Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Self and Intentionality

To understand Reality; what we as individual see, perceive and experience; one has no choice but to journey back to 14.5 billion years, when the universe probably happened and it seeded Reality. Since then, the primeval Reality has journeyed unimaginably diverse stages in progression of Time and what we as individuals make of it, is just like a sand particle in the vast sea beach. Similarly, when we talk about understanding Self and Intentionality; we need to journey back to 3.5 billion years, when the first single cell living organism happened. Contemporary science tells us, this organism had Intentionality and a seed-level sense of consciousness of Self. That is why I said at the very start that whatever the age of a body-brain of an individual; its Self and Intentionality has the notional age of 3.5 billion years, as I and you are made of these 30 trillion cells. The long journey is pretty well chronicled in the genome we as modern humans have.

This history of reality and life; dating back to billions of years, tells us some critical information about Self and Intentionality, without the understanding of which, we cannot have idea of Reality in its holism. And; if we do not understand the mechanisms and processes of Reality, we definitely cannot understand the true and real Self and Intentionality. Moreover, without the true understanding of Self and Intentionality, we shall always live out fake, fudged, fraudulent, farcical, partial, propagandist and populist perceptions, leading us away from real and true wellness, success and prosperity. As Reality shall elude us; we shall never have true and real knowledge of normality, appropriates and righteousness. Very naturally, we shall live out scams and our lives shall become a bigger scam.

This reality is applicable for both men and women. This very idea of distinction between male and female too needs to be understood in tune with progression of life and reality in the long history of billions of years. We, as reality of Self stands today, have evolved from this singular cell organism and that is why a holistic knowledge of evolutionary biology is must to have a deep understanding of male-female morphology, its evolutionary trajectories as well as the cultural frills it accumulated over thousands of years. This morphology has evolved in billions of years and therefore Gender-Intentionality is also a reality that has evolved over millions of years. Therefore, womanhood and female intentionality cannot be understood without factoring in the long and tumultuous evolution of body-brain structures and functions.

The idea of dimorphism – difference in male and female shape-size-appearances et al, needs to be deciphered in historical perspective of long evolution of life as well as reality. This shall facilitate the true and real understanding of the normality, appropriates and righteousness of Self and Intentionality of both men and women. Every person, not only women, must keep this in mind that he or she may be only a few years old but the mechanisms and processes within their body-brain are billions of years old. That is why I said at the very start that I may be 55 but my notional age is 3.5 billion years.

This is a huge subject and it cannot be understood fully in casual way. However, we shall try to just bring out only the core and key aspects, to facilitate our journey ahead.

The Self, or the sense of ‘I’ or Me; as we usually feel and experience; is a very miniscule portion of the totality and holism of Consciousness. It is very much like the tip of the iceberg; much smaller than this. Human consciousness is in three layers or domains – Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious, which are in continuum but very much distinct in structures and functions. The unconscious and subconscious processes of our brain mechanisms, we are not even aware but almost 98 percent of our body’s daily and routine functions are performed by these two layers of our consciousness. Only two percent functions fall in the conscious domain, about which, we are aware and we feel; we are ‘willfully’ doing them. The 98 percent, which we are not aware of, is also our Self or ‘I’ but we are not even aware. That is why we do not own what our subconscious does.

However, we as a person cannot deny the culpability of this ‘Unaware’ consciousness layer. The un-conscientious stupidities-hypocrisies are also ‘Me’ and my doings. As we said, the three layers are in continuum and that is why subconscious affects and shapes up the conscious and the conscious has impact on the subconscious, etc. Tragically, this cyclicality is also what we usually are unaware of. This means, a large part of my own intentionality is unknown to me but they very much shape up and condition the expression and communication of my intentionality in the external milieus as behaviors and actions. The unconscious as well as subconscious domains have processes of engendering intentionality and they are auto-processes. The conscious self is also engendering intentionality, depending on stimuli from external environment and I am somehow aware of them. As all three layers are in continuum and in totality they represent my consciousness; there is bound to be conflicts and dualism in process of finality of intentionality. This conflict is popularly expressed as competing intentionality of heart and mind. Traditionally and in populist perceptions, women have been labeled as ‘thinking’ more from heart, compared to men who are supposed to think from mind. This fake-fudged and scandalous perception is populist truth and reality for many. Tragically, even this conflict of mind, as embedded in the layered consciousness, is not most people are always aware of.

The tragedy is not that we are aware of only a very negligible part of Self and do not even bother to know about this big domain of ‘Self’ in the unaware zone and its conflicts. The bigger trouble is that this very small two percent, about which we are aware, is also not actually what we can ‘own’ and say with definitiveness that it is ‘Me’. Why? As we said, even this small two percent is influenced by the massive 98 percent, we are not aware of. Science is almost unanimous in saying that there is no Free Will. It means; we may feel and perceive something as ‘My Choice’ or ‘My Action-Behavior’; but in reality, they might possibly be a decision shaped up by such elements or factors, you are not even aware of, while ‘taking’ or arriving at the decision.

Somehow, in simple terms – What your Self actually does and what it makes you feel and experience it does; may usually be two different things; or at least two expressions and dimensions of a reality. This dualism of Intentionality has to be understood and accepted in its holism.

It is a rather favored populist perception that dualism of intentionality is typically female frontier. The infamous saying, ‘Frailty thy name is woman’ emanates out of this erroneous yet very populist acceptance even in modern contemporary human culture that being in dualistic situations is very typically a woman’s intentionality. It is happily accepted that women say something and mean something else. They are also accused of easily retracting from their intentionality. Men world relish this dualism, labeled against women and are prompt to inflict on women their nefarious intents of subjugation. The objective reality remains that it is a gender-neutral reality of body-brain mechanism, common for men and women. It is only very natural and universal for all humans to have this dualism about intentionality. This dualism is objectively a function of the strength of a person’s relationship with external milieus, irrespective of gender labels. Moreover; this innate and subconscious intentionality for dominance to subjugate all others is also common in men and women as it is wired in primitive brain states. Why only humans; most advanced animals have this dualism of intentionality; though not as often as humans.

Both men and women are equal victims of this dualism – they may be doing something and still felling something else. This dualism of intentionality remains subjective to persons – strong, confident and well aware persons may not face adverse impacts of their dualistic intentionality whereas a weak and unsettled person shall. That is where subconscious pathologies play out and men world un-conscientiously create such situations in milieus, which always keep their women unsettled and weak. This suits the narrative of their ‘superior’ situation vis-à-vis the intentionality of a woman, to perpetuate subconscious subjugation of women. This is wired intentionality and therefore, the array of behavior of dominance over women and their criminality is never accepted by men.

This suitability harvests the profitability of purposes, men world and especially the dominant male world seeks. The wired intentionality of dominance also needs to be understood as this intentionality is popularly assigned to men but they are equally wired in women too. Dominance is the innate and wired intentionality, which largely depends on how a person perceives his or her external milieus and how actually the milieus are. In a society-culture of abundance, equality and general resourcefulness-wellness, this intentionality of dominance, in both men and women, may not be prominent and prolific. However, an unequal, deprived and resource-scarce society-culture, even women would express the intentionality of dominance in dominant ways. This is innate and wired in brain states, as it processes information from external milieus and decides about the innate survival question. These processes are largely subconscious and therefore, the pathologies they engender are also people are unaware of.

Large parts of the populist and dominant cultures are the reflection and assertion of the pathologies of subconscious intentionality. That is why most cultures are marvelous specimen of human hypocrisies. Since ages, unsuspecting and submissively unaware women have been the victims of these pathologies, which have their seeds in innate and entrenched dualism of intentionality; not only in women but also equally in men. As a woman, your true and real empowerment and long-term wellness come from the knowledge and objective acceptance of the reality of humanity.

There is no complaint but simple and compassionate realization and internalization of the pathologies of human consciousness. You do not compete with diseased and disabled person; rather you extend your compassion for them. This is the test of empowerment. If compassion is what knowledge brings about; then you have truly arrived. You as an aware and empowered woman must understand and accept that the primary culprit of all pathologies of depravity and criminality of people, especially men, is the milieu of society-culture-polity-economy-faith. We have been detailing as how intentionality is largely an unconscious-subconscious emergence of information processing, a person’s brain states performs, receiving signals and informational feeds from external milieus, where it moves and survives. If the milieus have sanity-system-symmetry-beauty, intentionality shall be largely devoid of criminality-depravity. If not, pathologies break out as pandemic. You already know that as you witness this every passing day in your life-living.

Intentionality is directly proportional to the sanity of the systems of society-culture-polity-economy-faith. This is the practical and proposed basis of compassion in you. You must always consider milieus as larger trouble-tool than unsuspecting and un-conscientious people, who are themselves a victim and slaves of milieus and are unaware of their hypocritical intentionality. This is the design of consciousness and intentionality.

This is not as simple as it sounds. The whole reality of consciousness, its mechanism and pathologies in human brain is a huge and very complex idea. Even scientists have not yet fully understood it in entirety and holism. However, what you as an aware woman need to know and accept that everything is about information – how our brain perceives them, processes them and engenders intentionality to deal with them for ensuring survival optimization. Scientists may later know how these information are processed in subconscious states but you just have to be conscious and compassionately objective about this ‘Information-plexus’, which shapes and conditions Intentionality. What we intend to talk here about is this misconception in most people about Self or sense of ‘I’ and how it works. That is why; it is hugely important for every aware person; irrespective of gender divide, to delve deep into science of consciousness and cognition. It makes us understand how we go about in our lives and how and where we err, just because of our ignorance about the Reality of Self and Intentionality. This facilitates understanding of the complex ideas of normality, appropriates and righteousness of roles and choices we make in our life-living. This paves the way for optimization of wellness, successes and prosperity.

As we said, we cannot disown action-behavior and their fall outs by saying we were not aware. It has massive implications for women and their Intentionality. Popularly, the dualism of Intentionality is fashionably associated with very consciousness of women. Often, unscrupulous and ignorant men folks take advantage of this ‘populist duality’ labeled against women. There is a long and brutal history of this culpability against women by forcing on them a ‘form’ of Intentionality, which is fake, fudged, scammed and hugely partial. Men have the same mechanism of duality of Intentionality. There are loads of stupidities-hypocrisies-criminality-depravity, which men, especially dominant men do not own and accept as they are simply not aware. This has huge adverse impact on the society, cultures and family but average men never accept this culpability. They simply cannot. They are not even aware what it means to be aware!

However, when it comes to women; men and their dominant male world are always too harsh, apathetic and even sadistic to un-conscientious impropriety of women, because of the same mechanism and processes of duality of Intentionality. Often; women have to face very difficult situations because of their ‘misunderstood-misinterpreted intentionality’. For both men and women, unawareness and un-conscientious Intentionality is improper as it unleashes very adverse impact on the sanity, system and wellness of society, cultures and family. As you as a woman, are aware; you do not fall in the trap of this subconscious intentionality and its pathologies. You do not succumb to the scammed ways of society and cultures. This is where modern women have to take the lead and delve into this modern scientific knowledge about the realities of self and consciousness so that they get rid of the huge burden of un-conscientious Intentionality.

The relationship between Self and Intentionality is a complex domain but there is no option to avoid the knowledge. The ‘Self’ is in constant and complex interactions with the external milieus. The moment one comes out of the womb and begins to breathe; the ‘Self’ begins to interact with all realities in the external milieus. Intentionality happens as this interaction happens. Even a just born child begins to move eyes, react to sound, cry and smile, etc. The very nascent ‘Self’ of a just born stands exposed to varied aspects of realities in external milieus and unconsciously and subconsciously the child reacts and acts. This happens as even in a just born, Intentionality for different reactions-actions are wired. Throw a just born into a pool of water and automatically, the new born shall close its nose and mouth. This is wired intentionality.

However, as the child shall grow and keep interacting with its ambient milieus, with specific cultures, traditions, roles and rituals, etc; he or she would automatically (subconsciously) ‘learn’ and imbibe new and more shades of intentionality, to fit into the larger and dominant milieus of normality, appropriates and righteousness. This subconscious and auto-mode ‘fitting in’ is wired intentionality of brain states to optimize ‘survival fitness’, which is common in all larger organisms; especially mammals.

The conscious layer of Self is yet to be evolved as it shall happen after many years, when Intentionality shall create enough memories of experiences. Much later, may be after 20 years of coming out of the womb, the Self shall experience the power of conflicts and then it shall experience the conscious and aware Self, which shall stop, think and weigh different conflicting intentionality for making a choice, which he or she may consider as normal, appropriate and right for him or her. Modern science tells us that a human brain matures and evolves to its optimality at around 25 years of age. But; by then, loads of automatic and subconscious ‘learning’ has already happened and conditioned the consciousness, which as an aware and empowered woman you may need to ‘unlearn’. These subconscious elements shape up your Intentionality but it is not in sync, symmetry and harmony with your individuality as both your individuality and intentionality should be very consciously and conscientiously designed and decided by You as aware, knowledgeable and free-willed person.

All modern women need to understand the process of subconscious evolution of their subjective intentionality and from very early adulthood, try to weed out and ‘unlearn’, those scammed elements of subconscious perceptions and socializations, which happened to you and were heaped on you, without the definitive stamp of your conscious and free-willed Individuality. You as a woman need to be always very conscious of your interaction with milieus and its impact on your intentionality. Nothing ‘unintentional’ and ‘unwarranted’ should become part of your individuality and intentionality, which you do not consciously ‘own’. Complete and perfect ‘ownership’ of your body, mind, individuality, intentionality and consciousness is the hallmark of a modern and empowered woman.

This cyclicality between Self-Milieus-Intentionality is very critical understanding for you as this cyclicality actually seeds so many subconscious causalities of your Intentionality and its duality. When you are aware, very conscious of these processes and causalities; you actually empower your precarious Free Will and this in turn shall protect you from subconscious and un-conscientious Intentionality. These unintended and unwarranted ‘frills’ have traditionally been putting you as a woman into loads of misunderstood intentionality. The knowledge of these processes shall present the cure for the pathology of dualism of Intentionality.

A synced, symmetrical and streamlined Intentionality; well galvanized and woven into your highly aware, conscious and optimally conscientious Individuality, is the most powerful personal tool for you to succeed as true and real woman and optimize your wellness. The innate and subconscious duality of consciousness and intentionality is ideally a tool for knowing yourself better and also for evolving your own individuality in a decisive and confident frame of personality.

You need to know and accept that your brain is designed to engender this dualism but it also has the structural and functional faculties to stand you as evolved and objective witness of this dualism, so that you mature your intentionality and individuality. Your individuality and personality evolve and blossom out of the processes of duality. Dualism is not woman; it is a neutral process. Individuality must be consciously designed and devised to benefit out of all processes of body and brains. You already know; there are so many subconscious fears, inhibitions, sense of subjugation and inadequacy, etc, which were assigned to your consciousness as a woman since your childhood, which have mostly cognitive actuality; not structural ones. You have to very consciously bring all these subconscious elements of your intentionality to critical thinking. You need to filter them, test their validity and extent. You must accept only those fears, inhibitions and restrictions on your individuality, which you very consciously test out and accept as genuine, reasonable and generic to all in a certain milieu, time and space. This subconscious intentionality of your individuality awaits your conscious and critical discretion as an aware and empowered woman.

This is true spiritualism; genuine science and perfect art. However, this is a journey you have to embark upon all alone. This is very personal enterprise as the collective domains of society-culture-polity-faith are not only of no assistance, rather they all are so scammed and criminalized in contemporary times that they shall kill your individuality and intentionality. But then; being a woman, you already know; how you have always called upon your own confident self and strength of conviction to traverse the tough roads of life-living. I am confident; you have the potentials to perfect the art.

This is probably the simplest and most restrictive explanation of the idea of Self and Intentionality. We are not going into details of it as we are here concerned with something, which needs only a peripheral understanding of the realities of Self and Intentionality. Our concern is to test some hypothesis about the Self and Intentionality, which in turn shall also test the validity and actuality of the populist and dominant hypotheses about normality, appropriates and righteousness; especially about gendered ones.

Therefore; we need to ask, what installs Gender Normality-Appropriate-Righteousness in the entities of Self and Intentionality and how and why it is true and real in the overall scheme of things in the larger landscape of Reality. If we scientifically address the core issues of Self, Intentionality, Reality of Milieus and Ultimate Goal of Success; we can objectively unravel the truth and reality behind the Reality Of Self and Intentionality of a Woman. We journey this road next.
