A Book of Bible Doctrines by Toby Cribbs - HTML preview

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The word (DEPRAVITY) means to make bad, or worse, to vitiate, to corrupt or to pervert.

When God created, He said all things were good. Man was made in the image of God, pure, righteous, holy and without sin. God made male and female in this image. God Himself is pure, righteous holy and without sin. When God made man, He gave him the ability to choose. Man was placed in a perfect environment in the Garden of Eden.

God gave man certain commands to go by. He was told that he could eat of all the trees in the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If man ate of this tree God said he would die.

Man became deprave when he took of the fruit of the tree and disobey God. Man became as God to know good and evil.

Since the fall of man, man is now conceived in sin from his mother womb. Because of one man’s sin death came and all are sinners.

Man did not go forward after his creation, but man went backwards. Man today is not going forward but in a backward sinful life.

Man must come to Jesus to escape everlasting death in hell.


Genesis 1:27 How was made created?


Genesis 2:16-17 What command did God give unto Adam?


Genesis 3:7-8 What did man do after he had sinned?


Matthew 15:19 What come from man’s heart?


John 3:19 Why does man love darkness?


Romans 3:23 Who hath sinned?


Romans 6:23 What is the wages of sin?


Romans 5:12 What happen because of one man’s sin?


James 4:17 What is sin?


1 John 5:19 What does the world lie in?


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The Greek word for sin is (hamartia) and the Greek term for the Doctrine of sin is (Hamartiology).

Sin is a trespass of God’s Law. Sin entered the world when Eve was deceived by Satan, Eve went against God’s will and command, Adam also sinned when he let Eve talk him into taking of the forbidden fruit. Because of Adam, sin come to all because of Adam’s sin. Also because of sin all have come short of the glory of God. The Bible teaches that sin has affected the heavens and the earth and their inhabitants.


Romans 3:10 Is there anyone righteous?


Romans 3:23 Who has sinned?


Romans 5:12 What came because of sin?


Romans 5:12 Why was death passed upon all men?


Romans 6:23 What is the wages of sin?


Romans 3:9 Who is under sin?


James 1:15 What does sin bring?


1 John 5:17 is there a sin unto death?


Romans 6:1-2 Should we continue in sin?


Romans 3:12 Did any do good?


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The word (Blaspheme) means to speak evil, defame, revile, curse, provoke, or use abusive words against God or sacred things.

We should not use God’s name in vain or anything that deals with God. One of the Ten Commandments is found in Exodus 20:7, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God I vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. We should not swear by God’s name falsely or profane his name.

Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost will not be forgiven. Blasphemy: is to reject the conviction power of the Holy Ghost and to never let Saviour. If a person rejects the conviction of the Holy Spirit, he will never be saved.


Exodus 20:7 Should we take the Lord’s name in vain?


Deuteronomy 5:11 What does this verse say about taking the Lord’s name in vain?


Leviticus 19:12 Should we swear or profane the name of the Lord?


Leviticus 24:10-16 What is the penalty for blaspheming the name of the Lord and cursing Him?


Matthew 12:31 What sin of blasphemy will not be forgiven?


Matthew 12:32 Will blasphemy of the Holy Ghost ever be forgiven?


Psalm 74:18 Who had blasphemed God’s name?


Psalm 139:20 What type of people take Lord’s name in vain?


Revelation 13:1 What was on the heads of the beast?


Revelation 16:21 Who blasphemed God?


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Satan is called by many names such as, Abaddon, Accuser, Adversary, Angel of the Bottomless pit, Apollyon, Beelzebub, Belial, Enemy, Evil Spirit, Father of Lies, Great Red Dragon, Lying Spirit, Murderer, Old Serpent, power of Darkness, Prince of this World, Prince and Power of the Air, Ruler of Darkness, Serpent, spirit Worketh in the Children of Disobedience, Tempter, god of this world, Unclean spirit, Lucifer, son of the Morning, and Wicked one.

Satan was at one time an anointed cherub and was perfect when he was created, Satan heart was lifted up in pride and iniquity filled is heart. He was lifted up because of his beauty and then he corrupted his wisdom. Satan said he would ascend above the heights and become like God.

Satan is the Great Deceiver, he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan added and also took away from the Word of God, Satan is a liar and the father of lies. Satan does not tell the truth, nor can he tell the truth, there is no truth in him.


Isaiah 14:12 Did Satan fall from heaven?


Isaiah 14:12 Who is the son of the morning?


Isaiah 14:12-15 Who said they would ascend above and exalt his throne above God?


Ezekiel 28:13-15 Who had been in Eden, who was the anointed cherub, WHO was created perfect?


Genesis 3:4 Did Satan lie when he said they would not die?


Zechariah 3:1 Who stood up to resist Joshua?


Matthew 4:1-11 Who tempted Jesus and how did he overcome the one who tempted him?


Matthew 13:19 Who steals the Word out of one’s heart?


John 8:44 What did Jesus say about the devil?


1 Peter 5:8 Who is the adversary and what does he do?


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The word HELL describes two places. One is HADES, the place where the unsaved go immediately at death. The other is called eternity. The first is like a jail where a person accused of a crime is kept until his trail, The second the Lake of Fire is like prison where one goes after his trail.

Hell is a place of torment. There is fire, darkness, and remembrance. The pain is so great that people will cry out and grind their teeth together.

The occupants of Hell will be all the unsaved. When God created it Hell, He created it for the fallen angels. When man sinned God included man to go to hell.

After the Great White Throne Judgment all the occupants of Hell will be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.

In the Greek, Hades is a place called Hell, a place of the unsaved. Hell also comes from the Greek word Gehenna, place of Torments, the Greek word Tartarus means infernal region. In the Hebrew Sheol is translated grave.


Psalm 9:17 Who will be turn into hell?


Proverbs 15:24 Where is hell?


Matthew 13:49-50 Who will be in hell and what will take place?


Matthew 22:13 Is there light or darkness in Hell?


Matthew 25:41 Who did God made hell for?


Matthew 25:46 15 hell punishment everlasting?


Mark 9:43-48 Can the fires of hell ever be quenched?


Luke 3:17 What type of fire is in hell?


II Thessalonians 1:9 How long is the destruction of hell?


Revelation 19: 20 Who was cast into the Lake of Fire?


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The word REPENT means to feel sorrow, remorse, or regret for one’s past conduct, to have a change of mind about a pass action, from New Webster’s Dictionary. The Hebrew word for Repent (Nacham) to be sorry, to pity, Greek word for repent (Metanoeo) to think differently or afterwards, reconsider, feel compunction, regret for wrongdoing.

Repentance is the first aspect of the believer’s initial experience of salvation, called conversion. True conversion is an essential part and proof or regeneration. Regeneration is God working in us and conversion is man working out his salvation in repentance and faith. He who repents, hates the sins he is sorry for, and is sorry for the sins he hates.

Repentance is necessary for salvation. John the Baptist message was to repent (Matthew 3: 1-2).

Jesus’ message was to repent (Matthew 4: 17), and the Apostles also preached repentance (Mark 6:7-12). If there is no repentance one will perish, (Luke 13:3). Jesus came to call sinners to repent.

(Matthew 9:12-13) The will of Jesus is that all will repent and not perish. (II Peter 3:9) 1.

Matthew 3:1-2 What message did John preach?


Matthew 4:17 What message did Jesus preach?


Mark 6:7-12 What message did the Apostles preach?


Luke 13:3 If one does not repent what will happen?


Matthew 9:13 Why did Jesus come?


Luke 24:47 What should be preached among all nations?


Acts 3:19 What message was preached?


II Corinthians 7:9-10 What does godly sorrow work too?


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