Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Objectivity of Benchmarks of Appropriates

It is important to understand the ‘context’ of normality, appropriates and righteousness of action-behavior, purposes, goals and thoughts in daily life-living for anyone – be it a man or woman. There are questions about these benchmarks. Who decides these benchmarks of normality and appropriates; especially the gender normality? What is the true and objective basis of these benchmarks? If laws made by politics are the basis, what reality and objective truth the laws are based on? Are they based on pure science, which alone is the singular benchmark of Reality? Even if laws prescribe the benchmarks, does the society and cultures abide by them and practice them? Is it not true that whether it is politics, society, culture, economy or even jurisprudence; every domain implicitly and indirectly plays by the populist perceptions of normality and appropriates.

This truly is the trouble with humanity. Everything boils down to shameless and criminal intents of people, who innately and subconsciously accept nothing but their own benefit and profitability. That is majorly why there seems very few true, real and objectively right benchmarks of normality, appropriates and righteousness even in modern human world. Gender appropriates and normalcies are no exceptions.

It is easily understandable why women have never ever been able to understand and accept their own true and real Self and Intentionality; let alone attaining them. It is such a tragedy that since very early in her childhood, a girl child is faced with such scammed and criminalized social-cultural-political milieus that she subconsciously begins to accept all those illogical, inappropriate and hypocritical benchmarks of normality for her intentionality. The pop psychologists would be prompt to say, look, how even small children show ‘gender-appropriate’ and gender-specific behavior. This is scam.

This 50th eBook is special for me as I journey with you, this crucial question and deliberate on all aspects of the idea of Self and Intentionality of a woman. The basis of this journey is scientific knowledge about human body and brain in evolutionary perspective, neuroscience as well as molecular biology. We shall explore all aspects and journey all avenues of normality, appropriates and righteousness to hypothesize on true and real Self and Intentionality of womanhood.
