Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Landscape of Woman’s Intentionality – A Journey

Straightaway, my apologies for journeying you into some details of the intricacies of the idea of Intentionality and different Causalities, impacting the structure and function of Intentionality. This was all meant for the facilitation of the journey, we are about to embark upon. It is always good to have clarity about the Landscape, one has to journey. So far, we have deliberated on the details of the Landscapes of Self and Intentionality. Somehow, the landscape itself outlines the probabilities of the journeys into it. The journey into the landscape of a woman begins now.

It is such a tragedy of sorts that a man or a woman is made to own and imbibe so much of subconscious Self and Intentionality, much before he or she is even aware what it takes to be a man or woman. In that way, you already journey your Self and Intentionality a long way, before you could truly understand what ideally should have been your journey. This is vitiation of idealism for humanity, especially for a woman. You journey only what you decide and know of very well in advance. This in a way also marks the definitive need for unlearning many realities, experiences as well as memories, before you embark on a journey of your life-living guided by your conscious and very aware intentionality.

It was a probability that you were born as a woman. You could not choose it. It was again a probability that you were born in a certain family of a specific region of the Earth with a given economic status and cultural identities as well as faith system. You could not choose any of them. Since your birth; as it was your innate body-brain mechanism to automatically process and store information from your ambient milieus; your Self and Intentionality was shaped up and conditioned without you ever being aware of them and having a choice.

Science says, human brain is not optimally evolved till the age of 25 and a person develops his or her definitive sense of personal agency only after the age of 15-17. The consciousness is evolved, may be at 10-12 years of age but you are fully conscious of your Self and Intentionality only at the mature age of 20 plus. These 20 years of life-living as a woman is definitively your life but your Self and Intentionality begins to get shaped up and conditioned from the day first of your life.

This means; your consciousness as a woman is almost fully shaped up and conditioned almost entirely subconscious. You have little choice but to automatically accept those elements of womanhood, which is dominant and popular in that specifically localized region where you were born. The benchmarks of normality and appropriateness were already uploaded in your subconscious and they were those, which your ambient and local society-culture-polity-economy-faith decided for you. These populist elements and benchmarks are so powerful that it is almost impossible for an average woman to break free of them as it requires huge amount of self-belief, objective knowledge of reality and resourcefulness. Very few women can have them all. It happens with most men too. But then; it is very much required that you alone have the exclusive liberty to decide on all aspects of your Intentionality, with your highly conscious and objectively knowledgeable individuality. This missing idealism has to be attained and invest in whatever it takes to have it.

Your individuality and its intentionality is the larger landscape you journey. Within this extensive landscape is the territory of your gender identity and gender intentionality. You as a woman have to journey your individuality and its wider intentionality in full, total, entire and holistic consciousness. However, the choices are seldom yours. Not only your womanhood but larger individuality and its intentionality are shaped up before you could be aware and empowered enough to validate them. This has to change and as early as you could realize that; you need to embark upon a journey to correct the basics of this Intentionality.

Therefore, essentially, your journey into your true and real intentionality happens only when you have the awareness and knowledge about two things – first the knowledge about the process of your own intentionality and secondly, the knowledge of different shades and types of intentionality of womanhood as well as individuality in larger milieus outside your own ambient one, where you were raised and grew up. You journey in two parts – first the subconscious journey, since your birth till the time you took control of your own womanhood as well as your individuality. Second journey is a conscious, aware and willfully empowered one, after you weed out unwarranted elements out of your intentionality and install novel and alternative ones. Ideally, the first phase of your subconscious journey should be short and second phase of your conscious journey should begin early. It largely depends on your parents. If they understood reality; they would painstakingly raise you as well informed person, exposing you to different probabilities and extending you the golden liberty to take judicious and thoughtful decisions about your Intentionality. This would prepare you to dump unnecessary fears, inhibitions and discomforts in experiencing and enterprising all probabilities of your multidimensional Intentionality. Some modern parents are doing that; many others have done it since ages. Mass majority of people however do not know what it takes to be a parent.

This journey is facilitated when you know what alternative intentionality of womanhood and individuality are prevalent in wider milieus of the world, populated by 7.5 billion people. In recent decades, there have been scientific researches, which have very clearly listed out how in different regions of the world and in different human pockets with varied economic status, women behave very differently and accept different benchmarks of normal and appropriate behavior-actions of womanhood. The researches point out to this reality that a woman’s Intentionality is very probabilistic and depends on many milieu-specific and cognitive variables. It has to be as we have been continuously discussing as how consciousness-milieus-intentionality have a cyclic and ever-evolving dialectical journey.

It has also been marked in researches that in physical form and behavior, women are far more different than men in more urbanized cultures and in higher income group societies. This means, dimorphism is more prominent in modern-advanced-resourced spaces of society-cultures. This is a reminder of the reality that dimorphism is also always probabilistic; largely because of the fact that though dimorphism may have innate structures, much of its flamboyance of expressions come due to socio-cultural insinuations, which are varied in this huge world of 7.5 billion people. It has been observed and you also probably know it well that in bigger urban spaces like metro cities, women exhibit more feminine appearances than in rural areas. Also, better economic status enables better purchasing power of women to spend on enhancing the aspects of beauty and aesthetics, popularly and dominantly associated with female benchmarks of normality and appropriates. May be, it is popularly known as Fashion, which is predominantly exhibited in bigger urban spaces and in higher income echelons. Somehow, this fashion, beauty and aesthetics benchmarks also differ greatly among women in different localities and ethnicities. The women of Masai Mara tribe in Africa have drastically different standards of beauty and feminism, compared to average women in Manhattan.

This suggests; Self and Intentionality of woman is not a singular, objective and universally true idea and reality and therefore even dimorphism is more of a reflection of attitudes than physical form-finality. The fact remains that even men in urbanized and higher income groups tend to behave and look different than average male in rural regions and low income group pockets. This itself suggests that most men and women journey only those landscapes of their intentionality, which are subconscious and dictated by cultures and populist insinuations. It reflects the reality that intentionality of man or woman is very rarely conscious and a representation of willful and knowledgeable choices. This you as an aware and empowered woman have to take note of. You need to liberate your individuality and its intentionality from the slavery of collective benchmarks and install your own, carefully opted standards of appropriates and righteousness.

As we deliberated above, we need to realize and internalize that all Realities are only probabilities as they are always subjective and personalized to a specific Media. This media can be a woman’s body or a man’s. However, far more critical and impacting is the reality that this media’s subjectivity may be conditioned by so many ‘contexts’ and ‘Causalities’, other than body and gender; like, culture, traditions, economic status, geography, faith, family habits, personality types, etc. Then; there are structural and functional differences in body-brain. There are 16 different brain types and science says, no brain is alike others.

It is now an established reality that there may be genetic influences, which itself are enough for installing differences in consciousnesses and intentionality of two persons, however, our brain is only 15 percent genetic; rest of 85 percent is shaped up by milieu-specific elements. This somehow leads us to hypothesize that there is nothing like a universal and singularly objective idea of Self and Intentionality of a woman as different women can have different body-brain constitution and they may imbibe different personal-subjective orientations and attitudes, depending on different milieus, they grow and are raised.

This in turn, leads us to journey the ultimate question – If there is no possibility of a fixed and singular intentionality of womanhood, what should Ideally be the True and Real Self and Intentionality of a woman?

This is somehow the biggest restrictiveness and slavery of human destiny and potentials. There always stands a question and there is this innate and embedded urge and propensity to have a singular and definitive answer. This is where contemporary Science of Reality intervenes and asks us to unlearn these intuitive and populist insinuations of subconscious mind. It tells us in no uncertain terms that Reality is only a Landscape – It is probabilistic and ever-emergent. The question itself can be accepted in different dimensions and answers too can be probabilistic. This itself un-slaves us and liberates us from the impending definitiveness of a singular answer.

Look at the expanse and extremity of Reality. The biggest of all Realities – the universe we know, is said to be 92 billion light years apart. This itself is beyond our best of imaginations. Our brain is simply unfit to fathom such magnitude of Reality. However, evolving physics and cosmology are hinting at multiverse and pocket universes. Within our universe are massive black holes and galaxies, of which our Earth is like a dust particle on the periphery. This is one extreme of Reality. On the other side; the smallest of Reality of which we are a part are the strings of which particles are made, which in turn create an atom, which we can only now observe with very powerful microscopes. The string is billions and billions times smaller than a particle. This unimaginable extreme between strings and galaxies is the scale, dimension and magnitude of Reality. Can these scales, dimensions and magnitude ever be definitive and singularly static? They can never be and that is why Reality is always probabilistic and ever-emergent. Reality is always an emergent and evolving Landscape; never a building.

This is also true and real with our own body and brain – the constituents of our own tiny Reality. Our own Reality also has these unimaginably colossal and extreme scales, dimensions and magnitudes. Science tells us that even the tiniest little cell has intentionality and there are 30 trillion such cells, which make us. Then there are far tinier landscapes of DNA and genes. This is one extreme. We now know that our brain, which processes all realities and their perceptions for us, is made of trillions of neurons. Science tells us that any small thought or perceptional states for us happen when billions of these neurons create a neural network. These neurons and their billion plexuses engender the realities of Self and Intentionality. Then, there are over 50 hormones in our body and brain, which are the neurotransmitters, carrying information throughout our body. They also build up the system of engendering sense of Self and Intentionality in us. There are 3 billion pairs of DNA sequences in our genome, which carry the information that builds our Self and shape up innate Intentionality. The external milieus of society-culture-polity-economy-faith are huge landscapes giving their own massive scales, dimensions and magnitudes. The Self and Intentionality is in constant interaction with them and in turn gets conditioned every passing minute. In such colossal landscape of Reality and in such massive and complex plexuses of constant interactions of our body-brain with internal and external milieus, there simply cannot be a singular and definitive reality of Self and Intentionality. Reality; at all scales, dimensions and magnitudes have no choice but to be probabilistic and ever-emergent. Our own Self and Intentionality are the same – Emergent and Ever-Evolving. This is the hypothesis, which we have to journey as we traverse the massive landscapes of Self and Intentionality of woman.

Interestingly, this hypothesis springs up another question. The question is – How do we journey probabilities? If Reality is probabilistic only; how can a woman journey into the probabilities of her own Self and Intentionality. This seems a genuine question, as journeying something, which is ever-changing and never in decisive shape and spirit, seems a tough proposition. Yes, it is. Here comes this contemporary need of unlearning intuitiveness and enter the dimension of non-intuitive cognitions.

There is a very beautiful expression in modern science about journeying into the probabilistic landscapes of Reality. It says; every reality is Information. We are too. Our Self and Intentionality are also Information. Science says; there are strings and how they oscillate, creates information. This information is expressed in different dimensions. We cannot observe these dimensions as they are hugely curbed and twisted in massively tiny scales and magnitudes. Everything in the universe is giggling and all realities are expressed through these oscillations and giggling. The strings are giggling, particles are giggling, the proteins in our body are giggling and every little giggle engenders different information (signal) for different functions within our bodies. This colossal universe is giggling and oscillating with infinite information and they in turn create infinite probabilities of Realities.

The scientists journey this huge landscape of probabilities by trying to decipher and unravel the language of these information, embedded and ingrained in these oscillations and giggling. The scientists deciphered the language of DNA and now they can understand each meaning of the 3 billion sequences of DNA in our genome. This knowledge is the basis of so powerful and beneficial science of genetic engineering and molecular biology, which is helping humanity great deal in their wellness enterprises.

We all have to journey the landscapes of Self and Intentionality in the same way. This is the way for a modern, contemporary, aware and empowered woman to journey her own Self and Intentionality. There are oscillations and giggling within our body and brain. They create Information. The informations are ‘Contexts’ and ‘Causalities’ of all Realities, which shape up and condition sense of agency of Self and Intentionality. These contexts and causalities are languages like the DNA, strings and proteins. Information is what makes us and Information is what our body-brain processes as Media. Information is what our Self and Intentionality expresses and communicates in external milieus. Experiences and memories, which are created out of our interaction with milieus of society-culture-polity-economy, are also information.

The Self and Intentionality are probabilistic and ever-emergent Information of this Media. We all journey our own landscape of Information of Self and Intentionality by being constantly aware of the oscillations and giggling and invest our best of potentials to decipher and unravel the language, which these oscillations and giggling speak and mean. As we understand them, we are aware of all probabilities and in turn can be in optimum control of our own destinies. This is the recipe of optimizing your Free Will. This facilitates, we being an objective witness and brilliant judge of our own Self and Intentionality. This is how probabilistic landscapes are journeyed.

Somehow, this question lingers about the singular idealism of a woman’s intentionality. What should be an ideal self and intentionality of a woman? Let us not talk in terms of answers but journey the probability of such an idealism, which may be optimal and still conform to the overall benchmark of ever-evolving reality of intentionality. As we have been incessantly talking about; virtues as well as criminalities are neutral and only innate to consciousness, which is only a Media and Information. That leads us to accept that idealism for a man and woman cannot and should not be different. The benchmarks and scales of normality and appropriates should always be singular. This then arrives us to a generalization that what is an idealism of womanhood is essentially the idealism of humanity.

Once we accept this hypothesis; we can say with some definitiveness that this idealism for self and intentionality of all men and women necessitates that every person, irrespective of gender realities should journey their intentionality in two broad dimensions –

  1. There is this golden and singular benchmark of homeostasis of body-mind. You must be aware about homeostasis. Homeostasis is a term given to all complex and different processes of all different systems of our body and mind, which are constantly happening, without our conscious awareness, to ensure optimal survival chances of our body, braving its existence in a rather obnoxious external environment, full of pathologies. Homeostatic equilibrium is what is considered the singular goal of all living organisms, at cellular levels, including humans. This in simple term means the mechanisms and processes, which are ingrained in our body and mind to ensure sound health and mental poise. Therefore, for every person; men or women; the first idealism of Intentionality is to ensure conscious and disciplined adherence to all required personal habits and choices to optimize this Homeostatic Wellness of body and mind. You already know that in contemporary human world, not only our living spaces but food habits and lifestyle choices are big threats to our homeostatic sanity. It is very safe to hypothesize that mass majority of men and women in modern milieus have to face pathologies because of their unsettled and vitiated homeostatic poise. Almost 80 percent of diseases are outcomes of disturb homeostasis. Therefore, it seems a genuine hypothesis that un-conscientious, unaware, subconscious and even frivolous indulgences in any life-living choices, which can destabilize and destroy homeostasis is first criminality and depravity. No intentionality should ever align with pathologies of criminality and depravity. Health and mental peace-poise is the only true and real wealth. No intentionality should have any association with the poverty of health and mindfulness. The conscious, aware and empowered intentionality should ideally be aligned to and embark upon only to those journeys, which optimize homeostatic wellness, health and peace-poise of mind. In contemporary human world of vitiations, depravity and criminality; it is tough to ensure a homeostatic equilibrium and therefore; a novel and alternative Intentionality shall be required to ensure it.
  2. As we have discussed all along; life of a person, be it a man or woman, is just a Media and the ideal role-purpose of a media is to process and experience all information and all probabilities and dimensions of realities. The best and most valuable attainment of life-living of a man or woman is the wealth of varied and beautifully nurtured experiences. We have discussed that society-culture-polity-faith etc are always restricting and emaciating the very critical liberty to individuals to have freedom of journeys to multidimensionality of novel and alternative experiences. Therefore, we can hypothesize that idealism for the intentionality of either a man or woman is to optimize his or her liberty, journey all experiences and ensure their happy internalization in all layers of consciousness. Interestingly, all over the globe in most democratic societies, their constitutions legally prescribe all liberties to all citizens, only with some reasonable restrictions of public order. The reality however is that the state power, which has the constitutional duty to ensure this liberty, is the worst and singularly most prolific killer of liberties of their own citizens. Every individual therefore must align his or her intentionality towards the optimization of the liberties to experience life-living in unfettered ways. The only reasonable restriction, which intentionality should accept is this demarcation between private and public domains. Your intentionality is largely unfettered in your private and personal domain, where the only reasonable restriction on intentionality is what we have mentioned above – maintenance of Homeostatic poise. In public domain however, your intentionality should be careful and accommodative to ensure that it does not do any harm to collective inventory of sanity-system-symmetry-poise. In almost all religions, it has been mentioned that God can pardon any of your sins but even God cannot forgive you, if you happen to hurt anyone’s heart. This itself hints at what roads your public intentionality must journey and how. It reflects the reality that all lives are related and connected to each other in innumerable causalities within the milieus. Therefore, it is in personal interest of every individual to orient his or her intentionality for optimization of both personal as well as collective sanity-system-symmetry-poise. This is what we may accept as larger Homeostatic goal of ideal life-living.
