You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 11 UFOs and Real Reality

Does truth matter in a world that may be fake?

If the universe is a simulation, would anything matter? Perhaps the opposite, everything

matters. Why create a simulation at all unless you’re wanting to test something, or

explore something, or create a place for people to prove themselves, prior to making

real world applications. If the world is fake, then there is a real world behind this world that is more real than real. I have yet to hear a Near Death Experiencer say their

experiences were just a dream. People who have not had those experiences say that!

People who have had NDEs say there is a place more real than here. People who have

met aliens know there are others.

Ep. 1804 Steve Mera: ‘Project Doorway’

Some people might be upset to hear that this is all fake and it means nothing, especially

if they’re stuck in Piaget’s cognitive developmental stage of concrete operational

thinking. Even if it’s not that, it’s something close. I have met folks with trauma who have said they would flat out boycott a heaven that allows a certain person entry- the person

that hurt them. I am not mad at them. I am not trying to correct them. Their pain is valid.

Technically, these people were physically older than that cognitive developmental stage

should allow, but then folks who had childhood trauma often experience a delay in

emotional development. They tend to reflect the emotional age of when the trauma


My esoteric, and extremely abstract position is that we can measure ‘being well

adjusted;’ when we sit down at that heavenly table, and don’t care if the worst of us is

sharing that meal, then we’ve matured emotionally and spiritually. Heavenly is just a word I have used to get at that metaphor, but doesn’t reflect my understanding of that

reality. I think it’s much more complex than we can comprehend at this stage of our


It doesn’t mean the things we did here on earth weren’t meaningful. What did we learn?

You can learn from a video game. If that weren’t true, we wouldn’t be investing in video

games or even sports! When we’re through playing the game, you’re not holding

grudges or grievances for eternity because it was just a game.

Unless you’re a Dallas fan. ‘Those Chiefs!’

When it comes to truth on earth, there always seems to be a vested interest in who gets

to determine the specific details. Perhaps in nature you can trust your senses and

intuition and navigate pretty well. But that is not our reality. Most of us are so removed from that reality, we think food comes from stores, and we wouldn’t know how to bury

our poop.

We see what we see on instruments of our creations. If we were all pilots, we’d likely all be dead, for many reasons. Our instruments are giving us inaccurate data. No one is

taught to independently interpret data. No one is taught to argue discrepancies. Too

many economic factors are influencing our data via unfair algorithms. There are people

remotely telling our instruments to display information that is not relevant to our


Pilots are taught to trust their instruments. Failure to trust the instruments results in

death. In this hypothetical aircraft, our instruments should show us our situation, not

someone else’s. Now, if I am really good at flying, I might want to know what my fellow

aviators are doing in order to fly in formations, but I also have to trust them to fly their plane, and they have to trust me to fly mine.

Too many specialists are trying to fly in formation by controlling what other people see

or hear. Scientists are not philosophers or pilots. Well, some might be philosophers and

pilots, and they likely think more broadly than just a scientist alone- I am going for the metaphor here. A guy that just measures atoms, and can tell you everything about

atoms, probably shouldn’t be telling you how to fly your plane.

Flying a plane is so far above the atomic level, we’re now dealing with macro dynamics.

I don’t need to know the atomic structure of the parts of my plane to steer.

If a pilot reports seeing a UFO, the scientist should not be dismissing that because he

wasn’t there. One pilot reporting a UFO is interesting, and only anecdotal. Tens of

thousands of pilots reporting UFO, that’s data. I would not trust that data with a scientist measuring atoms or constellations, because that’s not their function.

In some ways, that’s exactly what Doctor Kirkpatrick said he was doing. Most of the

things he said he was seeing was someone else’s problem. Not his function.

It is clear that no one in authority wants this problem. It’s out of their domain of thinking.

It’s out of their jurisdiction. If you don’t think that’s right, just recall the Phoenix Lights incident. Citizens call the news agencies and police departments. Those agencies

scoffed and said, "It's not our problem, call the local air force.” So Phoenicians called the air force and the military referred them back to the local government. They called

the mayor, who called the governor, who referred them back to the military, and

because no one was getting anywhere, the public got so upset that the mayor made an

alien joke.

It went south from there. It went south because no one wants to accept the truth, there

is something intelligent in our skies that is not of human origin.

Just saying that creates a debate, what is truth, and scientists will dismiss things that

defy the laws of physics- because they are domain locked into their mode of thinking.

We need a new scientist that is not domain locked.

Kind of like Jacques Fabrice Vallée!

Vallée created the CE scales. Close encounters 1 through 5. He created an anomalous

scale that includes UFOs, ghosts, poltergeist, NDEs, and cryptids. These scales overlap

the categories you see in the thumbnail image. Below you will find Jimmy Church and

Steve Mera discussing the boxes.

The fields of specialization. If you just want UFOs to be nuts and bolts, you won’t see

ghosts. If you just see ghosts, UFOs will also be spiritual.

It is time to bring all the boxes together. This, too, is science. Most scientists know there is a problem, and not just the hard problem of consciousness. There is woo in the data

and they can’t ignore it. The more precise the measurements, the more woo they find!

This is why so many scientists are starting to favor simulation theories.

Simulation theory was popular even before the Matrix. And that concept goes to the

Vedas. We have come full circle. We grew up, dismissing our ancestors, became

atheistic, discovered that aint working for us, and now we’re falling back into


Even Doctor Loeb had his own version, ‘imagine a computer on the desk of an alien and we are his simulation…’ So, part of his brain acknowledges the woo factor. His

academic and public mode can’t allow UFOs defying physics, so he dismisses them.

But likely, he favors simulation because he knows there are artifacts that defy our

measurements. In that, he is not alone. If only the smart physicists would get out of their box and talk to Vallée. Maybe if we stop specializing in one thing and open our eyes to

the connection of all things, we start seeing the bigger picture.

This meme is exemplified in Joe Versus the Volcano, the luggage problem found below.

Truth can be found in the parts, but it’s not the Whole Truth. Specialists will not find the theory of everything. That’s the job of the scientific, philosophical polymath.


Fade to Black: Ep. 1804 Steve Mera ‘Project Doorway.’

PS, yes, I know- I linked it previously, but some 2 hour videos just can’t be unpacked

fairly in one essay. There is still more in that episode to unpack!

The Luggage Problem, Joe Vs the Volcano

24 years of airline service probably biased me towards the luggage problem. I was also

very partial to the Limo Driver, played by Ossie Davis! This movie was seriously


The limo driver, Joe Versus the Volcano

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Chapter 12 CIA, UFOs, Remote Viewing the Evidence

If you believe we have mastered physics and there is nothing else to learn, then

there is definitely woo in the world.

UFOs are real, per the government. Remote Viewing was, and still is, real, per the

government. Everyone from metaphysics, like the Secret to just basic psychology 101

tells you- your beliefs create your reality. If you don’t believe you can do something, you won’t do it! So, imagine for a moment, you’re psychic. Who would have a vested

interested in making sure you believe otherwise?

Why is it so hard to appreciate out of the box, maverick thinkers? After all, no one ever

evolved being the same! Isn’t that one of the popular, funny memes associated with

Einstein, ‘if you keep doing the same thing, while expecting different results, that’s the definition of insanity…?’

The best scientists advanced us by assuming everything we know was wrong, or by

insight found in dreams- the latter of which remains unfavorable by mainstream.

Government employed psychics, Remote Viewers, were tasked with ‘perceiving’

incidents of aliens. Mind you, they didn’t know what their targets were. You could

assume they figured it was going to be a Russian target, as they were frequently tasked

with spying on the Russians. Neither the Viewer, nor the guide that helps the viewer

stay on target, knew what they’re getting. Essentially they get a coordinate, which

includes a time stamp, and then the viewer reports what he/she sees.

They saw aliens.

In fairness, Remote Viewers saw non-human entities. One way the US government lies

is by telling the truth. “No evidence for extraterrestrials” is accurate if you have had

non-human species living on the planet since the beginning. It probably ain’t an accident

all societies have stories of non-human entities, gods, angels, and demons, etc. All

societies, all cultures, all times.

That’s significant. Even as atheistic as society is today, spirituality has not been

eradicated. Even people in Europe have NDEs and UFO sightings. Aliens and ghosts

have been seen on every continent.

We can also extrapolate that all societies had to deal with mental illness. Most people,

whether they have a concept of mental illness or not, probably had a way of sorting the

validity of reports. Most people can tell when another human is not right. Religions were

not likely the result of people listening to mad men.

Which might make you wonder, and it’s a poll I might like to see: are Americans more

likely to buy into a lie because they have no sense of truth? I mean this in every domain, not just UFOs. We know the government is lying about UFOs, we have documents to

prove it, and yet- this subject is still fringe and you espouse aliens, you’re related to

being nuts.

There is even evidence we’re afraid to speak our truths, as we might get clubbed or

censured. I admit to having that fear. I have been censured at work, in real life, and in

writing, perhaps by people who are also fearful that the truth might have consequences.

In a litigious society, that’s truth, too.

And so, Remote Viewers say artificial structures are on the moon and Mars. NASA

fought against re-imaging the Face on Mars, lied about having a second photo, and

then offered something clearly doctored. Remote Viewer, Ingo Swann, saw bases on

the moon with people in it. They could see him, too, and his guide said ‘get out of there

now.’ NASA admits to doctoring photos from the moon to make them suitable for human


So, what are the odds of NASA really giving us photos of a second Earth taken from

James Webb? Unedited?

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Remote Viewing and Deep Hypnosis.

In order to Remote View, a human has to get out of their left hemisphere, logical

thinking brain. It is said that the book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, by Betty Edwards is the book perfectly suited to tapping into your right hemisphere’s abilities.

All brains have abilities that are untapped. The ancients knew how to open them.

Nowadays, all we know how to do is suppress them. Alcohol is a depressant, it

decreases brain abilities. The benefits of fluoride were not worth the cost, and likely

decreased human abilities. Neurologist Richard Cytowic, author of the Man Who Tasted Shapes, specifically called out the American Diet has negatively impacting synesthesia.

Persons with the condition had the greatest experiences in the morning, prior to coffee

and the abundance of sugars we consume.

There is evidence that consumers are intentionally controlled through manipulating their

diets, addicting them to sugars and poisons, and giving them carbs to pacify them.

Meanwhile, healthy foods, meat, eggs, and vegetables are harder and more expensive

to come by… We know diet affects us, but between work and finances who can do


The most obvious evidence that the brain has unlocked abilities is Acquired Savant

Syndrome, in which a person who has a brain injury, either due to hitting the head,

object penetration, or medical condition like a stroke resulting in an undiscovered and

inexplicable skill, like playing the piano or being an artist. Even when there were no

previous interests or skills shown.

We know this syndrome exists. It can’t be explained. Yet, no one is curious enough to

know if other environmental or social conditions are impacting brain performance?

There are some similarities between Remote Viewing and Deep Hypnosis. Both have a

guide helping the ‘Viewer’ or ‘hypnotized person’ bypass their logical brain. There is

another way. Scientists severed the brain in severe epileptics to reduce the severity of

seizures, literally separating the left and right hemispheres, and discovered two

separate, distinct personalities. They found the right hemisphere thinks and perceives

differently than the left. It still functioned even after being severed from the dominant

hemisphere. You could direct the right side of the brain and go get water and it would.

Interestingly, when they asked the left brain what happened, it didn’t say ‘I don’t know.’ It fabricated an answer. It lied, every time.

So, it’s not just a ‘them’ that lie to us, but that we also lie to ourselves!

People under the influence of hypnosis can see remote places, they find aliens in the

galaxy, in the universe, in the solar system. They can travel through time. They

remember past lives. They remember future lives. They remember lives between lives!

They remember being in soul bodies helping other planets evolve life. They remember

incarnating into other species.

And so, one might argue all these things exist, or we are all psychically enmeshed at

some level that we can literally say we are one, no separation- throughout all time. Of

course I can feel what you feel, not just through vicarious empathy, but because we are

one. This is Carl Jung’s collective unconscious. This is science.

For if the big bang is correct, we came from a singularity, and at one time, all matter was touching, which means it is entangled. Spooky action at a distance isn’t woo when it’s

science, but likely we don’t know everything, which is evidence why too many of us

dismiss woo like artifacts that clearly exist.

And so, let’s say we are not these bodies, but units of consciousness. I can therefore be

aware of all that is, or aware of any part from the perspective of that part, or just my

part, depending on the barriers put in place.

Or there is One consciousness, and it is experiencing all that there is from all the

perspectives that are. Entanglement is woo, even if it’s science.


Former CIA says CIA Remote Viewed a Russian Radar

Eyewitnesses Talk About Seeing a Landed UFO…

Fade to Black: Ep. 1801 Paul Anthony Wallis: ET Contact in the Bible

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Chapter 13 Ancient Artists Saw What We See

I don’t know why aliens are such a hard sell. There seems to be evidence all around us.

I know, I know… You’ve probably seen all the evidence, and dismissed it. Maybe you

haven’t seen it. Have you seen these:

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How about more recent art work:

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UFO, or spiritual concept? Why does God need a spaceship?

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And even more recent, the photo evidence:

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Lee Speigel

Writer, reporter, and paranormal expert- Lee Speigel… He is funny, he is captivating,

and how can anyone listen to him and at the least, not entertain doubt? He is a witness

and experiencer, seeing a triangular UFO, while surrounded by police officers- one that

looks amazingly like the one Phoenix residents witnessed… Tell me that isn’t the same

artist rendition from the Phoenix sighting?!

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Listen to his story, and then tell me- that’s not a genuine, UFO encounter. Is it aliens?

Maybe, maybe not. But if it’s not ours, whose is it? How do you explain forty thousand

years of cave paintings? Mass hysteria projected temporally backwards through time?

And we can say it’s not our because the Pentagon promised us that it’s not ours. They

double crossed their hearts and hoped to die. True, we know they lied- they supposedly

stopped studying UFOs after Project Blue Book because it wasn’t a threat. ATTIP

proves they lied and they consider UFOs a threat. But this time, they’re all up with


Lee witnessed and documented a UFO case, surrounded by reasonable witnesses- and

yet, it took us to 2017 to get a report from one Navy Pilot who chased a UFO in 2004?

How does that make any sense?

It was definitely not flares. (Haha, I changed it from flairs… UFOs could hold flair?) It’s not a weather balloon. And Lee spoke to the UN, and they recognized the UFO

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phenomena as a world wide phenomenon? Prior to 2017? There is no evidence for an

alien theory?

Seriously, people need to stop saying we have to have an alien in order to have a

theory that it’s aliens. Having an alien means we have gone from theory to reality. I

suspect aliens are a reality, especially when Lee has documents showing that the US

Air Force was teaching cadets, officers to be, that UFOs sightings “not only appear to

extend back 47,000 years in time but also are global in nature!…The most stimulating

theory is…” Guess what the US Air Force said in their physics book. IT’S ALIENS! No

mincing words there folks, watch the video. You can bet your ass, Lee did his

homework. This is not a hoax or a make believe document.

Oh, and for you fans of ESP… “…Such contact may have already taken place secretly

or on a different plane of awareness.” Oh, all the myriad ways I want to unpack that and

explore the imaginal realms…

Lee gives a great speech, available below. I recommend watching it. He covers these

images and more. I don’t really feel the need to expound on these too much. We,

humanity, don’t need extraordinary evidence to theorize aliens. What we need are some

extraordinary people, like Lee Speigel.


After 50,000 Years of Close Encounters, UFO Disclosure Has Already Happened -

Lee Speigel

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Chapter 14 UFOs, Cows, and News

Do you know why you let cows walk themselves to the slaughterhouse? Because

they’re too heavy to carry!

It seems like my MUFON peer, and podcast host, Roderick Martin hit a home run with a

recent episode. He essentially asks why isn’t this news stories about dead cows blowing

up? It got some news time, then went silent. Even if this isn’t about aliens, it’s an

important story! Something, someone, or some very advanced group of somethings or

‘someones,’ is doing some not nice things. So, let’s say, not aliens. Let’s argue for a

cult, or people not right in the head, like serial killers. (It is still okay to say serial killers are not right in the head, right?) If you can find a string of dead animals, you will

eventually find it leads to dead humans.

He never saw it coming…

It takes a crane or a bulldozer to remove a dead carcass. Unless you have a chain saw

and make it parts, you aint moving a full side of beef with your hands. Just a slab of

beef coming off the truck and going into the cooler is hoisted up with chains and pulleys, and it takes some power tools to make hamburger.

Rancher mystified by cattle mutilations, nine years ago. Cow Mutilation Investigation, one year ago. UFO secrecy extends to NASA; cattle mutilations confuse authorities —

Part 4, three years ago.

This is a big deal. If cows are being mutilated, or let’s say, examined the way a scientist might examine a specimen, without regard for its well being, then you can bet- this is

being done to other animals. Humans are animals, by definition.

And you know this is true- humans have no regard for other animals, even ones that

seem to be showing signs of sentience, and so if there are superior, non-human entities,

why would we expect them to show us any more difference than we show other human

beings, much less animals?!


More than one UFO abductee has gone on record that aliens wanted their reproductive

material. In this instance ‘abductee’ is the right word, not experiencer which softens the concept, ignoring this is something that is happening against a human being’s will.

Some gave up their sperm and eggs the old fashion way, by engaging in intimacy with

aliens. Some people even think they did it willingly, but if technological advanced aliens can disguise themselves or make people remember things that didn’t happen, well that

was NOT consensual. Further, human law is very clear: if you’re intoxicated, or

participating with someone who has a significant power differential, such as a doctor

and patient, a counselor or patient, a boss over an employee, or a teacher student… it

can’t be consensual by definition.

Some folks had reproductive materials, even fetuses, removed with needles and or

surgery. All these cattle mutilations had reproductive materials removed. There’s a


There is a consistency with this phenomena going back to the 70s, which was written

about by Linda Moulton Howe, and covered in her report A Strange Harvest. In that, all the experts agreed, this is not human activity.

It still looks like it isn’t human activity. And maybe it’s easier for humans to just put it out of mind and not think about the ramifications. Maybe we should all be more in touch

with where our food comes from. It doesn’t just magically come from the store. It comes

from nature. People had to collect and kill our food. If it was grown, like plants, animals

and insects were killed to make the crops, protect the crops, and to take the crops, and pesticides, just like our plastics, end up in the ocean and have collaterally damaging

effects on non targeted species, like fish. The oceans are so bad pregnant women are

advised not to eat fish to keep babies from being exposed to mercury.

Before the poisons get to the oceans, it takes out bees and other flying insects, which

takes out birds.

When the bees go, so do humans. Some say if cows go, so do humans. So, could it be that advanced aliens are interested in human livestock because they care about

humans? Are humans being farmed while we farm other animals?

Humans, by definition, are predators. There will be other predators that eat what we eat

and might even eat us. Humans are not the top of the food chain. The Japanese will

take the fin off a shark and eat that, while throwing the whole shark back into the sea to die. Without a fin, sharks can’t swim. If sharks’ can’t move, they die. So, you can’t be

mad at aliens that just want cow tongue and or other specified parts, including blood!

Yes, they drain the blood from the animal!

Granted, there are more humans who have been abducted who have good things to say

about aliens. Not all of them. It’s reasonable to expect some aliens lie and that some

people likely misremember their experience because their brains were tampered with!

But of all the people in this group, all were returned. What about the ones that didn’t

come back? Did aliens botch the surgery? Were those humans culled from the human

family, the way we take out certain animals?

What’s going on here? Why are there no more answers here, after 50 years of the

phenomena happening, than there are about UFOs after a minimum 75 years of the


Liars stepped up and claimed they were making all the crop circles. Where are the

scapegoats for cattle mutilations?


Can’t say that too much. Seriously, in the latest UFO hearing with the Senate and

Doctor Kirkpatrick, Kirkpatrick mentions NASA as being the agency that will announce

aliens, or work with aliens in the event there are aliens.

Well, that’s old news. That’s been news since we sent the first people to the moon. That

was news three years ago, and clearly stated by George Knapp in, UFO secrecy

extends to NASA; cattle mutilations confuse authorities — Part 4.

You will find that below. Heck, you don’t need to read anything I write about mutilations.

I don’t like this part of the phenomena. Because if you do follow this thread, and you go

looking at other sites, which a friend mentioned in my recent Texas Cow mutilation

essay, and I think elsewhere, too… Let’s just say, this gets dark quick.

Dead cats in England. Dead Cows in Texas, and all over the US. All over the world. So, if it happens in Australia outback, or in remote areas of Africa, where you would think

the kind of precision, magical tools that don’t spill a drop of blood probably don’t exist, well, I’d say you’re starting to get a clue of the magnitude of this problem.

And you can’t say the soft tissues were eaten by other animals. Other animals are going

around these carcasses and wouldn’t have anything to do with it if you tied them to the

carcass! They would starve before they touched that beef.

Closed door session at the senate is just unacceptable at this point. Yeah, you will find

some nice alien people, channeling puppies and healing and ‘it’s all good’ vibes, like:

UFO experts gather at San Diego conference… And you will hear the lies, no evidence of aliens yet… But what the heck will it take? Dead carcasses dropped on the White

House Lawn?

But maybe they don’t want us to get in an uproar because angry people don’t taste so

good. Or maybe they want us angry because people who are afraid taste better. Or

maybe the loving people taste better… That probably depends on what species is

eating you.

Many farmers treat their animals well, give them vitamins and antibiotics, right before

they have them march to their deaths. Not saying anything good or bad about that, as it

is what it is. I eat meat. I understand what that means. And if you do really care about

animals, you need to know vegan lifestyle doesn’t result in NO animal deaths. I like the

idea, but I guarantee you this, when humans stop eating cows, there will be no more

cows because no one will want to care for a herd that isn’t bringing any money.

They will go extinct, like so many other animals that humans haven’t figured out how to

monetize on farms or zoos.

There is no free lunch. There is no cheap lunch. Someone, somewhere, always gets

their hands bloody!

So, if we can be real and not pretend our meat just magically appeared at the store, we

can also be real about the fact that something is examining our livestock in a very

precise, and specifically scientific way.

It is reasonable to be aware. It is unreasonable that some people are hiding the truth.


Why the Big Secret, Roerick Martin: 6 Cows Dead In Texas This Is How ...

Rancher mystified by cattle mutilation, 41 KSHB

Cow Mutilation Investigation, 31 WAAY

UFO experts gather at San Diego conference

UFOs and Cow Mutilations in Texas

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Chapter 15 Are Aliens Just Souls Like Us

Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, essentially said of course there are aliens on

Earth. After all, we’re all aliens.

So, you’re a soul, out doing what souls do, evolving and expanding the universe, and

you hear the tale of this strange new world, Earth. You decided you’ll give it a try. The

next thing you know, you’re so immersed in the experience you’ve forgotten who you

are. What if this was all Earth is? No one is bigger or better, just souls, at all levels of development interacting with each other. This would explain good and bad people, as

well as good and bad aliens. Quoting John Van Auken, “aliens are not innately brilliant.”

They’re just different, like all of us.

We have walked the shores of many seas, in double moonlit nights, from one side of the

universe to the other. There is a lot of work to do in the Universe. No shortage of things to do, places to go, people to meet, skills and trades to enhance.

Involution into Matter to Evolve Matter

This concept was found in Edgar Cayce’s work. It’s found in Michael Newton’s work,

Journey of Souls. It’s found in Delores Cannon’s Work, Lives Between Lives. It’s not a

new concept. You will find some parallels with the works of Ingo Swann.

What Edgar Cayce was doing we can all do. That’s an important concept. We can all

remote view, too. Probably because it’s the same process. It’s a soul, or consciousness,

activity. We all have consciousness. We all have souls. Some seem to have more

access than others, but how much of that is just belief? It is well established in psychology that belief affects outcomes. You need explore no further than placebos and

hypnosis resulting in inexplicable remissions of illness to see evidence of this.

All the saints have told us the power is within us. Perhaps the challenge of this is in

realizing that if this is true, we must take ownership of our realities. We are responsible, no one else. If you’re trying to change reality by changing others, you’re insane. You’re

insane for going without. If you try to change reality by changing self, by going in, you’re just sane. Did you think it’s an accident that ‘insane’ is synonymous with being ‘out of

your mind?’

Wait wait wait. That may be profound. You can’t be insane if you’re ‘out of your mind!’

Being out of your body is not the same as being out of your mind. We existed out of

body for much of what we call time. Time doesn’t exist in the real place that we live. The universe itself is simply thought manifested, energy crystalized into a form. William

Buhlman suggests the universe is the epidermis of God. Why wouldn’t the Universe be

expanding? God is expanding, and we are co-creators in all that is.

How could you not be a part of all there is?

Physical matter, then, is simply thought forms. Souls became occupied with creating life

on planets, and using these life forms, which were previous thought forms, as vehicles

to explore and continue creating.

If you imagine this idea as just fantasy, what makes it interesting is that it has been

independently discovered time and time again by mediums, hypnotists exploring the

deep mind of subjects, and channelers. Hypnotists found this idea existing in many

people, not connected and not exposed to these sorts of ideas. That suggests this idea

is in us, because it is us.

Many a hypnotic subject found the ideas peculiar because it didn’t fit their world

paradigm. Their lives changed with these discoveries to the same degree as people

who have had Near Death Experiences.

In the video below with John Van Auken offered a psychological overlay to appreciating

this, if you prefer that to a metaphysical one, that even Carl Jung noted that our

conscious mind is simply a portion of a larger construct. Those who are in touch with the

subconscious and in agreement with that entity seem to have better outcomes in their

lives. There is more to the mind than the subconscious. There is the super-conscious,

too. Did you ever wonder how psychologists came up with these nebulous structures

when there is truly no way to measure them? We know they’re there. Humanity touches

upon them when we put humans in trance. Every culture on Earth has had ways of putting people in trance.

These structures exist, based on everything we know and have written in science

journals, but they are not measured to the same degree we’ve measured atoms. Even

though we have better tools to measure, and we could use hypnosis in tandem with

brains being studied in fMRI, hypnosis is still largely ignored by mainstream scientist,

even though we have know there is benefits to be found here going back to the first time

we studied monks engaged in trance. If you accept the book The Relaxation Response,

by Herbert Benson as evidence, we’ve known this much since the 70s, but how far have

we advanced in exploring our deeper selves and extraordinary abilities?

Extraordinary abilities exist, but there is clearly extraordinary resistance to the evidence.

It isn’t the lack of extraordinary evidence, but the lack of extraordinary people who

would defy the status quo and explore what’s well established. They don’t re-search for


If you have touched the subconscious, you will believe in ghosts and magic because

these are states we all have access to. These states defy our understanding of physics,

how the brain works, how healing works, and how memory and learning works.

Before we were physical, we were ghosts. Before we were ghosts, we were pure,

unformed energy. The deeper we moved into matter, the more restricted the access to

our higher selves became, not because the physical is bad, but because it is that dense.

Imagine it like this, if you're at the top of the pool, you can hold your head up and

breathe, even with a snorkel. Swim to the bottom of the swimming pool, 6 feet is

enough, and try to breathe in through a water hose. You can’t do it because the water

pressure won’t let you expand your lungs. Scuba divers have regulators that force in

pressurized air.

In the beginning of scuba diving, men had heavy metal suits connected to the surfaces

with men turning a handle to continuously force air through the suit. Have you ever

heard of the silver cord that connects us to the spirit world? Some say it connects your

soul to your body, and they’re not wrong if your primary self is spirit.

Earth isn’t the origin for life in the universe. All life in the universe came from outside the universe. Some of them originated on other planets within this universe. Some come

from other universes. Some come from the places between universes. Very few on

earth originated on earth as newbies in this game of life.

There are much older planets in the universe where life has been stable for eons. Those

souls first explored the universe with their minds, falling back to stable base camps.

Some individuals, and some communities, found places in the universe with no life and set up their spiritual base camps and began the long process of making dead planets

living planets.

Seeding life can happen from the mechanism of panspermia, but most places were

seeded by souls. Earth eventually became a subject of interest by many souls and

many planets, and the competition to make something novel began. Earth life isn’t

complicated because there are bad souls, but because it’s basically a free for all with

many competing ideas and species. There is no right or wrong idea, we’re just all here

doing our jobs.

Sometimes we forget it’s just a game. Some of us take games way too seriously. I am

so guilty!

Some of us are in alignment with making Earth great, so it can be the home for a

diversity of life for eons. There are those who would like to see less life, probably not

because they’re evil- but more likely because they came from planets that were much

simpler and had very little diversity. Earth is a wild, diverse landscape and that scares


Some of us are just here to love and remind everyone we are souls and this is not the

be all end all of creation. There can be no wrong done in a sandbox than can be shaken

flat and cleaned.

Paraphrasing John Van Auken, expounding on an idea from Cayce, ‘we are part of the

infinite, finitely expressed.’ Most of us did not originate on earth,which is likely why so many of us don’t feel at home. It’s why we often feel lonely.

Why would we come to earth? Many reasons, but mostly because mother Earth called

us. She wanted to evolve and none of us evolved in a vacuum. All evolution, whether

that be physically, spiritually, intellectually, or emotionally, is done in the presence of many other agents. If you’re affected by others, thank them. They’re reminding you of

something or helping you evolve.


Mankind’s origin is multidimensional, Edgar Cayce

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Chapter 16 MUFON Needs You

Tired of waiting for the government to do the big reveal? Join the real people in

the know, become the boots on the ground-breaking reality, UFOs are real, and

it’s aliens.

Folks like Lue Elizondo say we’ve had disclosure. The Phenomena is real. What else do

you need? Well, if you’re like me, you want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but

the truth. The truth isn’t out there. It’s in our hearts. To your own self be true, leads you to the philosophy that those that don’t go within go without. Remote viewing is real. You

can discover your whole reality from the safety of your home. However, if you prefer

doing a little research, you could learn to field calls and investigate for yourself. What’s stopping you?

Uncle Sam needs boots on the ground. Uncle Sam isn’t the government, but the

abstraction of everything you hold dear about life, liberty and the pursuit of justice. All citizens are on the front lines of life and reality. It is well established, and written in our most sacred documents, when we the people are thwarted by agencies hell bent on

blocking truth, we need to investigate.

What are those fellows up to? No good, I suspect.

Don’t wait for the truth to come to you at their convenience. If you don’t want to remote

view, get out there and interview people who have had experiences. Make up your own


UFO’s are real, it’s aliens… or whatever that means.

MUFON and NUFORC are agencies investigating UFOs. They are non-profit

organizations and they depend on volunteers and subscribers. To be a volunteer field

investigator for MUFON, you have to be a member. You can be a member and not be a

field investigator.

If you’re tired of paying Uncle Sam to investigate reality and not getting any results,

divert some money to one of these two organizations. Don’t stop paying your taxes.

Please, Uncle Sam does sometimes do good things with our money. Sometimes we

help people! How many world disasters has the US stepped up and given relief?! Lots!

Go team!

It’s clear, NASA does not want us in space. How long has our space fleet been

grounded? Why have we been hitching rides with Russia? Why doesn’t Elon Musk get

more kudos for advancing rocketry more in the last 20 years than NASA? What, he blew

one up? So?! NASA blew up a few rockets in their hay day. Did Elon kill anyone? No!

NASA has.

Support Elon. Or join MUFON. Do something! Don’t rely on governments or anyone

else to change your reality. Actively work towards the reality you want.

Because I guarantee you this, if the government had wanted you to know aliens are

here, they would have said that when UFOs flew over the White House in the 1950s.

Maybe they didn’t because of the cold war and they were afraid. Maybe they’re still

afraid! Seems awfully coincidental that US and Russia had been getting along all this

time and suddenly UFOs are real and we’re closer to world war III than we were in the

heat of the cold war.

Tired of wars? Get off the couch and be active in your community.

Who knows about UFOs?

Whether you’re a MUFON field investigator or not, talk to people about UFOs. If you're

kind and genuinely interested you will likely be surprised what folks will tell you.

Before MUFON, I was still the UFO guy in my circles. Lots of downtime in 24 years at

American Airlines led to some pretty hot debates about UFOs. I doubt there is an

argument against UFOS that I haven’t heard. Most of those arguments are

hand-me-downs. They’re so old, it’s rhetoric.

I have met lots of people who have had sightings. I know a few people who have interacted with aliens.

Most folks are reasonable. You will find some folks that might be struggling with reality.

And just because they might be struggling doesn’t mean their experiences weren’t real!

Maybe they struggle because they had experiences.

Maybe we all struggle. Maybe we’re all one crisis away from having an emotional

meltdown. Maybe all of us could walk a little softer on the earth, boots on the ground or


For way too long, the conversation has been blocked, denied, pushed into the realms of

mental health issues, and even when the top scientist of the world, Harvard chair holder

Doctor John E Mack said it wasn’t a mental health problem, the world went nuts

because someone sane said something they thought was nuts!

There is enough insanity to go around. Your community needs you. Your state needs

you. Your country and world needs you! To be well, self-reliant, self-sufficient, and

curiously engaged is the best gift you can give to the world.

Don’t take my word for it. Don’t take anyone’s word for it. Get out there, do the work,

read the books, and then make a decision on whether or not there is something here.

After all, aren’t you the sort of fellow that has said if you don’t vote you can’t complain?

Well, if all you read was some skeptic dismissal of the phenomena, can you honestly

complain that people believe?

If you’re unwilling to explore all the data, then you can’t make strong, valid arguments.

What do you really know? What are you willing to explore? What are you willing to do?

Boots on, let’s get dirty!


You just have to be you. I was going to say human and breathing, but you could be an

alien, and perhaps you don’t breathe air because you’re an android. Fair enough! We

want you, too!

MUFON trains folks. You start with a self study of a field guide, which is mostly just

basic science. Perhaps it was easy for me because I have had past exposure to all the

concepts, having been in astronomy and aviation. Nothing in this book is that difficult.

The test is easy enough, too. It’s even an open book. I seriously delayed taking the test because I have test anxiety and then when they told me I can use the book, I took the


Also, you don’t have to know everything! You have a team. If you get a case that stumps

you, you have a team that will help you. I have yet to meet another field investigator that wasn’t eagerly willing to take a look at something.

On some of the real tough ones, we look at it as a group!

Yes, maybe, you’re likely to initially be intimidated by a case. But pretty soon, you’re

likely going to be bored. 99 percent of all cases have mundane explanations. You will

get really good at spotting planets and finding lens flares! You might get good at talking to people and knowing which person has greater validity in their narrative than others.

Some people are just good story tellers. Some are pretty good at observing things and

reporting things. Most people are not so good at reporting things. All you’re doing is

listening, assessing, and assigning relative value to the story based on your experience.

Even if you get wrong, you’re not punished. Maybe some folks will ask you to reconsider

data and options, but in the end, the team respects the call of their investigators.

Even in that, the process is not finished as there are teams within teams assigning

value as cases fall within the bell curve of cases. The goal is to weed out the best

evidence for or against.

Rarely will you go to a scene, as most cases are either historic, or just someone saw a

light in the sky, and phone/video interview is sufficient to resolve. If you do go to a place, you never go alone. You always go in a team.

Being an investigator is easy. Being a good investigator just means you’re listening.

Being a really good investigator means you’re learning from case load and your

personal reading on the subject so that your ability to assess improves as your skills

and knowledge increase.

You can do this! It’s actually fun. Haven’t you always wanted to be the eccentric one?

The one that family and friends all know, and so when someone brings up the subject of

UFOs, “Oh, that’s interesting. You should talk to my brother, Rip. He loves this stuff.”

I also suspect this. The world is about to change in a big way. Everyone will soon know

UFOs are real and there are non-human entities living among us on Earth. Wouldn’t you

want to be on the ground floor of a brand new world?

I suspect this new world will need counselors. So I got my license. Have Spacesuit, Will Travel!

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Chapter 17 UFOs and Alien Abductions

Lest you forgot, it’s not just fuzzy photos and lights in the sky. You can hear it in

their own words.

UFO and alien abductions likely go back before the modern era. To hear Erich von

Däniken, author of Chariots of the Gods, say it, it’s been going on since the beginning of humanity. He makes a good argument, one that academics too easily dismiss.

Fortunately, John E Mack, Harvard scientist was reasonable in his assessments of

people who had experiences. Experiencers didn’t fit a DSM diagnosis of mental health.

You can find people’s testimony. Do people dismiss it because it’s too weird, or they’re

afraid of being taken, too?

If you don’t want to judge because you’re not a psychologist, well fair enough. John E

Mack, Harvard psychologist, was likely more fair than most. Ask 5 doctors what they

think, you will get five different diagnoses, likely including Bipolar, schizophrenia,

schizo-affective, dissociative identity disorder, or a personality disorder.

When in doubt, give them Bipolar.

Very few will slow their roll and truly listen to a person’s experience. Most of the time, a person seeking help just wants to be heard. They want to know they’re not crazy.

If a person is seeking help, they’re not crazy. Crazy people rarely think there is

something wrong with them.

You, like most reasonable people, likely have a general sense about you to decide whether folks are genuine or not. You can discern the difference between crazy,

attention seeking behaviors, and people who just want to share their story without being


If you are ridiculing, trying to explain it away by talking over someone, you’re the one

having the problem. You can’t listen to someone if you’re analyzing all of your objections as they speak.

I am trained to diagnose people. It would not be fair of me to diagnose anyone by their

statements in a video, especially one forty years old. You will find several videos below.

This is a sample of what’s available. In and of themselves it does not tell you the truth of what’s going on; it’s much bigger than what you think and you need more data than

three or four people. You may think it’s one of two people, scattered through time. It’s

not. It’s a lot of people. Like millions of people.

If this was any other issue, if millions of people had these things it would be called an

epidemic. One can argue, with the number of people reporting experiences increasing-

it spreads like a contagion. Maybe it is increasing because more and more people are

having encounters. The US government did say UFO reports are increasing

exponentially. Which means what? If you’re not having an experience, you’re not one of

the chosen folks?

Or maybe its increasing because we live in a world where it’s now safe to share your


Mind you, we’re just now as a society ready to hear pilots reporting that they’ve seen a

strange light while flying. That’s just icing on the cake. Wait till people start lining up to sue the government for their participation with abductions. There is narrative evidence

for that, too. And if you accept Haim Eshed’s statement that UFOs are aliens and the

US is in cahoots, well, this party is just getting started.

The narratives tell a tale

Maybe you will watch the videos below and reluctantly agree that these few here

genuinely had an experience, “but not aliens, John. Come on.” Okay, maybe it’s

psychological or some other social phenomena being manifested.

At some point, given the trajectory of UFOs are real, Occam’s Razor will eventually

allow the only obvious conclusion, it’s aliens.

I would argue, and I am qualified to do so, there is no psychological or social phenomena that explains alien abductions. John E Mack said this, too, and he was a

psychiatrist. The truth is, people from all corners of the world are having experiences, in the outback, in isolated communities in Africa, in isolated communities in the US prior to television- if you believe Mabel White's narrative.

Marilyn Armstrong mentioned the little blue-Greys in her narrative. The blues are not

that well known that someone in the outback just picked that up.

So, either Carl Jung is right about there being a collective unconscious, and humans are

telepathic, or it’s aliens. And for the record, Mabel Whites and Marilyn Armstrong were

not attention seeking. They did not profit from their experience. They were not histrionic.

They were calm, thoughtful, quiet folk. They were normal by any measure I can discern.

They didn’t get book deals and get invited to conventions. This was before tiktok and

youtube… What they did get was grief. They got enough grief and ridicule that we’re

lucky they persisted in their sharing at all.

The fact that they got airtime at all might be a testament to their character.

Now, one might argue that Barney Hill benefited some from his sharing. Below, you will

find him on To Tell The Truth, an old game show. Perhaps they paid him for that, but I doubt it was anything significant to cover the ridicule he also received. Bryze Zabel, Trail of the Saucer here on Medium, producer, journalist, and creator of the series Dark Skies had a character play Barney Hill, and he nailed the dialogue, not verbatim:

“I am a black man married to a white woman in the 1960s. I don’t need any

more negative attention.”

Did Barney and Benny Hill benefit? No. Not like that.

There does seem to be a club.

Every now and then, you might see a new face, or read a new name in UFOlogy.

Millions of people have been abducted, but how many cases or reports have you

heard? How many countries have you heard from?

You have some folks from the early days who are still around, telling the same stories

over and over. That is not meant to be disparaging, but seriously, I don’t think Linda

Moulton Howe has anything new. So far, every time I hear her, she is telling the same

thing she has said previously, the things found in her book. And people need to hear it!

It is likely that most people don’t know what she’s got. That message needs to get out.

But the club of UFOlogy is so tight, few new people get to participate. Now, that’s highly likely not a conspiracy. That’s just pure economics. The audience is still fringe, and you have to be one hell of a showman to get seen. Writers are a dime a dozen, and no one

is making money on book deals, especially in this era of free, self-publications. So,

unless you just hit a home run, or you write as much as Stephen King, you’ll be lucky to

make a living wage on a book through traditional publishing.

One might imagine that with my credentials in mental health, counseling, and

diagnosing, I might be heavily sought after to help resolve cases and hear narratives.

Nope. There is a club. There are gatekeepers. If you don’t have enough experience with

‘experiencers,’ you can’t play ball.

How do you get experiences with ‘experiencers’ if you don’t have your own office and

you hand out flyers and an office shingle ‘UFO, abductees, experiencers, near death

experiencers, and paranormal experiencers welcomed?’ Quite frankly, that shingle

would likely result in you losing your credential. It will come sideways, too. “You can’t

deny non-experiencers treatment because they’re not experiencers.”

Back before I became a counselor, I had lofty ambitions of working with military

veterans, trauma victims, paranormal and UFO experiencers, and near death

experiencers. I love veterans and military folk. My father, uncle, and maternal

grandfather served. I have experience trauma, so fuck, I have some insight. I don’t

recommend trauma in order to serve. You don’t have to have cancer to know cancer

sucks ass, or to have empathy.

There are some who will say having trauma opens a person up for the paranormal. I

don’t know how to sort that. That seems to be the pathway for shamans in general.

Some cultures have ritualized traumas to bring the supernatural to their culture! It is true I have past trauma and I have had paranormal experiences. So, is it a casual

relationship, or just a correlation? Not all people who have trauma experience the


Anyway, I worked my butt off, got my masters, got my license to serve, worked two jobs

for a while, put in time counseling and diagnosing, and finally arrived at a place where I thought I was ready to help.

I joined MUFON. Previously, I admit I didn’t join because hell, I thought I was crazy

because of my experiences. I admit, sometimes I still wonder. Maybe I am just nuts.

Trauma will do that to a person. After all, who else would pursue a career that has little money, little prestige, and requires you be sound enough that you’re not re-traumatized

by all the people coming to you wanting to get better from their own trauma!

Vicarious PTSD is actually a thing being recognized.

When I was rejected the first time from working with experiencers, because “You don’t

have enough experience,” I had evidence I was not well in my own mind and heart. I got

my feelings hurt. What the fuck? I analyze people and data for a living and make

medical reports and opinions daily. Five to eight times a day, five days a week, for the

last 10 years… How am I not qualified?!

You might think if I was bad at it, I wouldn’t be around, but that’s bad thinking for sure.

Community mental health has a shortage of qualified people and an abundance of folks

needing service, so maybe they keep me around because they’re scraping the bottom

of the barrel. Fair enough.

But I am qualified, and I am experiencer on top of that. I was encouraged to re-apply,

because some people recognized I am qualified. Again, denied access, not enough

experience, and no reasonable criteria offered so I don’t waste any more time applying

to play ball with people who don’t want me. That last part is important. I don’t intend to play ball again, partly because I got a bad taste in my mouth, but mostly, I am healthy

enough I can go play ball by myself.

I have enough to do in life. I don't need that kind of grief, but it also proves a point- just because you’re an experiencer, or qualified, it doesn’t mean your human family will

receive you. All societies and cultures play games with who is in and who is out. That’s

just a reality all humans have to navigate.

It’s very risky for me sharing that. Not because I might get in and have to face that

music of being disgruntled. Quite frankly, that ship has sailed. I don’t want to be

involved. I am not quitting MUFON, I like what I do and the people I directly know. It’s

risky sharing because I seriously don’t want to disparage folks. Maybe I am flawed.

Maybe they see something I don’t. Fair enough. It is what it is.

I am curious, though, how does one get experience with experiencers, if the only real

game in town that works with experiencers won’t give you access or training to deal with


And what is so problematic and special about experiencers? From multiple sources in

UFOlogy, the number of people being abducted is in the millions. So, it’s not like there's a shortage of work and people fighting for money and prestige. Fuck, MUFON is

supported by volunteers! So is Opus, for that matter. I think the only reason I was not a

good fit for Opus is I don’t have my own office to work with folks. Fair enough.

I am so not wealthy enough I can just entertain free clients! Still, opening my own office, in a building or virtually is my next thing. Maybe when I retire completely, I can have a

mobile camper office, and I can go to the clients… I know, I am dreaming… The travel

life is coming, though.

It’s not like those who are abducted are all wealthy, either. No one rich enough to say I

will buy you an office and pay you for your time if you will counsel me. Haha! I mean,

clearly, if experiencers were all rich there would be no shortage of academics and

Harvard grade therapists vying to work with them, stigma or not.

Another reason you won’t find the medical community serving experiencers is because

you can’t give it a pill and make it go away!

When is a person crazy? Well, you can make yourself crazy trying to tap dance, kiss

ass, jump through hurdles to get what, a position that has no compensation and has

little prestige? Worst case scenario, a thought occurred to me, what if there is nothing to do this whole damn thing, making the skeptics right?? That would mean that if enough

qualified people got into the upper echelons of the movement, they would find out it’s

just another cult?!

Or the many at the top of this organization are also nuts, because they have trauma and

are experiencers themselves.

You can make yourself crazy trying to defend UFOs and paranormal experiences.

That’s for sure. Seriously, people who are not appropriately heard tend to get loud.

Especially if they’re unhinged. Most folks, they may get loud in the beginning, but then

they say, ‘fuck this is not worthy the energy. The devil take everyone!’

Though I have considered many ideas on this subject, my position in all of this hasn’t

changed. UFOs are real. Aliens are here. They are interacting with us. There are games

being played. Humans are playing games. Aliens seem to be playing games, but I don’t

know enough to call them out. I hope they’re not playing our game, but I could entertain

an argument that aliens, like humans, are just people doing jobs, interacting with other

beings. There are economic, social, and psychological paradigms driving and regulating

all interaction patterns.

Fuck. I imagine I will be all levels of disappointed if I arrive in heaven and realize it, too, is driven by the economics of popularity and gold standards. Just saying.

If you don’t believe in UFOs being aliens, maybe it’s because you weren’t abducted,

don’t remember being abducted, don’t want to remember being abducted, or you’re

being blocked by human games of membership only. That last one has been made

abundantly clear by all the closed door sessions of Congress interviewing witnesses and experts. Cult or real? You tell me.


Alien Abductee Barney Hill To Tell The Truth

“They want bodies!” Abductee Mabel White talks aliens want to create a hybrid


Aboriginal artist Marilyn Armstrong talks about her UFO encounters in Alice

Springs, Australia

Chris Hinton and "thousands of other people" experienced the alien abduction


Close Encounters of the Hollywood Kind

Image 42

Chapter 18 UFO Research is Government Funded

If snowflake journos get so upset when you point out they’re government funded

they pull their tweets from twitter, how will academics and scientists respond to

the fact they are government funded?

In the old days of journalism, the idea was if you followed the flow of money, you would

eventually find the corruption creating the mess. It might be necessary to understand

there is a fail rate with any endeavor, including science. Science and tech have fail

rates, just like sports. How many homeruns did Babe Ruth have? How many strike

outs? More strike outs than he had homeruns. How many ways did Edison demonstrate

not to make a lightbulb?

Like any good resume- governments, academics, and scientist don’t like you to see

their failures. If they’re human, I guarantee you, they have a failure rate. You don’t

ex-communicate them for that. That’s just being human. I am sure, in this discussion,

we won’t find that scientists will never cure cancer because then they would no longer

get government funding. Then again, do we get to see all the ways they invented not to

cure cancer?

There was this one scientist back in the day who was on track to get a Nobel Peace

prize for making ceramic superconductors that functioned at room temperature. He was

getting government grants like crazy. Until, one day, a pesky scientist discovered all his research papers used the same graph. He didn’t even have the decency to alter the

numbers a little because he was so cocky he didn’t think any real scientist would

actually do the math in the peer review process, because we’re all that trustworthy all

the time!

No one makes mistakes. That’s sarcasm if you’re not used to me.

We know that corporations, academics, scientists, governments, and operatives will sabotage each other to get ahead in this world. That’s just a fact. Edison killed an

elephant to derail Tesla’s more sensible approach to energy, and more and more-

everyone is kind of returning back to Tesla’s approach, but we had to go and do it the

hard way first. Not because it was a better way at the time, but because Edison wanted

to profit off economizing energy.

If you had access to a fair literature search, you would likely find evidence that ‘lead

paint’ was deemed non harmful. Not just by corporations, but lobbyist making Congress

make it legal. You will likely find cannabis wasn’t as bad as it was made out to be. It was definitely not worth all the time that folks spent in jail because senators who said ‘no to drugs,’ or so they could now have cannabis farms. Teflon will never be found in the

environment, much less inside human and animals' cells. Plastics won’t become

microplastics and be inside every living organism on the planet. The ocean can take all

our trash and you can’t over fish…

I am sure I am leaving something equally poignant out.

UFOs have been with us a long time. They were with us up and until we asked the

government to look into it. They lied and said nothing was there and continued to study

it using government, black op funding which still goes unaccounted for today.

The government is on the record for UFOs being real. Now they are back tracking and

trying to downplay the reality we all know- it’s aliens.

King of the hill mentality.

The slow drip is about finding a way to economize this phenomena. That’s the only thing

that seems to be consistent about human behavior under our present economic

paradigm. Mind you, this economic paradigm is the same, unevolved game going back

to the cave men day. You trade me for these shells, or I will club you.

Presently, some people in the world are tired of a certain shell game. They want to

change shells because that same barterer has been using the club way too often.

You might think I am straying from UFOs, but you also have to understand the nature of

the government funding controlling the UFO narrative. As the US declines in its ability to club and trade shells, other nations will be more inclined to share what they know about


At risk of sounding like I just don’t like Doctor Avi Loeb, I am going to boost him into the following analogy.

John E Mack, Harvard psychiatrist, Doctor, Scientist, top in the field per every standard of Western philosophy of the day said UFOs, and aliens, are real. You saw what a fuss

that ensued. A professional, tenured philosopher by every right granted should be able

to say what he thinks- but they shut him down.

Some say he was intentionally killed.

No one is shutting down Avi Loeb in his shared Kirkpatrick alien mother ship theory.

Was that peer reviewed? Was there a literature search? Did they mention John E Mack

in their literature search? How about Carl Sagan? They both quoted his famous maxim,

“extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Did they quote from Carl Sagan’s

ancient alien theory published in a science journal suggesting the Sumerian culture was

likely the first contact culture?


Both Loeb and Kirkpatrick modified that famous maxim to justify their speculative

positions. Loeb: “if you only look for the extraordinary, you won’t find the ordinary.”

Kirkpatrick: “Finding extraordinary evidence requires extraordinary science.” Translation

of both of these concepts, it’s going to take an extraordinary amount of funding.

Quite frankly, given how much the government has openly spent on UFO research, and

likely the hundreds of billion dollars still unaccounted for that went to UFO research… I

would say, maybe we need to stop government research on UFOs because clearly in 75

plus years all they’ve managed to do is improve their ability to lie and manipulate social reality.

In this latest UFO hearing, Kirkpatrick denigrated and dismissed UFO bloggers and

youtube channels. Why did he do that? To maintain the government authority on the

subject, flat and simple. Avi Loen has taken the top of the hill and won’t let anyone else on the top of that hill. Turkish scientists that brought evidence to him were sent rolling down the hill.

Loeb would have you believe if you just give him money, he can go find a rock that

landed on the ocean floor nearly ten years ago. Has science found that airplane that

crashed into the ocean? No. Hell, they can’t even agree if it was a meteor or a NASA

satellite that lit up the skies of Kyiv the other day.

Kirkpatrick, in that hearing, stated the authority on alien disclosure. That would be

NASA. No one else gets to call it.

Even though, if you look at non-profit organizations like MUFON, who have credible

people volunteering hours that accumulated sufficient evidence to call this, they get

neglected. Seriously, everyone in the know knows this is aliens. But no one asked those people.

If we wait for scientists to acknowledge they don’t have the extraordinary funding or the

extraordinary sense of measure to record this phenomena in real time, we might never

get ahead. After all, isn’t that exactly what Arthur C Clarke meant by any sufficiently

advanced tech would look like magic?

Why start a new government office to ignore more evidence? An office which admits it

will cherry pick what it wants and make everything else ‘someone else's problem.”

The government and academia hold the greatest level of distrust since we collectively

agreed to make this country. It’s about money and authority. If you can’t trust the

government, how can you trust the government funded research? We can’t trust the

media, either! They were in cahoots with the government to squash this UFO story.

Presently, the media is asking why does the public insist on watching Joe Rogan? Well,

because even though he is smoking something half the time, we find him trustworthy!

Joe Rogan is genuine. If News Media was genuine, they would sometimes say things

that people don’t agree with and slip up and make amends. But they’re scripted, and

they’re wondering why people are tuning out.

It’s not real. UFOs are real, though.

Maybe if Kirkpatrick had fired up a bowl and said, ‘of course it’s aliens,’ we would have

been all in. Instead, the government keeps implying it’s Chinese and Russians, and

quite frankly- we the people like those people. We don’t want a war with them. We also

want to stop being so damn afraid we can’t leave our house to go to the store because

of crime and illness and all the bullshit that is happening because the government can’t

be held responsible for their bullshit, which created all the other bullshit.

If this UFO denial was a beer being served, the government might collapse.


Mysterious UFO Footage Has Joe Rogan Talking

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