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Epileptic Seizures

Remember To Send for Help – Call an Ambulance



If a seizure lasts for more than 5 minutes, the person has been injured during the seizure, or seizures are coming in quick succession call an Ambulance

Signs and Symptoms

img19.png Seizures may affect any part, or all of the body. There are many and varied signs and symptoms which may include:

img19.png Sudden muscle spasms

img19.png Falling down

img19.png Jerking body movements

img19.png Dribbling/drooling

img19.png May bite tongue

img19.png Shallow breathing ( may have blue tinge to lips)

img19.png Incontinence

img19.png Can be confused and agitated after the seizure

img19.png If the person is prone to violence use caution

Treatment during the Seizure

img19.png Do not try and restrain the patient

img19.png Put nothing in their mouth

img19.png Remove any objects around the patient which might cause injury

img19.png Write down the time the seizure started

Treatment after the Seizure

  • Address any injuries the patient may have
  • Reassure the patient, they may be confused
  • Place the patient in the recovery position and monitor their breathing, If there are any concerns call for medical assistance