You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

UFOs, Aliens, Humanity

If academia is dependent on funding, why aren’t they more interested in the

science the public wants to see?

Here we go, down the rabbit hole. Boncuklu Tarla is older than Göbekli Tepe. And this should be expected. Göbekli Tepe is much more sophisticated than anyone dare admit, because in

admitting that you need humans doing clever things prior to Göbekli Tepe. After al , hunters and gatherers didn’t just wake up one morning, construct Göbekli Tepe, have a bit of tea,

congratulate themselves, then bury the site. Yes, they’d buried the site intentional y. Why would a people do that? Why bother building it al , just to bury it and erase it from human memory?

12,000-Year-Old Site in Turkey is OLDER than Gobekli Tepe! New Discoveries at Boncuklu


Did you know there was a female pharaoh? Sobekneferu, Goddess of the seven stars, may

have had a smal , four year reign, but she influenced Egypt so much it would never be the

same. In this modern era, why aren’t we hearing more about her?

Did you ever wonder if books like the Aeneid are not just stories, but are perhaps about real people? Could Queen Dido be a real person? Could there have been a Xena type warrior

queen? Wel , Sobekneferu fits the bil for warrior queen.

If you are my age, you may have been taught that the Bible’s history is literal, which for me means that after reading the story of Gilgamesh, I have to question the veracity of that

childhood source. I was taught plagiarism is wrong and being an ethical academic is

acknowledging evidence when presented. The people that wrote the bible know that, preach

that, but there has been no corrections made? The Vatican hasn’t disavowed Gilgamesh, or disavowed lying?

Clearly Gilgamesh out distances the Noah story by at least a thousand years. Gilgamesh built the ark!

On learning this, I had an existential crisis. This one wasn’t as bad as the one I had in

childhood. I had no doubt about an afterlife until my paternal grandfather had his first heart attack and I found myself completely unraveled. What was this? Doubt? Just normal sadness?

Sometime after, I had a spiritual experience that also didn’t fit with what I was taught. And then, a scholar presented me with Gilgamesh… Probably not maliciously to destroy my idea of

religion, but don’t some scholars do that? And so, why can’t they take a bit of their own poison?

The knowledge didn’t kil me, as I had already been broken several times before. Discovering Gilgamesh made me want to know more! I was interested in the Sumerians way back when, but

it wasn’t til I read Carl Sagan’s ancient alien theory, where he proposed the Sumerian culture is likely the first contact story, that I real y became interested! He wrote that in 1964. Had I found that in the 70s, had we al found that, where would we be?

Is someone control ing the narrative of history? And now that I want to know more, why are people putting the breaks on my questions and sincere interest to know everything? They want us to learn, and in learning you discover the more you know the more you don’t know, only then to find barriers because the teacher forgot that rule… How does this al make sense?

Warriors, come out and play.

It doesn’t take more than a casual dive into human and UFO history to realize this is al

connected. Carl Sagan wrote a theory saying the best way to find aliens is to look to our past, not to the skies! Erich Anton Paul von Däniken gave us the evidence to support that theory!

If it wasn’t for citizens col ecting books into private libraries, people doing research on UFOs by banding together to form non-profit organizations like MUFON and NUFORC, and people like

John Greenwald and others continuously pushing for FOIA documents on UFOs, humanity

would be starting from scratch, ground zero from 2017. And that’s assuming that the

government would have leaked the 2004 Nimitz incident.

Had the 2004 Nimitz incident not been leaked, I suspect humanity would continue thinking there is no evidence for aliens. That is the biggest lie ever told! Dr. Kirkpatick, in the hearing, said ignore the youtube and blog content creators because that’s not how science works. Wel , sir, let me know when science starts working for the people again! It is the people who ultimately funds al research, isn’t it?

Truth always prevails. As evidence of someone finding Göbekli Tepe, which forced some people to look further, resulting in Boncuklu Tarla.

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If the US government was serious about disclosure, you could skip al the official witness

testimonies and just have Congress tel the military and NASA to release al documents on

UFOs, UAPs, and aliens- UNREDACTED!

There would be no questions.

If Carl Sagan was right, then Erich von Däniken is even more right. Which means we can say with more authority that Sobekneferu, Goddess of the seven stars, was propped up by the

reptilian alien, Sobek.

Sobekneferu, Goddess of the seven stars, was a real person who influenced history.

Sobek was a real person, not a God, but a representative of an alien race, and the Seven Stars is likely where its species originates, and that being, like so many other non-human entities has influenced history. Does Sobek real y look like a crocodile? Maybe, maybe not. Human art has a tendencies to be caricatures, necessarily defining the attributes that are most striking. This cements into the mind the things that wil help people remember who this is.

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There wil be an end to wars. Hopeful y, in our lifetimes. More hopeful y, without the destruction of the planet and the extinction of the human race. Humanity, on the whole, are peaceful, family oriented people. We want and expect truth to such a high degree that we often wil give people the benefit of the doubt.

It is only when sufficient evidence has emerged that suggests the popular narratives are false that things start fal ing apart. Wel , never in the present history have things been in such shambles. We know our leaders lie and the media supports them! We can also say, never in the present history have so many people have had access to so much comfort, wealth, food,

medicines, and technology where they can now bypass the old guard and find community with

the unrecognized scholar.

And so, the leaders, in very clear language, want the masses to have less. They want fewer of us. The people of the world wil not go quietly into the night.

If we truly lived in a free market, the market would have already favored change to such a degree we would not be having these smal , incremental chal enges from writers like me,

holding a candle up against stars…. We’d already know!

The gifts would have been received and distributed to al .

I highly recommend hearing the Timothy Good interview found below, It was a GIFT for

Humanity, but They Concealed it within Classified Projects… The Amicizia Project.

Peace be with you.


What about Boncuklu Tarla

‘Sobekneferu’ The Forgotten Female Ruler of Ancient Egypt… Goddess of the

Seven Stars

Gaia: Offworld technologies and Off the Record Space programs.

George Knapp — UFO Sightings & Encounters: “Estimate of the Situation” Book

Series Launch Special!

Lue Elizondo and John Grennewald, JR

Chapter 7

Carl Sagan Was the First Ancient Alien Theorist

Carl Sagan was funded by NASA to research and write a scholarly article, and the same

was published in Planetary and Space Science. The paper was titled, “Direct Contact Among Galactic Civilizations by Relativistic Interstellar Spaceflight.” You have likely

never heard of this. In fact, if you know anything about Sagan, it was likely the fact he

was a skeptic and fought hard to maintain a scientific rigor appropriate for any dignified academic standard. If you’re a UFO enthusiast, you might not be surprised that NASA

and the Pentagon had their hands in suppressing this paper.

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It’s all right here…

If there is any chance Joe Rogan or Lex Fridman is reading this, I request you interview Donald L Zygutis. He is a scholar, graduated from Corban University with 40 years of

analyzing the life’s work of Carl Sagan. If any of you reading this know Joe, or Lex, or

any of the Coast to Coast hosts, Donald needs to be a guest.

This is a book report

That’s not a book report. I don’t know why I am frequently surprised by the

maliciousness of people in academics when they want to squash a competing theory.

When it comes to SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, coupled with the

FERMI and Drake Equations, there are some fundamental truths we must accept if our

ideas on math are in alignment with reality. Donald presents this case clearly. He

reveals how Sagan, who is on one hand fiercely loved and seen as a remarkable man

of science, to having his peers ridicule him. Even his close friend stabbed him in the

back in regard to his theory with the statement “It raises the question of whether he is a serious guy.” That’s likely one of the nicer statements.

In theory, per the Drake equation, there should be many advanced aliens, and in theory,

we should be able to find evidence. In principle, even without Faster Than Light Travel,

given a species has had sufficient time, a space faring civilization could have colonized

the Galaxy in a few hundred million years. Given life on earth has been around maybe

3.5 billion years, and we’re relatively new to the block, Fermi asked “where is


There are two ways to do this math. The guiding assumption is that either interstellar

travel is possible, or it’s not.


The premise behind the search for alien radio signals is predicated on interstellar space

travel being impossible. The only hope for contact is to listen for signals and hope aliens are close enough to respond to in our lifetime.

Sagan was opposed to this concept. He wasn’t opposed to the science or the building of

radio telescopes, but he suspected that any alien species that had lived long enough to

advance to interstellar capabilities would not be communicating with radios. That makes

a lot of sense. If you do have FTL, you’d get to your destination before the radio signal

that was sent at the time you launched. Even radio astronomers agree, conversing with

aliens through radio transmission is absurd.

Ancient Alien Signatures

Ancient Alien Theorist originated in the 1950s, long before Erich von Däniken wrote his

book Chariots of the Gods. There is good evidence that Sagan was opposed to this

book, and others like it, because it was not science, or more specifically- they were not

theory driven, but rather they were evidence based. Though it may seem reasonable to

see a Mayan in a Spacesuit, pushing levers on a vehicle, with flames coming out of the

seat and saying, clearly that’s evidence of alien or advanced concepts of technology

before its time, Sagan would say you are not doing science.

You have to start with a theory. The Drake and Fermi equations was the first step in a

theory. If aliens exist, and interstellar travel is possible, then at some time in the past we should have been visited by aliens. That’s the premise. Don’t look for radio signatures,

but instead look for historical evidence of encounters.

Once you have the theory, then you search for evidence to support that theory. If aliens

visited within the scope of humanity’s existence, there should be evidence in our folklore and histories. Substituting gods for aliens makes more sense in this light. Sagan zeroed

in on the Sumerians because they seemingly came out of nowhere. Add to that, their

language and writing does not seem to correspond to a previous language, and if not for

the proliferation of their writing and the reach of their culture at that time, we may not have had the ability to decipher their works. Then add to that, their myths when viewed

through the lens of a scientist substituting gods for aliens, you have a robust theory that has scientific credibility.

The paper written by Sagan does just that. It points to a number of Sumerian

peculiarities that make more sense from the viewpoint of his theory. And for that, Sagan

was ridiculed by peers and friends. He was blocked from Harvard and other

opportunities worthy of someone of his intellectual capabilities.

Why would someone with one bad idea suddenly be incapable of any good ideas? I

mean, if we applied this philosophy to sports, Babe Ruth might not have been allowed

to play ball. Yeah, he had the most home runs at the time. He also had the most

strikeouts. People are not just one thing. Academics should know this.

But it doesn’t stop there. There was evidence that NASA, spurred by the Pentagon,

needed to reign Sagan in.

Why would NASA and the Pentagon care

The academics have this fundamental rule, interstellar travel is impossible. Anyone who

goes against the commandments of the establishment will be burned at the stake. Case

in point, John E Mack, Psychiatrist, awarded the Nobel Peace prize, and a professor of tenure at Harvard wrote a book, Abductions: Human Encounters with Aliens. The

resulting backlash against him was so out of proportion to true scholarly and scientific

inquiry that you might have thought he was the antichrist.

Anyone who says science is fair, rational, and is a free discussion of ideas has an

agenda, or they’re not paying attention, or they’re part of the establishment giving lip

service to ideals that are no longer in practice. You may think, well, that book came out

in 1994, and we have changed a lot since then. I imagine Avi Loeb would argue

differently, as his peers have had nothing but scorn for his position that Oumuamua

could be an alien artifact. Not is, but could be, resulted in backlash. Eric Ross

Weinstein, a mathematician proposing a theory of geometric unity that has been

ridiculed, would definitely argue with you.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Pentagon was interested in interstellar flight, at the same

time academia was fortifying their position that interstellar travel was impossible. In fact, there was one proposal on the board, Project Orion, that was not only theoretically

viable, there is evidence the military was in the process of making it real. In short, the military under Project Orion would send nuclear bomb powered spaceships to the

closest stars. Supposedly, the Partial Nuclear Test Band Treaty of 1963 killed Project

Orion. I am sure the US military abided by the treaty. They would completely give up on

something that showed promise. I mean, after Project Bluebook was stopped, there was

no further evidence that the Pentagon was interested in UFOs…


Imagine Interstel ar Travel is Possible

Imagine, aliens have visited us and left evidence in ancient scriptures like the Vedas.

Imagine interstellar is not only easy and cheap, but if you knew how to do it you could

build a spaceship in your garage. Neither NASA or the Pentagon would want you to

know that. What’s the best way to keep people on a prison planet, while Space Warden

flies high above? You set up a school/prison yard bully system to discourage any free

discourse of ideas, you keep people fighting and at each other’s throats, you keep them

afraid of nuclear war and starvation and epidemics, and if anyone says there are aliens

visiting the earth, you charge them with heresy.

Sagan was a good soul. He was thoughtful, as evidenced by his ability to communicate.

He was much more complex than the public persona that is often evoked every time an

academic, or a skeptic, wants to shut down a conversation. If you want to turn this

conversation around and make it a little more honest, the next time someone quotes

Sagan’s famous rule of thumb, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,”

remind the person, first and foremost, a rule of thumb is not an absolute. At some point,

even Occam’s Razor if applied correctly, means that the sheer number of UFO sightings

and abductions reports means that there are probably aliens here. Secondly, and most

importantly, when using that statement provided by Carl Sagan, make sure you

remember he was an ancient alien theorist that proposed the Sumerian people were

raised from the intellectual darkness of prehistory by benevolent, ancient aliens.

They will probably lose their mind, stammer, and their eyes and ears will bleed, but then

you give them the title of the above book and tell them to come back after they have

done their homework. Maybe then we can have an intellectually honest conversation

about people and their alien experiences.

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