Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Deciphering Intentionality

Intentionality is intangibility; a feel, a perception of something, which is not in any physical form but as some energy, which we know as Causality. In contemporary scientific vocabulary, we may call it Information. You already know how hugely tough it is to define and understand something, which is not tangible and eludes visual spectrum. Intentionality is also intangible like happiness, mood, sadness, disgust, etc. They are emergent energies of the cause-effect cyclicality; broadly to be referred as Information, in scientific parlance. However, we also know very clearly that all intangibilities are seeded and engrained in tangible processes in body and brain; which are essentially chemical processing. That is why; understanding the tangible processes of the intangibility of intentionality shall help us in having better cognition and feel of all intangible realities of life-living.

Intentionality may be referred to as a ‘superordinate’ term, which means a higher and more generic classification or categorization of different related realities. As we all know, animal is the superordinate word for lions, horses, cows and tiger. Intentionality is also a reality, which accommodates and personifies so many related cognitive sensing and feeling. Intentionality is superordinate reality for most perceptional cognitions of brain states. Therefore, all perceptional states like happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, surprise; which are known as Six Core Emotions of life-living, can be clubbed and merged in one generic term of Intentionality. As we know, scientists have listed 40-50 emotions, which evolved out of these six core emotions, as amalgamation for specific expressions of intentionality.

This intentionality is intangible and emergent and therefore can be explained and understood with the help of metaphors or symbols like it being a ‘tangent’ or ‘energy vent’ to convert or not convert the processed reality into ‘feel’ for ultimate action. Once this intentionality gets converted into motor action for behavior and actions, it enters into an interaction with external as well as internal milieus. The experience follows and memories are formed. A complex cycle of causalities get energized. Intentionality in its collective form has the potential to either make a society-culture great ot fill it up with scams and depravity. Even an individual’s intentionality impacts milieus and in turn gets impacted by milieus. That is why Intentionality is so important for both organism as well as milieus. Intentionality is the ‘connect’ between person and milieus. That is why sanity and sincerity of intentionality is critical for both individual and society-culture.

Since ages, humans could not know the intricacies of intentionality. They could not know the tangible basis of intangibility of intentionality as humanity had no knowledge about brain and body functioning. Intentionality may be a feeling; and intuitively, its realization may seem to have no tangible basis. But it is rooted in tangible chemical processes of hormones and neurons. As for ages, humans could not know anything about these processes of hormones and neurons; they simply perceived the reality of intentionality in a peripheral and practical cause-effect way, which had no basis of science but was based on intuitive feel, philosophies and faith structures. This had most debilitating impact on women as their situation in society and cultures as well as biological make up stood them as victims of perceived intentionality. Tragically, even in 21st century world of scientific wisdom, mass majority of people do not know and accept the modern basis of self and intentionality.

Even when modern science has not yet fully deciphered all aspects of the functioning of hormones and the neural plexuses working in brain states; we at least know, intentionality has very tangible and well laid out processes within body and brain. Science has made us understand and accept that our body and brain is a media of information processing and even for a small and seemingly irrelevant intentionality; like moving a finger, there has to be an information plexus, which has its trajectories through brain and different body parts. Without the tangible process of information processing; through chemical messaging of neurons and hormones, there cannot be any intentionality and its conversion into actual behavior and motor action.

All these complex processes of information processing, communication and actions, which engender intentionality, makes behavior-action possible and creates a sense of personal agency of ‘I’ taking a decision or action, are however subconscious and hidden to our perceptions. These are auto-processes but their outcome, when they come in interaction with external milieus and people in them; make ourselves responsible and culpable of. That is why we simply cannot disown them by saying ‘I’ had no feel and control over them. The unconscious or subconscious intentionality is also ‘you’; they are the tangible processes within ‘your’ body and brain and therefore they are ‘you’. Modern scientific knowledge has so very beautifully expanded the horizon of the ownership and agency of ‘I’. We need to accept our Self and Intentionality in the light of this new knowledge and also imbibe this novel and alternative Self and Intentionality into the conscious registry of personal and subjective consciousness.

A modern empowered woman has easy access to all essential scientific information about the hormonal trajectories, the neural inter-activeness with endocrine system and their impact on cognition and behavior spectrum. Modern science extends us this marvelous potential to visualize, imbibe and express our own Self and Intentionality in their holism. We have been living only the part self and intentionality so far. The society-culture-polity-faith have played their nefarious roles in restricting our consciousnesses to partial perceptions and scammed realities. It is time to liberate yourself. It is beyond words to describe how does it feel to be in optimal ownership of your holistic self and witness the flying colors of your own intentionality in entirety and totality. The empowerment and true successes of real wellness it brings about in life-living experiences are true diamonds, which you as a woman must wear to optimize your grace, dignity, poise, peace and charisma.

Let me talk about some examples, which shall facilitate your understanding of Intentionality and it multidimensional landscapes. I have no choice but to tell you about my own personal examples as what I share with you is essentially what I have internalized, with the help my stupid brain. Whenever I peel a fruit, say a mango or apple for my mother’s breakfast, she always complains that I lack the skill and I am removing the flesh of the fruit too, along with the thin skin. She would be angry that I waste too much of the fruit. This is something, not associated with my mother only. It is visceral, wired and subconscious behavior as the intentionality of anger comes innately. I would also feel the same way and would react very similar, if someone else is peeling fruits for me. It is wired intentionality and its subconscious expression of consternation if you watch someone else doing something, which you can do yourself. If you are a singer yourself and if you watch someone sing, you shall feel uneasy about his or her singing and find mistakes. However, if you understand this reality; if you are aware that it is something, which is common for all humans, you shall not be angry. Rather, you shall smile, when someone would find mistakes in your work. Hypocrisy comes innately when ignorance rules supreme. You therefore must be aware that Intentionality is an expression of your consciousness and much of the processes of Intentionality being subconscious; you may not be feeling how you are reacting. This changes as your intentionality is brought to your conscious awareness and this alters your reaction from anger to smile.

Take another example. I would cook for my mother and she would not complain. One day, she said to me, ‘Do you visualize before cooking, how your recipe would turn out and does it taste the same as you initially visualized it to be?’ I very honestly admit that only about 25 percent of times, I am successful in creating the taste and texture of the food, the way I intended it to be. The crucial question is – what is causing 75 percent failure, which is huge? Is my intentionality doubtful? Am I not cooking seriously and with joy? Am I doing mistakes in exacting the recipe, which I have in my mind? The answer is, all probabilities may be true. I can tell you with honesty that I enjoy my cooking and my Intentionality to make my mother happy by cooking good for her is true and real. Still, I cannot discount any probability, which is prohibiting my Intentionality to come 100 percent right and true. This is wired and innate process of Intentionality. Even if I intend all good; my intentionality may not come true and real good, as I have meant it to be as there are so many subconscious processes, which affect and condition my intentionality. I am not even aware about them and cannot tell you with definitiveness as what goes wrong and what is missing, when I fail and what goes right when I am successful. I can only guess and some of my guesses may come true. That is why Intentionality needs persevered practice for its true and real replication in the domain of practicality. The brain designs and perceives Intentionality but there are many processes, which translate this neural Intentionality into behavioral and actionable Intentionality. If you are aware of this all; you shall not feel angry and miffed.

As we have discussed earlier; fake, fudged, scammed and partial knowledge of the true and real mechanisms and processes of Intentionality has been the primary and most dominant cause of most of the ills and troubles of humanity. The above examples I have very humbly listed for you to understand this reality that most of us do not understand our own self and intentionality in their holism and react only with partial perception of their reality. It is a tragedy that still, even in 21st century of modern knowledgeable society, most societies, cultures and populations remain hooked to the old, archaic and obsolete ideas and perceptions of Self and Intentionality. You as a woman need to liberate from this cultural slavery. You must understand and accept the scientifically available knowledge about the tangible processes within your body and brain, which engender and condition your intentionality. This is true empowerment and the gateway for lasting wellness successes.

The processes of Intentionality in our lives are complex idea but we can understand it as we all are continuously undergoing these processes and feel it. As we deal with daily life-living, there emerge situations or we face some scenario, which is received by the brain states as Information. The brain assesses the information and engenders perception about a certain situation we are in. On the basis of this perception, our brain states decide on the suitable behavior and actions. This behavior-action follows the Intentionality, which the brain processing engenders. This cyclicality of Information-Perception-Intentionality-Behavior seems easy and straight forward but it is hugely complex. At every stage or level of these processes of cyclicality, there are factors, contexts, filters and antecedents, which may differ from person to person but they influence, shape up and condition reality of received information, perception, emergent intentionality and final behavior. What are these contexts and filters, which condition Intentionality? We need to know and we can know as science has deciphered the tangible processes, which engender all body-brain realities for us.

It is such a huge debilitation that all massive and complex realities can be made to understand only through a word or set of words. Life is a huge and massively complex reality but there is no other way to refer to its entirety and multidimensionality than naming it as life. The word is only a very poor metaphor or symbol of identification but it cannot represent in holism, the over-encompassing reality itself. It is incumbent upon every empowered and aware person to witness and internalize the reality of Life in different probable dimensions and in totality.

I am Santosh Jha but the nomenclature of words is only a poor identity label or symbol representing a very restricted portion of my persona and consciousness. It shall only represent parts of the reality of my being. This reality is not only true for others but also me. I need to witness Me, in all possible shades and dimensions and remain aligned to all expressions and feel of my consciousness in different milieus and situations. Same is the situation with Intentionality. It is just a very poor label or reality. However, the trouble is not with the fact that realities of life-living are complex. The singular trouble is that most of us are unaware of and seldom interested in knowing them. If my name does not communicate the complexities of my individuality and consciousness then it is only one part of trouble. The bigger trouble is nobody has the inclination and feel to delve deep into me and know about different dimensions of me. By design; I am too innately wired to accept myself only in parts and never feel the need to witness and align all different parts of my consciousness and intentionality into one systematic and symmetrical totality and entirety. Same is the reality with others. Me and my intentionality is almost always known and registered only in parts. This is a dangerous situation for me. I need to evolve and empower myself to understand and communicate my intentionality in its fullest, totality and entirety. This only knowledge of reality in its holism can facilitate for me.

You as an aware woman must come out of this situation and must venture into the knowledge of all complexities of life-living. You know very well how your intentionality has always been victim of part-fake-fudged-perceived acceptances by others. You have faced troubles because of your misunderstood and misinterpreted intentionality. It is very crucial for you that you have this evolved skill to express and communicate your intentionality in its truest, purest and best form and finality. This artistry first requires that you are yourself very objectively definite about your own intentionality and then have the skills to present them to all others in such ways that it leaves no or very little space for dualism and misinterpretation. This happens only through knowledge of science of intentionality, your own body-brain mechanism and interactional patterns with milieus.

This situation and its remedial prescription is the new religion; the very basis of new spiritualism and core element of a new humanity in a novel cultural landscape of mental realities. The ‘I’ must witness and internalize ‘Me’ in holism. Understanding of Intentionality, in its holism, expansiveness, complexity and magnanimity involves knowledge of Consciousness, self-awareness, agency of I, free will, cognition and causalities of emergence of personal perceptions and behaviors, etc. This understanding has always been taken for granted, intrinsically neglected and almost always fudged, fake, partial and illogically hypocritical. The trouble is that most people feel their self and intentionality only intuitively and remain obliviously happy over their partial perceptions. This partial life-living somehow does not inhibit their daily routines and does not cause any explicit disability. However, this kills success, wellness and poise in the long run. The pathologies become pandemic in the long run.

The modern science has evolved the knowledge of reality exponentially and in the 21st century; it is inevitable for humanity to unlearn all old, archaic and now obsolete perceptions about Self and Intentionality, which so far have been uploaded on our subconscious minds through unaware socialization and cultural assimilation. If there is any empowerment of humanity, let alone a woman, it has to happen through modern scientific knowledge of all realities; especially that of Self and Intentionality.

I don’t know and I unashamedly admit my stupidity that I have no ability to express my own deep, affectionate and compassionate Intent, to you as a woman that nothing is as important as understanding your Self and Intentionality. Billions of lives of women have happened in the past and many billions shall happen in future. They do not matter. Life itself doesn’t matter at all. Life has little meaning if it is not understood in its holism as infinite potential of probabilities, which a Body-Brain, as Media, is capable of. This probably is the fine-line segregating humans from the innate animalism, every human is born with. As I said earlier, I and you are related and I can reach to your Self and Intentionality only through my own Self and Intentionality. That is why I very humbly journey you to the landscapes of self and intentionality. It is such a huge tragedy that I have to burden you with so many words and long confabulations, even when I have this simple, affectionate and compassionate Intentionality to tell you –

Journey your Self and Intentionality in the light of novel and contemporary objective scientific knowledge; unlearning the old, archaic and now obsolete perceptions about all realities. This is singular process to optimize your true potentials as a woman and as a human.

This eBook is futile; as are all my previous 49 eBooks. My one line Intentionality as a human being for you is this very humble and innocently compassionate request to embark on your true potential by understanding Self, Intentionality and life-living on the basis of 21st century scientific knowledge. I do it as I feel related and aligned to you and all others. It is such a huge joy and satisfaction for me that I witness ‘You’, the same way I witness ‘Me’. It is most rewarding for me that I witness ‘Me’ in ‘You’. I am still evolving in this artistry to witness Me in its holism and multidimensionality. It is a life-long learning, evolution and journey.

This 50th eBook has no utility and worth. I have no worth. I always admit; I am illiterate, given the colossal knowledge that is there to be internalized. You have all worth and potentials. I remain invested in your potentials. My books keep happening as my inevitable mortality lends me this generous time-space reprieve to tell you all this – unnecessarily in so many words. I am always confident – You can and shall feel my Intentionality.

It is just for facilitation and the purpose of ease of your perceptions that we are journeying some ideas, together. I therefore, list out some key aspects or ideas below, so that you could find yourself more geared up and attuned to this journey of your own Self and Intentionality

>>>> You and I are in a rather precarious and mystifying landscape of what we popularly know as Time. Science tells us that Time and Space are only two different expressions of one reality. This idea and its feel cannot be possible through the usual and innately available intuitive perception. Awareness and empowerment requires non-intuitive thinking. In the dimension of Time, you and I may have happened only a few years back; we think and feel ourselves in the very miniscule presentness and contemporaneousness and therefore may not feel in sync and symmetry with the past 3.5 billion years of life, when first single cell organism happened. However, in space dimensionality, you and I are part and in inseparable continuity of the space that happened 14.5 billion years back; when the universe is said to have happened. This perception and internalization of different dimensions of one reality doesn’t come automatic to us as it is in the domain of non-intuitive perception. This we have to evolve consciously. Self and Intentionality of you and I cannot dissociate from this massively long continuity and relationship; even when we may not feel it. This very idea and cognition may seem very stupid and nonsensical but it is so because we all are so used to our innate and embedded Intuitive thinking. Non-intuitiveness is human faculty and also a major qualification for wellness and success in life-living. Intuitive perceptions are good enough for careers and livelihood successes, which seem to dominate our perceptional field.

We all need to unlearn this restrictive intuitiveness of our cognitive landscapes and learn the modern scientific artistry of non-intuitive thinking, to expand our horizon of cognitive potentials. This alone can facilitate the true and real understanding of Reality. This in turn saves us from loads of pathologies of human world, which emanate out of the flawed and fudged understanding of realities. When we think of ourselves, when we feel Self Aware and when we realize about consciousness; just because our cognition is highly localized and therefore we do not visualize this continuity in Time dimension. But, we need to; because then only we can truly unravel our true and real Self and Intentionality.

I and you happened now; only a few years back but the 30 trillion cells, which make us, happened 3.5 billion years back. Our brain happened in the body of you and I only a few years back but the brain, from which our brains have evolved, happened 500 million years back. We think of our Self and Intentionality only in contemporary ‘Time’ context but they were seeded and happened millions and billions of years back. This historicity and antiquity affects, shapes up and conditions our Self and Intentionality. In space dimension, they are still in continuity and symmetry, which we do not feel and factor in, when we think of ourselves. You as an aware and empowered woman can very easily feel that most of our troubles happen because we are innately a reactionary organism – we act out something as response to and reaction to some external situation; in the minuteness and momentary presentness of Time. This reactionary profile of our individuality and intentionality is historical legacy, transferred to humans from animal world evolution. This is the trap for humanity. This feel and reactionary-priority of Time as one point of reality and ephemeral presentness is a huge trap. We need to dump this reactionary insinuation and consciously adopt reception and thoughtfulness as contemporary need. This can happen only when we have this novel and alternative feel of Time as one long continuity and its concomitant dimension in terms of space.

This cognition and acceptance is the new religion, new spiritualism and novel mental landscape of realism, you and I have to accept and live out. Realities, as we intuitively perceive are only observable in ‘parts’. That is why we need to evolve non-intuitive cognition to reach out to other dimensions of reality to accept them in their holism and entirety. It is not tough to realize this. As I am writing this all; I am actually witnessing my own ‘Me’ and consciousness but in a different dimension as this communication within ‘Me’ is consciously aligned to and concentric with your ‘Me’ and Self. My ‘I’ journeying ‘You’ is probably only a different dimension of the same journey, which happens when ‘I’ journeys ‘Me’. This non-intuitiveness of dimensions comes easy as we become more aware and expand the landscape of conscious living on daily basis.

Time and space is one reality, which reflects how non-intuitiveness of perceptions is required for every aware and empowered person. Once we accept that; portals of novel and alternative knowledge of contemporary objective science open up for us, helping us understand our true and real Self and Intentionality. Somehow, this non-intuitive thinking may itself be accepted as the evolved and empowered hallmark of modern womanhood. Womanhood and its intentionality also have dimensions and they must be accepted in totality, entirety and holism. They must be lived out.

>>>> Scientists hypothesize that feminine actuality is the default reality of the cosmos. This in a holistic sense points out to a probability that cosmic design or nature’s own entrenched energy is feminine. This very cognitive probability I am very humbly trying to journey with you. This is very metaphoric but seems to have loads of utility in unraveling the possible dimensions of intentionality of a woman. This core, primeval, embedded and default Intentionality of Feminine Reality is what you as a woman must decipher, and for this to happen, you have to very consciously align with non-intuitiveness of cognition in your Self and Consciousness.

You may ask – what is the intentionality behind pointing to cosmic design as feminine? What feminism in this cosmic sensibility signifies, even in metaphoric and symbolic sense? This probably signifies the similarity between cosmos and landscape of womanhood as two realities, which are intrinsically probabilistic, self-energized, creational, continuous and evolving. We shall elaborate it later. However, what is there and apparent to see and understand is this probability that feminine intentionality is the seed and root intentionality and evolution carved out gender causalities out of this primeval plan of nature. This itself may point out the probability that gender realities and dimorphism structures in their holism are singular reality, which happens to be the feminine reality as it is the seed of all probabilities.

>>>> Like Time; womanhood also has massively expansive landscape of reality, which cannot be realized with restrictive intuitiveness. As Time is alternatively expressed in Space dimensions, to unravel its true and real actuality; womanhood too has alternative dimensions, which must be unraveled and deciphered with non-intuitiveness of cognition and consciousness. These aspects of probable realities cannot be journeyed without a non-intuitive thinking and cognition. Since our childhood, we have been socialized in a milieu, where faith structures and very restrictive localized populist cultural ideas about life-living have conditioned our consciousness and intentionality. Most of us still do not think and perceive the realities, the way modern science approaches them and accepts them. Being a modern woman means, you unlearn the restrictiveness of intuitive thinking and align your consciousness with contemporary scientific knowledge about life-living realities. Being an aware and empowered woman signifies that you consciously decipher and come out of the scams of society-culture-polity-economy-faith, which have since ages crippled, suffocated and maligned your pure and sublime individuality and intentionality.

>>>> There is this precarious yet magical dualism of life-living. We seek and value simplicity and transparency in all aspects of life-living but the reality remains that you and I are very complex and imperceptibly layered body-brain mechanisms. The processes within our body-brain are not only massively intricate but also indiscernible to us. The body-brain mechanism is a very powerful and evolved Media, with loads of multilayered processes happening every second. However, the Self Awareness, as part of our Consciousness does not know almost 98 percent about these happenings inside body-brain. The sense of personal agency and self-awareness is very restrictive and localized as they are engendered through subconscious processes. Our Self, Consciousness and Intentionality are emergent entities or expressions of these subconscious-unconscious processes.

We cannot accept and run our bodies and minds as smart phones or computers, which we use very dexterously, without knowing much about their entire mechanisms and processes. Our ownerships of our own body-brain and smart phone are two completely different dimensions. Our Self and Intentionality are not only personal to us but also have responsible, moral and even legal connect with others in the vast ambient milieus of society-culture-polity-economy. We have to own every bit of our Self and Intentionality and therefore, we must be always in complete and perfect ownership of all processes of our body-brain – subconscious or unconscious. This ownership comes with knowledge of processes.

We simply cannot use our Self and Intentionality as Interface, like the screen of our smart phones. The ‘screen’ is primarily action-reaction platform and very miniscule part of the entire mechanism-processes, which happen inside the hardware-software systems. Even a smart phone screen has to be used very responsibly as this action-reaction propensity can land us in big troubles. Human consciousness, its intentionality, used as screen of smart phones as action-reaction interface is calamitous. Most people do it subconsciously and then do not own the troubled aftermaths of their actions.

Our consciousnesses breed both excellence and pathologies for us. We usually are prompt to own and celebrate our excellences and refuse to own the pathologies. If I continuously lead wrong lifestyle, ruin my homeostasis and hormonal sanity of my endocrine system; my body and brain shall develop pathologies and the expressions of these pathologies shall subconsciously spread to all aspects of my individuality. If I do not own them and refuse to acknowledge them; I shall invite loads of malaises and finally land in a hospital; where too I shall happily delegate all my responsibilities to my doctor. This is criminal in the part of my intentionality. This is what usually happens. You as an empowered woman must always own and be responsible towards all subconscious processes, which condition your Self and Intentionality. It is more required for a woman as her body-sanity and mind-symmetry is more affected by endocrine processes.

This needs to be understood. This too is a huge non-intuitive cognitive domain – We are in our processes and the processes are We. How we express our Self and Intentionality and how we interact with others in the external milieus are only small part of the holism of our true and real Self and Consciousness. They only very poorly represent our Self and Intentionality but a person in his or her holism is much beyond it. The subconscious mechanisms and processes also represent our individuality and Self. A person simply cannot allow its ‘partial’ and ‘un-owned’ representation in society-culture-polity-faith. This breeds hypocrisies in milieus and they in turn unleash pathologies of distrust and disharmony. Manhood or womanhood is very partial and presumptuous representation of the holistic reality of Self and Intentionality. They do not truly and genuinely represent the holism of Consciousness and individuality of a person. Hypocrisies and pathologies must never define any individuality and intentionality. Especially for a woman; this must never happen as though metaphorically, feminism is the default reality of cosmos and default settings must always be in optimal sanity, system and symmetry.

History very clearly tells us that most of the pathologies of human world happen because of these partial and scammed representations of Realities – be it of individuality or that of collectivity. Contemporary science has made it possible for us to identify the scams and come out of it. Since long, we have accepted spiritualism as a person’s connect with the external world; this world and even beyond. The contemporary objective science about Self and Intentionality is the true and real neo-spiritualism; it is the new religion, thought landscape and alternative culture.

You being an aware and empowered woman have to unlearn the old, archaic, monolithic and now obsolete cultural perceptions and align your individuality with this new cognitive landscape and spiritualism. Most people; be it men or women in your ambient society and cultures are so used to using their self and intentionality as action-reaction interface and therefore, they would seek to align with your own self and intentionality in the same restrictive way. This means – they shall subconsciously seek you and your action-behavior only in terms of your restricted womanhood. This you need to guard against.

A part seeking another ‘part’ is calamitous. Not only you need to own your entire intentionality as individual, beyond the restrictiveness of populist womanhood; you also shall be required to guard against such persons, who seek you only in this restrictiveness – be it a man or woman. As we have talked earlier; you should always very consciously align only with those elements in external milieus, which are in sync and symmetry with your own individuality and intentionality. Restrictive cognitions seeking your consciousness can never accept you and your intentionality in holism. Better not to align with these persons and such milieus.

As a modern, aware and empowered woman, your choices, alignments, connects and interactions must always be very conscious, conscientious and aimed at your subconscious as well as conscious sanity, system, symmetry and excellence. Nothing scammed and pathological should ever be identified with your Self and Intentionality.

>>>> Human evolution has a very definitive and exclusive ‘context’, which impacted how our brain and consciousness evolved. This is core and critical knowledge, which has now been explained with great dexterity by modern science. This must be understood in holism to unravel the true and real Self and Intentionality. Science tells us about some aspects of how this intentionality is coded and then expressed to enable brain and body to translate into action and behavior. There is a plexus of hormones and enzymes; which are all chemical compositions, which lead the enactment of all relevant actions and behaviors. Science has known about 50 hormones in human body and many of these hormones are very old, existing hundreds of millions of years back, in very simple organisms and evolved as hormonal system or what we know as Endocrine System in humans. The human brain produces different types of hormones and all hormones have a mechanism.

To put it in simple terms, the limbic system of the human brain, which senses out sensory signals from external milieus, signals suitably to the pituitary gland situated in the brain, which in turn releases different hormones. The very crucial sex hormones are produced by Gonads and also adrenal glands. These different hormones, which are essentially chemicals, orchestrate different suitable motor action or behavioral action in humans.

The hormone working mechanisms and processes are very complex and layered; involving almost all other systems of body as well as different parts of brain. The external milieus, where a person moves, may present a situation, which is perceived as information, sensed out by brain, through sensory organs. This situational information has been categorized into six core Emotions – Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Surprise, which the brain states sense out for suitable action-reaction. These six emotions are like superordinate ones, as more than 40-50 shades of emotions are engendered out of the six emotions, depending on the specificity of the situation in the complex external milieus of modern humanity. This mechanism of simple and auto-mode subconscious Intentionality and its representational feel to the Self are millions of years old and still working fine for most mammals and higher animals. In them, the Self and Intentionality is mostly subconscious and auto-mode processes. This mechanism is also the same in humans and the limbic system subconsciously handles them, which constitute almost 98 percent of our Intentionality.

The limbic system worked fine and still works fine for most mammals and primates but it seems to have entered a ‘trouble’ phase in humans, as humans evolved in a unique way, jumping the linearity of symmetrical evolution. Humans stepped down from trees, roamed around and then finally settled to create cultures and civilized life-living. New tools and technologies happened and life-living became complex. Much of the complexities were behavioral and therefore required complex motor skills too. Civilized and cultured family-societal life-living required rules and laws and novel shades of emotional contents. Civilized and cultured humanity created its own intelligence, many in conflict with nature’s age old and dominant intelligence and cultured life-living for the first time required ‘thoughtfulness’ and ‘controlled’ decision-making, as against reactionary and mechanical decision-making, which the limbic system performed so far. This created first dualism in mind consciousness. The primary intelligence of limbic system of brain was ‘reactionary’ and facilitated speedy action and promptness of behavior. As cultures and societal needs happened; it installed a new intelligence, which required to postpone ‘reactionary and speedy’ actions and behaviors. The new situation needed the innate intelligence to be checked and ascertained, so that a more thoughtful, calculated and informed choice could be made, more suitable to community life-living normality.

The two contradictory, conflicting and competing intelligences had to be worked out by the totality and holism of the brain, even when handled by different brain regions. This required much more complex information processing and more complex neural networking. The human brain had to undergo a non-linear evolution. Novel emotional and perceptional requirements like planning, perspectives, retrospection, tolerance, accommodation, sociability etiquettes, et al were necessary new elements to make the society and tribe succeed well. These could not match with usual reactionary and recognition-friendly brain processing done successfully so far by mammalian brain part known as limbic system. A non-linear and more effective and specialized brain addition and evolution was required in short time. This happened as cortical layers of human brain evolved.

The trouble is – Evolution does not dump the old and creates a new in place of the old. It can only upgrade and add more into already existing set up. The human brain also evolved this way. The new brain happened on top of the old brain but was so linked up that it worked in complex cooperation with old brain states. This uniqueness of human brain is the soil and seed of all conflicts and also the precursor of all scammed perceptions. This has to be understood to decipher the soil and seeds of all pathologies of self and intentionality.

There are two different clearly marked domains of operations of human self and individuality. There is a domain within body, which the limbic system of brain states manages with chemical processes. This itself creates a subconscious self and unconscious intentionality. The body domain works on the basis of an intelligence, which works on the basis of innate, core and universal causalities of what we know as core emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust and surprise. This system and innate intelligence we humans inherited from the mammalian evolution, of which we are an inseparable part.

Then, for humans, there happened a very powerful and somehow competing domain of society-culture-polity-economy-faith. Other mammals also have this domain of external milieus but they do not have the intricacies and cultural trappings of human world. Humans consciously evolved and structured their artificial and man-made milieu by installing the mechanisms and processes of family-society-state-culture-economy-faith. This large and ambient domain has its own intelligence, created by humans; especially the dominant male population, which often stands in competition and clash with innate intelligence of the domain of body. This human intelligence requires the Self and intentionality of a person to be shaped and conditioned in certain ways to suit the survival and sanity of man-made cultures. Broadly speaking, body domain intelligence is innate and subconscious, whereas external domain intelligence is conscious and in conflict with former. The body intelligence seeks liberty and reactionary intentionality, whereas the cultural intelligence requires curb on liberty and control on reactionary propensities. They stand in conflict.

Interestingly, both domains and two different and conflicting intelligences are handled by one single agency within the body called the brain. Morphologically, the limbic system or the mammalian brain part may be ascribed to handle the body-intelligence and the higher cortex layer handling the cultural intelligence. However, science says there may not be a clear cut divide and all processing by different brain states may be overlapping. Science is yet to decipher all processes of brain states. What does this mean for us?

This conflict and handling of two competing intelligences are somehow exclusive for humans. Higher animals also seem to feel this conflict and dualism but not as intense and complex as humans do. It is simply because humans have more expansive, dominant and complex cultural milieus. This in turn creates the pathologies of self and intentionality. Human brain is an evolved mechanism and this evolution means; humans can always devise and design some smart and ingenious ways out of this conflict. This smart agency is called deception and hypocrisy.

Animals also resort to deception and deceit but their brains are not evolved enough to design such artistries of hypocrisies, which human brain can. Humans smartly resort to their evolved power of imagination to create such deceptions and resultant hypocrisies, which eventually pollutes their cultures and their own intentionality. Most people would say ‘I love you’, even when they do not actually mean it. Humans have evolved to use this dualism as weapon for personal and very selfish successes. Humans dexterously use this deception to the extent of making it the worst scam of humanity by muffling its crude and rough true and real Intentionality with silky frills of the fabric of linguistic ingenuities. Humans have mastered the skills of saying all good-right-appropriate-sincere-ideal things as part of their advertised and assured Intentionality; even while hiding the real Intentionality diametrically opposite of all righteousness. This scam of using the spectrum and landscape of dualism of Intentionality has become the actual universe of humanity. The cultures have no means to check that; rather, they have put all the wrong mechanisms at right places to encourage and endorse the scams.

You as a woman know it better than me what we have talked about. You have faced the worse of pathologies of humanity and cultures in your life-living journey so far. You also very well know, how these pathologies bring about successes and attainments in the short-run and that too in the limited milieu of society-cultures. You know; these pathologies kill the homeostatic as well as cognitive wellness of a person. A person may stand successful heaping scams on others but finally, he or she cannot remain unaffected by the same scams. The smoke I create for blinding others of my ill-intentionality shall finally smother and choke me to illness and death; but only in the long run. Most people however do not have the empowered consciousness to see the reality as they are thrilled to have short-run successes. They are in deception to themselves. They can see the larger reality but deceive themselves by imagining that they do not see anything. Pathologies become pandemic only through scams of intentionality. You as an aware and empowered woman shall never be aligned with such scams, hypocrisies and deception of self as you know it better than anyone that it finally kills the sanity-system-symmetry of Self and Intentionality.

Therefore, we need to understand that our Self and Intentionality is conflicted and there is embedded structural and functional basis of this conflict and dualism in our brains. This we need to understand. There is no empowerment better than the knowledge of all those mechanisms and processes, which affect, shape up, condition and even scam our Self and Intentionality, which are always evolving and changing in continuous interaction with causalities in our external milieus, especially family-society-culture-polity-economy.

You, being an aware woman, have to factor in this dualism or conflict of brain processes in shaping up and conditioning the Self and Intentionality. It may be debated but there is a general understanding that historically, women have traditionally been more subservient to cultural normality and collective intelligence; often at the cost of their innate and evolved individuality. This hypothesis makes out the populist perception that women fake and scam their intentionality. On the other hand; men folks have always projected their penchant for violating and standing at defiance of cultural appropriates and rules as ‘manly’ and justified expression of their individuality. What is pathology for women; becomes a success-code for men. This hypocrisy is also embedded in human brain and it is common in both men and women. This historicity is too long and therefore, evolutionary adjustments in the brain states as well as gene expressions in women may not be overruled. You as an aware woman must factor them in your consciousness and weed the hypocrisies out.

This aspect of cultural reality has to be factored in that traditionally; self and intentionality of women have been accepted to be conditioned, to become more aligned to collective benchmarks than personal or individualistic propensities. It may suggest that emotional and hormonal functionalities may also have attuned to this historicity and man-made synthetic intelligence. In contemporary modern world of equality and liberty; in 21st century human life-living spaces, this historical element has to be unlearnt. You as a woman must be aware of embedded and entrenched ‘context’ of historical bias and insinuation. You as a woman have to unlearn them.

There is a process of cyclicality between milieus, human intentionality and memories of resultant experiences. We know that brain is constantly engaged in processing information from external milieus of family-society-culture-polity-economy and suitably engender intentionality of behavior-actions to optimize survival and mating successes of an individual. This process in turn creates experiences, when a person expresses his or her behavior and executes his or her actions in the external milieus. These experiences are also stored in the memory plexus of brain states. These memories go on to condition and impact future intentionality of the person. You as an aware woman have to understand that even the purest and truest of Intentionality shall get scammed and vitiated, if it has to interact deeply with fake-fudged-fraudulent milieus. These interactions shall create scammed experiences and deprave memories. This shall criminalize intentionality. You need to understand the processes and consciously keep yourself away from such cyclicality of subconscious processes.

Here we have to very clearly understand two important aspects. First, the external milieus are getting growingly more complex and far more complicated and scammed. It may be debatable but it is growingly being believed that liberal landscapes of human cultures are being emaciated by ‘resurgence’ of right-wing traditionalism. Somehow; it is better to say that emaciation of liberties is anyway happening because of massively unequal distribution of incomes and wealth in contemporary human world and the perceptible tendency of state and polity to prioritize so-called security and system over individual liberty. All these aspects impact intentionality.

The contemporary milieus are so loaded with fake, fudged, fabricated, propagandist and fraudulent information that it misleads intentionality and also prompts the intentionality to imbibe them. You being a woman probably know it better than others as how most people have subconsciously started to present their fake and fudged Self and Intentionality, even in relationships. The contemporary cultures have success benchmarks, which are themselves scammed and lead unaware and unsuspecting average person deep on the road of scammed intentionality. Many people, especially women; have been complaining of growing narcissistic attitudes in people, especially in men. This narcissistic propensity may very well be a subconscious manifestation of fake-fudged-scammed intentionality, which is growingly being accepted as essential ‘interface’ for social success. This may be debated but you need to be aware of such probabilities.

Secondly, the ‘suitable’ intentionality, which the brain states of average person engender, is majorly to optimize survival-mating successes in contemporary milieus of scammed perceptions and benchmarks. This very idea of ‘survival’ and ‘mating’ are not only too abstracted and subjectively perceptional; they are also very partial, scammed and popularly dominated by contemporary benchmarks of scammed cultures. We need to understand and accept that in modern life-living of 21st century, the old, archaic, monolithic and now obsolete ideas of ‘survival and mating’ are completely different for 7.5 billion people living on Earth in different socio-cultural-economic milieus. Modern humanity needs a completely scientific, objectively logical and holistic reality of survival and mating.

The Darwinian world of human realities may be right but so much has changed since then. The benchmarks of sexual selection and natural selection, as described by Darwinian realities have to be tested in modern and contemporary milieus of 21st century world. When we are talking about the dimensionalities of Self and Intentionality; it is hugely important that we must also unravel many causalities, which since the time of Darwin have altered the nature and scope of the intentionality of sexuality and survival.

It is very evident for you as an aware woman to see and accept that the idea and practicality of survival cannot be same for a person living three-four hundred years back in a typically rural milieu, compared to a person living in upscale suburb of a cosmopolitan city. The same can be said about sexuality and mating. You as an aware woman already know, how in contemporary times, both men and women have begun to accept ‘mating’ with novel and alternative perception and roles, compared to what average men and women would, few hundred years back. Therefore, you as an aware woman always have to factor in all probabilities of causalities, which condition and shape up Self and Intentionality.

For women, these two ideas of sexuality-mating and survival seem to hold too much and probably blown-out significance in their lives. Modern science has now unraveled that sex hormones, which were hitherto popularly accepted to have their limited roles in creating only reproductive mechanisms in the body, have wider and deeper influence on entirety of Intentionality. Unfortunately; this is new science and still evolving. Scientists are still unraveling new possibilities but we sure cannot say with definitiveness as how and which ways sex hormones impact and condition cognition and intentionality; especially on the broader landscape of gender identities. However, as we discussed in earlier paragraphs, we as aware persons can clearly see and feel how sexuality and cognitive spectrums are very much aligned and interactively evolving.

They sure are new but very precarious players in the overall scheme of our endocrine system. Sex hormones somehow seem to dominate the endocrine system as receptors of sex hormones have been found in brain’s limbic system itself. Sex hormones have now been found to influence even cognitions, perceptions and behaviors. Scientists somehow are more inclined to admit that sexual and mating successes are so powerful innate drives that they almost majorly overrule even survival successes. This is very important knowledge as it has the potential of changing good deal of perception and intentionality in women. Both men and women have faced so much of fake-fudged ideas about their sexual intentionality, to the extent of making them stand as culprits in cultural milieus. They need to be seen and accepted objectively and scientifically.

For a woman, the hormonal trajectories have been found to influence their life-living much more than a man. Without going deep into this issue, we can sum up that survival and mating ideas need unlearning as well as learning in contemporary age of science as they have major impact on shaping Intentionality. This shall help save both men and women from populist-dominant fake-fudged labeling. All aware and empowered women must have deep understanding of their endocrine system and hormonal system, which subconsciously and culturally impact their intentionality.

You as a woman have to be very consciously aware of the fact that hormonal influences no doubt are very powerful and they do shape up your Intentionality in a big way but your Self is too empowered and bigger than the subconscious intentionality presented by one part of your brain states named the limbic system. If you are aware; if you know the hormonal trajectories and their impact on your emotions, perceptions and behaviors; you can very successfully overrule them and install your own Free Will to change the course of your Intentionality. You have the power of your mediating brain states called cortex, especially the prefrontal cortex.

Traditionally; women have been labeled as more ‘conflicted’ and more inclined to fake intentionality to hide and tide over their ‘innate’ intentionality; especially over the mating insinuations. As we have been discussing all along; these are very populist and dominant perception about the Self and Intentionality of women, popularized by a male-dominated culture. This is very partial reality and also only one side of the holistic spectrum of realities. Part of this larger reality may be true but we have to be aware that all labels are mostly only partial reality and do not stand the test of objectivity and universality in their holism.

You as a woman can easily decipher this fake, fudged and scammed perceptional picture about womanhood by understanding your endocrine system and also the functions of brains. You are not only your hormones. You are not only your limbic brain. Your brain also has big and very powerful cortex plexus. These brain states are new addition to our brain and they have the role to mediate all actions and behaviors. You as a woman have to understand your innate design of conflicts and dualism of intentionality. You know that your conscious and conscientious individuality can successfully mediate between what part of your Self and Intentionality is being conditioned and shaped up by what emotional or cultural insinuations. You can decipher both your biology as well as cognitive landscapes. You as a woman have to successfully learn the art of being your own witness and judge. Your higher brain is your mediating mechanism. You need to have the knowledge of your own mechanisms and processes to be an objective witness and an adroit judge.

Modern neuro-psychiatry tells us brilliant facts about our own Self, sense of personal agency and Intentionality. This must be understood in details. Since thousands of years, Reality for most of humanity was purely intuitive. Even in 21st century life-living, most people accept as real and true only that, they could feel and see. Modern scientific knowledge journeys us deep into a landscape of non-intuitive reality. We even could not see and feel the cellular reality of our own body and brain. We could not see and feel the atoms. Now, the science takes the reality deeper and smaller into particles and strings. These realities are much beyond intuitiveness of human perception of reality. Women have been accepted to be better at non-intuitive thinking. However, non-intuitiveness is not auto-mode gender-specific but purely a conscious personal enterprise.

Similarly, in our own body and brain plexuses, we did not know any reality beyond heart, kidney, blood etc. Modern molecular biology and neuroscience has taken us to journey far beyond and deeper into the domains of cellular intentionality, neural networks, DNA languages, protein communication, hormonal plexus, etc. These are beyond intuitive reality. Similarly, science now has to offer loads of objective and novel knowledge about our body, brain and our own Self and Intentionality. All these reveal the intricacies and precariousness of the sense of personal agency and modalities of Intentionality.

We now also know in details about the three layers of Self – unconscious, subconscious and conscious and how they stand in continuum yet remain three distinct domains of Consciousness. We have begun to objectively understand how different people may have different brain types and how different brain types process reality differently, which in turn impacts and conditions their sense of self and intentionality. Any aware person knows it deep down as how mystical and unpredictable his or her own personal self and sense of agency are. Many thoughts, which randomly come in our minds, unexplained feelings happen, variegated behavior we commit and fail to own, many actions we take and later feel frustrated about.

This sense of agency and its actual behavior-actions; this feel of intentionality and its actual expressions on the spur of moment of situations are so complex and so precariously emergent that they all feel very mystical. You already know about innumerable syndromes, which modern neuro-psychiatry talks about. Science has cleared these mists of mysticism and we now can know in reasonable details how and why all these happen.

This knowledge of our Self and Intentionality is very new; emerging only in the last 20-30 years. Vast majority of humanity have very little knowledge about them as modern education system is purely vocational and they still date back to 150 years old human realities. Every aware and empowered person must have these novel and objective knowledge to bring about the holism in understanding about his or her own Self and Intentionality. You as a modern and contemporary woman, standing at the forefront of this 21st century knowledgeable society of scientific culture, must have deep and practical understanding of your own body and brain mechanisms and processes. This is humanity’s novel and alternative religion and spiritualism. This is our new mental landscape of reality.

As you understand the new reality; you shall very easily understand and accept that your true and real Self and Intentionality are not determined by you being a woman. Your self and intentionality is innately probabilistic. They are designed to be representations of your individuality and consciousness. You as a woman are only one small probability of a vast reality. Nobody else but only you should know and willfully decide what should ‘represent’ you. Womanhood in whatever intentionality is there to be represented; it shall always be your own and unique ‘representation’, which you and only you design and decide with very conscious and conscientious individuality.

You are a woman and who knows it better than you that being a woman, you have this innate artistry to create beautiful and varied shades of your own magnificent Self and Intentionality. Your probabilistic Self and Intentionality awaits your artistry. Your artistry shall be enhanced and optimized as you have the knowledge of the mechanisms and processes of your own Self and Intentionality, which modern science facilitates by unraveling the structures and functions of our body and brain. All artistries must have the logic and objectivity of science. You are the art; science awaits your Intentionality. All best!
