Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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One of the toughest attainments and possessions in life-living is to have precise, unadulterated, specific and confirmable Information about things – the ingredients and processes. Contemporary science is very keen in looking at all Realities as Information. Therefore, this hypothesis has huge impact on not only life-living wellness but also in optimizing your potentials. You also know very well how genuine and unadulterated Information in contemporary human world is precarious and tough.

People ask for recipe of a favorite food and learn the intricacies about cooking them. Still, often, the desired ‘tastefulness’ goes missing. Why? There are loads of factors, which we know as the ‘Causalities’. The ingredients we get may not be right and appropriate, the proportion of ingredients may go wrong, the processes of different stages of cooking and assimilation of ingredients at right time and stage of cooking may not be right; etc. The idea is – Tastefulness is not only about Ingredients and cooking materials. The Processes are equally important, if not more. Tastefulness is ‘Emergence’ of complex and well measured processes. The processes involve complex causalities of assimilation, integration and even disintegration at different stages and timeline of processes. The grammar of Life is vast and complex. The poetry of Living – the processes, is far more complex and requires persevered practice. Tastefulness and its ‘emergence’ is a function of ‘Mutuality’ of Science and Art of Ingredients and Processes. That is why true, real and genuine information about realities is very critical. Knowledge is important; practice of knowledge in its implementation is equally critical. Internalization of knowledge seeks prolonged pathways of experiential successes. In all these processes, sanctity and sanity of Information is critical.

There is this very important and indispensable cyclicality of Three Processes, in looped interconnectivity and integration, to actualize the potential of every person, for lasting sanity, bliss and excellence. First is Registry, second is Internalization and third is Expression. They all are ‘Processes’ at brain’s neural plexuses and involve processing of Information. However, some part of these three-staged processes may be subconscious or unconscious, but, a huge landscape of Information needs to be very consciously engineered and managed for true richness and successes of experiences. The primary need for success of this three-process cyclicality is sanctity and sanity of Information. If not; then the process actually spells disaster. You already know, how much of the current troubles of contemporary humanity emanate out of wrong, half-baked, fudged and patronized Information.

Knowledge of reality and conscious acceptance of its multidimensionality facilitate Registry. This first stage of registry is very crucial. Most people are not open to and consciously receptive to different shades of information as knowledge because, they happen to be either antithetical or unsettling to their comfort zone of acceptances. Localization of consciousness also emaciates and impoverishes registry. We must allow registry of all Information. The wider spectrum of registry must then be Internalized. Internalization process means what we may popularly call as ‘Living It Out’. All inputs of information being registered in consciousness plexuses need to be assimilated, integrated and aligned with existing memories of past experiences to engender the symmetry of feelings. Internalization process also involves weeding out and pruning those embedded information, which do not synchronize and is inharmonious to holism of an emergent reality. The internalized experiences then have to be meaningfully and fruitfully Expressed; both within and externally. This expression in turn opens up the portals of novel and alternative experiences. The cyclicality of three processes must be life-long and in looped interconnectivity.

The trouble however is, there are books, teachers and fields of academics, which can make you learn a subject in details. However, when it comes to life-living and knowledge-wisdom of uncountable shades of Realities surrounding us, nothing mentioned above is of much use. Why? It is primarily because, as in the case of most knowledge; having all right information does not anyway automatically enable you to practice them all in optimal ways. Life-living is the practicality of knowledge and wisdom acquired through learning-unlearning and direct experiences processes. Information is almost always impersonal and available to all. Wisdom however, can only be personalized through subjective and very conscious internalization processes. This nobody else can do for you. It is only a personal enterprise. That is why it is tough.

Life-living is ‘operative’ excellence of practiced artistry, with a very aware and focused Consciousness. This may come after learning, unlearning and experiences but surely not automatically. It is ‘emergence’. It requires observance of laws of emergence. Therefore, at 54, I may well be as stupid as I was at 5 years of age. The ‘54’ may extend me Grammar (not necessarily) but not the Poetry. It comes through long-complex processes of Emergence.

Moreover, as we are talking about Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living, it is a fruitful hypothesis to accept that Life-Living and everything related with it is a huge and complex domain of information and knowledge. You may learn well in your academic life and be a great doctor or engineer. However, life-living is not like a fixed syllabus. It requires knowledge and experiences of vast domains of Reality and needs sincere internalization of them in looped interconnection. More than knowledge, teacher and experiences; life-living requires personal enterprise and resolve to orient your Consciousness for an ‘Internalization’ process, which assimilates and integrates ‘parts’ of varied, complex and seemingly contradicting knowledge into ‘holism’ of singular broad-based wisdom.  Success of ‘parts’ may never qualify you to be winner at ‘Holism’. Rather, part successes often work as hindrances to holistic success. As we talked earlier, money, fame and consumption as attainments are ‘part’ successes. They also facilitate evolving of Consciousness but obsession with them produces scammed propensities of vitiation from avowed journey to Holism.

Science says, successful people often ‘kill’ or stand in denial of Reality; therefore, closing doors for Reality in its entirety. It is primarily a trouble or restrictiveness of Consciousness. The consciousness is the portal of all Information and all Realities. However, consciousness is not automatically eligible for success of holism. Majority of humans have very poorly and partially evolved consciousness. Science says; a crow has conscious intelligence greater and better than a seven-ten year old human child, even when it has a very small brain. How? Does this mean a crow is better and more intelligent than a human child? No. Not in holism. The crow has superiority only in the domain of logical reasoning and observed learning. The human child shall still remain far better in emotional intelligence and many other domains of cognition and learning. Tragically, majority of humans are like crows. They are very intelligent in only a few domains and are eligible enough to be successful in livelihood and careers. May be; a crow is even better than many adult humans in Livelihood-Intelligence! However, their consciousness and cognition remains as partial as the crow intelligence. That is probably why being a billionaire and being a good lover are not the same reality. Science is impersonal; artistry is always personal and subjective.

There is another trouble with grammar as well as poetry of life-living. Most people grow up and mature with all sorts of wrong, adulterated and misleading information, making them their basis of knowledge. This happens as this comes easy and through an automatic learning process of observance and experience, just by living and being part of society and cultures. It is very much like the crow, which has high observatory intelligence. The crow learns fast and good; learning from ambient milieus by observing humans and others. In contemporary world, there is no dearth of ‘sources’ offering ‘recipes’ of successes in all aspects of life-living. Millions of books are written every year. We all know how loads of celebrities, icons and even ‘experts’ are churning out billions of stuffs on YouTube and through social-personal media. Most of them are geniuses of ‘Parts’ and therefore actually work their ways into minds of average people to kill or negate Reality. Fake and wrong information is what average human usually gets from milieus and imbibe through innate ‘observational intelligence’. This is calamitous.

That is why it is important to briefly talk about why true and right knowledge is tough and rare acquisition and how most people land in troubles of life-living because of their ‘easy and auto’ learning, without any personal initiative and enterprise. There is a famous story, which speaks about how people land in trouble by having ‘misinterpreted’ information as knowledge.

There was renowned teacher in ancient times. He had many disciples but one of them was very weak at learning. After the end of learning, the teacher called this student and told him, ‘You could not learn anything I taught and as it is now time for you to go home and start your worldly life, I wish you to always remember only one sentence and follow it’. The student was happy and assured the teacher that remembering and following just one line wisdom was easy and he would always follow. The teacher told him, ‘Always follow what big people do’. The student nodded and left the teacher’s academy to go home. En route, he reached a place where two separate and opposite roads were branching. He was confused as which road he should take. Soon, he saw five people coming and taking the left road. All five men were tall and bulky and were having loads of carriage with them. He thought, my teacher asked me to follow big people and they are surely not only ‘Big’ but huge and they also have ‘Big’ possessions with them. I must follow them. He followed the five men. These five men were robbers and were going back after a successful loot at a nearby village. Very soon, the soldiers of the king arrived and after a short fight, all robbers were captured. The soldiers also beat this poor student, whom the soldiers took as robbers. He cried and tried to tell the truth but the soldiers tied him in ropes and took him to king’s prison. The poor student blamed his teacher for all his troubles as it was his advice of ‘Following Big’ people, which landed him in this trouble.

This story points out to the fact that how ‘partial’ and ‘shallow’ knowledge creates trouble for most people. The reality of ‘Big’ has many shades and different people, with variegated mind consciousnesses shall always take subjectively diverse meanings. All these ‘part’ meanings, in all realities and that too segregated, are the trouble of humanity. The missing ‘Holism’, which ‘emerges’ after assimilation, integration and synthesis of all possible ‘parts’ is the ‘flavor’ or tastefulness of life-living. That is why it is a complex and massive situation.

We need to have knowledge of different ‘parts’, which we have earlier referred as ‘ingredients’. We need to have knowledge and experiences of wide spectrum of probable meanings and causalities, the ingredients or ‘parts’ may have. And then; we must have good mastery of the ‘processes’ the ‘parts’ undergo and can undergo to create the ‘emergence’ of Holism of Reality. This is primary hypothesis for Science and Art of Sanity and Bliss. This is bare basics of Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living. We shall talk about all possible aspects of this science and art in this eBook. We shall list out ideas and practicalities, which shall lead us to master the craft of poetry in our personality and living world.
