Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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There is a reality, called Intellectualism, which has been debated and differed since ages. It is still not clear, what Intellect truly means and whom we can say a true Intellectual. This question is important because, once we arrive at one common and singular definition of Intellect; we can call upon this idea of Intellectualism to successfully understand many core and critical ideas about life-living and holism of wellness.

As we have hypothesized earlier, multiplicity of perceptions of a singular reality may be the seed of all human troubles but still, it is a huge resource for us as it allows different probabilities to fetch and add novel dimensions to the ways we experience satisfactions and joys. That is probably a joy, which we humans have not yet learnt to relish in its holism. As mentioned earlier, in our populist cultural mind training to be ‘successful’, we usually chase only those single or restricted few ‘Realities’, which society benchmarks as ‘eligibility’ for success. This narrowed and ‘part’ success takes us away from holism of Reality.

Society and cultures require us to be geniuses of ‘parts’ and stand in denial and oblivion of rest of the holism of Reality. That is why science says; successful people kill reality. Some evolutionary biologists hypothesize that evolution itself works this way. Evolution designed human cognition in a way, which restricts lot many aspects of Reality and makes it accept ambient Reality through a restrictive window of perception to optimize survival. This survival single-mindedness, no doubt, comes only when consciousness is focused only on one desire. You already know; this singular focus also guarantees ‘successes’ in our lives. Cultures somehow, innately follow the restrictive but critical drives of humanity. Evolution does not ‘trust’ conscientious human intelligence and therefore, ‘wires’ all drives in subconscious processes. Cultures also brilliantly enforce evolutionary requisites, wiring them in fixed rituals. Laws are no aberrations! If we look around and know, how different animals, birds and other complex organisms have some specialized and exclusive body-brain faculties to facilitate some specific behavior-action; we can understand how our own gateways to visualize and accept Reality are very restrictive and limited.

We know there is now a singular and globally accepted common regimen and methodology about how to raise and train your pet dog puppy. It is broadly common, with minor changes for different dog breeds and geographical diversities. However, there is no singular common universal idea and methodology to raise and grow a human child. It is primarily because we have not yet decided a singular and universal idea and definition of Intellect. As the Intellect is not singular, the idea of right and wrong is also not yet singular. Not only we humans do not agree, we fight over it and ensure that every time, the multiplicity of perceptions must settle in favor of our own personal and subjective acceptance of a reality. The war is always on and brutally manifested in cultures, politics and life-living. That is why it may help us a great deal, if we could settle with a workable basis or hypothesis of Intellect. No doubt, we shall do it with the help of modern and contemporaneous knowledge of pure science; not abstract philosophy or pop psychology.

If I could be allowed a privilege, for a moment, to request you to keep aside your instinctive and visceral perceptions about Realities; as you have been accepting since long, I would attempt to enlist the twin themes, which I may very humbly say, defines, identifies and shapes True and Real Intellect –

  1. This ever evolving and constantly maturing ability to allow and lead one’s cognitive entrepreneurship to journey all ‘Landscape of Probabilities’, without much trepidation and painfulness. The neural network of brain is brilliantly probabilistic and if Consciousness does not inhibit it, with barriers of fear, insecurities, dogmatic diktats and cultural benchmarking of successes; it facilitates and engenders novel and even ‘bizarre’ cognitions. This in turn opens up the portals of novel and alternative experiences. More cognitive liberty we allow and welcome to our Consciousness; larger and better are the dimensions of emergent experiences. This is magnificent profitability and possession. This Intellect leads us to true and real richness.
  2. This ever evolving and constantly maturing ability to systematically ‘unlearn’ the old-archaic and archetypal cultural mind and its acceptances to galvanize the installation and entrenchment of novel, objective, scientific ‘learning’; facilitating and expanding the landscape of probabilistic cognitions, as mentioned above. Unlearning clears and weeds out the conscious-spaces, which our old, archaic and populist cultural insinuations installed since we were born. This creates a willing and new space for novel and alternative experiences. This Intellect leads us to true and real richness.

These twin elements of anyone’s consciousness are now hugely facilitated by the exponential advancement of scientific information in so many domains of knowledge; especially in the domains of neuroscience, molecular biology and artificial intelligence. The good or bad thing about this ‘enrichment’ is the fact that this knowledge is not an asset or property, like a house, car or jewelry. Knowledge is not static and therefore ephemeral. As knowledge and information in contemporary world is growing exponentially; knowledge is never a lasting asset but a step towards further and higher journeying. Knowledge and wisdom is like a constant journeying; in dialectical cyclicality of learning-unlearning-learning (Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis). That is why; not even a stupid like me should ever be in any misconception that knowledge can ever be a property. It is always a catalytic agency; very much like Money we have, to facilitate ‘conveniences’ for certain resources, which in turn create launch pad of wellness for knowledge acquisition.

What we have enlisted above about the Reality of Intellect is its probabilistic, multidimensional and evolving-emergent character. This is how all realities are. Therefore, Intellect is also just a part of the holism of Reality and therefore must reflect the innate and embedded properties and propensities of Reality, in its objectivity and Holism. In fact, all realities, which we humans accept; has to be in sync with probabilistic nature of macrocosmic reality.

Though, it is not prudent to define the reality of Intellect in a set of words, still; we must do it so that we have the convenience of internalizing the idea and practice it with some element of definitiveness. But, it must be borne into our minds that the definition is only for a practical purpose of imaging or symbolizing of a reality. It can never be the true holism of Reality.

So, we can say, True Intellect means this mindfulness-thoughtfulness and poised acceptance, of mechanism and processes of body-mind and its constant interaction with milieus, which allows a person to journey the innumerable probable shades and aspects of Reality, in complete joyfulness-contentment; consciously not allowing instinctive fear-insecurities of subconscious-unconscious brain plexus to vitiate this journey by proposing reverse-antagonistic actions and behaviors.

To simplify it and put it in one sentence – Intellect is a Consciousness of Probabilistic Acceptance of Reality. To make it simpler – Intellect Is Landscape; Not Buildings. To be more specific – Intellect is True Expression of Reality.

It is very interesting to mention here, how this definition of Intellect very much matches up with the latest scientific assertion of Reality. Top scientists of contemporary times say; Theoretical Physics has no theories about Reality. It only has landscapes to offer. The string theorists term the ‘Landscape’ as infinite domain of probabilities. In this hypothesis, even the universe is accepted not as one uniform and homogenous entity but a conglomeration of spaces, which can be accepted as Fields or Landscapes; having different probabilistic properties. In this light, when physics of Reality itself is Landscape, it is probably only truly appropriate to accept this hypothesis that Intellect must also be this singular perspective to accept, journey and enjoy the landscape of probabilities. Intellect is in being truly thrilled and happy about the multidimensionality of Reality and never be obsessed and dogmatic about singular or few preferred perceptions, which stand us conflicted with different other shades of realities, other than what we as individuals, accept and profess.
