Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Species evolve in a dialectical chain of interaction with external milieus and milieus within body-mind plexus. Genetic adjustments and changes take shape in response to the new challenges (Information) the ever transient milieus make Emerge. Humans happened as the early tough and very challenging milieu required a powerful species that could master the milieus to survive and stay atop. The evolution was less bodily but more brainy and mental. Biology of evolution is probably more Emergent than physics of evolution.

The evolution of human brain made the differences as humans had it to tame the wild and calamitous nature and mould it to their survival suitability. Early humans could survive and excel in extremely different and tough habitats, from ice-laden northern tip of hemisphere to hot and sultry equatorial regions.

If we track the human evolution, the eugenics for humanity is essentially mind or brain-centric. Human precision and survival strategies have come from Emergent probabilities of its superior brain, not body strength and superiority. Modern science has established that human brain, like most domesticated animals has shrunk up roughly 10 percent in the last 70,000 years. The shrinkage is ascribed to the lesser requirements of muscles and body strength in the same period as human brain could ensure a better settled life and countered the vagaries of wild milieus better. They required less muscle strength but more cognitive skills. The same with most domesticated animals. How many dogs today are required to have great hunting skills and attitude for their owners? The shrinkage may also be ascribed to better and smarter wiring of brain states. We know how computer over the ages have become smarter as they can stuff more memories in smaller chips.

Modern humanity has clearly paved the way for a new evolution, where the new human species of brainy and otherwise endowed humans shall survive and excel and the mediocre and less endowed shall perish in coming centuries, if not decades. This new evolution is very much evident and perceptible. We shall talk about it in detail later.
