Is porn a pleasurable experience?
Most people are struggling to quit porn under the illusion that they will be missing out on a crucial pleasure source. Nevertheless, is porn a reliable pleasure source, like food or water?
We eat and drink to replenish our bodies and carry out our daily activities. It is healthy, natural, and gives a feeling of satisfaction. But on the other hand, porn leaves you disappointed and worse than you were before; it doesn’t calm you down or anything; it makes you even sadder.
To sum this up, you need to realise that there is not enough porn out there to satisfy you. Porn addicts created a nasty habit of delaying orgasm, searching for the perfect scene. Only not to find it at all because it doesn’t exist; it’s an abyss of illusory pleasure that drags one into it, without any possible relief or satisfaction at the end.
Many people love tasty food, we all crave it, but do we eat it for 2 hours?. Why aren’t porn addicts eating their favorite food every day of the week in the same way they binge on porn every day? It is because food has no addictive nature, and once you fill your desire to eat, you hardly want to eat anymore.