ensure their personal successes.
