Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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Can I have the right to be a casual user?

There is no such a thing as a casual user or hardcore user. Do not fall prey to brainwashing. Porn is not like other drugs. It is more dangerous, so you need to quit cold turkey to break loose from its grip. Rejoice because that makes you an official member of only 1% of like-minded people worldwide.

The reality is that porn owns the best of you; whether you're a heavy or softcore consumer, you are hooked, and that's a fact. Do not think you're safe because you only view 30 minutes of vanilla porn a day.

In the same way that you can survive a month without eating potato chips, you can live without porn. The key is to be completely motivated to do so. I have completed 90 days without looking at porn, not even a single photo. It was the most peaceful period of my life, and here I am today, one year on, with no regrets about quitting. I am not a holy man or anything. I just made the right choice about something I was doing wrong in life. The bottom line is that porn should not be a part of your life, so stop altering your mind with false affirmations. Be determined and follow the right plan. Come clean about it, and you shall be liberated indeed.

Different types of porn consumers.

According to the new york post, the following definitions are helpful as a part of your self-therapy to get released from porn's grip. After you read this, you will know where you fall under the continuum of the porn consumers bandwagon.

Recreational viewers account for 75 percent of all participants in the study, watching an average of 24 minutes of porn a week. This group consisted mainly of women and people in relationships.

The distressed group Consists of people who've watched porn for the least amount of time – about 17 minutes per week.

As the name suggests, the distressed group associates their emotional distress with watching X-rated material.

Then there is the compulsive group. This group may have made up just 11.8 percent of the participants but watched a staggering 110 minutes of porn per week.

Researchers discovered that men were more likely to fall into this category.

The experts from Université Laval in Quebec who conducted the study said only recreational viewers were healthy porn watchers.

Researchers asked 830 people how often they watch porn to conduct the study. They then measured it against how compulsive their porn habits were and their level of distress while viewing porn.

Recreational users reported higher sexual satisfaction and lower sexual compulsiveness, avoidance, and dysfunction.

Compulsive users experienced lower sexual satisfaction and dysfunction and higher sexual compulsiveness and avoidance.

Those who were highly distressed but watched porn less were sexually less satisfied and reported less sexual activity and more sexual dysfunction and avoidance.

To sum this up and according to the study, the more porn you watch, the less sexual satisfaction you get, the higher your sexual compulsiveness and avoidance are.

Utilising porn to prevent you from overwatching is the same as curing poison with poison. I would like you to read the following story of a man who does the same. The purpose is to let you comprehend firsthand the effects of porn on our minds.

"I'm forty years old, I've suffered PIED (porn-induced erectile dysfunction) with real women and even when using porn, which is most of the time. It's been a while since I had a full erection. Before going on the once-in-four porn diet, I used to sleep soundly through the night after my session. Now I wake up every hour of the night, and it's all I can think about. Even when asleep, I dream about my favorite clips. On days after my scheduled session, I feel pretty down, the diet taking up all of my energy. My wife stays away from me due to my bad temper, and if she can't leave, she won't have me in the house. I go for jogs outside, but my mind is obsessed with it.

On the scheduled day, I begin planning earlier in the night, getting extremely irked if something ruins my plans. I'd back out of conversations and give in (only to later regret) at work and home. I'm not an argumentative guy, but I don't want the topic of conversation to hold me down. I remember occasions when I'd pick silly fights with my soul mate. I wait for ten o'clock and when it arrives my hands are shaking controllably. As new videos have been added, I don't start the deed right away and shop around.' My mind tells me that since I've starved myself for four days, I deserve a' unique' clip that has to be worth the time spent searching. Eventually, I settle for one or two but want it to last so that I can' survive' through the next four days, so I take more time to finish the deed."

You should get that there is no such thing as a porn cheat day. Porn is not food, so no cheat meals are allowed. If you're serious about dealing with this issue, come clean about it and don't lie to yourself, as that will only stop you from healing.

After many months of reading, watching documentaries, and personal experience as a former addict, I can tell you that no one is safe from internet porn's influence. You can be 70 years old, but that doesn't make you immune, in the same way that you can be a 19-year-old guy and still not be immune to it.

The best thing you can do is recognize that you need to deal with it in your way and do whatever it takes to get over it. Do not be complacent. No sneak peeks, no more taking it lightly. Consider the matter serious and urgent for your good. Remember to stay away from porn like you're running from a plague.

Can I look at sexy women on youtube or Instagram instead of watching porn?

The answer is a definite no. Our brains are conceived to seek novelty and have hardly the same neurological response to the same stimuli twice. Looking for sexy women on youtube or other social media channels will drive you right back to porn sites. Relapsing on porn after a long period of abstinence will make it even more depressing to deal with.

Stay vigilant and leave no room for sloppiness, significantly if you have been a non-user for a long time. It only takes a small leak to drown an entire ship. Take the Titanic as a reminder, if you will.

Even when your wife refuses to let you in between her legs? Find your way to conjure up a way to slide inside of her gracefully. I don't care if you have to play Alejandro or Romeo. Trust me; it is worth the time. So the next time your wife deprives you of sex, be innovative and figure out a way to let her seek you out. Do not opt for an easy way out; that's the coward's way, and you're no coward.

You could surely come up with all kinds of romantic things to say to your wife to make her swoon before you. You can even try something like; I don't think I can survive the night without having a taste of your heavenly lips. Be a creative man, make your wife feel desirable and sexy, and do not take no for a no. Go for it but first give her what she needs, and be sure that she'll never be cruel to you.

The only naked person you should be willing to see is your wife or girlfriend and should settle for nothing else. Anything other than natural stimuli will affect your brain and prevent you from building lasting relationships as long as your goal is to quit porn. Do not indulge in anything, no matter how small it may appear. Stay vigilant and aware that the slightest weakness could drive you right back into the hole you so hardly got out from.