A Buddha was Born by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Part 10

Light beyond Death

After such an experience beyond the life that Jose again gave

up, and aware of everything that exists after physical death, which

was reinforced by memories of previous lives, death for him was no

longer as transitions from a ground plane to the Astral. And in

their wealth of knowledge that was acquired during the various

Reincarnations, death is but the liberation of the Spirit that is

added to a physical body. That after succumbing to rise there in

terms of the Astral Light, and that same light which shines on

Earth Auric colors, as well as Astral travel, have the ability to

move in accordance with the Consciousness of the Spirit, becoming

Cosmic travelers with capabilities to go and stay in other Worlds

Higher Planes.

How this happens in a short summary!

During the many lives that a person is reincarnated on Earth, it

just reincarnates to evolve your Spirit rather than in a previous

reincarnation in a new physical body. Thus the universe once again

offers the possibility of individual evolution.

During this experience if the person has the ability to discern and

only through it just because it is born again, and comply with all

provisions of that came, that a rule with few exceptions has to do

with not so good acts of previous lives.

José Cruz

If that person is living in as through intuition and feeling what

they should do to their evolution or even like, will start generating

itself, a power superior that he was born.

This energy is transformed into light that appears in the Halo of the

head and the rest of the body, will increasingly setting the person


Then after physical death, as in his Spirit Astral Travel back up

through the Silver Cord to the Astral Plane as he did when he was

still in meditation on life in the physical body.

But after the last gasp of the physical body, this breath is nothing

more than the vibration that will break the Silver Cord that binds

him to the Cosmos.

From that moment there is no longer able to return to the Spirit

that body now dead.

Then the so-called Silver Cord, which may well be other colors,

which only covers the Purity of the energy that powers the person

during life on Earth Spiritually, then breaks due to the last breath

of the person and the same is reabsorbed by the Soul and the Spirit,

which is the same as the Higher Consciousness.

But there will come the Consciousness Soul still have and will go

through some more Plans below.

If the person lives fulfilled the task that is subjected in the

Renaissance, and bothered to know what lay beyond the physical

World in which he lived, through techniques that applied to move

to different Plans, they were bottom, middle or superior, after the

complete abandonment of the body will go through these Plans.

This way can his Conscience be in any one of them, since

consciousness is identified with any one and want to stay.

So after leaving the physical body and the starting Cord, it is just to

hang loose in the Astral Plane to a maximum of four weeks time,

ground floor, until you return to Real Source of Light, that is your

Soul and completely closed in terms of light and energy, and

nothing worked consciousness and nothing else.


A Buddha Was Born

Then the Cord undulates in the wind Cosmic Energy that is made,

and as the Cord is also made of energy, in the process of ripple

through all the Plans.

There are so many Plans for developments of any kind, when it

evolves to the maximum in a Plan automatically, in a subsequent

birth will be born in another. But we will be only the most known

and visited.

The Plan of Death

The Plan of Hell

The Plan of Troubled Spirits

The Plan Animal

The Plan of Human

The Plan of Anti Gods

The Plan of God

And the All Union

All these Plans have a light that governs itself with the exception

of the first that there is an absence of light, and the last, which are

all the colors in the Union but which are in ways quite pure and


So all the other belonging to the lowest Plane, but have their basic

colors but misleading by its matte.

José Cruz

That is why when traveling in the Astral, in whatever circumstance

is the Spirit should never accept any color blurs because this is an

illusion invented in the mental field, type a color photocopy of a

very badly drawn.

So a lot of attention to astral travel, never embark on these

illusions that the mental pattern you create.

So for a good Ascension only must take into account the purity of

any color, whether on earth or elsewhere in the Astral Worlds. This

is the passport that any being should have to travel anywhere,

whether through meditation, consciously or unconsciously, either in

life or after leaving, because the purity of its color Aurica, will

identify with the other existing in the Cosmos.

Feel and roam in the case of Jose, when he saw the White Planet.

This has been possible due to its purity Aurica.

It turns out that many people when they undertake these trips or

just thoughts that come to them they create in the mind, and with

practice and time, just start seeing darker colors or dull, and

nothing more.

Because these are the possible colors that they can only achieve, but

with time and pre-existence, they will increasingly become clearer

and sharper.

Until when it reaches a complete purity itself, then the veil of Third

Eye drops and can then access other Worlds or Planets contained in

the Cosmic Universe.

So the Plan is the lowest death that Joe has described how, as it

makes the person a blind eye to this Plan it is not until next

Reincarnation to end up in the task for a fixed term that came to

the World, because it reached a higher level, the evidence is such

that its light lit up the black death of the Plan.


A Buddha Was Born

If the person lives in fear of death has to come to that Plan had felt

so grounded, it will be just right there. And you’re Soul and your

Cord wills this new Plan until the Renaissance, to the person next

in life can overcome the fear of death. But if this plan is already

beside him, will come across one that's next.

The Call Plan of Hell

This might be called so because in this Plan as much in any one of

them, get the Spirit to accept this Plan because of the attraction

Elusive smoky color, there will have to see all his former life in the

Ground Plane, and look where he went wrong, and that after

acquiring a fullness of life beyond Higher Consciousness. Sit by him

in terrible torment, in the mental field due to their negligence

during this life.

This is true because Hell is precisely the evil deeds he committed in

life, and even admits to him through everything did wrong and even

propose to consciousness that will change everything in the next

Reincarnation of less good.

Until then will continue on the Plan in light smoky suffering, that

through him all the beings that are to behave less well, be they

human or animals, to which many give the name of Hell.

Then there is the following Plan, which is ruled by a dim yellow

light. Spirits who still feel tormented, although Spirits with better

qualities than the previous ones, but in some ways, yet continued to

practice the so-called sins in previous lives

The criterion for the next Reincarnation is the same as those in Hell

called to be aware of evil, or of involution have done.

Only these consciousnesses are very small yet. That is why

sometimes remain for thousands of years in time to evolve their

Ground capabilities Consciousness.

Then we have an interim Plan that belongs to the animals as a rule,

more developed in rational terms, which in addition to the animals

there are also human energies due to the delusion that being felt by

the lure of the dim green light.

José Cruz

So if the person during his life took a more animalistic than what

would be a human being at a higher rung. Your Consciousness will

be attracted to this Plan later in the evolution Rational. And then

if he accepts the invitation in terms of Light, your next Renaissance

will be like an animal more evolved in rational terms, or a human

being stunned with symptoms. In order to come to live among

humans and more like a human, so you can learn in suffering for

feeling the same Plan of your last experience, but now as an inferior

being, that is the case with pets live longer with the man as such is

the case of the dog or cat as well as the dolphin among many others,

that many people often comment that they lack only talk.

They even say, most people do in their unconsciousness does not

understand them, but that is for another book.

For those who do not know, should note that the animal that lives

fewer years in the human stay on Earth. And every seven years for

a human being represents one of these animals die so soon, because

they are living a time that does not belong to them in terms of

consciousness, because this time the animal Plane is multiplied by

seven to ground . Then they change their address soon.

If they evolved in the necessary aspects that should have evolved in

the former lives as humans, already there in the next reincarnation

will be born again as human beings. If it did not do this, return to

the same plan they met until then.

So that at death the Spirit to ignore that Green Light matte, will

plan another more evolved. And then see the color pertaining to

humans, which is a light blue matte.

If the light that evolved on Earth is similar to this then the

consciousness is not want to see if there are other lights with

characteristics superior to this, the same consciousness that Light

will be aggregated, because it also be dull, this means that the

person has not purged its light enough to show others that are more

refined over this, and thus entail the higher Planes and Dimensions.


A Buddha Was Born

And so return to Earth following a living as a human being, similar

to what was before to return to evolve, and in this case believe and

feel that there are other Plans to the Human Superior.

And this experience the Spirit has always a tendency to return to

the same places where he lived previously, due to certain physical

energies that attract through psychometric, both of places or people.

For the Spirit knows this process and feel the familiarity of who he

was family, friends and others that assist in any way to evolve

before, and now completely forgotten all, by the process that went

before. What is stored in your Soul, he returns the call the school of

life to develop what he lacked in his previous life.

That is why many newborn babies and as they grow older, will be

highlighting a certain, particular habits, ways and reasoning’s of

certain persons who are deceased or not these families, because it is

easier for a Reincarnated Spirit who has a family feel proximity in

terms of energy, which in another completely unknown.

How about if processes such detail, as alluded to earlier in the

previous books, "Curators of Souls" if they are interested in going


Then the person to re-let life land for the Ascension of the Spirit,

the Astral and go through all the Plans described above, will be

faced again with the plan in which he lived in Reincarnation

before, if there continue to be reborn as a human being in successive

births, to believe in other higher plane than consciously never had

the ability to visit, because the capacity of accreditation is through

the search, because the more one seeks the accreditation is

strengthened, thereby reaching the ultimate goal is in any way.

If the person during this experience just getting accreditation by

half in the next rebirth will take longer to light following the Plan.

What's that people still do not fully believe in the power of the

Universe or God? And thus not believed to continue to discredit

them, and cause others to discredit well.

José Cruz

Only when a person can attain this Plan Red Light Matte, since

there is a bug inside that called for him even in times when you feel

larger grips because the experience it takes, then begins to doubt

more and more what Reincarnations experienced during the many

previously believed to blind eyes, and from these most painful

moments, then begins to believe that there is something else that

dominates everything. That will be nothing but Universal God.

Then they begin to consciously adopt new terms in your life that

lead to feel something strong inside, which is usually always

through suffering, because only this way is that humans awaken to

new realities. Your Spirit will increasingly absorb this demand.

And when return the next time of departure of his Spirit, the same

is not to be imprisoned as before, the various Plans that have lived

in all of them before the first birth to be. Will likely ignore this dim

light in which he lived in this Reincarnation, and will seek a more

pure and clear.

So that search will find the so-called Light of the Gods, Saints and

other aspirants to the same positions, to perform some tasks on

Earth to help others more needy in terms of Spiritual Evolution,

which is that their purpose, which are made noted in Higher Plan

and last white but dull. If ever be attracted to this light that the

Ascension, and to accept this time, will then have to be a direct

disciples of the Light or God, saints or gods then be smaller than to

have reached this very Superior Plan, being the last of the Plans,

these beings were applied and developed to the maximum until they

reach that Targeted Plan, with many different abilities and powers

that are normal for them.

But for the average person, are considered miracles for what they do



A Buddha Was Born

If any of these beings in topping degree of development and

popularization of energy in these arts, do not leave by that last dim

light, and if want to call a state of full enlightenment. The same

will no longer have to go through another painful physical death

and rebirth, and suffer more during a lifetime to achieve total

purity of its color.

So this last experience, just have to be purified up to a maximum of

purity that a human being who is still, for the simple fact that we

still live in a human form, because when it reaches the last Plan,

the first being that lives in a conscious in Light, the highest in the

background who lived as a human, and still feeling in part as such,

but feel increasingly close either in this life or the next one, closer to

achieving their full enlightenment.

When the consciousness reaches the highest level, and only

requiring the final physical death, then the Spirit ascend in

complete harmony, surpassed all others as if there were no Plans.

The same will dissolve on their own in the Perpetual Light Infinite

emptiness of the Universe, and thus your light will become part of

the Light of the Universe.

And thus ends this way the wheel of births and deaths, and the

Consciousness of being are to join Total Consciousness of the


But until these Light Beings depart for their last time, many of

them already feel in complete lighting and no longer need the event

of his death to dissolve in the everlasting light, they no longer feel

to live in light, but already feeling that they are nothing more than

just the very Light of the Universe.

José Cruz

But it also happens that those are not selfish, and crossing your

arms feel after we performed, only for their own benefit, it is also

possible, although these beings (think) that affected the lighting

total, have not yet reached. They are known false enlightened on its

laurels, as they go robbing each other in any way on behalf of the

Sacred. Attention to these superstars who say a mouthful that are

enlightened, but that in no way demonstrate detachment to


Because these beings are those who have risen sharply in the Plans,