Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Brain and Gender Intentionality

Human brain is a bizarre and yet brilliantly marvelous organ. Science tells us that the brain is unique in the sense that it is not a single organ but a cooperative of different organs, evolved in a timeline, millions of years apart and yet functions in such synced and systematized manner that it stands as universe’s most mesmerizing cooperative. This however is no magic and marvel.

The most incredible reality about brain is that it creates something, which no other human organ does. Human brain creates behaviors, some of which the muscles may carry out as actions. This behavior is the summation of innate as well as evolved Intentionality. This also however is not the most miraculous thing about our brain. The brain not only creates behavior; rather, it constantly changes itself, imbibing and assimilating the experiences, which the behavior engenders, as a loop mechanism, after its interaction with milieus. This in scientific parlance is known as plasticity or neuroplasticity. Plasticity is accepted by modern neuroscientists as the core competence and true Intellect of human brain. These exclusivities make our brain as a full-fledged system, which is the warehouse of perceptions, behaviors, experiences and evolving. Too brilliant but; equally complex!

There cannot be any genuine understanding of Self, Consciousness and Intentionality, without the holistic knowledge of our brains. Tragically, since thousands of years, humanity had no idea about structures and functional aspects of human brain and yet, the society, cultures, polity, religion and jurisprudence decided upon behaviors, Intentionality and their appropriateness. They also decided the benchmarks about womanhood, without much scientific knowledge.

The basis of these benchmarks of normality and appropriateness was not objective and scientific knowledge of body-brains but purely and restrictively intuitive perceptions, which almost always tiptoed the collective suitability of man-made cultures.

This is still continuing in most cultures across the world and it must now be unlearnt and unseated. Womanhood and its Intentionality has to be relooked and reworked on the basis of contemporary knowledge of science about how human brain works and works out Intentionality, which in turn leads to all actions-behaviors in interaction with milieus. Gender sensibilities need to be objective and holistic; not intuitively subjective and partial.

However, the trouble with our brains is – this system works almost 98 percent of its tasks silently; we as conscious beings not even aware of it. This makes major part of the functionality of Intentionality of a person largely unknown to him or her. For ease of understanding, we can say that Intentionality is the collective term for the totality of the processes of perceptions, behaviors, experiences and evolving, contextual to ambient and extensive milieus – both external as well as internal. As over 98 percent of these processes are subconscious; this means we are primarily unaware of our own intentionality.

This somehow is the worst tragedy of human world. We have created a society and culture, where we have been assigned rules and laws to regulate our own intentionality, so that every person could optimize his or her potential in a systematic and peaceful manner. The laws of state and polity, of which we all are inseparably a part, postulates that we are all aware of the laws and are capable of controlling our intentionality to abide by them. This is huge misnomer. This very hypothesis is hypocritical and against the science of intentionality. That is why the human world has always been a flourishing ground of hypocrisies and un-conscientious criminalities. The society and state-polity are very prompt to punish people and use the might of authoritative and even illegally inhuman violence to suppress individuality to make people fall in line.

Thankfully; science has unraveled good deal of the mechanisms and processes of Intentionality and this makes us understand our own Intentionality in good measure. Science has still to go a long distance, before it could decipher every detail about brain functions. Still, we can understand Intentionality very well to objectively understand the Reality of Self.

The understanding of self or ‘I’ is not exclusively about brain. However, as brain is the final processing unit of all Intentionality; we need to know in detail about how our brain works and how it is supposed to ‘context’ and factor in the situation of gender causalities in shaping up or conditioning respective Intentionality of man or woman. The good thing is that science has facilitated huge learning for us about brain functions and its processes of working out behaviors. This shall help us understand how morphological insinuations and situations affects brain processes and how ‘differences’ in Intentionality may get shaped to create the so-called divide between man and woman landscapes of thoughtfulness and behaviors.

This 50th eBook is the journey to understand the Reality of Self of a Woman, by exploring the truths and reality of Intentionality of Womanhood in all possible aspects of scientific knowledge available.
