The Rite of the Golden Womb


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Book Description

The rite of hiraṇyagarbha (literally 'golden womb') is a unique rite, which, since its inception, remained an expiatory rite in its core, even after being transformed by the purāṇic ritualists as a rite of great gift (mahādāna). From the 4th century of the Common Era to almost up to the modern period, this rite was performed by a significant number of rulers, mostly from the marginal social groups, in different regions of South Asia,. This rite became essential for their acceptance in the Brahmanical social order, in order to establish the authority over the subjects equal to the other rulers from the elite social classes.

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Jayanta Bhattacharya

The author was graduated in Mechanical Engineering and presently he is working as an executive in the field of aircraft maintenance. His inquisitiveness for the cultural history prompted him to pen his works on the rites and rituals of South Asia.

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