57’s 54th by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Information, Interface and Milieus

Every human life that happens in any physical and cultural milieu has twin objectives to look for and fulfill, in the short span of time his or her mortality allows. They pertain to what we can broadly classify as issues of Life and Living. Issues of Life are essentially about a person’s situation within the ambient as well as widest possible milieu, with which he or she remains attached to and within which he or she survives till death. Living is about attaining most favorable position vis-à-vis and within the milieu to optimize survival success and maximize what is popularly and mystically known as happiness. Happiness is a sort of cognitive index or

psychological-marker for the consciousness of an individual to measure his or her success in optimizing survival fitness.

In a stupid and hypocritical way, the culturally prescribed benchmark is –

more happy a person is, better are his or her survival fitness. However, only a handful understands as how happiness is probably the worst scam human consciousnesses live out in contemporary world. It needs to be understood that when consciousness itself is vitiated and scammed, the cultures it wades through are hypocritical-depraved-criminalized, it has the innate propensities to vitiate and scam the very ‘Index’ of survival fitness it accepts and therefore, happiness as index of survival fitness stands scammed in contemporary human world. The author has detailed this all in his earlier eBook titled ‘ Happiness Is a Scam’ and ‘ We Are A Scam’, available for unrestricted download, in both eBook and Audiobook formats.

Both Life as well as Living issues and objectives are essentially information, which an individual human being ingresses from his or her ambient milieus. Essentially, a person’s consciousness is an Interface to process information in two ways – from milieu to self and from self to milieus. This information processing consciousness buoys up this sense of Protagonist or ‘subjective self’ to a person’s individuality as all information of life-living and their optimal processing are navigational in nature and intent, aimed at survival optimization of individual person. This Interface reality and the spectrum of realities regarding Information about and within Milieus and their processing constitute the entirety and holism of the subject matter of Life-Living. Therefore, if any of the three –

Interface, Information and Milieus is scammed; there is definitive probability that experience-cognition of Reality shall stand scammed.

Tragically, in contemporary human world, all three are fake-fudged-

fraudulent-propagandist and therefore life-living remains scammed and pathological.

Probably, the most important as well as most complicated is to understand and internalize the reality of the Interface, popularly known as Consciousness, as humanity since thousands of years has not only not understood it, rather has intentionally muffled it up with loads of and layers of mysticism, abstractions and fake-fudged ideas. It is also not very easy to internalize the spectrum of experience-cognition, which is essentially also some sort of an interfaced reality of two-way Information Processing between Self and Milieu. The very modern and scientific interpretation of Information as seed stuff of all realities is also not easy to understand. The primary difficulty emanates out of the fact that mass majority of men and women are used to relying exclusively on intuitiveness of experience-cognition to perceptualize a reality in their milieus, largely ignoring the non-intuitive ones, made available by modern science.

Modern scientific knowledge is primarily about a novel and alternative mind training to expand the domain of understanding beyond intuitiveness and enter the very essential domain of non-intuitive perceptions. The core ideas of Information and Interface cannot be understood intuitively only.

That is why there is this insistent appeal to unlearn the intuitively-imbibed old-archaic-abstracted ideas about Life-Living assigned by now hypocritical-depraved-criminalized religion-spiritualism-philosophy and install a novel and alternative global culture, based on pure and objective modern scientific knowledge.

It is such an exciting and satiating situation that one of the most important scientific developments in later half of 20th century has been growing and deeper understanding about Information Processing and Interfaces and the

growing years of my ‘57’ coincided with it. The critical idea of Information as potent tool of understanding general Reality and that of the localized milieus successfully shifted the crucial notions of consciousness, cultures and life-living from mysticism to clarity of scientific interpretations. It has been a blessing of utmost utility that my consciousness could stand as a meaningfully satisfying Interface between old world wisdom of philosophy-spiritualism and new world scientific tools. My 57 so far has been hugely fortunate and blessed that it waded through the best and worst of the old philosophical-spiritual as well as new scientific realities of humanity. This 54th (eBook) of my ‘57’ happens to share with you some of the remarkable and very satisfying landmarks of personal journey. The journey has been tough; sharing the experience-cognition of this journey with you is tougher as it has to rely solely on restrictiveness of language.

Language as a metaphor for sharing experienced reality and tool of expressing the cognition of the precarious protagonist is very restrictive but then; this is the only media available! My apologies…

The 21st century has been more than brilliant in clearing whatever mist remained in unraveling and internalizing the full spectrum of realities about the very critical ideas of consciousness as an Interface, information as building blocks of realities of milieus and cultures and life-living as navigational map of processed information. Placed between two alternative life-living approaches; as available to me since birth, in the form of prevalent-dominant cultures in childhood and acquired knowledge in adulthood, made available by modern scientific advancements; my 57 feels indebted to those brilliant people, who so meticulously and mesmerizingly opened up this massive and complex world of realities through their painful exploration and experiments, which made the journey of my 57 so very

meaningful, prosperous and satiating. It is just a humble and stupid enterprise to share the learning-unlearning of my 57 through this 54th.

Probably, the most critical idea of life-living is what is termed as Information. Understanding Information in its holism, entirety non-intuitiveness and macrocosm is a huge task and also primary to the understanding of consciousness as interface of Information and life-living experiences-cognitions as navigational entity. Information and its biochemical substrate is the modern 21st century learning, which has revolutionized the non-intuitive understanding of realities of consciousness as well as life-living. Unfortunately, 99 percent of men and women are still not even aware of them and collective human intellect does not yet feel the need to introduce children to this modern knowledge.

It is huge facility for an individual to realize that information may not be the building blocks of all realities but it seems, information most definitively happens to be the sole available media to actualize and optimally perceptualize Reality, as it is unraveled to the Interface called consciousness. That is why the most critical element of all cultures is the sanity-veracity-objectivity-verifiability of Information, in all spheres of life-living. All cultures are scammed as they fail big time to ensure the sanity of Information. In fact, all cultures now stand as the worst culprits of criminal scamming of most information. An average consciousness feeding on fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist information and thus standing as scammed interface of realities is the seed of most human pathologies.

It is humbling and compassionate feeling to understand and accept that Reality may be what it is but it is amenable to be expressed and deciphered only that much and that part, which the interface could process for actualization. Reality is infinite plexus of Information and consciousness as

Interface is massively poor and restrictive media for unraveling of the information-universe. This restrictiveness and its acceptance is the seed of humility of self and compassion towards others, which all humans must be mentally trained for acceptance and internalization. Consciousness as interface of information processing is only a potential, waiting to be tapped well and expanded beyond restrictiveness of intuitiveness. Consciousness requires persevered and prolonged mind training to optimize its true potential. Only a handful men and women are fortunate enough to have such mind training.

Consciousness as interface must be timely and rightly trained to optimize its processing potentials and human society-cultures must ensure that all consciousnesses since early childhood be supplied with high quantity and quality of true and appropriate information as inputting data. This is hugely missing in contemporary world, which makes most consciousnesses stand as crippled and compromised. This restrictiveness and its acceptance is the seed of humility-compassion, which must be primary culture for all humans. It is therefore the primary learning-education for all children, as early as possible. If this culture and learning is missing in human world; then we are animals; even worse than that.

It is very much a celebration time for humanity that in the 21st century, modern science has embarked upon and duly invested right resources on unraveling the holism of all possible dimensions of the critical idea known as Information. This crucial 21st century shift of scientific explorations from Consciousness to Information is revolutionary and holds the key to big and deep transformation in human cultures and life-living. In that light, the modern entity of data becomes hugely relevant in modern human world.

This sanctimonious Data is novel and alternative Religion, which must be ingrained early in human child growth.

This core causality and intrinsic relationship between consciousness and data is now well understood and from economics to politics, all powerful people and human institutions are spending huge moneys and resources to manipulate the data in their favor to lead and maneuver the mass and collective consciousness in the way they find beneficial to them. Different forms of media are being used and managed to manipulate the data.

Tragically enough, the politicians and corporate biggies have become the new ‘priests’ of humanity. As if, the old religion was not enough; even the new religion is now set to scale new heights of hypocrisy-depravity-criminality.

In a unique way; discarding the age-old obsession and dependence on deciphering Consciousness to understand Reality and replace it with contemporary insistence on decoding the holism of the more basic and transcendental idea of Information holds the sole probability of saving humanity from inevitable extinction and self-destruction in very near future. It also promises to be the right and timely shift of enterprise to lead humanity to a truly humanized culture and life-living system in coming centuries. This needs to be understood. However, this information revolution also has deep and colossal pathological propensities to blow away the very roots of a sane-systematic human civilization.

My ‘57’ and its probable journeys ahead in coming years may be fortunate enough to witness as how the novel knowledge of Information and its revolutionary capacities lead humanity into. Good or bad; both shall be very satiating experience-cognition for my stupid media of subjective consciousness, before it melts and assimilates into its inevitable nothingness. This shall be the energy for the probable journey beyond 54th.

It needs to be understood that the powerful evolutionary design of wired and innate Intuitiveness in the majority of functions of consciousness in all living organisms, including humans, has been the dominant reason for humanity to assign primacy of intellectual exploration to the Interface (consciousness) than the actually important idea of Information itself. The sense of fake-fudged-scammed Protagonism of Self; this ever pampered obsessive feel of ‘I’ or ‘Me’, which this deep-seated Intuitiveness engenders, successfully restricted humans in the last over 3000 years to accept Consciousness as the mystical-magical-supernatural entity, beyond body-brain framework of reality. This obsession created the seeds of scammed structures of religion, spirituality and philosophy-psychology, which still happen to be the prime causality of most pathologies in most men and women. This self-destructive obsessive protagonism and fake-fudged culture defining consciousness through very restrictive Intuitiveness has to be dumped on emergency basis and the novel and alternative scientific idea of primacy of Information, with non-intuitive intelligence has to be installed to save humanity from inevitable mass destruction, leading to probable extinction. This needs to be understood.
