First Aid - Simple, Fast, Effective by David Ashton - HTML preview

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CPR for Adult-Child-Infant Overview


When to perform CPR

CPR is performed on a person who is unresponsive and not breathing, or not breathing normally. If a person is unresponsive but still breathing normally different techniques apply.

A person is considered unresponsive if they appear to be sleeping but will not respond to loud noises or other attempts to rouse them.

For an infant (under 1yr) flick the sole of their foot, if there is no response they are considered unresponsive.

What to Do When the Person Is Not Responding

Step One

  • If the person is lying on their back gently tilt the head back, this will allow the mouth to open slightly and extend the airway
  • Gently lift the chin just a little. This will open the airway further
  • If they are on their side perform the above two steps and leave them on their side


Note how tilting the head back opens the airway by removing the tongue

Step Two

  • Place your ear near the person’s mouth, place your other hand on their chest and look down across the chest.


Look for rise and fall of the chest

Listen for air movement from the mouth and nose

Feel for chest rise and fall and air from the mouth or nose

  • If the person is not breathing call for professional help immediately and

commence CPR

  • If the person is breathing place them in the recovery position and call for help

Step Three

The Recovery Position

  • Kneel beside the person
  • Place the arm nearest to you out at right angles to the body
  • Place the other arm across the person’s chest and up under the chin
  • Raise the knee on the leg furthest from you until the foot is flat on the floor
  • Place your hands on the person’s raised knee and shoulder
  • Gently pull until the person rolls over onto their side
  • Gently tilt the head back to open the airway


Step Four

  • Ensure that help is on the way and monitor breathing
  • If the person stops breathing perform CPR


  • The recovery position for a child is the same as an adult
  • Be sure to gently tilt the head and lift the chin so fluids can drain from the mouth and the airway remains open
  • For an infant cradle them in your arms with the head facing down to allow fluids to drain from the mouth.
