You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

They Can Wipe Our Minds Clean

(I didn’t think this was a strong essay, but boy did it ever get a lot of views!)

Most people who report being abducted report having their minds wiped, with memories

recovered spontaneously, or through therapeutic engagement, such as hypnosis. This is

so routinely discussed within UFO literature, one might assume the trope for artifacts

like the Neuralizer in Men in Black might originate from UFO enthusiasts. See, we

enthusiasts did something good! Wiping memory was also used in an episode of Star

Trek: The Next Generation, “Pen Pals,” after Data broke the Prime Directive and

rescued a child from imminent death.


There seems little doubt that a technologically superior race might have tech to wipe

minds, but there is also evidence in the UFO lore that Earth’s secret Space Force uses

this tech on their own employees on retirement to get out of paying salaries. People

who serve in the 20 and Back program get their memories deleted or suppressed.

It’s not clear if it’s actually deleted or suppressed, but suppressed seems more likely.

The tech isn’t perfect and so some people get their memories back. Is it a reconfiguring

of memory, or disruption of some neural pathways? Or is it simply psychological blocks

with subconscious instructions to not recall? Can they program our brains the way we

program computers? Is personality and memory simply software? Can a brain run more

than one personality program? Can another personality be inserted to control the other?

One might imagine wiping a brain could result in permanent injury or even death. In one

report where it was aliens, and likely a hostile attack, aliens didn’t just wipe our

astronaut's memories, they messed with their heads.

NASA 18 Goes South

Yes, there are folks saying the Apollo mission didn’t stop at 17. In an interview with Jon Harold Lavine by Linda Moulton Howe, Jon describes how the Apollo 18 crew went

crazy. “Apollo 18 crew were incoherent, as if they were speaking in a foreign language.”

Whether you believe there were more Apollo missions than the public is aware of or not,

this little side piece is at least interesting, as I will attempt to demonstrate.

Let me give you a side story. Let’s call it fiction for now. It’s a summary of an alleged, superior, ancient human society. Humans in the past weren’t just building pyramids.

They were building spacecraft. The Chevron Class was the first of a series, colloquially

called the Arrow, because of its rakish, triangular shape. It was launched by passing it

through a number of superconducting rings which accelerated the craft to breakaway

speed. It was accelerated along an incline, and then spiked straight up off the tower.

The alien overlords at the time decided, “If we don’t interrupt this here, they will be like us, only because of their cleverness, they will be too difficult to compete with.” So, they destroyed our first and only launch platform just as we were shooting the first arrow into space. To prevent us from launching more through a coordinated effort, they wiped our

language centers and gave each individual a new language. This is the Tower of Babble

explained not with Gods, but with aliens.

Apol o 20

Per Jon, Apollo 20 landed near an abandoned wreck, likely over a million years old.

They brought back the body of a female, humanoid.

Image 16

Loxy! Why didn’t I see the connection?

Her presence on the flight deck of the ship raises huge questions. She looks human.

Was she crew? Was she a pet? Are we related to aliens? Was she simply a good pilot?

Could this have been a 20 and back program that went back in time and failed to

return? It was reported that she had tattoos that resembled computer chips. Was she

controlled, or simply enhanced?

Image 17

If you’re wondering, yes, Lavine is the one who reports having taken a photo of an alien

during his Apollo 17 mission, the one where you see the Lunar Lander and Earth

reflected in its eyes. He reports they were informed not to return to the moon.

Image 18

Situation Red,

Leonard Stringfield’s book, Situation Red, was mentioned in this interview. Hostilities

between us and the aliens was so severe that after the US started bringing down their

ships with intense radar sweeps, they began taking out our pilots. And I mean, “took

them out,” as in many cases the pilots were simply “teleported” out of their airplanes. I

find that interesting, because that also happened in a Star Trek: TOS episode:

Tomorrow is Yesterday. Was Star Trek a soft disclosure program, or a distraction from what was happening at the time?

Image 19

The Apollo 20 mission patch. Somehow, NASA had enough secret DOD

cash to launch a Saturn V, but not enough to hire a graphic designer who

could draw spaceships convincingly. Guess the guy who did these was on vacation. And if you’re wondering about the red text, Google Translate says

it’s Latin for “Your grandchildren will pick” — whatever the heck that’s

supposed to mean.

Grandchildren will decide who is worth traveling back in time to save? Almost 9 billion

people on the planet, and they can’t save us all? If we’re about to end life on this planet with nuclear war, and there is a limit to who can be saved… I don’t envy the

grandchildren’s decision. We’re giving them one hell of a mess to clean up in the future.

Maybe the future needs workers. Or moms. Earth needs moms! That’s comforting. I find

very few speculative explanations to conspiracy theories that comfort me. If the mission

is to save as much of the Earth and its people as they can, while maintaining the prime

directive and limiting interaction in order to maximize the number saved- I can only wish

them well.

If they can read our minds, put things in them, suppress memory, give us new language,

do they really need to save our bodies? Can’t they just download us back into a server

and manifest us later? Or better, can’t they just make us be nicer to each other?

You can read more on Apollo 20 here.

And you can listen to the interview below.

(The video that was in the recommended section is no longer available. This is the one downside to sharing media- it has an expiration date. Sometimes when things expire,

my thoughts of conspiracies go up. Just saying.)

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