Operation and Maintenance Small Heating Systems by Department of the Army - HTML preview

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and covering, to be sure that setting is free of air

placed. A disorderly, cluttered boiler room consti-

leaks, and in good structural condition. Inspect ex-

tutes a definite hazard to personnel safety and is a

posed surfaces, particularly the crownsheet and in-

detriment to proper maintenance and operating ef-

terior surfaces of the combustion chamber, and the

ficiency. The floor should be clean at all times and

lower areas at the mud ring for water leaks and

kept clear of water and loose tools and materials.

corrosion. The surfaces on the fire side should be

Accumulated material is a serious fire hazard.



Water level fluctuation.

result in instantaneous make-up water demand

a. Rapid fluctuation. Rapid cycles of water level

beyond the capacity of the feeder. When low water

rise and fall or a bouncing water level, is usually

level is detected, shut off automatic firing equip-

caused by grease and oil in the boiler. The grease

ment immediately or open firing doors and shut off

and oil form a film on the surface of the water and

draft of hand fired boilers to cool the boiler

cause rolling of water which is released in slugs

gradually. Do not open cold water make up lines.

with the steam. Excessive firing rates cause high

After the boiler has cooled, proceed to determine

steam release rate with entrained moisture or ex-

the cause of water loss. Low water level indication

cessive steam velocity through boiler outlets which

may be due to any of the following causes:

may siphon water from the surface and produce a

a. Water-gauge glass either shut off manually or

bouncing water level. Gauge glass connections

water drained from the glass.

placed at very active circulating points of the boiler

b. Broken boiler sections or excessive leak in

result in siphonic or forced flow action in the water

steel boiler.

column; this gives the appearance of fluctuating

c. Pump failure or broken return main from

water level, though the actual boiler water level is

system to pump or valve at pump inlet shut-off.

satisfactory. The water level may be too high,

d. Broken or stopped up pump discharge line to

causing siphon action or carry-over of boiler water.

boiler or return valve at boiler shut-off.

b. Slow fluctuation. Slow rise and fall of the

e. Excessive oil, grease, and foreign matter in

water level in single boiler installations is usually

boiler water resulting in excessive priming.

due to a vacuum or condensate pump returning

condensate in excessive quantity at each feeding


Loss of pressure.

cycle. This occurs when the distance between re-

a. If pressure fails, check for the following

ceiver water levels at pump cut-in and cut-out is

possible causes:

too great. This condition can also be caused by

(1) Inadequate firing rate or poor combustion

water which is forced out through return connec-

condition, insufficient draft, soot clogged boiler

tions of gravity systems owing to failure to equalize

passages and breeching, or inadequate air supply to

as the result of long runs of mains or by an ex-

the boiler room.

cessive initial steaming rate. In multiple boiler in-

(2) Dirty boiler including either scale on water

stallations, water may be higher in one boiler be-

side, soot on fire side, or both.

cause of an uneven firing rate.

(3) Broken main causing excessive loss of



Low water level.

(4) Steam load in excess of boiler capacity.

Low water level is the most serious situation that

(5) Oil or grease in boiler water.

may occur in a boiler plant. Automatic water feed-

(6) Steam gauge may be defective, not properly

ers should not be depended upon for assurance of

indicating actual pressure conditions. Open test

proper water level, as accidents to piping may


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cocks and note if steam pressure is available re-


Failure of space to heat.

gardless of gauge indication.

If space heating units such as unit heaters or blast

b. Do not confuse pressure failure with a condi-

systems are filled with steam, the ductwork and

tion under which closed vapor or vacuum systems

fans should be checked for air delivery and distri-

may be circulated under negative pressure or

bution. Lack of heat may be caused by fan motors

vacuum because of temperature or other controls

which are running under speed or by reduction of

which cause a low firing rate, balanced with low

duct capacity due to closed or partially closed

space heat demand. Induced vacuums will occur

dampers. Heating failure and lack of proper distri-

when the radiator condensing rate exceeds the

bution often occurs in large spaces such as aircraft

boiler evaporation rate.

hangers and work shops, caused by the inability of

unit heaters located too high above the floor, to


Pounding in the system.

force air to the work space. Stratification of heated

air at ceilings in such installations may be overcome

This should not be confused with snapping which

by use of recirculation ducts which have floor inlets

occurs when expansion takes place at initial heating

and which connect to the inlet side of the unit

up of systems. Pounding or water hammer is caused

heaters. Also, check the heat loss of the space; be

by slugs of water which are carried at high velocity

sure to include the load imposed by an exhaust air

with steam and which may have sufficient force to

system and compare the load with the capacity of

break piping, in addition to creating excessive

installed heating units.

noise. Existence of water slugs in steam piping is

the result of:


Pump venting steam.

a. Carry-over through the boiler nozzle due to

Do not confuse this with low temperature vapor or

excessive steaming rates, priming due to grease and

moist air discharged from pump vent. Steam vent-

oil in water, or the water level being too high.

ing from condensate or vacuum pumps is caused by

b. Condensate trapped in piping system because

leaking traps, open bypasses around traps, or

of sagging mains and pockets; plugged and faulty

backup of high temperature boiler water into the

steam main drip connections.

pump due to leaking check valves in the pump dis-

c. Air bound mains due to defective vents which

charge line. High temperature water is present in

trap condensate behind the air pocket.

the pump when steam is observed to be venting

from the pump. This may result in vapor binding of


Heating unit malfunction.

the pump. If the pump is a vacuum type it will fail

to create a vacuum at excessive condensate

This is basically a failure of the steam space of the

temperatures. When steam discharges from vents of

radiator, coil, or steam chest to fill with steam and

vacuum pumps or high condensate temperatures

is due to:

exist, the pump should be placed on float control.

a. Inadequate steam pressure.

If allowed to remain on vacuum control, the pump

b. Defective valve (in which the disc may have

will run continuously and will accomplish no useful

fallen onto the valve seat), valve plugged with

purpose. If check valves in the pump discharge line

scale, or failure to open.

leak, the pumping units will cut in frequently and

c. Air bound radiator caused by defective air

cut out for relatively short periods, depending on

vent or trap.

the rate of boiler water backflow into the pumps.

d. Water logged radiator caused by defective



Pump venting water.

e. Discharge connection pocketed or rising from

If water is venting from the pump check, consider

unit causing flooding of unit.

the following possible causes:

f Traps of inadequate capacity.

a. Pump capacity, volume or discharge pressure


Heating coils of excessive length and height

of pump, is inadequate. Determine the discharge

may fail because of air binding and should be pro-

pressure at the pump outlet by installing a pressure

vided with vent connections and/or vacuum break-

gauge at this point and checking with manu-

ers in accordance with the manufacturer*s recom-

facturer*s performance and capacity charts or


curves. Open the return connection to the pump

h. Inadequate pitch of the heating element or

and measure the rate of condensate flow to deter-

radiator will cause faulty ‘drainage and failure to

mine the quantity to be pumped.

heat. This is particularly marked in small horizontal

b. Pump may be rotating in wrong direction.

extended surface, fin-tube radiation.

This can be readily determined by touching a rubber


TM 5-642

tipped pencil to the shaft. Note the direction of

a. Check water line conditions.

rotation and compare with manufacturer s drawing

b. Excessive firing rates may cause “dry spots”

or, if present, the direction arrow mark placed on

in the water side of the boiler, particularly if water

pump casing.

contains oil, grease, and other foreign matter.

c. Pump control may be failing to cut in pump at

Check for faulty circulation in narrowed drop

proper receiver level.

sections or baffles at the rear of the combustion

d. Pump impeller may be worn or clearances


may be too great, reducing discharge capacity of

c. Header connection may not be properly ar-

the pump.

ranged to permit expansion and contraction of

e. Outlet valve of pump or discharge line may be


header and system connections. This usually results


If the pump is controlled by a float controller

in fractures in the area of the header connections.

at the boiler line and equipped with a float con-

d. Staybolts too tight to permit expansion and

trolled makeup water valve at pump receiver, the

contraction of sections.

makeup valve may be leaking or set too high.

e. Accumulation of soot and scale which work

Under these conditions the pump may cut in and

into the space between sections and result in

satisfy the boiler water level with makeup water,

growth and expansion, which may break sections.

followed by condensate returning to the pump in


Excessive feed of cold water to a hot water

large volume with no demand for boiler water level

boiler may cause failure.

replacement, which results in overflow of the

receiver. This can be corrected by adding an auxil-


Boiler room smoke.

iary receiver above the pump receiver to take care

Presence of smoke and combustion gases in the

of overflow, or by changing the control system to

boiler room is a serious condition. Combustion

a standard pump receiver level control in place of

the boiler water level control.

gases such as carbon monoxide may be created

wherever there is incomplete combustion of gas


Steel boiler failure.

fuel, generally, because of inadequate draft in a gas

appliance or a leak in the furnace*s heat exchanger.

If a steel boiler burns out or leaks, check for the

following possible causes:

When such conditions exist, corrective measures

a. Low water level, particularly if the failure is in

should be taken immediately. Check for the

the area of the crown sheet.

following possible causes:

b. Failure in lower area of combustion chamber.

a. Check for a closed boiler outlet damper or

This is usually caused by accumulation of mud,

stoppage of the breeching or stack.

scale and other foreign matter in the mud ring area

b. Check to see that the tube or gas passages of

which results from improper cleaning and

the boiler are not closed by an accumulation of ex-


cessive soot and fly ash.

c. Corrosion on the fire side of the boiler caused

c. Determine that sufficient door, window, or

by improper layup or cleaning.

other openings are in use to permit air necessary for

d. Interior corrosion caused by improper layup

combustion to enter boiler room.

or water conditions.

d. Leaky settings or breechings will permit gas

e. Leaks at tube ends, drain openings, and man-

leakage to the boiler room during periods of posi-

holes will, if not corrected immediately, result in

tive pressure in the combustion chamber. Check the

corrosion of adjoining plates.

boiler settings for leaks by using a candle to note


Improper suspension or expansion provisions

suction at surface cracks and joints when the boiler

of headers and piping if leaks or fracture occur in

the area of boiler connections.

is under negative pressure.

e. Stack or breeching may be inadequate.


Cast iron boiler failure.


Breeching may have too many sharp turns, or

may pitch downward and reduce the effective area.

If a cast iron boiler cracks, check for the following



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a. Cast iron boilers.

Most damage to and deterioration of heating

(1) Clean boiler thoroughly and remove grates,

equipment occurs during summer and other lay-up

if applicable, to facilitate access and inspection. Use

periods because of careless or inadequate proce-

wire brushes to remove all soot, dirt, and scale

dures in placing equipment on inactive basis.

from flues and firebox surfaces. Open boiler drain

During these periods excessive rusting, corrosion,

plugs at the front and rear of boiler. If drain is not

and grease clogging occurs. If the idle period in-

present, open the return header and thoroughly

cludes periods of freezing temperature, incomplete

wash out the boiler using a hose with water at suf-

drainage will result in damage from freezing. Well

ficient pressure to loosen mud and accumulated

planned procedures must be followed in placing

sludge. Complete removal of accumulated foreign

heating systems in proper condition for standby.

material in the lower sections of the boiler or mud

ring is of extreme importance.


Draining system.

(2) Spray flue surface with light lubricating oil,

Drain all steam and return lines of condensate

using an oil gun with an extended stem and bend

completely by opening drain valves at pumps or

end, so as to reach all corners and crevices. Used

return connections in the boiler room, and by

crankcase oil is unsatisfactory for this purpose.

opening the drain or dirt pockets located at ends of

(3) Remove all ashes and unburned fuel from

mains and at other drip points in the building piping

the grates and ashpit of hand fired coal burning

system. Particular care must be taken to assure


proper draining of wet returns and loops under

(4) Clean the smokepipe and remove it during

doorways. During draining operations, it is

the summer, if feasible. If controls are mounted in

important to determine that piping is properly

the smokepipe be careful not to disturb them.

pitched and that no low points or pockets which

(5) Leave boiler doors and dampers open

can accumulate water are present. This is particu-

during the lay-up period. This will permit air

larly important in servicing wet return lines. Mains

movement through the setting and will help prevent

under basement floors should be opened at both

sweating on the inside of the boiler while not in use.

ends and blown out with compressed air. Leave

drain points open during lay-up to permit air

(6) Oil hinges of all doors and moving parts of

movement and reduction of sweating. Threads of


drain plugs, caps and other similar pieces of

(7) On hand fired boilers replace warped,

equipment should be carefully brushed clean of rust

broken, or worn out grates which, if not serviced,

and other debris, thoroughly coated with oil and

would permit unburned coal to drop into ashpit and

tied to the drain point to be readily available for

would also affect proper combustion during the

reinstallation at the start of the heating season.

heating season.

Drain openings should be covered with a single

(8) Tie rod nuts should be removed and re-

layer of cloth to prevent entrance of rodents and

placed with spring washers and safety nuts to

foreign matter. If drainage through available drain

permit safe expansion conditions.

points is inadequate, disconnect intermediate unions

(9) Cast iron steam boilers, following cleanup

to assure drainage of piping. Also note condition

of the boiler at the end of heating season, should be

and exposure of outdoor mains to assure that they

completely filled until the start of next heating

will not be damaged by outside weather conditions


or by accumulated water in pits, conduits, and

(10) If an automatically fired steam boiler is


operated during summer months for operation of

submerged type domestic water supply heaters,


Boiler cleaning and lay-up.

maintain the water line above normal for steaming.

At the end of the heating season, boilers should be

Improved circulation to the heater will result.

opened, thoroughly washed internally, and laid up

(11) Brush exterior exposed iron work with a

so that the water side and fire side are free of cor-

wire brush, and, after removing all rust, paint with

rosive material. All personnel engaged in boiler

rust proof heat resisting paint.

cleaning and spraying should be provided with

b. Steel boilers (dry method)

proper respiratory and eye protection, and suitable

(1) Do all lay-up work for steel boilers immedi-

protective clothing. The following methods are rec-

ately after the close of the heating season.

ommended for lay-up of boilers.


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(2) Draw the fires, remove all combustibles,

through all parts of boiler by keeping all doors and

and drain the boiler while still warm. This pre-

wash-out openings open.

vents drying of loose mud, rust, and some types of

(16) If the boiler room is damp or air circula-


tion is poor, moisture may be absorbed by placing

(3) Open valves to all radiators and all other

pans of unslaked lime in the boiler. Replace lime

heating elements wide to permit condensate to

when necessary.

drain back to the boiler, boiler feed pump, or

(17) For coal fired boilers, clean the grate as-

opened piping drain points.

sembly and inspect thoroughly. Replace any parts

(4) Remove all manhole plates and washout

that are burned or even slightly warped.

plugs from the boiler and set to one side.

(18) Make every effort to clean the boiler

(5) Wash the water side boiler surfaces clean

properly. A thorough cleaning is good assurance of

and remove all loose scale and sediment by flushing

freedom from boiler trouble throughout the next

thoroughly with water pressure from a hose.

heating season.

(6) Use all washout openings, starting at the

c. Steel boilers (wet method). If a boiler is on

lowest point in the boiler and working toward the

standby service, the following wet method of boiler

top. Then repeat the washing by flushing from top

lay-up is recommended:

down to lower openings.

(1) Drain the boiler completely. Check to be

(7) Open the city water or makeup water valve

certain that water walls and gauge columns are not

to flush the bottom of the boiler. When the boiler

overlooked. Next, open the boiler and wash clean

has been flushed, make certain this valve is closed

and free from all loose scale and sediment by

tightly and does not leak.

flushing thoroughly with strong water pressure. Use

(8) Flush out all boiler accessories such as

a stiff brush to clean all internal surfaces of the

water column piping, water column, gauge glass,

boiler that can be reached. Break the feed-water

pressure damper regulator, and steam gauge thor-

and steam connections to the boiler and blank the

oughly. All automatic controls on mechanically

connections if other boilers are operating.

fired boilers should also be cleaned thoroughly.

(2) Fill the boiler with either feedwater, return

(9) It is important to clean the fire surfaces of