Dating Guru: Lost Chapters by Pavel Šlajs - HTML preview

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How to Date Promoters


 A promoter’s worst idea of a date:

Um, hi, err…I have got our entire outing thoroughly planned out for tonight, ok? First, we will come over to my place where we will be watching documentaries on the developments of the decades, and then we will head over to the restaurant nearby to have a meal. The restaurant has planned out the entire program where the food will all be served according to the order listed down on the menu, and they will be featuring a live band that will play songs that are enjoyed by the majority of the people. After that, maybe we can head over to the library to do some reading. Don’t worry, there’s no pressure for us to rush anywhere or do anything over-exciting. In fact, we won’t bump into anyone at all cause nothing can go wrong on this date… um, so how’s that?

A promoter’s worst nightmare is predictability! They don’t like things to be predictable and boring without any element of excitement or visibility.

If you are an analyzer:

Cultivate your social skills and learn to show more emotion when you talk. Don’t show apathy when relating to others. Be a good listener: promoters LOVE to talk and talk and listen to you sound excited and concerned. It is easy to get to their hearts if you shower them with attention and openness. Don’t give too many details to the promoter. Your constant rambling about theories and ideas will make them turn off their minds if they find you boring or cannot relate to your analyzing style. If you close yourself up too much, the promoter will have little chances of relating to you and you will ruin your chance for a second date.

If you are a controller:

Never ever focus too much on the end result of the date. Learn to loosen up a bit and enjoy the process of dating because promoters love going through the process. If the promoter is talking and you butt in too much when trying to offer your own idea on the way things should be, you are stealing the limelight away from the promoter. Take your time to understand and relate instead of rushing. If you enjoy the freedom of making the decisions during your date, you can always set up the date with lots of surprises and excitement. Promoters respect strength so show them you as a person are up to the challenge, but don’t appear bossy or pushy.

If you are a supporter:

Supporters are a good match for promoters. They enjoy pleasing their friends and the promoters will dazzle them with their stories. However, there is a tendency to let the promoter walk all over you and if you give in too much, you will develop resentment and it will spoil YOUR idea of a good date. Promoters also like to move from one exciting place to another so don’t spoil their mood by lacking urgency and being too laid-back.

If you are another promoter:

It is fun when two promoters get together and have a raging time together. However, it might not turn out to be the case when one promoter tries to steal the limelight from another. It will become a competition of who tells the better stories or does the more outrageous thing and the date might turn out to become a disaster. Don’t be too quick to jump the gun. Pause, check if everything is ok, or count to 10 if necessary. Also don’t over-commit to your date if you are not ready to be serious. There is a tendency for promoters to promise or commit too much just to be in the limelight.

Warning Signal

If you are doing something wrong at a date, you will see the signs when a promoter reacts to it by talking too much. That is how they will initially react to pressure. If you do not adapt, they will start throwing a tantrum and you will fail miserably in your date.