Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Pragmatism of Potential Optimization

The very fundamental reality about pragmatism of individuality and life-living experiences is this understanding and acceptance that there is no fixed, definitive and singular individuality, intentionality and life-living reality. Your own Media of body-brain is massively complex, with an intricate and expansive plexus of bio-chemical processes happening every passing minute. The external milieus of society-cultures-polity-economy-faith are also equally complex and ever evolving. Then, as an auto-process as well as by your own choice; you are in constant and extensive interaction with milieus at different layers. Therefore, you need to internalize this very non-intuitive cognition that your own Self and Intentionality are almost always probabilistic – emergent, ephemeral, transient and ever-evolving. As much of your Intentionality is designed to be innately subconscious; you as an aware and empowered woman have this twin task of growingly bring in, this subconscious intentionality into the domain of conscious individuality and then assign novel and alternative elements to your conscious Intentionality to journey as much and as varied experiences, as possible. To ensure this, you consciously un-align with inhibiting elements and align with liberating elements in the external milieus.

This means that your intentionality shall take myriads of shades and keep changing from one shade to another, as different causalities of body-mind as well as milieus, shall present themselves to your consciousness for different suitable action-behavior. This cognition of ‘suitability’ also emanates from two conflicting domains of internal body milieu and external social-cultural milieus and therefore, your own sense of normality-righteousness-appropriates about ‘suitability’ shall take different trajectories at different time and space situations. You just need to be aware and in poised reception of all causalities that impact your intentionality – subconscious or conscious.

This also in turn suggests that as your consciousness is in three layers of unconscious, subconscious and conscious; though in continuum yet compartmentalized; vast majority of your own intentionality shall come up as auto-process of reaction. Your subconscious intelligence of innate intentionality shall automatically make adjustments in your reactive behavior-actions. Only a selective intentionality may be your conscious and well though-out creation; after receptive skepticism and retrospection. You just need to be aware and growingly attempt to stop being a reactionary person. You just need to practice the artistry of remaining in aware receptive consciousness, witnessing everything objectively.

As we have been deliberating all along, you as individuals have to be very aware of all oscillations and giggling of the causalities within your internal milieu of body-brain as well as the external milieu of society-culture – be it subconscious or conscious. This shall bring about optimal ownership of most of your intentionality. Awareness and knowledge of all causalities, contexts, filters and antecedents, which can and do affect your intentionality, shall make you optimally prepared to deal with its consequences. This means; you shall be in optimal control of your life-living situations. This in turn shall ensure you more personal success and wellness. You, your receptive higher consciousness drive the vehicle of your intentionality and this driver must be in optimal control of all proceedings.

The pragmatic artistry is not to consciously negate any probability and also not to subconsciously proliferate any probability. In fact, the ingress of a wide spectrum of intentionality you may never control but very surely, you can control its effects and impacts on your behavior, making you more successful and in larger wellness. We need to elaborate the practical aspects of this artistry. For example; emotions of fear, anger or sadness may come automatic to you and it may seem that you cannot control their way in, in your life-living but, as you are aware and keep witnessing them; gradually you shall evolve this artistry to be a good judge of their intentional expression. You have to accept that emotions are very powerful subconscious intentionality and as they are driven by the power and energy of neuro-chemical mechanisms and processes of your body-mind; even your conscious and very empowered Self shall prove insufficient to control their ingress into your intentionality. You however just need to be aware and be an objective witness of the emotional trajectories, powered by hormonal energies.

Anger may come as it is innate mechanism of body-mind but, as you are aware and in receptive consciousness, you may not express it as a reactive being. At least; you can successfully control its intensity of expression. Fear may come but you can handle its spread in your consciousness and check its reactionary consequences. Gradually, as your artistry of witnessing and judging evolves, you shall even alter the way and in situations the emotions of fear, anger or sadness come to you. You shall feel that the same idea or situation, which earlier would turn you mad and furious, now either comes with lesser intensity or doesn’t affect you the way it did. How and why?

This sure is the magic of consciousness! You already know how hormones and its receptors are spread throughout our body and brain. The hormones, which react to a particular emotional perception of an external situation, also work as filters to your perception of a reality. For example, dopamine, which you know as happy hormone, is situated even in our eyes and they filter and context, how one perceives certain information about some external situation. All sensory signals are filtered through hormonal receptors. For survival optimization; the brain alters the chemical coding of the hormonal structures to perceive more accurately all incoming information from the external milieus. That is why we are insisting that consciousness and intentionality are probabilistic. This is our design for survival optimization. This design, we consciously take advantage of, to work for our optimal wellness and not allow it to create pathologies.

As you consciously assign lesser importance to your anger by consciously controlling the intensity of its expressions, the same hormone of dopamine shall alter its chemical messaging about how you subsequently perceive anger. Dopamine is also a habit forming hormone as it is the chemical regulating pleasure perception of brain states. Habits are formed subconsciously and can be altered consciously. Most subconscious intentionality is formed as habits, which you are not even aware as they evolve when you were a small child or growing up. These habits are consciously unlearnt, as you mature and become a woman. The same hormone, which subconsciously formed your habitual intentionality, shall facilitate your conscious choices and form novel and alternative habits, to create a new and nurtured intentionality.

Even if we consider that there are six core causalities of emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust and surprise, which may necessarily come, filtered through the habitual gender morphology and cognition of a woman to you; you can still be in control, check their automatic and subconscious effects on your Conscious and free-willed Intentionality. This shall not only save you from ill-effects of reactionary intentionality but also from the pathologies of partial perceptions, which emotional and gendered (subconscious) intentionality bring about. You may ask; how this can happen? What makes it happen?

This is the practicality of art we are talking about in the previous deliberations. We have been talking that though unconscious, subconscious and conscious are segmented but they are in definitive continuum. This continuum needs to be witnessed and judged. In this continuum, when you are not aware, knowledgeable and are in reactionary mode; this You is largely subconscious. This subconscious self rules 98 percent of your behavior-actions, without you actually owning or deciding them. Your awareness and thoughtful-retrospective consciousness actually expands the horizon and landscape of Conscious domain and restricts the unconscious-subconscious domains. In the same continuum, your New You becomes more empowered and in control as the domain of conscious choices expands and that of subconscious emaciates.

But who is this You – the New You? This is the aware, conscious and knowledgeable you. And how does this ‘You’ works its way with Intentionality? This is the artistry we have to know. There is a newly discovered science, which you as an aware woman must know. This is the novel and alternative domain of Consciousness, which we are continuously talking about, which stands beyond all part intentionality and brings about a holism in its expressions and experiences. We shall not go into the details of what modern neuroscience has known about Intentionality and its functionality but you probably already know that there are brain waves, which reflect our state of awareness and alertness. Neuroscience tells that when we are consciously aware and in receptive-retrospective consciousness; the brain waves change as its frequency is increased. This brings about the shift of our self and intentionality from the domain of subconscious to conscious.

As we earlier talked, there are giggling and oscillations and they are languages, which communicate. The neurons also giggle and as their oscillations reach a certain high levels of criticality; our consciousness is moved from the subconscious to conscious in the continuum. At this level of higher consciousness, your You becomes so aware and conscious that it becomes possible for you to witness those causalities, which were hitherto in subconscious domain and were not felt or experienced by you. Higher brain waves are associated with higher and better cognitions. The same anger-fear, which were in subconscious and made you react in auto-mode behavior-action; is now available to be witnessed by your elevated cognition and as they are witnessed; you have this facility to objectively judge them, before translating them into actions and behaviors.

Essentially, two willful and conscious ‘interventions’ of your higher consciousness can do magic. First, you need to consciously practice the art of receptive mind consciousness. You need to dump this innate, embedded and ingrained subconscious intentionality to react to any causality in the presentness of a point of time. You need to practice the artistry of aware and conscious life-living. You need to evolve this non-intuitive cognition about contemporaneousness of the dimension of Time. It is tough but hugely facilitative for your higher consciousness. Evolve this golden habit of accepting Time not as a point of presentness but as a landscape. This checks your reactionary intentionality. The subconscious brain states are designed for quick-reactionary decisions of intentionality for this primeval purpose of survival optimization. You live in a modern world where this old and archaic idea of survival is now outdated. Therefore; you need to unlearn this subconscious intentionality of primeval sensibilities of survival. Any situation, any causality of emotional circumstances – be it happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust and surprise or for that matter any insinuation of gender propensities; you just don’t need to react. Reactionary intentionality automatically draws you into some behavior and action, which happens in the moment or point of time and you certainly cannot own it. Therefore, you stop being reactionary and switch on your receptive mode intentionality to hold a causality or insinuation; check its veracity-validity, perceive its situation in holism and then thoughtfully imagine different choices of behavior-action, which in your judicious mind can optimize your success and wellness. This receptive, holistic and free-willed Intentionality is Truly You.

Secondly, as we have just discussed; you have to hold a reactionary intentionality and be ‘judicious’ about its effects on you. How can you be judicious? As we have earlier talked; you need to be an objective witness of all causalities, all probabilities and be an adroit-upright judge to ensure your Intentionality is powered by your true and real Free Will. How can this happen? This can happen when you unlearn the old, archaic, fake, fudged, fraudulent, scammed and obsolete perceptions, which culture-society-polity-faith uploaded on your subconscious mind, since childhood, which you never ever had the chance to test and check. Simultaneously; you need to begin the conscious and willful learning process by imbibing the modern and objective scientific knowledge about the realities of Self, Intentionality and life-living. The landscape of knowledge is infinite like the cosmos itself. As you begin to journey more miles in the knowledge landscapes, your Self and Intentionality begins to become more objective, logical, liberated, empowered and judicious. In one word, your higher consciousness begins to become the objective witness and marvelous judge. This leads you to your true and real success and wellness.

This essence and element of self and intentionality is actually the true potential of individuality. The trouble is – not only the external domains of collective authorities; we ourselves negate this reality and wish to accept ourselves as some definitive and fixed reality. This is scammed perception and killer of true potentials and essence of Self and Intentionality. It also needs to be mentioned here that the modern scientific knowledge about so many crucial aspects of life-living is not easily available. The technological advancements reach us easily and prompt as they are associated with profit-empires of the corporate and politics. The core scientific knowledge about mechanisms and processes of reality has to be personally accessed as they are there but invisible to media glare as well as markets. Sadly, those utilities, which do not catch media-market attention, are not considered ‘worthy’ by average people. Knowledge empowerment is always personal enterprise. You as an empowered woman have to journey this road.

Since ages, women have been subject of objectification as well as monolithic perception by societies and cultures. Early civilizations contemplated women as equal to slaves and animals. It was convenient for male-dominated world to declare that women were ‘inferior species’ and had less physical as well as mental strength and potentials. What modern science tells us is this tendency of treating women as ‘objects’ is not something men do for women. It is wired and embedded mechanism of the body and brain, which men do even for men and women do also for women. Objectification of living beings is human pathology; not a peripheral attitudinal trouble of men only. It emanates out of the subconscious intentionality of survival success, wired and embedded in brain states of humans. This we have inherited from the animal world, from where we and our brains evolved.

However, in human world of sanity-system-symmetry, every human being requires to alter and redefine this animalistic intentionality by bringing it into the domain of conscious and assimilative thoughtfulness. This rarely happens. Vast majority of men and women are slaves of this subconscious intentionality and that is why their body-mind becomes the galvanized media of all pathologies, which you see and feel the contemporary human cultures being infested with. You as an aware and empowered woman have to come out of the slavery and liberate your Self and Intentionality from the subconscious pathologies of consciousness.

Somehow, as modern human knowledge of reality stands today; every aware person in contemporary times needs to have a complete relook at all the realities – be it his or her own individuality, Self and intentionality or that of the external milieus of society-culture-polity-economy-faith. The pathologies of human body-brain realities and that of the contemporary milieus of extreme depravity and deceptions have to be understood in holistic knowledge as deciphered by objective science. No reality can be understood in its objectivity and holism if we do not reject the old, archaic and partial populist perceptions, we have been living out subconsciously. The Self and its intentionality are the primary domains of first unlearning and then learning. We first list out the aspects of unlearning and then learning –

A. Unlearning

The agenda of unlearning for every aware modern man and woman is huge. The social-cultural-political milieus, even in advanced nations, are so lacking and lagging in contemporary scientific knowledge of reality. Much of the advancements of societies and humans have happened in economic and technological domains. However, as the tragic reality stands today, even the well educated, economically well off and young men and women are prone to upholding such old, archaic, monolithic, partial and scammed ideas about realities of life-living. The advancements of science has not reached even one percent to average men and women, even as economic and technological developments have reached to mass majority. That is why; it has to be accepted that knowledge of reality requires major unlearning, before any learning of novel and alternative ideas are accepted.

The most crucial and critical unlearning is about the mechanisms and processes of our own body and brain. It is somehow very difficult and even self-negating to accept that most of the troubles and pathologies of human cultures and human systems in the past and even in modern contemporary world is primarily because of the flawed, fake, fudged, partial and scammed understanding of Self and Intentionality of individuality. This happened in the past and continues to be even today as mass majority of men and women have very little knowledge about advanced and truly objective mechanisms and processes of body and brain, which engender the sense of Self and Intentionality. The loads of criminality, which the pathologies of mind consciousness breed, have traditionally been making the lives of women a virtual hell. This criminality is neither male nor female. It is objectively human as criminality emanates out of the pathologies of body-brain processes interacting in external milieus.

It is only a very partial reality that overall human criminality may be expressed slightly differently in men or women. The criminality is however criminality; the pathologies are very common. Similarly, Self and Intentionality are also human, in their holism. Male or female expressions of Self and Intentionality are only part realities. Every aware and empowered woman has to understand this basic and core pathology of human cultures. That is why modern women have to unlearn the old and archaic ideas about self and our beingness. Modern, aware and truly empowered woman needs to see and enquire for herself as how we need to see ourselves as Plexus of Information as well as a Media of Information processing. You as a modern and empowered woman have to delve into this new and fast emerging knowledge of how hormones and its plexus in her body and brain create such powerful and subconscious ‘causalities’ that she has very little space for her own Free Will to operate with reasonable liberty. You as a woman can optimize your overall wellness only when you unlearn old and archaic ideas about Self and Intentionality. You shall then be able to have conscious and conscientious control over your Free Will and individuality. This shall be your true and real Self and Intentionality.

This hypothesis is not only about Her reality but also that of men. No doubt, not only the endocrine system but every other system of a woman has distinct expression as male and female morphology has evolved differently over millions of years. Science is also beginning to unravel the mysteries of morphological differences better. Still, the pathologies and troubles of both men and women shall be very similar, if not same. For example; some of the causalities affecting homeostasis of a man may be different from those impacting a female homeostasis. Still, overall, there shall always be common causalities for pathological troubles and imbalances of homeostasis. It is hugely important to understand and accept that male and female body-brain mechanisms and processes have their innate and embedded differences but majority of these differences at body functional level may be for maintenance of gender-specific reproductive roles. These roles are embedded in gender morphology but their expressions and actualizations in contemporary times have changed a lot.

However, when it comes to differences at cognitive levels, we need to see ourselves that much of these differences emanate out of dominant and populist gender benchmarks of normality, righteousness and appropriates and are also not universally applicable on all women across geographical and cultural divides. Contemporary knowledge of hormones says that sex hormones have receptors in limbic system of the brain too and they affect perceptions, cognitions and behaviors of men and women. No doubt; this very assertion is good enough for populist sentiments to declare that men and women are very different because of their different sex hormones, concomitant emotion-spectrum and their effect on their perception-cognition-behavior. However, when we check this assertion in the light of holism, we can clearly see that hormonal system and their impact on perception-cognition are very much influenced by milieus. Emotional registry and expressions are also subjective and milieu-influenced. Women have been found to behave differently to common gender-specific stimulus in different societies, geographical space and economic strata. Perception and cognitions of both men and women are always shaped up and conditioned by benchmarks in external milieus. That is why it is always important to unlearn partial and unscientifically inclined populist ideas about Self and Intentionality. May be, a man and woman shall react differently to the same type and level of stress in a certain milieu, but the reality remains that even two men or two women would behave-act differently. No two brains are the same and two persons, men or women, evolve differently even in same milieus. Even twins of a family evolve differently and express their individuality differently.

As a corollary to above-mentioned agenda of unlearning; it is only obvious that you as an aware and empowered woman must also consider unlearning the subconscious influence of Media and Markets in your choices for information and knowledge. You already know, an average person is so very aware of latest gadgets, new car variant, fashion trends and food recipes of all major countries. They can talk on these issues with impeccable information. This happens because the information about them come easy and prompt as the media and markets reach them intentionally to average person. You also know how these intentionally-moved information of media-markets are loaded with propagandist information, which average person has no wherewithal to check the veracity of. You already know about the massive fake-new market in contemporary human world. This dependence and assurance about media-market managed information and knowledge landscape is unlearning agenda. The media-markets have monopolized information and they decide what you should know and what not. The polity of the day is now hand in gloves with them and they not only don’t check these propagandist information, rather upload their own fake and propagandist information. You as an aware woman have to beware of this subconscious restrictiveness, which emaciates the potential of a person to have easy, free and true accesses to wider information and knowledge.

Another critical aspect of unlearning agenda is about the roles, purposes and normality assigned and associated with gender identities. There are stereotypes, monolithic and very partial populist and dominant notions and perceptions about these realities of life-living. Science of evolutionary biology and molecular biology are advancing brilliantly in the domain of unraveling the background of gender evolution to understand what specific roles the nature planned for male and females. In this process of new scientific learning, it is fast being unraveled that hormonal system, especially the sex hormones are hugely complex and their roles are not as specific or singular as it was popularly accepted. It is now being understood in details that a hormone works in multidimensional ways and impacts many aspects of body functioning as well as brain processing. It has been well understood that hormonal functioning may seem a purely body system for homeostatic maintenance but in actuality, the entire endocrine system may very well be aligned and synced with cognitive system of brain states. We all know, the cognitive landscape is majorly influenced by elements in external milieus. The sense of Self and Intentionality, as we have been discussing all along, are emergent entity, dominantly shaped up and conditioned by milieus of society-culture-polity-economy-faith. Therefore, it seems a clear line of thinking for every aware and truly empowered woman to discount the insinuations of milieus and all collective identities to ascertain the true and real roles and normality for her Self and Intentionality.

Individuality; its expression of Self and Intentionality are all a complex, collective, emergent and ever-evolving expressions of massive plexus of Information. The body-brain Media must always processes these Information very objectively, logically and in optimal holism. The body-brain is a brilliant and very powerful Media. The label and registry of male or female is only one dimension of this Media. There are many other and equally powerful dimensions; if not more important. Life-living, its roles, challenges, pathologies, purposes, wellness, excellence et al may at times and in some ways be looked upon and registered in subjective sensitivities of man or woman. However, they are too expansive, objectively navigable and multifaceted realities to be restricted solely or majorly to gender subjectivities.

Moreover, the very label of dimension of man or woman is also a huge media in itself. Science tells us, no two brains are alike. We all know, even sex hormones are not exclusively male or female. Men too have female sex hormones and women have male sex hormones. Their scale, magnitude and dimensionality differ in different men and women. Anatomically, we can say that level of progesterone and testosterone in respective gender morphology should be this and that. However, this level is never singular or universal and also, the levels never remain static throughout life spans as well as specific body situations. The endocrine system is mystically marvelous in presenting probabilistic landscapes of multidimensional realities of cognitions, emotions and feelings. Modern science is only just beginning to unravel the mysteries of hormonal functioning and its expressions on human cognition. May be, in very near future, we can understand how the chemical signaling system works and in what language they express exactly what. The Media of body-brain is too brilliantly magnificent to be restricted to a very narrow role-segregation and normality-spectrum of male and female. This old, archaic and now obsolete perception about Self and Intentionality needs to be unlearnt.

Somehow, as we have discussed earlier; the historicity of human civilization and culture has had huge impact on Self and Intentionality of women. In contemporary milieus of 21st century world; you as a modern empowered woman must understand their flaws and unlearn them. It does not need a complicated science to tell you that historically, two emotions have always vitiated and metamorphosed the true and real Self and Intentionality of women. These two emotions are Fear and Sadness. It needs intense scientific studies to unravel how deep and definitive have been the impact of fear and sadness on consciousness and innate intentionality of women in all milieus. As these two factors have been common in all cultures in all timeline of history; it may not be a surprise if they have percolated deep and permanent in the genetic imprint of morphology. Science has unraveled that same genes express themselves differently in human body. We all know this innate cyclicality between phenotype and genotype. That is why; you as a modern empowered woman have to make powerful and very conscious enterprise to unlearn these entrenched propensities of fear and sadness in your Self and Intentionality.

You have to understand that fear is not as deleterious as is the fear of fear. Both fear and sadness are largely cognitive. You have to decipher the trajectories of fear and sadness working their ways within your consciousness. You already know, how even in most developed societies and cultures, women have continued to remain unsafe and the larger milieu is still unfavorable to a woman’s rights and liberties. An average woman is far less at ease in the external milieus, compared to an average man simply because even in 21st century world, male sensitivities have still not been sanitized enough to accept women with equality, equanimity, dignity and fraternity. It is therefore very natural that average woman finds the external milieus innately aligned to make her more fearful and depressed than average men. This very pervading reality of human world is a huge dampener for the Self of a woman and a massive factor to affect and cripple their true and real Intentionality.

However, you as a modern and empowered woman have to understand and accept this reality scientifically and imbibe its trajectories in holism. It is very simple to accept that your fears and sadness are not the innate expression of your morphology as woman. They emanate out of the unequal, unethical, depraved and criminal external milieus as well as people in them. As we have discussed earlier; the emotional expression and its perceptional landscape created by hormonal and neural plexuses are all largely cognitive and they are influenced by external milieus. It is said, most emotional perception of a reality are passive acceptance of objective reality. This means; the perception of a reality is converted into an altered feel, as they are filtered and contexted by your experiences and their memories in your brain states. Your neural and hormonal plexuses are very much the part of your memory plexus. You need to be objective about your fears and inhibitions. For that you need to unlearn your subconscious memories by replacing them with conscious choices and processes.

You simply cannot think of liberating yourself from the over-encompassing landscapes of fear-sadness, if you remain aligned to this scammed and criminalized milieus and people. These elements have got embedded in your memories, which were created since your childhood, and therefore, they come as habit to you; irrespective of objective reality of fear and sadness. You need to un-align and dissociate yourself from these unwarranted elements of pathologies of external milieus and invest your diamonds on your own individuality and higher consciousness to liberate yourself from subconscious and conditioned fears and depressiveness.

You need to accept what we have earlier talked about the universal and embedded pathologies of criminalities of human consciousness. Human criminality is universal and it is also grossly objective. History very clearly documents the fact that criminality of minds spares none; be it women or men. Men have inflicted most heinous of crimes against men also. It is to be very objectively accepted that a criminal is a criminal. A wrong and depraved Intent does not differentiate in gender realities – a man or woman can be equally depraved and criminal in intents and these intents shall be expressed equally with men or women. A criminal intent in actuality and objectivity only seeks a ‘weak’ victim. This weakness may traditionally be an easy availability in women but there are loads of weak men, who have and continue to be recipients of criminalities of powerful men and also women.

You as a modern woman must unlearn old and archaic perceptions about fears and sadness, which are popularly associated with a woman’s innate intentionality. Your fears and depressiveness must be genuine, witnessed with objectivity and to be reacted upon with free-willed choices. You must accept all realities; especially this reality of fear and sadness, in your own consciousness. This unlearning must also be aided by conscious efforts to empower your skills and resourcefulness for your own safety and strength. Modern science and technology have devised loads of them to make you feel secured and confident. Even men have to be in readiness and resourced to handle many situations of criminalities. You can feel that men have larger and deeper threats from criminalities as they have dominant situations and presence in all aspects of life-living. There are genuine, objective and even impersonal threat perceptions to anyone – man or woman. An empowered woman would always be in optimal readiness for all eventualities and would genuinely see and accept them as generic and situational.

As we have talked earlier, human pathologies as well as brilliances are too wide and deep realities. Gender expressions of these pathologies or virtuosities are only partial aspects. Your enemies are neither men nor women – the true and real enemies are universal and objective pathologies of human consciousnesses. A threat happens, when pathologies of criminality (either of a man or woman) get a situation, where your own unpreparedness extends them a chance and situation to unleash. Therefore, your true and real enemies are situations and your own personal unpreparedness. This clearly lists out how you can minimize your threat perceptions, fears and inhibitions and lead a liberated life. Any aware person – man or woman would not venture into a situation where he or she does not feel himself or herself to be in control. Also, a man or a woman; everyone needs to fully resource himself or herself to deal with such situations of threats. Modern technologies have given us enough leeway to equip ourselves with enough safety-security devices.

Same is the reality with your true and real friends and goodness. Your true friend is neither a woman nor a man. Your true friend and well-wisher is a Consciousness, which has knowledge of reality and is evolved enough to value the virtuosity of compassion and liberty. This consciousness is Information and, it can reside in a Media of either a man or a woman. You as a modern empowered woman must discard and unlearn all old insinuations of culturally validated perceptions of good-bad, enemy-friends etc, and begin to see and accept all realities in holism and objective universality. Unlearning fear of fear and sadness of sadness is your first step to true empowerment. You are what you align with. You consciously alter what elements you align with and how your intentionality journeys a novel and alternative landscape. You already know how to do it.

One more aspect of unlearning agenda, which must be mentioned here, is the populism and cultural insinuations of sexuality and associated intentionality, which are often loaded on a woman’s consciousness since ages. This subject of sexuality and intentionality of intimacy is a vast universe and requires great amount of detailing to understand how old and archaic notions about sexuality-intimacy and its associated populist benchmarks of normality and appropriates, massively vitiate true and real Self and Intentionality of women. We however shall discuss it here in short, only to list out some key aspects. Theoretically, you have to see and realize that sexuality is also Information, which our brain is designed to process and therefore; it is objective and universal for all humans – men or women. This information of sexuality has its expression both in internal milieus of body-brain as well as in external milieus of society-culture. Therefore, as we have talked earlier; like the pathologies of human consciousness; sexuality too is prone to depravity as well as excellence in equal probabilities; irrespective of gender insinuations.

However, what most men and women do not know and accept is that modern science has almost deciphered that sexuality as a reality is far more powerful a goal in makeup of human consciousness – be it man or woman. It has been now established that entrenched and embedded genetic goals of sexuality; led by the primeval and innate energy of reproductive successes; are even more potent and over-encompassing than the innate propensities of survival. This means – human consciousness is wired to even sacrifice its life to attain the goals of sexual successes. As per the plan of nature; survival is the primary and most powerful goal of all living beings but sexual success is now known to override even this powerful instinct of survival. It is therefore open secret to all that men or women shall subconsciously and un-conscientiously indulge in all sorts of deceptions, deviations, depravities, criminalities and maneuverability to attain sexual successes at any cost. It is our design. As talked about earlier; sexual hormones are now known to have such powerful impact on entire endocrine system that they affect perceptions, cognitions and behaviors in men and women.

This is only one part of reality. Other part is the aspect of vitiation and pathologies of the drive of sexuality, very much like that of the instinct of survival. As we have talked earlier; the pathologies of consciousness is essentially an expression of fake, fudged, scammed and partial understanding of all realities; especially the core reality of survival. Similar is the fate of sexuality. Humanity’s pathologies have become so massively criminal and depraved in intent and expressions largely because of fake, fudged and scammed understanding of all realities – especially of Self and intentionality.

As a modern empowered woman, you need to understand the drives of survival and sexuality. We do not have the space here to talk in detail about the vast spectrum of causalities and pathologies of sexuality but; broadly, we just need to remind ourselves, what we have talked earlier. We talked of how we may be a few years old but our self and intentionality have the age of 3.5 billion years. This metaphoric expression was used just to keep in mind that we may be living in 21st century modern human world but our design and mechanisms-processes are as billions of years old. The drives and the roles assigned to cellular intentionality by original plan of nature, millions and billions of years back are still there in our brain states as the limbic system handling the critical endocrine system continues to work on the basis of the same old and archaic cellular intentionality. The drives of survival and sexuality (mating) remain as powerful as it was at cellular intentionality level. However, we as humans have evolved and our brain has now a very evolved layer of cortex, which is designed to ‘mediate’ intentionality between the innate drives and normality demands of modern milieus. The design of human body-brain may engender an intentionality of survival and sexuality as they are in most advanced mammals but we humans live and excel in societies and cultures, where we have created certain golden benchmarks of normality and appropriates for collective sanity and system. Moreover, in contemporary human cultures, we simply cannot accept our innate drives of survival-sexuality to have the age-old, primeval and archaic goals and purposes. As our reproductive goals have changed hugely and our survival perception too has witnessed growth; we need to reorient our drives of sexuality in the light of novel and alternative purposes.

Very naturally, as modern and empowered woman, you need to understand your mechanism, processes, duality of intentionality, conflict of consciousness and act-behave in a way, which aligns with contemporary human landscape of sanity and system. Most importantly; as we have been deliberating all along; all subconscious drives and intentionality need to undergo twin conscious processes of filtering – first; they need to be consciously witnessed, judged upon and then expressed in free-willed choices of behavior-action. Nothing should ride reactionary automation and go unchecked. Secondly; all choices of expressions of conscious action-behavior must conform to the ‘judiciousness’ of personal as well as collective Sanity-System-Symmetry of holism. When you accept this hypothesis, your Self and Intentionality is saved of the pathologies of consciousness and they stand true and real.

Therefore, in broad sense, unlearning your drives and their probable pathologies is critical for emergence of true and real Self and Intentionality of a woman, as well as those of a man. However, you being a woman need to also understand the traps and vitiations of associated aspects of the populist perceptions about beauty and body benchmarks of womanhood. You already know how traditionally since ages, women have been overly and criminally burdened with the undue and even depraved benchmarks of righteousness, appropriates and normality of body as well as behavior. The pathologies of perception of Beauty and Feminine appropriates are huge issues, which cannot be detailed here as it shall unnecessarily burden this eBook with bulk. What we need to outline here is the same gold standards, which we have so far extended to all realities. Beauty and body appropriates for women also have to be tested on the anvil of objectivity and holism. All realities are probabilities and therefore, beauty is also information, open to infinite probabilities. Beauty, feminine aesthetics and disposition, like all realities, is a choice and expression of individuality. As individuality must not be chained and enslaved by any external benchmarks or collective administration, beauty should also never be stifled, as it is an expression of individuality. Beauty and expression of body aesthetics are individual liberty. They emanate out of the consciousness of a person; be it a woman or man. They need be allowed personal freedom and only to be restricted by well established principles of collective sanity and system.

B. Learning

Learning is an infinite domain. Moreover, as we have been constantly talking about; the very small, localized and scammed milieus of society-culture-polity-economy-faith landscapes, where most of our so-called learning are restricted to, are some sort of slavery on our independent and ever-expansive/ever-evolving Consciousness and Individuality. This slavery you as a modern and empowered woman of 21st century knowledgeable society have to renounce and be free of. In fact; true and real learning of life-living realities and their true benefits to personal wellness happens only when we journey beyond the very restrictive ambient milieus; unshackling their submissive, suffocating and surreal education regime and knowledge spectrum.

As we have talked earlier; you as a modern empowered woman have to develop the non-intuitive cognition, rising above this convenient and ingrained visceral propensity of intuitiveness of consciousness. This shall facilitate the pathways of real and true life-living learning as it shall open up the portals of true realities; which are not definitive but probabilistic. As you shall develop the artistry of rejoicing all probabilities; unlearning your fear and unease with novelty and alternative knowledge; you shall understand and accept that true Self and Intentionality of a woman is in aligning with true and objective Reality. As reality is only probabilistic; your own Self and Intentionality shall always be journeying novel and alternative dimensions. This shall usher in novel and beautifully diverse experiences, which in turn shall catapult your consciousness to a different level of awareness and cognition. This variety and freshness of life-living shall instill happiness, wellness and exuberance in you and shall keep you away from fear, sadness, inhibitions and depressive propensities.

As feminism is deemed to be the default design and information of the cosmos; aligning your Self and Intentionality with cosmic design shall stand your consciousness and individuality in sync and symmetry with all probabilities. This is true and real liberty. This is true and real empowerment. A liberated person, at the optimal playfulness with all the probabilities of consciousness is the most beautiful living spectacle of the cosmos. Of course; the very notion of liberty and free will has to be understood and accepted in a non-intuitive way to expand its horizon for the journey of individuality. If a modern and empowered woman like you have to redefine and rediscover her true and real Self and Intentionality; this liberation and landscape of probabilistic choices shall provide the ideal milieu. This is true and real purpose and role of the Media of body and brain. Your consciousness shall process all probabilistic information sans any restrictiveness and suffocation and your own Self and Intentionality shall journey life-living landscapes as satiating and empowering probabilities.

I know that this hypothesis is only theorization of the reality of learning. The practicality of this is a tough learning. I am not ashamed to admit that even when I really wish I could tell you all aspects of practicalities in few words; I cannot as I am a stupid and the aspects of practicality are too complex and expansive. I have no choice but to seek your magnanimity and ask for your precious time and attention to journey you through few more pages and paragraphs to elaborate these all. I very humbly say that even if it is inconvenient for you; I am confident that at the end of it, you shall feel happy that you allowed me your affirmation to journey these extra spaces. Thanks!
