Christ the Seed of Abraham by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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How Lucifer Is Manipulating It

Since the day Lucifer fell, he sworn not to be in hell and lake of fire alone.

Whatever he can do to bring human down is his business.

Satan uses this structure to make parent lay curses and burden on their first born to build the younger ones. He influences the first born in a special way. He knows being first born; he/she is a shepherd to the rest kids.

According as it is written; “I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter”. So he head for the first born. He also make parent think it alright to use the first born to sponsor the younger ones. At the end of it all the first born become lesser than the rest of the children.

An Eye Opener for Every First Born

The structure designed by God which was endorsed by man and manipulated by the devil to bring first born under subjection to his/her younger ones has been abolished on the cross of Calvary. When Jesus said it is finished. It means all the means, structure, strategy that brings a man/woman under any form of bondage misbehavior, being used as sacrifice to bear the heat for younger ones is finished.

“Jesus Christ is our first born; he has also bore the heat for us”.

Romans 8 v 29

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

So, now that it is finished why does it still happen? Well, the same answer is also for; now that is finished why are men still dying because of sin? You see? Though it is finished but it’s up to us to take our stand. Jesus Christ destroyed the power of sickness for all human, why are many still sick even among Christians? So you see we still have our own roles to play even though Jesus has destroyed them. If anyone permits sickness to reign over them, sickness will not only make them sick, it will kill them. Jesus and God would do nothing about it seeing you permitted it. But if you cry out and take your stand, then the destruction Jesus has done to sickness will become effective then the sickness will fall off from you.

What I am saying is; if you let the structure work on you being the first born, you will be ruled by your younger ones. Jesus said the first shall be the last.

Mark 10 v 31

But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.

Does this make sense to you? We can put it these way “first born shall be last born and the last born shall be first born.

“The lord shall become servant and servant shall become lord”.

“The head shall become the tail and the tail shall become the head”.

You see it’s not a joking thing. If you are a first born and you are reading this, I say congratulations to you. Through knowledge shall the righteous be delivered. Being delivered does not necessarily mean from Satan, if you are born again you are not under Satan’s bondage but there are some things we must fight to achieve. We may never get them until we fight for them. So you are going to fight this fight and say to yourself “I am the head only, Jesus has paid for me”. This is not another war with the devils or demon please. It is called the Good fight of Faith.