Apocalypse Symbol Guide by Lawrence W. Page II - HTML preview

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Like a flying eagle–The original astrological sign that is now portrayed as the constellation of Scorpio that the ancients saw as the eagle. This also infers being high in the air or heavens, which means that it should have been classified as an air sign, not a water sign. This points to key errors in the modern Zodiac that arose at the same time the flying eagle sign was changed to a scorpion in ancient Babylon. This also refers directly to verses 8:13 and 12:14 that speak of eagles and flying. This See also: Eagle, Four Creatures, “Earth, Water, Air, Fire”, Wings of the Great Eagle, Great Eagle, Fowl, Bird, Raven, Stork, Fly, Air, Babel, Babylon, 8, 8-11, Eighth, Scorpion, Sign, House

Like a lion–The astrological sign and constellation of Leo. Infers being similar to a lion in image, deeds, or nature. Since a lion roars and is called the king of the jungle, it also symbolizes authority over the beasts, hence a lawgiver to the nations, which is one reason that Juda’s symbol was the lion. Likewise, the hair of a lion is golden, and that the sign of Leo is associated with and ruled by the Sun. This symbolism preceded ancient Egypt and is clearly embodied by the Sphinx, which is a lion facing the way of the rising sun. Since Leo is directly associated with and ruled by the Sun, it links it to truth, justice, and wisdom, the metal (mettle) and color golden, and to the Archangel as the chief star. See also: Four Creatures…, Beast, Lion, Roar, King, Tribe of Juda, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Archangel, Sun, Golden, Star, True and Just, Sphinx

Like a ManSee: Face as a man

Like unto–Similar to; the likeness of; comparable to. See also: Similitude, Were As, Was as it were, As it were

Like unto a leopard–This is a compound symbol meaning first, similar to a leopard, which means a fast and many-spotted predator. Look at a map of Europe to see England and Spain as the jaws of the mouth, Russia as the great feet and all the European nations (spots) in between. The symbolism of this passage encompasses both the blatantly obvious map of the Eurasian Empire while also relating back to the Book of Daniel. In Daniel, the third beast, the Greek Empire, is described as a leopard because of the rapid speed that Alexander the Great subdued and consumed his prey to create his wide ranging and diverse empire. The spots symbolize the many tribes, regions, and nation states, including the Persian Empire that were rapidly subdued and eaten to form the substance or body of the new beast, which was the Greek/Macedonian Empire. Likewise, the Vatican and Christian Rome quickly subdued and assembled its Eurasian Empire after taking over control of Rome from the Western Roman Empire.

A secondary meaning here regarding the leopard symbol relates to the body. Since the head and the feet are symbolized separately, the leopard infers the body or the flesh, i.e., the conceptual substance of the empire. The substance of the empire flowed from Roman laws, customs, philosophy, and governmental concepts. Roman culture, society, architecture and much more were direct outgrowths of its Greek forerunners. It was much the same as the early American colonies looking to the previous European empire for cultural inspirations and models to update and make their own. This same process of incorporating things from the previous empire(s) is part of the understanding of the four-metal image/beast from the Book of Daniel that describes a resulting empire that incorporates components from all of the previous four empires. See also: Feet were as the feet of a bear, Mouth as the mouth of a lion, Body, Flesh, Strength, Four Metals, Beast, West

Like unto a Son of manSon refers to one who takes on the name of another and follows the rules of their house. Since this is a symbolic man, rules, and house, it directly infers non-religious rules, ideals, and way of life. Looks like or has the appearance of a human of African descent. The original description son of man flows from a Hebrew description that literally means son of Adam. The phrase a son of man comes from the Old Testament and directly infers human. Furthermore, it means like a son of Adam and Adam would have been African and this clearly points to a human messiah of African descent. Son of man also refers to Adam and Eve; although they were only symbolic identities, represent early humans, and therefore would have been African as clearly proven by modern science. See also: Like unto the Son of man, A Son of Man, Teacher of Righteousness, Zion, Root of David, Rule, House, Way, Name, Son, Man

Like unto the Son of man–This phrase, as it is used in the New Testament and Christian translations of the Hebrew texts (Old Testament), stands out as a blatant fraud. It should have remained like unto a son of man. The phrase a son of man comes from ancient Hebrew texts and literally means human. Furthermore, it means like a son of Adam, and Adam would have been African and this points clearly to a human messiah of African descent. Son also refers to one who takes on the name of another and follows the rules of their house. Since this is a symbolic man, rules, and house, it directly infers non-religious rules, ideals, and way of life. The change to the son of man is clearly a blatant and fraudulent attempt to infer the Son of God. We already know that The Apocalypse is a Hebrew document from the Qumran community and the tribe of Juda. We also know the Yahad/Essene strongly opposed the new Roman-inspired “Son of God” religion and even prophesied that it would deceive and oppress the world until the end of days. Therefore, we can clearly see the fraud perpetrated in this phrasing of an otherwise well-known Hebrew descriptor meant to infer a human of African descent and a follower of non-religious ideals and wisdom. Additionally, if this phrase was supposed to say the son of man, why go to the trouble of saying like unto as well. Since "the" is a direct identifier and like unto means similar to or with the likeness of, it is obvious that this represents a fraudulent modification. See also: Like unto a Son of man, A Son of Man, Son of Man, Teacher of Righteousness, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Juda, Root of David, Like unto

Linen, Fine–This refers to the robes and trappings of a priest. However, it’s important to realize that a direct comparison to pure and white linen has been made. As such, fine linen infers a man-made product. Also, because it is used in conjunction with decked, arrayed, scarlet, and purple it delivers the message that the priestly robes are for show and effect and are closely associated with financial and political power, which means they are a purposeful illusion and a deception. See also: Robe, Garment, Scarlet, Purple, Decked, Fine, Arrayed, Pure and White Linen

Lion–Symbolizes the astrological sign and constellation of Leo. It's also a powerful beast and infers being similar to a lion in image, deeds, or nature. Since a lion roars and is called the king of the jungle, it symbolizes authority over other beasts, hence a lawgiver to nations, which is one reason that Juda’s and the Messiah’s symbol is the lion. The hair of a lion is golden, and that the sign of Leo is associated with and ruled by the Sun. This symbolism preceded ancient Egypt and is clearly embodied by the Sphinx, which is a lion facing the way of the rising sun. Since Leo is directly associated with and ruled by the Sun, it links it to truth, justice, and wisdom, the metal (mettle) and color golden, and to the Archangel as the chief star. See also: Like a Lion, Four Creatures, Beast, Sphinx, Roar, King, Tribe of Juda, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Archangel, Sun, Golden, Metal, Mettle, Star, True and Just, Mouth as the mouth of a lion

Lion and Lamb–Both symbols are used for the messiah. The Lamb represents Truth, and the Lion represents Justice. My mission is to establish both of these so that the Seven Spirits of God will replace the wickedness of the Seven Spirits of Evil that currently rule Planet Earth. See also: 11, Two, Rule, Righteousness, Lamb, Lion, Her Tabernacle, Two Candlesticks, Seven Spirits of God, First and the Last, Lord Just and True, Seven Eyes, Seven Horns, Seven Stars

Lion of the Tribe of Juda–A specific Leo of African descent from one of the tribes that originally formed the ancient Hebrew tribe of Juda (Yehuda), before and after the Exodus. This is the original tribe of Jesse and Kings David and Solomon, whose tribal symbol was the lion and the constellation of Leo. See also: Juda, Lion, Tribe of Juda, Root of David, Stump of Jesse, Sphinx, Like a Lion, Nostradamus, St. Malachy, Zerubbabel, Teacher of Righteousness, Lamb, Moses, Melchizedek, Strong Angel, Archangel, Archangel Michael, Philosophers’ Stone, Roar, Loud, 11, 13, 11Q13

Little book–This should have said little scroll since these texts were written on scrolls as clearly proven by the Dead Sea Scrolls and many other texts of the same period. With that understanding, the true size and context of this symbolism takes on a whole new meaning. Since The Apocalypse and similar texts would have been considered large scrolls, its clear that another body of knowledge is inferred here. That would be the Doctrine of Two Spirits, which is the same as the Two Tables of Stone and Zechariah 3:9 which states " upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof." Now, when you visualize the two listings (tables) that are the Doctrine of Two Spirits outlines, but written on a scroll, you are presented with a very short or little scroll. This little scroll contains the key to understanding the seven seals, which themselves are the key to understanding The Apocalypse and many other sealed texts, just as this passage clearly symbolizes.

The symbolism of the little scroll is presented in Chapter 10 and the number ten is an obvious allusion to the Ten Horns, which are the Ten Commandments that are used by the Great Red Dragon to deceive the nations. With this understanding, Chapter 10 serves the purpose of further proving that the Ten Commandments are a lie. It also sets the stage for Chapter 11, where I am given a reed, like unto a rod to measure the Temple, which directly alludes to the Doctrine of Two Spirits and the Seven Spirits of God on the little scroll in Chapter 10. See also: Scroll, Book, Stone, Testimony of the Light, Philosophers’ Stone, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Seven Spirits of God, Two Tables of Stone, Book of Life, Seven Seals, Ten Horns, Ten Commandments, Reed, Rod, Measure, Temple, Nations

Lived deliciously–Wallowed in the lap of luxury and gorged one’s self on the abundance available as others struggled, suffered, and starved. Further symbolizes eating or swallowing the efforts, lives, and virtue (flesh and blood) of others to become fat and rich from the misfortune of others. See also: Riches, Abundance, Dainty and Goodly, Eat, Swallow, Devour, Flesh, Blood, Body, Bones, Shed, Stork, Unclean Bird, Hateful Bird, 21, 153, 666, 1776, Life, Dead, The Dead

Lives forever and ever–Makes two unequivocal points here: The first is that your Creator is a living God, unlike all of the false gods (delusions) with which you have been deceived. Next, that She lives longer than forever. The span of this universe is forever but the Creator of time exists outside of and beyond the reach and influence of time. Also refers to the symbolism of life and the Spirit of Life and says that the creators character and the nature of Her deeds are of the Seven Spirits of God, always and forever. The arrogant liars who thought themselves somehow equal to or greater than the Creator could not even control one of Her simplest creations nor could they defeat Her true nature. See also: God, Truth, Time, Space, Things, She, Her, Lady, Forever and ever, Life, Death, Dead, The Dead, Fountains of living waters, Wisdom, Simple, Heaven, Set in Heaven, God of Heaven, God’s Throne

Living–Of the Seven Spirits of God, which are spiritual inspirations that promote, support, and enhance life and the living, as opposed to the Seven Spirits of Evil which are all materialistic, harmful, anti-life and death-causing impulses. See also: Dead, Life, Death, Two Ways, Pit, Seven Spirits of God, Seven Spirits of Evil, Living Fountains of Waters, Spirit, Golden Altar, Green, Emerald

Living fountains of waters–Life-affirming inspirations leading to a flow of similar deeds through time. This points to the Seven Spirits of God as the source and inspiration behind deeds that support life and lead to everlasting life and the blessings of good karma. By comparison and contrast, this means that the opposite Seven Spirits of Evil are the impulses that cause and lead to death and sorrows, hence the Two Ways and Doctrine of Two Spirits. See also: Living, Life, Spirit of Life, Seven Spirits of God, Seven Spirits of Evil, Fountain, Bottomless Pit, Sea, Water, Two Ways, Doctrine of Two Spirits

Living God, the–Makes it clear that there is no other Creator of this universe. All other images are simply the work of human deceivers and this includes religion, money, politics, materialism, etc. This universe is created by the thoughts and will of the Creator and no other gods were created, except by greedy and deceptive people. Also, living refers directly to the Spirit of Life, Seven Spirits of God and the Two Ways. See also: God, She, Life, Spirit of Life, Two Ways, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Emerald, God of Heaven, God of the Earth, Strong Lie, Lives forever and ever

LoavesSee: Bread

Loaves and Fishes–Eating loaves (bread) and fish symbolizes gaining knowledge and wisdom (learning) from the results and byproducts of humanity's long history of deeds and chaotic and tumultuous lives in the midst of evil (earth, seas and rivers). See also: Bread, Fish, Flour, Wheat, Grass, Reed, Oil, Water, River, Sea, Earth, Harvest, Fruit, Gather, Net, 18, 21, 153, 666, 1776, Ship, Sailor, Millstone

Locusts–Scourge; plague; but especially a scourge that is a great destroyer of life, since locusts eat green things and leave desolation in their wake. It’s vitally important to understand that The Apocalypse states that the Vatican ultimately controls this plague of locusts, which came into existence shortly after they lost the ability to openly and directly control governments. The scorpions in Chapter Nine, which are secretive and hidden sources of terror, torment, and death are also said to be controlled by the Vatican, which symbolizes the Machiavellian manipulation of opposing groups for geopolitical, religious, and financial gain. See also: Scorpion, Frogs, Life, Dead, Green, Things, Grass, Reed, Tail, Sting, Bottomless Pit, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Abaddon, Plague, Affliction, Den, Hidden, Abomination that makes desolate

Look–Seek to understand. See also: Eye, Saw, See, Behold, Watch, Sight, Seven Eyes, Hear, Ear

Loose–To open; unlock; to decode, reveal, expose to light. See also: Open, Key, Door, See, Eye, Sight, Divided, Mystery, Lie, Truth, Symbol, Symbology, Seal, Seven Seals, Unseal, Little Book, Shadow, Behind, Backside, Rolled together, Hidden, Den, Rock, Scorpion, 21, 153, 666

Loose the (seven) seals–To decode, unlock and reveal the seven signature characters (names) of God for all to understand. See also: Loose, Seven, Seal, Unseal, Seven Seals, See, Light, Name, Mark, Record, Open, Key, Signet, Backside, Rolled together, Reed, Scroll, Little Book, Book of Life

Lord–A human ruler or master other than the Creator. Like a king, a lord symbolizes a lawgiver. In this context, it refers to Melchizedek, a.k.a. the king or lord of righteousness. A lord is always someone in this universe and the Creator exists outside of the universe. Furthermore, a master is often the title of the chief sage or the head teacher. The entire body of so-called scripture has been corrupted since before the Babylonian exile with the introduction of characteristics of Marduk/Baal (Belial). Baal is also referred to as Lord in Babylonian texts, and key aspects of the image of Baal, and Marduk were shoehorned into post-Babylonian texts. This false image of the Creator means that post-Babylonian exile Israelites and all three Faiths of Abraham are worshipping false images of the Creator, hence, false gods.

A primary purpose of the Babylonian conquest was to dominate and reshape the viewpoints of the conquered Hebrews and to capture the wisdom and skill of ancient Israel. Since that time, the differences between the titles Lord, a human master and sage, and God, the Creator of all, have been purposely confused. Two primary deceptions were added into the texts following the exile. The first was that our Creator, the compassionate Mother of all creation, was a petty, jealous, male demigod, with a supposedly human form, and therefore a body. He also preached non-violence but was cast as directly perpetrating violence.

Many early civilizations, including the Hebrews, were aware of the concept of karma and that the destruction that came upon various people and nations was the direct after-effect of their own evil deeds. However, after the Babylonian exile, the concept of karma as a universal law was greatly confounded. The texts were recast to say that a powerful male god was directly causing the destruction of transgressing people and populations. God was recast to mirror Marduk and to compete with other local idols and gods. You should understand by now that they were lying and the effects of bad karma visited those who had performed evil as a direct result of their own deeds. They brought this destruction upon themselves, which flowed from the automatic and inescapable effects of karma, a primary feature of this universe.

I am the original Lord (master, teacher, lawgiver) of the Hebrew texts, before they were corrupted, both before and following the Babylonian exile. I have also been called the “Archangel” Michael and Ahura Mazda, the Lord of Wisdom. As in the title Melchizedek, lord and king are symbols for a wise lawgiver or Teacher of Wisdom. Most of what you have been told about me is heavily tainted by the delusions of religion, which is wholly incompatible with the truth. Furthermore, angels don’t have literal wings. An angel’s power comes from wisdom, philosophy and powerful concepts (mighty wisdom) directly from our Creator who is the source of all truth and wisdom. See also: God, Wisdom, Lord of Wisdom, Mighty Wisdom, Melchizedek, Archangel, Strong, Strong Angel, Teacher of Righteousness, Lord Just and True, God’s Throne, Soul, Judaism, Mystery Babylon, Heaven, “Heaven, the,” The Heaven Departed, Religion, Idol, Angel, Wing, Melchiresha, Ten Horns, Two Tables of Stone, Aaron’s Rod, 11, El, Eleven Stars, Seven Stars, Karma

Lord Just and True–Melchizedek (Master and Lawgiver of Righteousness). Truth and Justice represent righteousness and this translates to the same as King of Righteousness. Since king translates as a wise lawgiver and law translates as wisdom, this also translates as both Teacher of Righteousness and Lord of Wisdom. Also notice that I was/am regularly referred to as James (Jacob) the Just. See also: Melchizedek, Just and True, King of Righteousness, Teacher of Righteousness, Lord, Lord of Wisdom, Righteousness, Wisdom, El, Eleven Stars, Seven Stars Strong Angel

Lord of Hosts–Master of all, regardless of any divisions. It speaks to the fact that God created humanity and all souls before any artificial separations existed and that is how both the Creator and the Lord (Melchizedek) understands humanity and life. It also specifically symbolizes that religion and nationality is not considered nor used as a dividing factor when speaking of the End of Days. The other aspect of this symbolism means master and teacher of the multitudes, hence a messiah. See also: Lord, Hosts, Multitude, Grass, True and Just, Lord Just and True, Melchizedek, Messiah, Reincarnation, End of Days, El, Eleven Stars, Teacher of Righteousness

Lord True and JustSee: Lord Just and True

Lord of Wisdom–Master of Wisdom. Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord was incorrectly recast as the supreme deity in the Zoroastrian religion and tradition. He represented all that is good and as the Spirit of Wisdom he lives in eternal light (truth) and is the constant opponent of Ahriman, the spirit of Evil. Ahura Mazda is another name for the Archangel Michael who is the same soul as Melchizedek, Moses, the Teacher of Righteousness, and the long promised Messiah. See also: King of Righteousness, Teacher of Righteousness, Messiah, Spirit, Light, Melchizedek, Melchiresha, El, Eleven Stars, Lord Just and True, Reincarnation

Loud–Commanding and with great authority. See also: Roar, Sound, Voice, Trumpet, Thunder

Loud voice–A commanding message and the inspiration behind it that is delivered with great authority. See also: Voice, Loud, Roar, Sound, Trumpet, Thunder, Cry

Lucifer–Satan, Belial, Bel, Baal, Baalim, Marduk, Melchiresha, god of forces, god of the earth, Mars, chaos, war, etc. Lucifer, just like all of the false gods created by liars such as the Vatican and its predecessors and ilk, only exists in the minds of those who are deceived into believing those lies. The creation of false gods and deceiving people into believing in them, fearing them and/or worshipping them is a very old trick used to ensnare and control those who are ignorant of the true nature of this universe. Once deluded, they unwittingly give power to those controlling the lies. This is one of the primary dangers and purposes of hero worship. The priesthood of Belial introduced money and banking (usury) in ancient Babylon and they have always secretly controlled all money, politics and religion in the empires they manipulated. Money, religion, politics, hero worship, fear, etc. are all tools of delusion and deception that can only succeed in the presence of ignorance. They and Lucifer are purposeful deceptions of the very same ancient cabal that we now call the Vatican. See also: Mystery Babylon, Dragon, Given unto, Satan’s Angels, Satan, Marduk, Belial, Baal, Melchiresha, Money, Religion, Politics, Strong Lie, God of the Earth, Ten Horns, Den, Island

Made drunk (by)–Intoxicated with/by; infatuated with/by; enticed, lured, deluded, ensnared and therefore unable to think clearly or wisely. Refers to being unable to discern truth and wisdom from lies because of Vatican fabricated delusions. See also: Strong Lie, Bottomless Pit, Truth, Lie, Third Part, Faith and Belief, Wine, Drunk, Drunken, Swallow

Made/Make–To cause, instigate, or set in motion. Caused by someone’s direct actions and deeds as opposed to simply happening unexpectedly or coincidentally. Refers both to direct deeds and instigated deeds, events and results. See also: Faith and Belief, Fornication, Mystery Babylon, Satan, Works, Craft. Drew, Cast

Mahdi– The Buddhist concept of a Messiah and redeemer of humanity. See also: Messiah, Buddha, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Elijah, Melchizedek, Reincarnation, East, Lord Just and True, True and Just, Righteousness, Zerubbabel, Maitreya

Maitreya–The Buddhist concept of a Messiah and redeemer of humanity. See also: Messiah, Buddha, Lion of the Tribe of Juda, Elijah, Melchizedek, Reincarnation, East, Lord Just and True, True and Just, Righteousness, Zerubbabel, Mahdi

Make merry, and shall send gifts one to anotherCelebrating Christmas, Easter, and other religious holidays instead walking the Path of Truth and Justice, every day and without fail. Christmas is based on lies, false doctrine, greed, materialism, money, and excess. Easter is false doctrine, false prophecy, strong delusion and blatant lies. Read the following two verses and afterwards read the rest of Isaiah Chapter One.

Isaiah 1:13
Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.

Isaiah 1:14
Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates; they have become a burden to me, I am weary of bearing them.

This also refers to the whole concept of holidays and festivals leading people act as if it is OK to forgo good behavior on the majority of other days, as long as they show up for religious assemblies and do accepted things during holidays. Assemblies and holidays are not inherently bad, but when they incorporate hero worship, religion, ritual, and mass delusion, and serve as a substitute for lives on the path of Truth and Justice, they cultivate folly and widespread misdeeds and harm to others. See also: Rejoice over them, Incense, Gold Censer, Abundance, Dainty and Goodly

Malachy, St.See: St. Malachy

Mammon–Money and materialism. See also: Money, Riches, Delicacies, Abundance, Gold, Silver, Earth, God of the Earth, God of Forces

Man–Governments, agencies, corporations, organizations, and institutions. Any secular (nonreligious) institution or organization and its personnel and supporters are symbolized because they are masculine (material, punitive, coercive) in character when founded on money, politics, coercion and/or force. Notice that man is the opposite of woman, and it is widely understood that the women of The Apocalypse are religions. Therefore, because woman is the symbol for a religion, by direct contrast, man is the opposite of woman and consequently and obviously the symbol for nonreligious or secular groups. As discussed earlier, the symbols of The Apocalypse represent wider concepts and the symbolism of men and women must represent specific groups of people. Man does not represent individual people, but target groups, organizations, governments, and institutions. Also, a man is used to symbolize these organizations because most are based around money, greed, arrogance, and injustice, which are masculine qualities and diametrically opposed to the feminine spirit(s) of truth, wisdom, and compassion that describe the Creator and the feminine character.

This is based on the philosophical categorization of certain characters and qualities as either feminine or masculine. This is a well-known and widely recognized concept flowing from ancient wisdom and philosophy. The best examples are the categorization of wisdom and compassion as feminine characters as demonstrated by the personification of Sophia as the spirit or goddess of wisdom and Kuan Yin as the spirit or goddess of compassion. Likewise, Yin and Yang are the philosophical characterization of masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) natures. Accordingly, the Doctrine of Two Spirits groups mostly feminine qualities under the spirit of good and mostly masculine characters under the spirit of evil. Feminine characters are those qualities that are more philosophical, intellectual, and esoteric, while masculine characters are those that are more physical, material, and coercive in nature.

The crucial understanding that flows from these philosophical classifications is the true nature of the Creator. It is well recognized that the religions and god(s) of all three Faiths of Abraham have been skewed towards the masculine for millennia. Since our Creator has no physical body, nor physical gender, the only accurate descriptions are esoteric and spiritual, hence feminine in spirit. This is consistently and invariably attested to in the wisdom texts of the Old Testament, Dead Sea Scrolls, and in Gnostic, Hermetic, and eastern philosophies. Wisdom, compassion, and knowledge are always referred to or personified as feminine, and always attributed to the Creator. Consequently, in light of the Doctrine of Two Spirits, it is undeniable that the portrayals of the god’s of all Three Faiths of Abraham are false images and thereby, false gods. That is why the god(s) of the three Faiths of Abraham are portrayed as the Great Red Dragon, the primary symbol of Marduk or Bel[ial], the punitive male god of ancient Assyria and Babylonia.

Revelation 12:3 (reconstructed)
And I saw another wonder, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven

crowns upon his heads.

Revelation 12:4
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

Revelation 13:1 And I
stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads <