Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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Should I cut down on porn use or go cold turkey?

Suppose you successfully read and grasped the ideas of this book. In that case, you should conclude that addiction is psychological. As previously disclosed, if you don't attack the roots of the problem, then just forget about quitting porn altogether.

Porn is not a pizza, so there is no diet for it. You need to stop with a sense of urgency with no room for doubts. Your belief in the ability to quit should be ultimate. You have to picture yourself at 50 years old with a 30-year clean streak. For you, it should be evident that it's over and that there are no bargains to be struck or cheat meals.

You can't be a successful football trainer in a major football league if your mindset is to win a match and lose a game. You have to have the winner mentality. Loss should not be an option. If you read these words, do not settle for anything but a win, no matter how or what it takes. Your goal is never to watch porn, and you will do it. Don't make excuses. You should enjoy the process. At the end of the tunnel of porn addiction, you'll fully recuperate control of your mind.

Many people believe that the longer they abstain from watching porn, the lower their cravings get. This couldn't be more wrong since there is evidence of porn addicts on social media platforms of people who still desire to watch porn even after the 90 days nofap challenge.

This should let you know that you have to deal with it personally. Find out what works for you and understand that what worked for others so perfectly might not work so well for you. Since everyone is different, your fear of using porn should overshadow your fear of abstaining. You should be in a mindset of dreading porn and avoiding it like the plague and not forcing yourself not to watch.

By now, you must understand that forcing yourself is precisely the same as eating a food that you despise just to lose a few pounds. Does it work? Yes, but it's not reliable in the long term.

By now, you should have learned that cutting down is the opposite of dealing with the problem. It is only avoidance and will multiply your cravings to revisit porn sites even more.

From personal experience, after losing over 60 pounds twice in my life, I can tell that whatever is not long-term does not work. It doesn't work to stop smoking 15 days after the doctor has told you that you might have a heart attack. The sure thing is that if you stop, you probably wouldn't have to deal with a heart attack. Still, suppose you use the loser mindset and convince yourself that smoking once every two days is okay. In that case, you're only killing and fooling yourself, and that is not the way.

You should realise that Fapping once every five days doesn't mitigate your addiction. It will bring you to the edge on the 5th day, waiting for the moment that you can jerk off. Trust me that it is not worth it to live a life that crazy. I would instead go cold turkey as a person who's convinced of porn's harm than to lie and fool myself, pretending to be working on the problem.

The key takeaway from this chapter is that a porn diet will only make you thirstier.