You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Counseling Humans in Preparation for Aliens

Would humans be less prone to engage in war if we engaged in counseling?

Imagine for a moment that the realization that there are non-human entities living on

earth, amongst us humans, would result in chaos. Some people believe if you knew that

aliens were real, you’d go nuts. Which makes it funny when NASA keeps pushing the

potential discovery of life further and further from Earth. First Mars, then Venus, then

moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and now looks like the moons of Uranus could be

habitable, if you’re a fish. How would that change your community? Wouldn’t you still

get up and go to work? Well, sure, if it's somewhere out there, but what if they are really here?

Can you play poker with telepaths?

I am not so certain there would be a disruption at all. Then again, every time the

president goes from Republican to Democrat, or Democrat to Republican, there is a

surge of folks at the community mental health clinic saying it’s the end of the world.

Some folks might freak out.

As a person who works in mental health, I am interested in knowing how one might

respond to a person to change. More often than not, it’s the fear of a certain thing

happening that bothers people. The thing hasn’t even happened, and there is anxiety

over it. Human enough. We all do that to some degree.

Some people are having anxiety about a thing and not realizing it’s the thing. Just speaking that bothers some people so badly that the fight or flight response gets

triggered, especially if they’re concrete in their thinking.

Reality changes all the time. We have to cope with change all the time. This alien

change might be the biggest change ever. Unless, there is even something beyond


Still, people would need to go to work, take the trash out, pay taxes. In the video below, Aerospace Billionaire Claims Aliens are Walking Among U s, you will find some humor when James Fox jests about not paying taxes and screw work. James Fox, the UFO

journalist who gave us the recent documentary on the Brazilian UFO crash and aliens.

The people that encountered those aliens haven’t given up on life. They’re still doing

their thing.

I suspect most of us will keep doing our things.

We might be compelled…

Ep. 1804 Steve Mera: ‘Project Doorway,’ discusses one disturbing fact about alien encounters frequently ignored. That's an interesting counseling dilemma. Out of sight

out of mind doesn’t mean it isn’t affecting you. Just seeing how harsh and irrational the

rational academics have responded to the IDEA of aliens being here could be evidence for denial. Or a fight or flight response because they, too, have been abducted and they

don’t want to think about that.

Academics need counseling, too! Just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re

immune to depression. There is solid good evidence that the smarter you are, the more

likely you will experience depression. Fuck, half the time I reassure people that if you’re not depressed or anxious in this day and age, you’re not paying attention! “Oh, so

you’re normal.” You’d be surprised how many people deny being normal.

Sometimes we don’t act normal. Humans don’t act right during anomalous events.

More often than not, humans just go about their business. Sometimes humans are

compelled to stop. Sometimes they’re lured closer, or directed to go to remote locations

where aliens pick them up, do experiments, and drop them off. They go home not even

knowing they were molested. Sometimes people are scared off, with such an unnatural

intensity the people later report ‘I have never felt that terrified ever,’ as if it was artificially or telepathically induced.

I personally recall being compelled to look away. My head turned. I didn’t turn my head.

The language here is profoundly important to note. The parallel I discovered drove the

significance home. I was reading about brain surgeries, with Doctor Penrose giving the

following anecdote. The patient was awake during the surgery so they could ask

questions. Penrose touched the brain with an electrode. The person’s hand went up.

The patient said, “my hand is going up.” The person didn’t make his hand go up, the

electric stimulation of that specific spot of the brain resulted in his hand going up. The patient was asked to lower his hand, and he did.

That’s what it was like. My head turned. Something or someone was in my head. They

have the ability to get inside you and do as they please.

And maybe this is something to consider- wouldn’t we do as much? We, as a species,

have little regard for plants or animals. We often display even less respect for each

other, members of our own species and families. What we can’t do with mind control,

we enact laws.

That’s not meant to be disparaging. It’s just a recognition of the fact that for the most

part of all of us engage in some form of utilitarian manipulation of others. We are born to manipulate others. So if aliens are close to us in philosophical and intellectual

capabilities, and or have a maturation process, starting vulnerable and moving towards

more advanced, wouldn’t they just naturally do what we do. It’s not malicious, it’s just

the fundamental, first thing all being do.

Ethical, and more complicated exchange theory paradigms, are always secondary

considerations. First safety and security of self, then other regards can be negotiated.

This is the fundamental psychological paradigm behind Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

No base, no top.

Which is exactly why we need counseling. We all know there is a top, and if we’re

having trouble reaching that, we turn to someone knowledgeable to see if we can

discover what is missing. A person who does not feel safe, respected, believed, or

heard will not open up their heart to you. It’s hard to discover what’s missing if the heart is closed.

Wanting to know.

I was seriously interested in looking at this cigar shaped craft, just trying to understand what I was seeing. I knew what I was seeing, but didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t get

excited or freak out, but my head turned down. That’s when I began to feel emotions. I

drove away not looking, and the further away I got, the angrier I got, as I wanted to see it!

So, wouldn’t it be interesting if aliens were positioned in certain places to ensure people don’t panic? If there were tech that subdued the urge for violence? What if that’s the

purpose of the hybrid program; they need a sufficient number of sophisticated mediators

in place to help society evolve.

A no one left behind mentality. Semper Fi.

If aliens are telepathic, I will be out of a job. A mind reader would go right to the heart of the dysfunction. Unless doing that is too abrupt, then I might still be employable. Telling a person to calm down doesn’t work. You have to be more subtle. I imagine telepathic

counselors would be subtle. But are they also vulnerable to be enmeshed with the

client? The number one rule for all counselors is boundaries, no intimacy- but can you

telepathically touch the mind of another and that not be intimate?!

The human vulnerability to just the idea of telepathic aliens alone will likely result in

some people having mental health difficulties. After all, when people start talking about

being controlled by demons, the government, and chipped… Oh, wait. Correlation?

Suddenly they’re not so crazy, eh?!

There are reports of military personnel being unable to fire their weapons. It wasn’t that weapons malfunctioned, that’s been reported, too, but that they simply had no desire to

pull the triggers. There is even a report of going to pull the trigger and the entity moving out of position as if it knew.

That idea of suppressing violence may freak some folks out, but wouldn’t that be better

than the old fashion way of the government suppressing rioters with brute force? If I

could just snap my fingers and everyone walk off the battlefield, go home and be with

family, well, fuck, give me that superpower!

What if we could end all wars? If there is any truth in that World War I incident,

dramatized in an episode of One Step Beyond, found below, then it almost begs the

question why don’t aliens suppress human violence and planetary harm more.

The only thing I got is that free will and love is more important than control.

Then again, what if our entire history of violence was due to aliens increasing the urge

to fight, as if we are pawns in a game. That reminds me of the Job story, with God and

the Devil are in cahoots to make Job’s life miserable. That story bothers me. It’s impact

is not lessened when I substitute God and Devil with aliens.

I would hope that not to be true, or that they’re playing with us and testing us. An argument can be made, we do improve with conflict and difficulties. In paradise there

was no motivation to evolve and be more than we were, so aliens threw in a snake.

There seems to be a vested interest in us not fighting, such as aliens turning off nuclear weapons. Maybe the daily skirmishes are permissible, but not totally ending the game.

If aliens are the parents in this game of life, then it’s only natural that parents should interrupt the children from harming themselves and others. But if we’re not the children,

but the food- unlike cattle being corralled, we just go where summoned. And if they are

breeding us, well, even humans used to control who hooked up with whom, with the

where, when and why highly regulated, and excommunication if you failed to adhere to

these rules. This would be the softer analogy than we are pets and they will just breed

us because they can.

If aliens have a bigger perspective of the world, the universe, and history- they could be acting for the right reasons and we not understand it, just like the dog or cat doesn’t

understand the car ride to the vet. They understand the vet all too soon.

With all of this in mind, I think I just talked myself out of being a counselor to soothe the masses of their fear of aliens. We might all need to know a little bit more about what’s

going on.

If it’s true that aliens, UFOs, ghosts, and cryptids, and Near Death Experiences are all

related, and the world is simulation, well then it shouldn’t matter if you destroy the

sandbox because it’s just the virtual reality machine and it can be reset. Maybe we did

blow ourselves up in the past. That’s Mars, our previous home in a previous life, and the

goal of this life is figure out these problems were tasked with, without blowing up the


Isn’t that exactly what counseling is about? Problem resolution without resulting in

extreme measures?


Aerospace Engineer Claims Aliens Are Walking Amongst Us.

Fade to Black: Ep. 1804 Steve Mera ‘Project Doorway.’

One Step Beyond: The Vision

Are aliens hiding on Uranus' MOONS? Titania and Oberon may have oceans

warm enough to support life, NASA says

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