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Also points to Russia and the Soviet Union as primary powers within the Vatican-led Eurasian Empire. It symbolizes the actual map of the European empire with Russia’s huge land mass, population, wealth, and military as a major power in Eurasia and the Eastern foothold expanse. Russia anchored the bulk of the Eurasian Empire’s landmass while Spain and the British Empire served as the most successful heralds and deliverers (expanders and colonizers) of the Vatican’s control upon the rest of the world.

Ruthless despots have ruled Russia since the czars forced Christianity upon their subjects in partnership with Rome. The same evil excesses continued through the life of the Soviet Union, yet on a much greater scale. Just as the Church of England deceived its people about its true relationship to Rome and the Vatican, the Soviet Union and Eastern Orthodox churches deceived their populations into believing they were independent of the Vatican.

Russia’s influence and power were greatly expanded through Communism and Marxism, which were also created and propagated by the Vatican’s secret cabals. They served as a new method of instigating wars; further militarizing, dividing, and polarizing the entire world, thereby generating great profits and Machiavellian manipulations through both hot and cold wars, conflicts, terrorism, and genocide. After the Soviet Union fell, Christianity, Judaism and Islam saw a dramatic resurgence among the peoples of the former Soviet Union, which helped to lay the groundwork for the so-called war on terror at the End of Days. See also: Mouth as the Mouth of a Lion, Feet, Mouth, Teeth, Beast, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Den, Rock, Shadow, Scorpion, End of Days, Feet of Iron

Fell down–Lowered one’s self to show deference and respect and the offering of one’s service and loyalty. Symbolizes that one symbol is demonstrating its lower status and power and thereby sending the message of the true relationship between it and the upper symbol. See also: Worship, Fear, Fear not, Power, God

Fell down and worshipped–Lowered themselves and showed deference and respect and to clearly display who or what is superior to them. See also: Worship, Fear, Fear not, Power, God

Fellow servant–Refers to also being a servant of the Creator, hence a kindred spirit who also walks the Path of Truth and Justice. See also: Brethren, Companion, Kindred, Spirit, Enemy, Way, Walk

Fell upon–When one symbol falls upon another, the bottom symbol has been symbolically put into a lower status by the upper symbol and it means to smite, correct, or subdue. See also: Upon, Fall upon, Stand Upon, Feet, Under, Above, Smite

Fifth Angel–The fifth cycle of Hebrew history which included the Renaissance, the Inquisition, the King James Bible, Leonardo DaVinci, Nostradamus, Galileo, and much else. This is the time (360year cycle) from 1281/5041 C.E. to 1640/5400 C.E. that saw both the excesses of the Inquisition and the ending of the Dark Ages. It was also the time of the publication of The Centuries by Nostradamus, the works of Leonardo DaVinci and Galileo, as well as many concerted efforts by many others to seek truth, wisdom, and justice outside of the Vatican’s deception and evil strictures. See also: Seven Angels, Seven Stars, Angel, Star, Prophecy, Five, Fifth Element, Pentacle, Pentagram, Vatican, Mystery Babylon, Nostradamus

Fifth Element–A fifth element is often added to the four-element symbolism. The fifth element represents the realm and reality of spiritual existence. The fifth element therefore encompasses the creator and souls. The reason the fifth element is not included with the first four is because the four elements are meant to symbolize the four foundations (cornerstones) of this universe. The fifth element, on the other hand, sits outside of the bounds of this universe, which is the source point of inspirations and thought giving rise to the realities of this universe. Notice that by adding the fifth element, we are only two numbers away from the number seven? This is where the Doctrine of Two Sprits comes in as a statement about another underlying component of this universe, which is dualism. Adding the number two, which represents dualism, to the five-element symbolism arrives at the number seven again. Notice that you can arrange seven into a pyramid with the fifth element, as symbolized by an eye as the first position, then two or dualism sitting at the next level, and then four elements sitting at the next level. Notice how this forms the basis for the Illuminati pyramid seen on the back of the seal of the USA, the one-dollar bill, and other Masonic symbols? The big problem is that it is a misinterpretation of this ancient wisdom, which is more accurately described as a layered pearl or precious stone, as in the Philosophers’ Stone or a crystal ball, with each layer enclosing the previous. See also: Five, “Earth, Water, Air, Fire”, Four, Four Elements, Air, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Philosophers’ Stone, Two Tables of Stone, Stone, Crystal, Glass

Fig(s)–A fruit, hence the harvest of past deeds. See also: Fruit, Grape, Vine, Cluster, Harvest, Gather, Karma, Wheat, Bread, Works

Fill–To form or construct; to complete; to conclude or consummate. See also: Cup, Vial, Drink

Filled up–Finished the formation or construction of; brought to completion and consummation. See also: Fill, Full, Cup, Vial, Drink

Filthiness–Evilness, unclean and imperfect when compared to the Seven Spirits of God, therefore it’s of the Seven Spirits of Evil. See also: Seven Spirits of Evil, Seven Spirits of God, Abomination, Strong Lie, Babylon, Color, Unclean, White, Dark, Mark

Fine–Refined by human hands. See also: Furnace, Millstone, Hand, Craft, Molten, Burn, Fine Linen, Gold

Fine Brass–Refined leadership and principles based on multiple metals. See also: Brass, Fine, Metal, Craft, Molten

Fine Flour–Refined knowledge taken from the harvest of human history. See also: Fine, Flour, Grass, Reed, Harvest, Gather, Wheat, Fruit, Bread, Millstone, Furnace

Fine Linen–This refers to the robes and trappings of a priest. However, it’s important to realize that a direct comparison to pure and white linen has been made. As such, fine linen infers a man-made product. Also, because it is used in conjunction with decked, arrayed, scarlet, and purple it delivers the message that the priestly robes are for show and effect and are closely associated with financial and political power, which means they are a purposeful illusion and a deception, hence a human fabrication. See also: Robe, Garment, Vesture, Scarlet, Purple, Decked, Fine, Arrayed, Pure and White Linen, Craft

Finished–Brought to an end. Ceased to be because its purpose was met, and/or its basis for existence has ended. See also: Fill, Fulfill, End of Days, Mystery of God

Fire–Symbolizes primary inspirations and the zeal for life, thereby it represents righteousness and righteous indignation in sealed texts. Symbolizes a burning inspiration, which is the zeal for Truth and Justice that emanate from all Seven of the Spirits of God. Fire also symbolizes a fervent and passionate spiritual inspiration, as it does as one of the Four Elements. As the symbol for righteousness, fire consists of 3 basic components, which are symbolized by light, heat, and flame, plus a fuel (the object of ire) to burn. Translated, it also gives you the components of righteousness, which are truth, justice, and zeal focused at the fuel that is cleansed by burning. See also: Righteousness, Burn, Heat, Flame, Light, Fuel, Candle, Wax, Candlestick, Spirit, Four Elements, “Earth, Water, Air, Fire”, Clean, Great Furnace, Smoke, Ashes

Fire of the AltarRighteousness and righteous indignation. This is a clue and proof that the character of Righteousness exists within the 4th spirit, which is the central spirit of God’s Seven Spirits and is also symbolized as the Golden Altar. Notice the strong symbolism of seven lamps of fire, burning atop the seven golden candlesticks. The central golden candlestick is symbolized as the Golden Altar. Since righteousness is symbolized as fire, this also illustrates that it is at the heart of the Seven Spirits of God and emanates from all seven as shown by the fire atop each candlestick. Likewise, blood symbolizes self-sacrifice and virtue and is associated with both the heart and God’s Altar, placing them together within the fourth and central spirit of the seven. The central spirit, candlestick, and pillar accordingly refer to the so-called Holy of Holies, the purest place in the temple. See also: Altar, Heart, Candlestick, Lamp, Golden Altar, God’s Altar, Golden, Ark, Holy Grail, Horn, Four Horns of the Golden Altar, Seven Spirits of God, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Seven Pillars, Pure

First and the Last, the–Speaks of the first and the last spirits of the Seven Spirits of God, which are Truth and Justice. Another way of symbolizing True and Just, hence Righteousness. Consequently, this also serves as another direct reference to Lord Just and True, which is Melchizedek. This clearly refers to the first and last Messiah’s, which are unequivocally shown to be the same soul, hence Melchizedek. This sends the symbolic message that Melchizedek, Moses, The Teacher of Righteousness, and the Lion of the tribe of Juda are the same soul. This further symbolizes the numbers one (1) and seven (7), referring to the 1st through 7th and the 1[1]th through 1[7]th cycles of the Hebrew calendar, as well as the first (1) and the last (7) of the Seven Spirits of God. Furthermore, this is more evidence that the stories of Jesus Christ are purposeful false history, false prophecy, and false doctrine. See also: True and Just, Seven Spirits of God, Lord Just and True, Melchizedek, Two Pillars, Two, Jesus Christ, Candlesticks, Two Candlesticks, Seven, Seven Golden Candlesticks, Seven Pillars, Seven Eyes, Two Witnesses, Two Olive Trees, Two, 11, 17, Lamb, Seven Stars, Seven Angels, Seven Horns, Fire, Righteousness, 11Q13, Reincarnation, Messiah, Appendixes G&H

First beast before him–Chapter 13 of The Apocalypse covers the identity and primary phases of the Vatican’s ever-morphing empire, from its birth after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, until the end of days. At that time, the USA is the military, religious, financial and political leader of the Vatican’s New World Order. In verse 13:12, it states that the Beast with two horns like a Lamb that speaks as a dragon, exercises all the power of the first beast before him. To understand the true import of this message, simply look to how the USA assumed control of the worldwide empire at the behest of the Vatican. That was undeniably at the end of World War II. Until that time, the British Empire was the Vatican’s leading world power, which has now morphed into the British Commonwealth, while the USA plays the role of the leading military power and the leader in money, religion and politics. This also tells you clearly that the Vatican purposely caused World War II, and the USA leadership let Pearl Harbor happen so they could rule the world after WW II. Furthermore, the citizens of the USA and the world were first terrorized and deceived by the Great Depression. When you understand that the Vatican and its secret-society cohorts control world banking and took control of the USA’s and Canada’s banking systems in 1913 via their “Federal” Reserve Systems, you can also see who caused the great depression on purpose. The conditions flowing from that depression permitted the creation of Nazi Germany and the Axis, and put the citizens of the USA in the state of mind to accept war and military service because of fear and despair created by the dire need for money. Since WW II, you’ve seen the USA use great secrecy, deception, and provocation to start wars for geopolitical gain. This is a clue that the USA leadership serves at the behest of the Vatican and in coordination with other secret-society-member world leaders. See also: End of Days, 11Q13, 11, 13, Appendix G, 1776, 21, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Mystery Babylon, First Beast whose deadly wound was healed, Den, Scorpion, Dragon, Beast

First Beast whose deadly wound was healedRefers to the Vatican’s Eurasian Empire. Unlike the symbol first beast before him, this points to the first beast, with the additional clue of the healed wound to leave no doubt. The first beast in these prophecies points first to Babylon in the Book of Daniel and to Rome and the Vatican in The Apocalypse. Either way, all roads lead to Rome and point to the Vatican as both Mystery Babylon and the remnant of the Roman and Babylonian empires. Napoleon and the democratic revolutions delivered the head wound to the Vatican Empire. As you can see in history, Britain and Russia served the Vatican by defeating Napoleon, but democratic movements had gained too much momentum and delivered the greatest blow by ending most open monarchial and aristocratic rule. Afterwards, British, European, and Russian royalty and banking families like the Rothschilds assisted the Vatican to remake itself. Afterwards, they relied on secret societies and international banking to cultivate and rule its worldwide empire, now called the New World Order. See also: Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Mystery Babylon, First beast before him, Wound by a sword and did live, As it were wounded to death, 1260 Days, Beast, Head, Wound, Den, Scorpion

First begotten (of the dead)–Me; the first released from Earth’s captivity and exile by my own efforts and with the Creator’s clearly demonstrated blessings. The first to be redeemed to the ways of the true and only Creator, and thereby, the only one who can truly show you the path out this captivity and morass of wickedness that is the purgatory and perdition of Planet Earth. See also: “Dead, The”, Second Death, Life, Death, Two Ways, Doctrine of Two Spirits, Appendix G, Appendix H, Purgatory, Perdition, Karma, Teacher of Righteousness, First and the Last, Ark, Holy Grail, Blessing, Earth, Heaven, Redeemed, Way, Path, First Earth, First Heaven, Perfect Path

First Earth–The Earth, which is based on materialism, money, politics, religion, and the Seven Spirits of Evil, and is under the control of the Vatican and its cohorts. See also: Earth, Mystery Babylon, Religion, Money, Politics, New Earth, Four Elements, Cross

First Heaven–Infers the lies concocted by the three Faiths of Abraham about the nature of heaven and the confounding of its original symbolic meaning in original texts. See also: Three, Third Part, Strong Lie, Truth, Heaven, “Heaven, the,” The Heaven Departed, New Heaven, Air

First fruits–The first people gathered to the Creator and the Lamb (redeemed). See also: Fruit, Grape, Cluster, Reap, Harvest, Gather, Redeemed, Fig, Vine, Karma, Soul, God, Second Death, First Begotten, “Dead, The”, Life

Fish– Symbolizes the multitudes living in the sea and rivers. Like grass, which symbolizes the multitudes of the earth, fish symbolize the multitudes living in the sea. The sea and rivers symbolize the tumultuous and chaotic nature of life (deeds and experiences (waters)) in the presence of the Seven Spirits of Evil. See also: Sea, River, Water, Creature, Net, Multitudes, Ship, Sailor, Fisherman, Net, Loaves and Fishes, Grass, Bread, Harvest, Gather, Reap, Lake

Fisherman–Symbolizes an organization that profits from the tumultuous lives and misfortune of the multitudes (fish) living in the sea and rivers. We see St. Peter called the “fisherman” by the Vatican and Christianity. John 21:11 directly links Peter, 666, and the 11th through 17th cycles of the Hebrew calendar. Consequently, we can see that Peter, the Fisherman and rock are purposeful symbols for Rome, the Papacy, their religions, and profiting from the misfortune of the multitudes from the 11th until the 17th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar. See also: Sea, River, Fish, 153, 21, 36, 666, Net, Harvest, Gather, Reap, Rock, Stork, Ship, Sailor, Multitudes, Age, Carpenter

Five–Symbolizes the fifth element, spiritual wisdom, the feminine side of existence, and the feminine spirit of life, which more closely matches the Seven Spirits of God. The symbolism of the number five underlies the later symbolism of the five-petal rose, the five-pointed star or pentagram, pentacle, and the pentagon, which is created by inscribing straight lines between the points of a pentagram. There are also five qualities listed for each of the Seven Spirits of God, further strengthening the association between the feminine spirit of life and our Creator, the mother of creation.

The number six consequently symbolizes the masculine spirit (philosophical character). For example, when you look at the outstretched human body, the arms, legs, and head form a five-pointed star, if the body is female. If you put a nude male body in this position, you get an extra digit, which symbolizes a six- pointed star. Six is also associated with the Earth while five is associated with the Air. See also: Pentacle, Pentagram, Fifth Element, 72, 360, Time, 11, Eleven Stars, Four Elements, Four, Earth, Air, Cross, Sophia, Kuan Yin, She, Life, Mary Magdalene, Seven Pillars, Six, Star of David, Seven Spirits of God, Islam, Five Pillars

Five Months–150 symbolic days, therefore 150 literal years (starts from approximately 18501855). This date points to the start of the anarchist movement(s) and similar activists and extremists that have followed in their footsteps. They have proven to be a plague to big business, governments, and religions alike, which are all Vatican-controlled or inspired institutions. See also: Locust, Abaddon, Scorpion, Sting, Tail

Five Pillars–These are the five things that followers of Islam must do to be good Muslims. To be unequivocal, these pillars are not wisdom, but religion and ritual designed as strong lies and strong delusion. An important understanding about Islam’s use of the numbers 5 and 72 (houri in heaven) is they prove that Islam was created as the purposeful effort to deceive millions of followers into participating in mass magic rituals based on the pentacle and pentagram. The pentagram is the common five-point star. When placed within a 360-degree circle, each of the 5 points are 72 degrees apart and 5x72=360. Daily prayers, which are one of the five pillars, are performed 5 times per day. This activity inscribes five points in a circle (earth’s daily rotation). Furthermore, those praying are all facing Mecca towards a rock that is a meteorite (fallen star). The people of Islam have been blatantly deceived into playing fools to the Vatican’s and its cohorts’ manipulations. The Vatican created Islam in much in the same way as they created Christianity and Judaism. The three faiths of Abraham serve as a three-pronged (three pillars) grand deception to delude and subjugate the entire world. See also: Pillar, 72, Five, Pentagram, Pentacle, Three, Three Pillars, Triangle, Star, Islam, Mohammed, Seven Stars, Eleven Stars, Two Pillars, Seven Pillars, Strong Delusion, Strong Lies, Religion, Wisdom, Vatican, Mystery Babylon, Christianity, Judaism

Flame– Zeal for life; Inspiration. See also: Fire, Life, God’s Altar, Righteousness, Seven Lamps of Fire, Sun, Fire of the Altar

Fled (away)–No longer to be found because it departed into the past; became a thing of the past. See also: Brought forth, Go, Passed away

Flee from them–Elude them, so as not to be realized or able to be acquired; to become a thing of the past, thus too flee forward or back down the timeline so as not to be in the present. See also: Fled, Go, Place, Space

Flesh–Substance and strength of one’s knowledge, wisdom, and intellect. Refers to the content and nature of one’s body of knowledge and wisdom, hence unclean flesh. See also: Body, Bones, Strength, Might, Feed, Eat, Swallow, Drink, Devour, Bird, Fowl, Raven, Stork, Eagle, Dragon, Cockatrice, Wing, Wings of a stork, Wings of a great eagle, Beast, Creature, Man, Woman, Sailor, Serpent, Scorpion, Locust, Frog, Swine, Dog, Unclean, Unclean Bird

Flood–An overwhelming flow of events leading to the redirection of the inertia of human activities and upsetting the status quo. To be utterly overwhelmed by unexpected, irresistible and undesirable change that uproots and/or disrupts the earth, in much the same way as an earthquake. This can refer to armed invasion and conquest, to large movements of populations as well as great social and/or conceptual change. See also: Water, River, Sea, Rain, Wave, Lake of Fire, Earth, Earthquake, Mud, Shaken, Wind

Flour– Flour is the byproduct of milled wheat, symbolizing refined food (knowledge into wisdom). Flour is made by millstone, which symbolizes a refining crucible. Since it’s a large grinding stone, it symbolizes that humanity must eat (learn) from the crucible of mighty foundational wisdom to survive and grow strong. Since, eating food symbolizes ingesting knowledge and wisdom, to eat bread and flour symbolize gaining knowledge and wisdom by eating of (learning from) the harvest and byproducts of humanity’s many seasons (cycles) of repeated lives, deaths and accumulated experiences. See also: Bread, Wheat, Millstone, Eat, Swallow, Strength, Grass, Water, Drink, Harvest, Gather, Reap, Stone, Wisdom

Fly–To master time, space, and thought. The symbols air and heaven refer to realms of thought and consciousness as well as to the Seven Spirits of God. To fly is to master the air, hence to gain control over thought and the group consciousness. This is power over all things that flow from thought, which is everything in this universe. Also, flying involves movement and all change involves time. Another aspect of this symbolism relies on the understanding that both air and heaven are directly equated with the Seven Spirits of God, while earth, hell, and the pit are directly associated with the Seven Spirits of Evil. Likewise, wings symbolize concepts so this refers to using conceptual constructs to master space-time and the thoughts of humanity, hence frameworks of wisdom such as the Philosophers’ Stone. See also: 8-11, 8, Air, Heaven, Bird, Fowl, Raven, Stork, Wing, Two Wings, Wings of a stork, Angel, Cloud, Mountain, Wisdom, Time, Cycle, Power, Strength, Philosophers’ Stone, Little Book, Walk Upon, Lord of Wisdom, Wisdom of the Ages

Flying eagleSee: Like a flying eagle, Eagle, Great Eagle, Wings of the Great Eagle, Two Wings

Follow–Stays with, to accompany as a kindred spirit and/or to be inextricably linked. Also directly alludes to walking the same path as. See also: Companion, Brethren, Tail, After, Kindred, Spirit

Followed with him–Inextricably linked in the minds of those aware of them; understood as kindred spirits; seen as inseparable. Also directly alludes to walking the same path as. See also: Companion, Brethren, Tail, After, Kindred, Spirit

FootSee: Feet

Forehead–This is the location of your frontal lobes, which are associated with behavior, learning, personality, and voluntary movement. Therefore this symbolizes where your consciousness, intelligence, character, and the ability to do deeds reside. The mark in the forehead thereby symbolizes the nature of your thoughts, character, inclinations and deeds, as well as whether they are quantitatively good or evil, hence light or dark. See also: Head, Hair, Eye, Ear, Mark, Horn, Seal, Light, Dark

Forever and ever–Longer than forever, which means outside of our universe, superior to and beyond the limiting scope and effects of time. See also: God’s Throne, Time, Space, Fifth Element

For your pleasure they are and were created–An unequivocal statement that God created everything for Her pleasure and purposes and continues to do so. Also, this is another important clue from the Dead Sea Scrolls that further reinforces the true and undeniable authorship of The Apocalypse and further exposes the lies of all three Faiths of Abraham and other religions as well. To better understand the nature of the Creator’s pleasure, see the Seven Spirits of God. See also: Things, Forever and ever, Almighty, Seven Spirits of God, Set, Seven Eyes

Force–Using physical power, deeds, and efforts to accomplish goals through material means only, instead of relying on truth, wisdom, and justice to simplify and perfect the path through life. See also: God of Forces, God of the Earth, Power, Might, Strength, Satan, Truth, Strong Lie, Seven Spirits of God, Wisdom, Simple, Perfect Path, Feet, Legs, Arm, Flesh, Life, Death, The Dead

Former things–Life as ruled by and made a monumental struggle because of the Seven Spirits of Evil, but most especially because of the great deceptions of money, religion, and politics. See also: Pass away, Seven Spirits of Evil, Bottomless Pit, Money, Religion, Politics, Mystery Babylon

Fornication–Refers to devious and conspiratorial activities that result in abominations. This represents symbolic illicit unions that take place between the symbols men and women. Not literal sex! That was a Vatican deception designed to divide and confuse you. Therefore, this describes unclean unions between religious (women) and secular (men) organizations, institutions, and activities. The biggest of these are money, religion and politics used to secretly control the world by the Vatican and with the cooperation of most world leaders, especially the major powers. The primary medium used to facilitate and conceal these illicit unions are the so-called mystery schools and secret societies, hence Mystery Babylon. All prosperous nations are prosperous as the reward for their leaders’ collaboration and cooperation in this Mystery Empire, a.k.a. the New World Order. See also: Mystery, Mystery Babylon, Triangle, 666, 153, 36, 21, Strong Lie, Man, Woman, Beast, Vatican, Locust, Scorpion, Rock, Den, Scorpion, Craft, Miracle, Sorceries, Abomination, Abomination that makes desolate, Unclean

Forty and two months–Forty-two symbolic months, 3 1/2 symbolic years, and 1260 symbolic days which translates to 1260 literal years. This represents the 1260 years of the Vatican’s open rule of Eurasia that is measured by counting back 1440 years from Hebrew year 5760 or 2000 CE, and spanning from year 560 CE (4320) to 1820 CE (5580). See also: 1260 days, “Time, and Times, and Half a Time”, Month

Foul–Evil, unclean. See also: Seven Spirits of Evil, Unclean, Dust, Mud, Earth, Swine, Smell

Foul Spirit–Any and all of the characteristics and behaviors that fall under or are related to the Seven Spirits of Evil. See also: Seven Spirits of Evil, Unclean, Frogs, Three unclean spirits like frogs.

Fought–To struggle with an adversary towards a decision, to battle towards a judgment. See also: Armageddon, Place, Judgment, War, Battle, Kindred, Brethren, Enemy

Found–Determined to be a certain nature or character; verified as existing. See also: Cast, Drew

Found worthy–Determined or proven to be deserving of some result or reward based on character and works. See also: Karma, Curse, Blessing, Works, Robe, Judgment, Cup of Gold, Cup, Golden, Crystal, Glass, Metal

Fountain–Source of waters (human behaviors through time) and the source of the symbolism of “springing from the same well.” Thereby, fountains are the inspirations, motivations, and impulses that precede and give rise to thoughts and deeds. Waters (rivers, streams, sea, lakes) are one symbolic way of grouping the inertia and currents of similar human behaviors and activities as they flow through time. The source point or fountain (wellspring) of the activity and the inertia of deeds are inspirations, motivations, impulses, will, et al. These are the sources of mindsets that lead to the collective behaviors defined by the Doctrine of Two Spirits outline of the seven spirits of good and evil, which are also symbolized as rivers (of human deeds), that flow through time.

Spirit, fountain, water, and eye are all symbolically and conceptually linked. The Hebrew letter Ayin, which means eye, fountain, and/or well also links these ideas in the Book of Zechariah, chapters 3 and 4. The Seven Spirits of God, which are the seven eyes in The Apocalypse and Zechariah are part of the spiritual wisdom that fountains of living waters symbolizes.

Next, notice that fire, lamps and candlesticks are closely associated with the Seven Spirits of God and Seven Eyes, linking them to the fountains of water symbolism. This is because inspirations always precede thoughts and deeds and this symbology directly models the wisdom that inspirations (fire) and thoughts (air) are the wellspring of deeds (waters). This is directly illustrated by the cross symbolism for the four elements (essences). The four points of the cross, which are the four elements, form an overlay of the Doctrine of Two Spirits outline and define the symbology used in The Apocalypse and elsewhere. The top arm represents the positive pole of dualism, the Seven Spirits of God, and the element air. The bottom arm is the negative pole of dualism, the seven spirits of evil and the element earth. The right arm represents inspiration and the element fire and the left arm represents change, deeds, and the element water. Therefore, starting at the right hand of the cross and going counter-clockwise, the elements are fire, air, water, and earth. This cycle, wheel, or circle of the four elements, with an element at each of the four cor