Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Beyond Populism and Intuitiveness

Reality manifests itself in massive expanse, dimensions, frames, designs and complexities. Human faculties are too miniscule to understand reality in its entirety and holism. However, the brilliant scientists could break free of these limitations and unravel realities beyond perceptional horizons. It needs to be understood that the hugely crippling and restrictive body-brain potentials to unravel reality are not the real trouble behind limited and fractional understanding of realities. The worst enemy of reality is society-culture and its stupid penchant and hypocritical insinuations to remain blissfully oblivious of reality and accept only those ‘perceptions’ and ‘beliefs’ as true and right, which serves the oligarchy of powerful and successful.

Second powerful enemy of reality is human’s innate and subconscious acceptance of intuitive factuality. Most dimensions of realities are in non-intuitive domains and therefore, intuitiveness breeds fake, partial, farcical, fictitious, populist and propagandist realities, which society-culture uses to favor the powerful, authoritative and profiteers. But then; intuitiveness comes natural and involuntarily to all and that is why very few people ever feel the need to go beyond this slavery of intuitively perceived Reality. That is why 99 percent of humanity knows and accepts only fractional, partial, fake, fudged, farcical, fraudulent, populist, propagandist and commercial Reality.

Realities of Self and Intentionality of womanhood is no exception. Objective and singular reality is nobody’s favorite. Most people love abstractions and mysticism as it lends huge latitude to imaginative brilliance of ‘favorable and suitable’ perceptions to sell briskly as Reality. It is visceral; it is the innate design of consciousness. Abstracted and subjectively perceptional realities about Self and Intentionality of womanhood have populated huge load of fake, partial, farcical, fictitious, populist and propagandist realities in society and cultures. The authoritative and successful of the society-cultures lend their seal of approval to them and women have little choice but to accept them as truth and reality.

We live in the times of empowerment of women. What this empowerment means and translates into? No doubt; empowerment for anyone, be it man or woman, comes from objective, logical and holistic knowledge of Reality. This knowledge has to be objective and holistic. Thankfully, it is now beginning to become available but tragically; average person is not even aware of its existence and easy availability. They remain aligned with old, archaic, obsolete and partial knowledge about most realities; especially the body-brain realities.

The contemporary humanity is definitively a knowledgeable society. In this growingly complex world of life-living, only true knowledge can make people survive and thrive. Gradually but definitively; mechanisms and processes of all possible realities – be it that of human body-brain or the universe; contemporary humanity is unraveling-deciphering them all.

Contemporary women, across all societies, are endeavoring to be equal participants in humanity’s march to ultimate knowledge. It is only very natural that all women must take to the contemporary scientific knowledge about their own Self, their own Intentionality as well as body and brain processes. Only this can lead them to discard the archaic, obsolete and populist perceptions about womanhood and Intentionality of Woman. Modern scientific knowledge has completely changed how we humans understood and accepted ourselves in the vast milieus filled with loads of other humans and complex cultures. The new human is empowered by novel and scientific knowledge of body and brain. The womanhood too stands to be the New Womanhood in 21st century.

This hypothesis energizes the journey into true, real and holistic Intentionality of Woman. This 50th eBook shall journey this novel and alternative road to Reality of Woman.
