Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Morphology, Milieus & Specificity of Intentionality

There is a core idea, which must be understood, before we begin our journey into Intentionality of a Woman. There is this very universal idea of generic and specific realities. In modern milieus, this difference is also understood by a popular metaphor of hardware and software realities. The generic or hardware elements are largely independent of its milieus, whereas, specificity is all about being responsive to milieus and usher in suitable changes to optimize performance and utility in a given system. This dualism of generic and specific aspects of reality needs to be understood to have a better understanding of the Self and Intentionality of a woman. We have already talked about how socialization processes in an ambient culture shades and conditions the cognitive spectrum of a woman’s subconscious being. This aspect must be kept in mind. This is complex but we try to simplify it.

There is huge amount of populist ideas, mixed with partial and fictitious facts, when it comes to generic and specific aspects of female body and brain. Populist perceptions and beliefs accept that there are perceptible and marked differences in male-female body and brain. Many psychological and scientific studies have sort of boosted this perception. However, it is a matter of deep concern that in most cases, the gender differences have little specificity to be accepted as something big and universal to impact female Self and Intentionality. This specificity and generality need to be probed.

No doubt, dimorphism – difference in male-female body is perceptible, because of differences in sizes and roles; but it has now been proved beyond doubt that this dimorphism specificity is not universal and not applicable equally across varied demographic regions, cultures and other variables. We talk about it later. This however needs to be kept in mind that the gender differences are not as prominent, not universally present and also not as acutely expressed, as it is popularly made out. This in theory and practice means; there sure are generic gender elements, which may be accepted as objective and broadly marked. However, how these generic elements play out and are expressed differently and subjectively in different external milieus of society-culture-polity-economy-faith as well as internal milieus of different consciousnesses of women, present a wide range of specifics about gender manifestations and insinuations. As we have talked earlier; Self and Milieus are innately related and so are Milieus and Intentionality. Milieus percolate the ‘specifics’ on landscape of Intentionality. They color and condition intentionality but they do not ‘code’ intentionality. Specifics are socialization-engendered emergent realities; not the innate and objective reality. This must be understood and explored deeply to understand womanhood in holism.

We all know, in human body, most organs like heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, et al are largely generic with some differences owing to male-female body size difference and some biological role segregation. Even the bloods of male and female are known to have some structural difference. However, there is always this populist talk about there being a female brain, very distinct from a male brain. A gendered brain is everyone’s favorite populist position. Also, this imaginatively professed ‘superiority’ of male brain over female brain is mass consumption populist stuff. Brain is considered as gender specific; even when modern science knows that brain is no more gendered than liver, kidneys, heart and pancreas. There are some differences in almost all biological systems but it may not be right to factor them in; especially in such deep extents; for difference in expression of Self and Intentionality of a woman, which science tells, are emergent, ever-evolving and therefore largely probabilistic. This populist and dominant insinuation to stamp ‘definitiveness’ over woman’s intentionality itself is invite for unleashing of the pathologies of depravity and criminality.

It needs to be understood as why the most talked about organ is the brain when it comes to gender talks. Because brain is the only organ, which shapes up and affects human behavior. Only brain alters itself in course of life as it changes its grey as well as white matters, as part of its interaction with external as well as internal milieus. It is through this much publicized superiority of male brain, the populist cultures wish to continue the well-oiled subjugation and oppression of women. After all, all criminality and depravity of Intentionality of populist and dominant cultures emanate out of the male-centric Brain. A superior liver or kidney simply cannot usher in the ‘task at hand’, which a superior brain, housed in a male body could. The men world would be too happy to give in, if women have a ‘superior’ liver or kidneys. They however would not give in about the brains. This needs to be understood.

Far more important is to understand that even if there are specifics in the body and brain; making remarkable gender differences; it needs to be questioned and understood, what these specifics are, what the constituent elements of this specificity are and how they express themselves in body and brain to unleash gender differences; that too in different milieus. Are the specifics the same as they were thousands of years back or they need to be seen in the changed context of the massively evolved milieus of contemporary human life-living? Do the specifics remain constant or change in different layers of milieus? If we have a clear picture of generic and specific elements of body and brain; especially in context of the milieus; we shall have an objective and truthful understanding of what is the real and true Self and Intentionality of a woman. This we shall journey with scientific precision and holism of perspective; away from populist and partial perceptions and beliefs; prevalent and persevered in society and cultures.
