Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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History of Criminality and Intentionality

Human history of civilizations and cultures has records of human behaviors and actions and it is for anyone to know and understand. Nothing is left to guess work and imaginations. The history very clearly records the fact that there has been a persistent and explicit criminality, brutality and depravity of powerful few at the top of cultures. Similar clarity and visibility is of the compassion, amicability and fraternity of very few. The mass majority in between, however, lived out lives in survival-struggles; consciously avowing all idealisms of life-living but subconsciously aligning with forces of criminality-brutality-depravity to keep the life going.

The singular common thread with all these Three different classes of people is their equal and predominant discrimination, brutalization and subjugation of women; in all ages and all spheres. Somehow, as history mostly happens as records of ‘successful’ people and their magnified ‘adventures’; most contemporary humans are not aware of even one percent of the historical criminality and torture wreaked on women and the pains and traumas the women have lived out in all the civilizations and cultures at the hands of all classes of people. Tragically enough; as most women had no choice, they aligned and sided with their men folks in adding more brutality and pain to their own ilk. Partial and farcical Reality and its adherence made women the worst enemy of women itself. This needs to change in modern times and only true and holistic knowledge can bring about this much desired change.

Nothing much has changed. The change happens when majority of people accept the ‘Causality of Wrong’. Change happens when people understand and accept the bare basics of Intentionality of all Causalities. This hasn’t happened and does not look like it can happen anywhere in near future. Vast majority of over 99 percent people have no idea about the core realities of the rudimental aspects of the 3Cs – Consciousness, Cognition and Causality. They still live in 16th century world of human knowledge and constantly refuse to update them, even when modern science has unraveled huge deal about so many life-living realities. The change cannot happen with such deep-seated attitude towards dispensability of objective and scientific knowledge.

The change does not happen with those, who are ensconced in happy situations with the continued stupidity, hypocrisy, criminality and depravity. Change happens only with those, who are victims of the status quo of the criminality. This change is already beginning to happen with women, across the globe, who are beginning to understand the hypocrisies and un-conscientious criminality of dominant cultures. However, better and larger change can happen only when women understand and accept their own true Self and their Intentionality, in entirety and holism; as modern science has facilitated for us. The best and most powerful change takes roots in cognitive landscape of consciousness of women. Nobody, howsoever powerful, can change the society and cultures. However, every average person can effect big and grassroots changes in personal domains.

The Intentionality of even modern women is no doubt affected and even shaped up by the long history of brutality-criminality-depravity of human race on women. The phenotype of brutality-criminality against women has been too prolonged and too dominant and they affect genotypes and their expressions even in modern milieus. The contemporary modern milieus have also not been even partially successful in bringing about such safe and sanitized mechanisms to make an average woman unlearn her wired fears and culturally learnt inhibitions. This reality impacts the intentionality of a woman. We need to factor in and count all elements, which has evolved and conditioned the holistic idea of woman’s Intentionality. There simply cannot be any description of a woman’s intentionality, without admitting the deep impact of massive criminality and depravity against womanhood since ages. This itself presents as an agenda for women to unlearn and effect change in their conscious self by making personality choices as well as integrating personal safety skills as part and parcel of their individuality.

This 50th eBook of mine, I shall feel worthy, if it reaches out to even one woman, who understand this all to empower her journey into her own true Self and Intentionality. I have no reason to doubt; why can’t you be that woman. Security and safety must not be accepted in terms of gender expressions of societal reality. As we have talked earlier; human criminality is innate and embedded in scammed processes of consciousness and it shall always find its easy victims. This easy victim can be a woman or man. We all know how men have brutalized innocent and submissive men and women have also done the same to women. Criminality is innate and its victims are always the meek and incapacitated. This needs to be understood as it facilitates the freedom of intentionality from unnecessary burden of perceived fears and inhibitions.

A confident and resourceful woman would behave and act much more like a confident man. Behavior is a response of subjective self in specific situation and milieus. The stimulus of say fear or insecurity shall always be objective for both men and women; however, intentionality and suitable behavior towards the stimulus shall be decided by the eligibility of consciousness and readiness of individuality. This consciousness can be a man or a woman. The readiness and response is subject to the level of confidence and resourcefulness of the person. This person can be a woman or a man. Intentionality is emergent property of subjective processes of consciousnesses and it has not much to do with form of the person. If a woman is as confident, prepared, resourced and consciously willful to handle all her situations in life with determination and skill, as a man can be; she shall handle all situations with success. If a man cannot; he shall be as brutalized and tormented by fears and inhibitions, as women are popularly perceived as.
