Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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28 motivating reasons to quit porn

1. Porn will hypnotise you with false expectations

Porn is wildly unrealistic and full of toxicity, yet 1 in 4 young adults report that porn is the most helpful channel to learn about sex, according to a 2021 study. Another study indicated that young people often reported imitating porn in real-life sexual encounters, almost as if they were hypnotized. The pressure to copy porn scenes was an aspect of unhealthy and frustrating sexual intercourse. The key takeaway here is that porn isn't contributing to a healthy understanding of sex.

The plastic surgeries, video modification, acting, and editing that go into porn give an unrealistic view of the human body and sexuality. Research suggests that consuming porn leads to low self-esteem—both for the users and their partners. Don't buy into unrealistic porn fantasies. Feel confident in your skin and stop making false comparisons.

2. Porn occupies a big chunk of your valuable time

Many porn consumers are surprised to find that porn is tough to quit during the reboot process. Most porn consumers are not diagnosed as clinical addicts. Still, many experts agree that watching porn is a behavior that qualifies as a problematic addiction. Whether someone's porn consumption is classified as an addiction, compulsion, or simply an unhealthy habit, quitting porn can be a complicated process. Even if it feels daunting, there is hope, making leaving more possible than ever!

3. Porn addiction can escalate to bad outcomes

Research indicates that porn consumers can become desensitised to porn, often needing to consume more extreme forms of porn to get the pleasure they once did. Over time, a porn user's appetite can escalate to more intense content to achieve an acceptable level of arousal. OneIn one 2016 study, researchers found that 46.9% of respondents reported that, over time, they began watching pornography that had previously disinterested or even disgusted them.

4. Stop promoting an industry that encourages rape and violence

In the porn industry, there is no way to guarantee that pornographic content is genuinely consensual, ethical, or even legal in some cases. The sad truth is that the porn industry has an extensive history of benefiting from nonconsensual content and abuse, even ignoring victims' pleas to remove abusive content from the web. Virtually every primary porn site has had issues with forcing performers to act scenes of abuse or child sexual abuse material (aka "child porn").

5. Look for more intimate connections

As human beings, we are hardwired for intimacy and love. However, these meaningful connections with others can be undermined when porn comes into the picture. Research indicates that consuming porn enhances sexual objectification, profoundly influencing how porn consumers view and treat their surroundings. The porn industry objectifies people and glorifies penetrative sex, making it challenging to develop connections on an intimate level. Disconnect from porn and connect with the real world!

One study found out that people who didn't consume pornography reported higher relationship satisfaction than those who viewed pornography alone. Staying away from porn is a great way to strengthen relationships and intimacy.

6. Prevent porn-induced sexual dysfunction

Porn often leads to less satisfying sexual intercourse. Research routinely shows that compulsive porn consumption is often associated with sexual dysfunction for men and women, difficulties with arousal and sexual performance, and decreased interest in the real thing. It doesn’t sound very "Healthy," now does it?

7. Stop contribution to sex trafficking

Sex trafficking and pornography go hand in hand. Even in the production of mainstream porn, sex trafficking can still occur—and it happens more often than you think. Trafficking is legally defined as "a commercial sex act created by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained legal age." Manipulation is wildly joint in the porn industry, which should legally qualify as sex trafficking.

Porn consumers need to understand that there is no way to verify that the porn they're watching is consensual and free of abuse as long as people watch more abusive porn. The porn industry will get more creative in exploiting vulnerable people to meet that demand and, consequently, support the creation of porn addicts.

8. Porn glorifies sexual violence and dominance

According to one study about porn titles, 1 out of every eight titles suggested to first-time users on porn sites described acts of sexual violence Research also indicates that as few as 1 in 3 and as many as 9 in 10 porn scenes contain physical violence or aggression. More disturbing is that almost 100% of the time, the targets of violence and aggression in porn respond with pleasure, and a smile on their face, sending a message that aggression and violence are desirable and sexy.

Research also indicates that porn's sexually violent narratives can escalate into consumers' attitudes and behaviors. Research suggests that porn viewers are more than likely to objectify and view others as non-humans, shame survivors of sexual assault, more likely to be supportive of some kind of sexual violence against women, and more likely to replicate acts of sexual violence.

9. Porn promotes racism

To illustrate the above proposition, a 2021 analysis of more than a thousand porn videos from two of the world's most visited porn sites found that scenes featuring people of color disproportionately emphasise violence and aggression, perpetuate harmful racist stereotypes, and often advertise people as "objects." The porn industry often fetishizes race, reducing people of color to sexual categories that often create damaging stereotypes.

10. You don't need to hide in the toilet anymore

Many consumers hide from their partners the shocking truth of how much and what types of porn they regularly consume. According to a 2017 study, women significantly underestimate the amount porn their male partners consume. In fact, in this study, none of the casually dating women—zero—reported that their partner viewed pornography at all, but 43% of casually dating men in the survey reported heavy porn consumption.

Scholars have also noted that pornography concealment may destroy trust between partners and security in the relationship. Healthy relationships are built on honesty and open communication, so hiding a porn habit is detrimental to stability. And hey—you don't have to clear porn from your browser history or hide in the toilet or the basement if you don't watch porn.

11. Regain your precious time back

You may have noticed that porn consumption takes a lot of your time. Aside from all its harmful effects, time spent watching porn could be spent sharpening your talent, achieving goals, and enhancing relationships. It's estimated that the average person spends about three months on the toilet, four months in traffic, and nine years on their phone throughout their life. How much of your life will you spend watching porn? Is it worth the investment?

When consumers become engulfed in their porn activities, they then neglect essential matters of their lives, including family. By freeing up your precious time, you can focus more on being a parent, husband, family member than ever.

12. Avoid causing trauma to your partner

Over the years, we have received countless messages from partners of porn consumers who feel deeply traumatised and hurt by their loved one's porn addiction. Individuals who learn of their partner's porn habit often internalise their shame and confusion, blaming themselves for not having enough.

13. Strengthen mental/emotional health

Many peer-reviewed studies have linked porn consumption and mental health outcomes like depression, social anxiety, loneliness, lower life satisfaction, and poorer self-esteem and mental health problems. These studies have also concluded that these links are particularly harmful when porn is used to escape negative emotions; from what we see, it sounds like porn is an amplifier of a mental health crisis.

14. Be the master of your mind

Getting dragged into a toxic and addictive cycle of porn consumption limits consumers' feeling of control over their lives. Although it can take quite a while, extracting porn from your life can help you take back that control you may have lost and live a better life.

15. Go for sex instead of fertilizing lifeless pixels

The porn industry glorifies forced sex, fetishizes race, and ignores that mutual pleasure is not sex-positive. Research consistently shows that porn consumption is associated with porn-induced sexual dysfunction (in men and women) and a decreased sexual drive and satisfaction. Ditching porn's toxically is pro-sex.

16. Increased energy levels and emotional mastery

A porn habit takes a big chunk of your time, focus, and energy. Research shows that many porn consumers report failing to tend to basic needs like eating and sleeping well in favor of heavy porn consumption. This is detrimental and leads the body to feel drained of the emotional physical quickly. The mental energy it needs to keep up with life's daily challenges. You can now refocus on building healthy habits by turning off the screen.

Many consumers use porn to escape their challenges rather than face them in classy ways. Interestingly enough, research indicates that those who consumed pornography to avoid uncomfortable emotions had some of the lowest emotional and mental well-being reports. By letting go of porn, you can build more emotional toughness and resilience.

17. Save your finances for more important matters

Paula Hall, a sex and porn addiction therapist, says that sexcam addicts make up an increasingly large number of clients who come to her seeking help. Users become hooked on these fantasies that feel more like a personal relationship than free porn. "People start spending more time and money than they intend to… They keep chasing the same dopamine hit." Even if you're not spending dollars on porn, remember that time is a form of money that you're wasting on porn sites and unconsciously contributing to the prosperity of the porn industry.

18. Porn can make you a taker more than a giver

Porn can quickly reinforce self-centered sexual behavior by focusing only on consumers' desires. In real-life sexual experiences, communication, consent, and mutual pleasure are essential—all of which are rarely depicted in porn.

Porn culture has promoted getting what you want sexually without giving importance to the other side's desires and fantasies. With so many people consuming pornography, is it no surprise that many people are developing attitudes of egoism?

19. Stop the contribution to children’s sexual exploitation

Research indicates that teen porn refers to a category of underage individuals. This theme is becoming particularly popular and more and more on-demand. This is disturbing, considering that porn can be so effective at normalizing sexual violence that many sexual predators use porn to groom their victims and desensitize them to sexual advances.

According to a report of domestic minor trafficking victims forced into porn production, the average age they began being filmed was less than 13 years old.

To fend off children's sexual exploitation, we need to be educated on its prevalence and be aware of the conditions contributing to it.

20. No need to feel shame anymore

Porn and shame go hand in hand. Research shows that shame is fuel to problematic porn consumption. Letting go of both porn and guilt can be an incredibly empowering experience. As one former porn addict testifies after quitting porn, "I'm not ashamed of myself all the time. It feels like I can finally relax and enjoy life."

21. Focus on your career

Paula Hall, the sex and porn addiction therapist mentioned earlier, says that some porn addicts notice that they are not spending time with loved ones and leave clubs early to spend time on porn sites. They might then gravitate toward using them at work. Often it ends with them using the work computer. That can end their career, and I've seen people lose a marriage over it."

Real stories of people who got caught viewing porn at work prove that more and more people risk their job by looking at porn during work hours. Don't let this destructive content escalate and ruin what you've invested in a significant part of your life trying to achieve; stop the porn from destroying your life.

22. Size doesn't matter

A recent poll found that the more porn male views, the more he is dissatisfied with his penis size. And the same goes for women with male partners—the more porn they consume, the less satisfied they are with their partner's penis size.

Porn is a catalyst for body dysmorphia. Natural human bodies are unique, and that is what makes them beautiful. A world without porn and plastic beauty are where comparison doesn't influence body image. Ditch the porn and its unrealistic body expectations.

23. You can save many youngsters from the same fate

By raising awareness on this critical issue, you won't just be another person. You'll be helping to make the world a better place. Don't be a follower. Take a firm position and inspire change the world for the best.

24. Increased stress control and management

Healthy levels of stress can be a source of motivation. Research proves that porn releases unhealthy doses of stress, which is one of the markers of addiction. As one individual who successfully quit porn reported, "The stress and anxiety that used to be persistent in my life is gone."

25. Stop viewing people around you as sexual objects

Consuming porn is objectification in practice. It's no surprise that regular porn viewers are more than likely to objectify and dehumanise people.

 Let's treat people like people instead of making them objects of sexual fantasies.

26. Take your self-confidence to the next level

Research indicates that consuming porn is linked with more negative body image, lower self-esteem, and poorer mental health. By kicking the habit, you can boost confidence in different aspects of life.

 27. Regain your natural human empathy again

Get rid of porn addiction and become more supportive and sensitive to the feelings and needs of your loved ones and what might be causing them aches. According to a 2015 study, previous partners' pornography consumption predicted women's levels of feeling sexually objectified, lower self-esteem, and even lead to an increased eating disorder.

28. There is no pride in porn

Taking the challenge to give up porn is not always easy. Still, by quitting porn, you're contributing to a noble fight against a dangerous industry that promotes child trafficking and sexual exploitation.

No matter your reasons, giving up porn is something you can be proud of. So what are you waiting for? go ahead already and extract this vile virus from your life