A Buddha was Born by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Part 9

Fast Soul

Since the moment that Jose felt that the Universe was to call

for your mission the Universe began to impose new conduct of life.

One felt that he had to do was a complete cleansing the body

physically and mentally to this form only to identify with the

Spiritual. He then went to a diet in terms of food, not knowing

what time it would last. Only gave himself and the Universe or

God fully trusted, adding that he always continued to develop its

works, while continuing the daily practice of Hatha Yoga as well

as daily walks.

During the first week is not ingested any food or drink. In the first

two days felt some stomach pain but in passing at the end of the

third day means act completely lost due to not consume certain

foods, around the fifth day he stopped to urinate completely by not

drinking fluids well, that night is he began to feel an enormous

thirst, due in part to be a long dry and hot, and physical burnout.

During the night is now his biggest ordeal, although self-control is

in meditation through asanas, your mind requires any type of

liquid. The same mind managed to create an illusion that it felt a

vast desert under a broiling sun, the more mortified. The same mind

will almost drove him crazy not to keep quiet or calm.

José Cruz

He then had a view that saw his body to move in this vast desert,

and just walked every step he took over was approaching something

that was not water, but the domain itself, after returning to

himself noted that he was quite a sweat and with no appreciable


The desert had vanished from his mind, but the site continued to

fret it, on all forms thoughtless. Jose that night was once again put

to the test by the mind, which created the greatest possible illusions,

the threat until it would die of thirst. He saw huge drifts of color

like never seen before, dark colors and voices of temptation to

quench the thirst, the head was the wheel and having a feeling that

the World was ending for him and did not know what to do. By

then we had exhausted all that he felt he should do to ignore such

suffering, which increasingly was taking to lose self-control. Even

passive or active meditations, as well as some music for relaxing,

swimming or walking naked in the moonlight, try reading or

chanting sacred mantras, nothing happened in favor of that illusion

fades thirst. Then after he have exhausted all options (we thought),

who gave himself again to the Universe, and humbly believing that

it would help to overcome this test. When Jose was then felt

something emerging from within him, by this time completely

surrendered body and Soul to God.

It was like a tunnel of colored light that penetrated the Crystalline

top of the head, and he went the whole body vibrating completely,

while re-mastering the breath, and from there throughout the

nervous system that was already done in tatters . It was being

replaced by a huge lull interior and exterior, which can only

differentiate your Consciousness in Union with his Spirit that took

care of itself.

As that was taking Consciousness by all that had passed during the

night, then response that he had no seat and his lips were moist.

The mind was left completely in the haunt of thirst.


A Buddha Was Born

Jose could see that after all had been great to have undergone such

an experience, because he felt more motivated and supported by

something sacred, which led him to walk safely in front, leaving

behind the adventures of the mind.

As Jose was never deprived of any physical and mental efforts, and

not sleeping, just as a measure of rest that already had previously

meditated when necessary and thus rested mechanisms!

At the end of the first week he felt the Consciousness to order it

that from thence forward could only drink half cup of warm water

for day and only at night. And so he fulfilled the request, and after

a week and a half after starting the cleaning may urinated a few

drops. When he reached the second week then started to drink a cup

of warm water for day, half in the morning and half at night.

Could say it was that kept the Sacred, because duns which weighed

eighty pounds at the beginning, has eased the burden to the earth in

ten. But it was not only warm water, which had the same

operation in the body, and steam cleaned it the Spiritual channel,

which had the figure of Jose that more was beginning to look like a

Yogi but he worked hard because of the not have someone to help or

who Faze is due to living things alone.

So the morning catching the first rays of the rising Sun for twenty

minutes, and Sunset sun followed the same criterion, the rebalanced

in terms of heat, avoiding the most polluted sites remain, looking

for places in Nature where him, an inspired a good Prana, which is

very rich in all that any human being requires for his physical


And at the end of two weeks began to smell some fruit as a food

essence and nothing else ate.

José Cruz

The people who knew him commented that he was sick, because of

its thinness, which led from the start has lost fifteen pounds, while

maintaining a power much greater energy. During the third week

the morning after meditating in a position to Christ, to lay hands

on the abdomen felt something different after him can feel was

found that the huge belly that will have many years was dilated, it

had completely disappeared while meditating at night, and felt to

make sure whether it was true, and it was.

He had the stomach attached to the back as a kid.

During this week led to life as usual, noting only that were all that

addictions, habits, or whether they were physically or mentally,

every passing moment is diluted more for themselves.

Until we began to identify only the consciousness as his ally in

addition also increasingly feel consciously accompanied by his

Spirit, who often portrayed her figure alongside in human form but

in the energy body.

Upon witnessing all this conscientiously, can finally start to put

the mind aside and ignore what it suggests.

Jose ever felt physically lighter, had heights that when meditating

on the march barefoot no longer felt the ground beneath the feet, or

when sitting in the lotus position or even lying on your physical

body rose several feet above the ground.

The changes were happening in their increasingly intimate view and

thus began to become increasingly blurred during the day and at

night when he was in a dark began to notice some flashes of Light

emanating from his body, mainly from the Color, where they shone

walked thus Lighting crossed. It was most notable in moonless

nights, which he sought to make the experiences and take some

questions about it. It noted that during some of the meditative

walks mainly on the waterfront and its brilliance was reflected in

the water or on the rocks that stood out in fine sand beaches. The

beach was almost every night they regarded as the local temple

beyond your physical body, giving him food or Pranic fresh air.


A Buddha Was Born

He felt His Spirit to leave the body in these walks, and after

returning during which new techniques had improved, he had

learned and developed in their previous Reincarnations, which had

been a spiritual master, one of the former Portuguese Colonies.

Other nights he was attracted by the highest peaks of the

mountains that were near where he lived. There was the whole

Universe to worship for hours, when there was moonlight

appreciated the glare of Stars, the Moon Aura Ground or Nature.

Or just shut my eyes and went into deep meditation. Because it is

easier to meditate in the wild high, due to gravity is lower than the

level of the Sea With all this plus a few details that there is no

need to describe them, making the most intimate part of Joseph

concerning this passage in life. As he met again with himself

relaxing in a bath of which he loved, and spent hours there

forgotten, even when the water cooled it could act through

meditative put it warm.

And precisely at the end of four weeks from the beginning of the

fast he had begun, sank completely in the bath and body come to

float in it, he loved to do and so it was just controlling the breath

does not get to the bottom, although is more difficult to be fresh

water, and not have as much pressure as the Sea.

But there he could master the technique well it was so natural that

it could even go on a journey without drinking any water. One

more travel to the Astral. Only this trip Astral was completely

different from many who had already done in a conscious way.

In the beginning everything was equal, he saw his Spirit of Light

begin to leave the physical body is trying to raise the cost much

above the Silver Cord, but there was something that did not let up.

After several attempts there could increase the Astral Plane, and

there Jose wanted to take a look in the tub to see how the waters

were. And what was his astonishment that he saw his bag of

bones, to float, but a mass brown to black in place of your body.

José Cruz

Was struck by the view that he had never witnessed in it but only

in people who were on the verge of death, and the Auric colors of

them begin to disappear, giving way to increasingly darker as that

life was extinct. After viewing such a picture Astral Vision began

to blur more and more himself, and he lost contact with the other

colors in the Astral as well known to him. He began rolling out a

growing darkness in his Spirit.

This darkness which began to strike the Spirit began to feel it and

recognizing as Reaper who reaps the lives they already had visited a

few years at a time who was bedridden for three days without

moving, left for someone to die, as well as two more in completely

different circumstances, the inviting to come with him. But being a

born warrior he fought with all his Spiritual forces, and never open

your eyes by that or show fear.

It was a great turmoil felt by his Spirit, in many different ways

unimaginable and completely black with just a tiny little dot of

light in the center of brownish, sometimes almost failed to see.

Nothing else existed at that point, everything was forgotten, the

bag of bones the tub, the daughters to wife, money, possessions,

pleasures, egos, status, pride, attachment to what would be Sun,

Moon and Earth as well as all memories, then let it simply exists to

Jose, only the gloom which was beginning to cover the Soul.

Could count on the fingers of one hand the times that Jose had

appealed to the Power of the Universe to assist in this his last

Reincarnation on Earth

But there had to be!

And Jose asked the Universe to return back to Earth and your

physical body.


A Buddha Was Born

Jose was accustomed to travel in Astral the emptiness of the

Cosmos, the dazzling colors of the same. But now there was more

color but the complete absence of it, was a black void with only a

small dark brown spot which stressed that endless black expanse.

Then he heard the whisper of your consciousness to focus on that

tiny spot of lighter color, because it was his bag of bones.

And that's what Jose began at the beginning it seemed that wanted

to absorb the blackness, but he resolutely began to follow it to

where it was, after some time it is not known how much, because

when are in the Astral, lost the notion time, and after a wild chase

by that point the Spirit of Light, it could reach out and introduce

yourself within it.

After that, slowly began to appear several columns of light clearer

and gradually separating the black as the Sun on Earth sometimes

pierces through the clouds letting in Sunlight.

But at that time who felt rightfully own merits and be the Sun was

Jose. He had just discovered it without realizing your true Spiritual


As each time that Sun became increasingly in his Spirit all that

remained of what death is possessed, the completely pure black and

the negativity that is maintaining the clarity to eradicate this

Spiritual Sun, swept altogether this last evidence of the presence of

the Black Death.

Jose felt a slight vibration which came from your Silver Cord, and

viewed this vibration was noticed that his bag of bones who

claimed back by his Spirit.

He looked at the Cord that has always had a Silver color and found

that it was now brighter and had a Golden color in the extreme; as

if they were such a trouser hems. Down through its center and after

a few turns as he began to show her body more closely as it

approached the Earth.

José Cruz

The big bath was almost triangular stand of white enamel, but

what there was inside was nothing like in some pictures that Jose

kept in his scrapbook, taken over the years.

The natural color of his skin was dark, but here there was no more

color, just the absence of the same or completely black.

The body remained true to its Spirit to float. Jose reentered him

calmly as he always did and after having properly accommodated

him, began to look for what happened in the Astral, and felt she

needed to breathe.

That’s when you realize that when it reentered the body was no

longer breathing; give re-entry having wondered a little rougher.

But that's not Scared because he had in previous meditations led

weaning the body to breathe through the lungs, changing the

process by breathing through the navel, which is made inversely

called and known by the Silver Cord that connects the body to the


And then the Pranic energy comes through that Cord which is made

of Pure Energy Cosmic, going straight through it by staying at the

navel, the place where the call is cut Umbical cord that connects

the physical mother to her son at the time of his birth. And so you

can keep for a while only the most vital points of any person, to

turn to breathe through the lungs.

(Note this should only be done by someone duly authorized to do so

or knowledgeable of this technique, which can lead to premature



A Buddha Was Born

Well after the traveler driven bellows breathing, began to regain a

sense of your physical body, the mild sensation you subtle energy

circulated and nourished the body and blood circulation, everything

was back to normal. But I noticed that the blood flowed too slowly

than usual, and calmly still completely closed eyes, as if his Spirit

has not had to re-entering the body, he began looking bodily

sensations, to the extent that its reasoning would slowly returning,

he was not coming from another World completely different which

fought the battle for life on Earth.

View all began in the Energy Center as she increasingly returning

to the physical and then noted that the Solar Plexus Chakra was

completely blocked. Faced with such and such was completely tired

of the fight earlier, and his physical condition due to fasting was

not the most wholesome. He was forced to import some energy

through the Cosmic Crown Center, and bringing down until the

base is still concentrated where some vital energy. That in turn was

pushed upward, passing and ignoring the other Chakras Pendants

going directly feed the Solar Plexus, and thus reactivating the body


With the entry of new vibration energy in the body Jose began to

realize that the water was quite cold, and so should have spent

long hours since he took the Astral and returned.

There was a soft and squishy getting to know what state was

weakened his body. In part because him still felt the wounds in the

Spirit of war who had fought and won, and was not completely

aware of having returned to the body.

Because the mind had completely disappeared during the fighting,

and had not returned to the body, so everything that Jose was

doing to begin to recover was done by Intuition, which was fueled

by the human survival instinct, which emanates from the Universe,

until the given time by a superhuman effort and energy gathering

all possible, he managed to open the eyes that looked like they were

glued, and eyelashes more resembled the heavy doors of lead.

José Cruz

From there, her consciousness began to return slowly as he

witnessed what was going to see, that the mind was then returned

to give an air of grace through reasoning, making him look for the

hot water faucet, but was almost impossible so far to get there.