Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Understanding ‘I’, Before Self of Woman

What is Reality? The least, we can say with some definitiveness is, Reality is the emerging and evolving dimensions of landscapes, which happen as the Self interacts with Milieus – both internal as well as external; tangible as well as intangible. The Milieu is relatively constant in the short run and largely objective. The Self, the living organism, is however transient and subjective. Therefore, the very Self, the ‘I’ or Me and its reality has always been in domain of uncertainty and multiplicity of perceptions.

As the Self is the sole ‘context’ or criterion of all possible perceptions of the continuous and objective reality; it is singularly important that the Reality of Self be probed and known. Almost every aware person thinks of the core question of the Self, life-living purpose and one’s own actions-behaviors. However, this thoughtfulness is not persevered and it does not lead many people to any fruition of true answers, as they do not have the Will and Wherewithal to understand Reality. Spiritualism and philosophy in general were the tools humanity had for this purpose. However, these tools have now become restrictive, vitiated and depraved. The very purpose of probity stands eclipsed. They mislead more than lead, for any good. Most men and women are still obsessed with spiritualism and philosophies, even in 21st century and therefore fail to come out of the scam they have lived since long.

Modern science has progressed exponentially, especially in the last two decades of the 21st century, to unravel many of the mysteries of Self, its mechanisms and processes and that of the Intentionality of all behavior-actions. It has understood in great details, many aspects of human brain, especially in terms of its mechanisms and processes in engendering the Reality of Self and Reality of Intentionality. This hugely enables us in understanding the reality of the Self of Woman. The modern knowledge therefore beckons us to unlearn many popular and dominant cultural normality-appropriates, which most people take for granted about womanhood. It is time for a woman to understand and accept many unfolding and novel realities about the Self or ‘I’ of a woman.

If there is a valid, primeval and probably the most critical question for every human being, ‘Who Am I’; then, it needs to be accepted that the answer never was and can never be singular, objective and fixed. Probably, there can only be ‘Objectivity’ in the mechanism-process of creation of ‘Subjectivity’ of answers. This objectivity about the subjectivity is where modern science has facilitated exponential growth of knowledge. The morphological entity of man or woman is also a subjective expression of the overall objective reality of human Intentionality. We can now very objectively seek to answer all subjective questions; including, ‘Who Am I’ and why and how am I, ‘What I am’. This is critical knowledge for womanhood.

Does the question matter; especially for a woman? Hugely! Why?

You, your body-brain; the Consciousness it engenders, this powerful subjective and very personal feel of ‘I’ or Me, is just a Media, to decipher and navigate through the Reality of your very miniscule ambient milieus. The wider Reality may have an objective form and functionality but for most of us, Reality is unraveled very subjectively and only a massively small part of it. Science says, Consciousness is innately very localized. The morphology and intentionality of the ‘Media’ work as a powerful Filter or a dominant Context to orchestrate and design subjective Reality. But then; they further localize and emaciate the objectivity and universality of reality, unfurling beyond our subjective perceptions.

The morphological and functional gender-divide of woman and man is supposed to create different Media – a female Media and male Media. The issue at hand is not about the two media being different. It is an established hypothesis that dimorphism – male-female distinction is a Reality. The debate and deliberation is about ‘How Much’ and in ‘What Ways’ is this distinction between the two Media of woman and man. This knowledge about the how much and what ways has to be scientifically objective, singular and holistic; otherwise it shall add loads of imaginative stupidities and hypocrisies into the ‘perceived’ difference. There is already no dearth of them in contemporary cultural milieus.

That is singularly why; it is primary and option-less to have an objective knowledge of the processes of subjective reality about, ‘Who Am I’. Only a true and real ‘I’ is poised to have a true and real feel and experiences of the milieus, where realities are unraveled. A True and real ‘I’ alone is qualified to understand and accept true and real Reality. Probably, a woman needs to unravel and decipher her true and real Self and Intentionality more than men as their identity and consciousness have been more dictated and decided upon by populist and dominant cultures. They need to come out of the scammed perceptions about themselves.

That is why, we are journeying the Intentionality of a Woman – breaking free of populism and obsolete cultural insinuations as well as the archetypal and monolithic perceptions; inquiring into what contemporary science has known. When the ‘Self’ is objectively determined in scientific holism; then only we can determine the true, real and elemental reality of the Intentionality of Womanhood. After all; man or woman is just a small part or context of the expansive expression of the Self or ‘I’. My 50th eBook very humbly seeks to journey this landscape. We do it together…
