You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

UFOs Everywhere and Everywhen

The truth of UFOs may unravel all of history.

A casual observer of society should be able to discern a disconnect between social

fiction and the reality of the world. Clearly, some people see more of reality than others.

Evidence in medieval art shows UFOs during important events. The New York Times’

article captures a UFO at a coronation. Who’s governing whom, and to what ends?

Alien Mystery-Traces of aliens in 16 ancient paintings have visited the earth in ancient


The Jerusalem Post carrying the same story adds some occult information to their

version, giving it a bit of a darker spin. Chinese and their dragons. They left out the

Aztecs, perhaps because if the reader goes there they quickly go to Egypt… If you’re

really scholarly, that track doesn’t just lead to Jerusalem, but also to the Sumerians and Gilgamesh.

If that occult stuff frightens you, you’re not alone. Aliens or angels and demons, or all of the above- it’s clear the human family is being scrutinized and manipulated for an

agenda that may or may not be in our best interests. It’s difficult to say who is doing

what. Too many hands in this pie.

And the butter isn’t melting. (Beatles joke, unless you can unpack some hidden

messages in them, too!)

There is a movement to reduce and control populations. Why? To make humanity more manageable? If all humans incarnate get to have a say in reality, perhaps some folks

would want less people who could vote against their reign. It used to be a God-given

position, or updated for modern times: now the seal approval may be extraterrestrial or

extra dimensional, but ultimately, the populace always gets to decide.

Wake the sleeping giant and you get a renaissance. Or, people not drinking beer. Which

I find humorous, as not one market analyst has suggested the initial decline in sales

might be due to increases in food and gas prices, which forced many consumers to buy


Narratives are important. Bratty frats are just not right. Even the academics won’t let

most of us use our own modern scholarship to say what they can’t.

Göbekli Tepe changes humanity's timeline, and UFOs are driven by non-human


Who controls the narrative? Who is using divide and conquer techniques? A retired CIA

at the helm of a beer company and you think that was a marketing mistake?

Who gets to rule over the surface of the Earth?

Humans have been poor stewards of this planet. Perhaps because the masses have

been controlled and manipulated into doing things against their preferred nature. Maybe

because too few of us could discern the difference between fiction and reality.

Fiction is more likely to stir a person’s emotions up than reality. Most people don’t get

mad at nature. It is what it is. I don’t get mad at the snake that bites me. I sometimes get mad at myself. How did I miss that bastard?

We get really mad at each other, though. Especially when humans discover they have

been lied to by the people that were designated to lead. Sometimes I get mad, but then

I am like, why would I get mad at a snake for doing what snakes do?

See, Jerusalem Post, I can use metaphors, too.

The St. Petersburg Lights UFO incident: eyewitness testimonies and original home

video footage, 1997 video shared by Eye On Cinema can be found below. The title says enough. Seeing this UFO over St Petersburg is interesting.

What else happened in 1997? The Phoenix Lights Incident. The US Pentagon doubled

down on its ‘Roswell UFO Crash’ was a balloon lie. Even the reporters at the time

weren’t buying it and were asking harder questions than the Senate asked Dr.

Kirkpatrick in the recent UFO hearing.

“You’re saying no evidence for aliens, but you and Loeb wrote a science article on alien

motherships?” Yeah, go Jimmy Church and Fade to Black!

No one believes UFOs are Russian or Chinese. One could argue the US has

technology that the rest of the world is not privy to, and so if the US is meddling in the affairs of humanity, and it has been, that’s no lie, then the state might want you to

believe it’s someone else.

Usually that’s what miscreants do. “Hey what’s that over there?” Yeah, how old is this

game? Why are we still falling for it? Almost like January 6 happened but not for the

reasons you are led to think. And perhaps people at the helm forget the constitution and

the right of citizens for the citizenry to take over the helm when the state does evil.

It’s a commandment of God. Or aliens.

And why aren’t more people not convinced there is more to UFOs than drones,

quad-copters, airborne clutter, and balloons? Is it naivety? Is there hope that eventually once we give the leaders everything they want they will quit lying? They will stop

dividing us, increasing taxes, and telling us up is down and down is sideways?

I don’t think that’s how economics work. To those who have, more will be given.

I wonder if that occult measure includes abstracts like good and bad, and not just a

measure of wealth.

UFOs can be found in all space and time.

Did you ever hear about Pilot Ray Bowyer and passengers witnessing two “mile-long”

UFOs during a flight to Alderney, 2007? No? Did you hear about the St. Petersburg UFO? I don’t remember hearing about the St. Petersburg one either.

Seriously, after the big ruckus caused by the Phoenix Lights Incident, do you suppose if

the next thing you heard was Russia is seeing things like this, too, we would have had a

different conversation? Now, almost 30 years later, we’re repeating the process.

We’re repeating the process that started in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, even

in the 2000s!, and in the tens and the present… The conversation has been opened and

shut down in every generation since at least the 1930s.

Why? Well, why did the state reseal the Kennedy files for another fifty years? To kick the can down the road to people who won’t care that Kennedy was killed by the state?

They want this UFO story kicked down the road so the bastards who have abused their

authority and damn near wrecked the world in the process can’t be held accountable.

Maybe most people won’t care about that part of the UFO story, but you can bet your

ass the present population will still hold a grudge on that Kennedy thing. If the populace won’t drink a certain beer because of a certain person, you can bet that a favored,

elected official being murdered by the state will not be tolerated.

Quite frankly, humans tolerate too much. This is not disparagement. I’m at a loss on

how to respond, which has resulted in a great deal of apathy. I have become a watcher.

I may feel passionate, but I am not one to support riots or wars. If logic fails, if emotional pleas fail, if just the medical oath of ‘do no harm’ fails, if ‘Semper Fi’ ceases to mean

what it’s supposed to mean- what’s the point?

When peace advocates, almost to a one, have all been crucified, why should I do more

than those souls called for? With that thought in mind, maybe we are here to learn to

tolerate even more bullshit than what we got. Some people are way too fragile. Fair

enough. In the scheme of eternity, nothing here will matter, except, if I am lucky, my soul has been rarefied for greater future purposes.

Leave no one behind used to mean something. Don’t shoot first was the rule for

cowboys in white hats.

You may wonder how quickly UFO essays deviates into social and political realms, but

the truth is this secret UFO thing has always been with us. It is completely social and

political in nature. Science has divorced from reason from the day economic forces

began tweaking outcomes.

This is the secret handshake club with all the hallmarks of a fraternity. If you’re not read in, you’re just an impoverished peasant.

But let’s argue that a little bit tighter. Assume for a moment the church and the state

have assumed authority on the pretense of being more refined, educated, and pure in

heart and spirit so they can be the voice of God or aliens.

Do you suppose they, and the consistent breach of ethics, their fevered direct failures

and harm to children with minimal legal repercussions, is what the Gods or aliens prefer,

or has that simply been tolerated until other arrangements can be had? Are we still

sacrificing people with blood and sex?

Perhaps a conspiracy theorist might assume Kennedy and UFOs are linked. Maybe Marilyn Monroe had to die because Kennedy told her things. Maybe a certain prince

who is enjoying coronation didn’t kill a certain princess, preferred and favored by the

populace. Perhaps the other prince didn’t fly on a certain airplane and dally with minors.

I am sure the church didn’t spread the love by moving suspects from Parish to Parish.

But the lie that UFOs are anything other than aliens, or spiritual entities, or non-human

intelligence is something that has been pushed since humanity took to writing. If that’s a secret and we know the state lies, doesn’t suggest who or what they may be aligned

with? Just saying.

Too bad for the academics and religious scholars, then, because too many of us know

how to read and write, and the internet is the new The Gutenberg Machine.


The St Petersburg Lights Incidents

Pilots Ray Bower and Passengers witness two mile wide UFOs

‘What the hell is that?’: Photographer captures ‘UFO’ at coronation

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