Ideology of Religions. Scientific Proof of Existence of "God": The Catalog Of Human Population by Andrey Davydov - HTML preview

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And, to continue the parallel, right under the nose of this Neanderthal is an instruction to the computer that he is holding in his hands, but he is so deep in his fantasies that he does not notice it. In addition, he does not know how to read. From our point of view, an analogous situation occurred with the “Catalog of Human Souls,” which all this time was "under the nose" of humanity. Probably a Neanderthal too would have taken the instruction to the computer in his hands, then just tossed it, and continued to beat the unit that does not want to turn on with a stone ax. How else to explain that having the Book of Mountains and Seas (Shan Hai Jing has been translated into many languages) in global culture, for thousands of years no one could understand that it the Catalog of human population? From our point of view, there can be only one explanation: intellect of people with a dead “soul” does not work as it normally must work.

A person who is not familiar with the “Catalog of Human Souls” does not know and does not understand much of that what happens around him and within himself. In essence, in this state of unknowingness and lack of understanding he lives his entire life. He does not know why this or that event occurs in his life, why this or that person comes into his life, and so on. And, most importantly, it is unclear why he himself behaves in certain situations in one way and not in another, and why his behavior can differ greatly from algorithms of behavior of others. Not getting clear, specific, justified answers to these questions (in the best case, only other’s interpretations, or fantasies), he replaces them with invented, made up explanations. Also, he does not know that all his explanations are invented by the "demon’s head," and are not made on the basis of analysis by his natural intellect. He thinks that his explanations are made on the basis of the thinking process, but they are not; they are nothing but his fantasies, his imagination.

In search of recipes on how to live, first a human unsuccessfully tries to find a single clear system, scheme in culture. He does not find it, and goes into a mode of life known as "trial and error." He looks around and sees a variety of ways to live, many actions, solutions to various problems, and he has nothing left to do but to start trying one after another, hoping to find, as they say, "his own" philosophy, occupation, food, sex partner, passion, “Path,” and so on. Although this has nothing to do with his personal, his natural—"his own." A person generally considers "his own" anything more or less comfortable from the point of view of work of psychophysiology, but more importantly, socially approved, socially meaningful, pleasant, comfortable, while it all has nothing to do with his natural program. (This is often called: "I understood it intuitively." Although intuition of a person with a dead “soul” does not work as a function—“the antenna is broken.”) Choosing something from society, he tries to embed it in his psychophysiological existence. And, he does this with a greater or lesser degree of success—some part of that what he finds is used for his good, but most of the trials harm him (from slight damage to fatal consequences).

"Intellect" of a person with a dead “soul” searches and tests new and new options in regard to anything: food, partners, hobbies, occupation, exercise, cosmetics, treatments, physical development systems or systems of self-development. In this process, his short life passes by. The remainder of time left from search and endless trials he or she usually spends on liquidation of consequences of mistakes, although if the person had information about himself/herself from the “Catalog of Human Souls,” he or she could spend it on something more interesting, useful and enjoyable.

This kind of life does not perturb a person with a dead “soul.” Eventually, he gets used to the absence of positive results, and begins to perceive this as a normal course of his life.

Besides, regardless of results that a person with a dead “soul” gets, he is always convinced that anyone and anything is to blame, just not him. In his own view, he is always innocent, blameless, pure, sinless, and therefore cannot be wrong, mistaken. "Intellect" of a person with a dead “soul” was defined as narcissistic because the carrier thinks that he is absolutely wonderful, the best of the best, practically perfect. Although in reality the only thing in which "intellect" is really strong is ignorance, building of illusions, games, perversions and other abominations, which will be described below. However, such functioning makes a corpse out of a living subject.

It is also necessary to note that self-development, self-improvement and other terms that are “foolish” from the "demon’s head" point of view, are usually not included in the scope of one’s attention, his interests. His opinion on self-improvement is expressed well in the following Russian sayings: "The best is the enemy of good", "To teach someone who knows is only damaging", etc. He believes that since he is already like the Creator, why learn, why develop, why improve? And, the actual state of affairs is usually manifested in that he is not only far from perfection, but also immeasurably stupid, fits in with very few activities, does not know much and knows how to do very little. In other words, his real qualities are usually successfully camouflaged by the ability of the "demon’s head" to build illusions, and this ability is trained for years. A "demon’s head" is never too tired to self-improve in relation to any kind of perversion.

In the end, not wanting to know anything beyond the scope of fantasies created by his sick imagination, not wanting to accept reality as it is, not wanting to study and learn, not wanting to go towards anything, to move, to grow, to develop—a person with a dead “soul” remains dead. Although according to religious sources, as well as our research—human “soul,” unlike his body, can be resurrected.


Sleep That Is Death

"...In appearance he is a human, but by the internal mood he is not a true human. As an untuned instrument that is this or that in its appearance, but it is not known by the sounds—this is how a person whose inside is torn by sin should be judged ... As the dead do not see, do not hear, do not move, a sinful person does not see, does not hear and does not move as a human being: he does deeds, but they are "dead." (Heb. 6:1; 9:14; Excerpt was taken from the Russian version.)

If you carefully observe those who based on quite a clear number of characteristics we consider to be people with a dead “soul,” then the analogy between them and the dead becomes evident. Despite the fact that before us we see a seemingly alive someone who moves his body, eyes, head, arms, legs, opens his mouth to eat, drink, talk, goes somewhere, does something—we still agree on this issue with authors of religious texts that all this is only a parody of life. Since on the inside of this person is ringing emptiness. There is nothing on the inside because his “soul” has died.

Daily condition of a person with a dead “soul” can be compared to the state of a computer called "sleep mode." Although it is even better to compare it to biological anabiosis—one is alive, but all life processes are so slow that they are reduced to almost zero. His “Soul” (natural program) works at a maximum of two-three percent, only in order to support the physical existence of the body for some time.

Although not for long since “the battery” is charged only for a while. Once this natural energy charge that is given to a human from birth ends—his biological death will occur. A person with a dead “soul” has nowhere to recharge from, as the only "natural charge" for every living beings on this planet are natural images of his natural program. However, a person does not know anything about them, and does not study and use them. He lives on artificial images, which do not "charge." Artificial images are like those plastic apples that were mentioned above, they cannot be eaten to gain energy.

Precisely because of this, and not for any other reason, life of modern homo sapiens is so short.

And, it is not only short, but also difficult. Since it is difficult for a person who is alive only by a few percent to not only support his existence, but also to bring up children, to keep contacts with other people, to each time try to fit in conditions that are offered by civilization, and to keep up with scientific and technological progress. Due to lack of access to information on natural images of his “Soul” from the “Catalog of Human Souls,” the energy level of a person is so low that in response to the question “How are you?” one often hears: “Tired.” Of course, if the person does not know you well, he will draw a smile on his face for a few seconds, and answer: “Fine, thank you;” although, in most cases, it is not possible to believe this after taking a close look at this person.

Due to the constant lack of energy to do all the things that a person is obligated to do through the day, he often gets severely irritated, and that, in one form or another, manifests to the world, to others, to himself. A person either falls into depression ("I am so sick of this damn life!") or he gets angry, and begins to destroy everything around him, including people: "I am so sick and tired of you all!" Or he begins to engage in semi-conscious or conscious self-destruction, according to the principle: "Life is shit, at least I will do something nice for myself." Although in fact, everything that a person does at such moments is break himself, himself as a natural mechanism.

A person with a dead “soul” is not truly happy about anything. And, even if something does please him, this joy is short-lived. And, moments of happiness are even more rare and much shorter. Whereas, according to information that we discovered in some of the ancient sources, happiness is a basic emotion, an emotion on the basis of which a human being must live to be healthy, powerful and to thrive. However, the basic emotional states of people with dead “souls” are anxiety, dispiritedness, irritation, hatred, and anger. These states corrode a person from the inside like sulfuric acid, and cause only one desire: revenge; to take revenge on the world, to befoul another person’s life, to befoul his own life. And, as the worldwide psychiatric practice shows, no doctors, no medicine can help a person get out of this emotional state; the most they can do is "turn him off" together with these feelings and emotions, and turn him into a natural "vegetable" that feels nothing at all.

However, even without being under the influence of "help" of psychotropic drugs, a person does not want to do anything due to lack of sufficient energy and internal motivation. Hence, the occurrence of fantasies like "When I retire...", "When I earn a lot of money...", "When the kids grow up..." They imply that once that happens, he or she will not do anything. That is why people dream of only how they could relax. Sleep and food provide small energy charge, enough for a person with a dead “soul” to last for some time, but not for long. And so, he tries to somehow arrange his life in a way to reduce his level of activity (physical, psychical, intellectual, etc.) to almost zero. Often, one can hear people with a dead “soul” say: "I will do this some other time...", "This is too difficult for me to understand...", "Worrying is bad..." and so on. They hope to spend less vital energy that pours and pours, like sand in an hourglass, bringing the hour of their physical death closer. This necessary measure allows people with dead “souls” to live about 70-80 years. Although they live in a "turned off" state, not at full capacity, and, by and large, they do not really live. Life is something completely different.

On the other hand, by switching to the "economy mode," people with dead “souls” completely rule out the possibility of "becoming alive."  It is as if they enclose themselves in a capsule. However, in order to "become alive," that is to revive his “Soul,” to "turn on" his natural program, one must do the opposite: he needs to open himself to the world, to information from this world, to begin to desire, to seek, to study and learn new things, and to act, while making dreams and desires a reality. In other words: he needs to move.

People with a dead “soul” demonstrate a parody of movement—they go somewhere, run, and rush about. For some reason, they think that if they make movements at the physical level, sometimes purely mechanical ones, they can justifiably consider themselves alive, and then their lives will be full, interesting, bright, and eventful. And, that this will be life. From morning to night people make themselves do something; they invent a wide variety of things to do based on the following principle: “to keep myself busy.” However, while performing some actions, they are not in reality, but in their "inner world" that their "virtual room" ("intellect") replaces for them. Although being in a "virtual room" as a space of one’s imagination is very harmful. Especially if one does not live on the basis of his natural "operating system" because the "demon’s head" that works on artificial images blocks natural desires, emotions, and aspirations, putting them into the category of "dreams." "Demon’s head" offers to implement things that are not relevant to a person, things that he does not need, that are harmful, that do not provide anything to his psychophysiology—neither health, nor youth, or some interesting abilities, and do not bring him even a step closer to being a Human.

"Intellect" of a person with a dead “soul” immobilizes him on the inside, puts in a state of stupor, slowing down and stopping all internal processes of his psyche. That what they usually call by the words "calmness and grace" are calmness and grace of a graveyard, of the dead, and do not relate to the process of life; because that is lack of true movement, and primarily lack of motion of the “Soul.” Panically afraid of everything that is new, afraid of changes, the "dead souls" put themselves in a capsule, and sometimes lose the keys to the "prison cell" forever. Due to this, their lives turn into a "Groundhog Day"—the same thing from day to day, from year to year, and from decade to decade. It is not surprising that boredom, then depression, and then—processes of self-destruction follow this.

The cause of depression is quite understandable: a person as if realized everything he wanted in his fantasies, but in reality he discovers that he did not do anything, did not move, and still lays as a corpse inside of another "Groundhog Day." In order for depression to not finish him off completely, a person is left to entertain the illusion that "such is life," that "all people live like this," and that his life is full of events on the grounds that today he tried a new cake or invented a new perversion.

Any animal has inner life; a primitive one, one that makes the internal processes a reality. If an animal wants to eat, or something else, it will not go to sleep in order to do it in its dreams, as from the point of view of nature this would be a perversion. While people live like this in 90% out of 100. If they want something, they go straight to the "theater," into the space of their fantasies and watch a "movie" about how they are doing it. Life of homo sapiens is so automated that it is possible to dream even while driving a car, at work in front of a computer, and so on. However, once a person wakes up from his dreams, he feels nothing but frustration because a human experiences natural happiness as an emotion only when one of his natural (program) needs is satisfied in reality.

There is no better way to kill yourself than to live in your fantasies. Humanity only has yet to come up with devices that will eat, drink, go to the toilet, and sleep for them. Although this is unlikely, people do not stop wanting to fully move into the space of their dreams. They do not understand the threat. This is how artificial images work.



From our point of view, a person with dead psyche is like a rotten tooth that stands for the time being, but realistically no longer belongs to the category of living.



As our studies have shown, psyche (“Soul”) is dead if a being of biological type homo sapiens, by nature possessing incredible abilities, talents, and great potential knows nothing about it and does not use this. Metaphorically speaking, the treasures remain locked up in a room to which there is no key, no one can see them, make sure that they exist, look at them closely, let alone use them.

All psychophysiology of a subject with a dead “soul,” including his intellect, is "idle." Natural program qualities, his functions do not get 100% realized. As a result, without having information from the “Catalog of Human Souls,” figuratively speaking, a high-class Formula One bolide (that any person is by nature) lives his entire life as a primitive scooter. This "bolide" not only does not start up, it does not get cleaned, does not get repaired as it should, is not kept away from moisture and temperature changes, remains without care for many years in the open air and with a running engine. And, this continues up to the moment until corrosion and rot cover the body and parts get worn out. Then, the machine will finally stop for good.

The result of such "life" and "functioning" is that today a Human, a unique “Creation of God,” is turned into a consumable material, which once it gets worn out and damaged (broken) will be sent to a garbage dump and decay. Is this what “God” created a human for? Are there not enough nutrients on planet Earth to feed all living without using human bodies as fertilizers? And, is a creature that lives this way really the "Image and Likeness" of “God?”

"...When a human, leaving all benefits, by disobedience ate the pernicious fruit, the name of this fruit is mortal sin, then he immediately died for a better life, exchanged the divine life for irrational and bestial..." We agree with this, however, in our opinion, there are no specifics; namely that the main "Mortal Sin" of a human is life that is not based on his natural program that was created for him by “God,” as well as creation of artificial images.


"Affairs Of The Dead" And Affairs Of The Living. Resurrection Of “Soul” Is Possible.

As mentioned above, a person whose “soul” is alive differs from a person with a dead “soul” by lack of inner life, which his “Soul,” his natural subtype program gives. When this program works, an individual has no problems with presence of motivations, aspirations, desires, as well as energy to implement all of this in reality; he does not have problems with existence of inner life. However, we suppose, it should be explained in more detail what exactly is meant by presence and absence of inner life. Certainly, in this format this will be done very briefly. (However, we review this in more detail in our other books on how a modern human lives on all six factors and what consequences this leads to.)



One indicator of absence of inner life in a person is that he is only concerned with that what is outside of him: things, other people, events, and processes. His life is a never-ending stream of things related to the external world. And, he does not take care of his own self in terms of his natural program, his “Soul.”

And, he himself does not exist, as an Individual—he disappears. To nature, he disappears as a valuable natural object as well. He is just a small unnoticeable screw of various societal processes.

And, as time passes, a person with a dead “soul” needs to be in the position of such a screw more and more. Fear of loneliness as a situation of facing the emptiness inside him, unknowing what to do in general and with his own self in particular are just some of the reasons. An even more important reason behind "cooking in a communal pot" is that since his psyche is dead, a person needs stimulus, motivation from the outside in order to move at least somewhere, to feel at least something, to want at least something, to strive for at least something. He does not have motives, desires inside him because his natural program does not work. A person with a dead “soul” is forced to seek both positive and negative stimuli in society.  

And, his environment, the society willingly offers him a choice between fun entertainment and troubles, funny or scary, fun or dangerous. Civilization has a well organized and setup system of, so to speak, "stimulation of corpses," people with absence of their own desires, aspirations, internal experiences. Society offers many things, which they can entertain themselves with during another "Groundhog Day." A person is offered things that can please him, upset him, anger him, and so on. In short, that by which it is possible to feel, using the language of slang, the drive as a physiological desire, a need, a motivation, a stimulus, an internal impulse, excitation. That, what a person with a dead “soul” does not have, but also that what he needs in order to at least imitate life until his physical demise. Although in our opinion, all civilizational suggestions are quite primitive and boring, but that is our personal opinion.

Behind the seeming idyll (when an individual does not really need to do anything, does not need to think and want anything, as that is done for him, and he gets entertained) stands the fact that society is ready to stimulate and please him mostly in exchange for money. So there is another pastime for a person with a dead “soul”: a job or a business. In the absence of understanding of what to do with himself a person goes to earn money. This, at least for some time, gets him out of the state of boredom and gives his life some meaning; although only for a while. People with dead “souls” sometimes enthusiastically engage in "money making." However, this does nothing except wear out their psychophysiology. And, it is not easier for those who do not have the need to engage in earning money because they have all that they need within an arm’s reach, they have nothing to do, everything has already been tried, there are no goals ahead—these factors make the physical death of a person approach faster. Free or nearly free entertainment includes watching TV on the couch with a bottle of beer or vodka as an antidepressant, as well as "friendly chatter" with members of the household, colleagues, neighbors, in which one can recharge or emotionally drain, compete "who is cooler," get a lot of "good and wise" tips on how to live, and feel needed by someone (although this is not so since besides his acting in a role of a living confirmation that he is needed by another person, he is not interesting in any other way). However, this has nothing to do with friendship. All existing public formations in civilization fall under the category of stimulus and entertainment: from casinos, theaters and sporting events to courtrooms, senators’ chambers, and hospitals. There is something for everyone. All this reminds of euthanasia because there are basically a million ways of how to throw one’s life in the trash in an interesting, fun and pleasant manner, and never become a Human.

It is easy to guess the results of lack of one’s internal life. From constant engagement with something or someone outside himself, his last strength evaporates, psyche gets exhausted, and physiology wears out. After "entertainment" offered by this civilization, a person gets into more and more prolonged states of depression, disappointment, and tiredness from life, up to suicidal thoughts and actions. On the other hand, without this civilizational "entertainment" he gets bored. And, boredom is not such an innocent thing because just out of boredom, people often do things that ruin their lives.

From this follows a conclusion that in people with a dead “soul” not only the intellect, but the emotional factor as well does not work correctly. Apart from the fact that a person feels nothing unless someone or something from the outside stimulates him, his constant companions are anxiety, fear, irritation, anger, and psychotropic drugs, but this was already mentioned above.



Without having any idea about inner life, a person with a dead “soul” has no idea what it means to take care of his own self. He thinks that to "to take care of himself" means to be an egoist, to not come into contact with other people, to not take care of anyone else, to not take others into account, etc. This is very far from what these words mean to people who take care of their “Soul.” That is, to those who know their natural program, study and take care of it.

To put it very briefly, the presence of inner life in a human assumes an entirely different functioning of a person. For example, his intellect is not occupied 99% of the time by "sitting in a theater;" in other words by fantasies, building of castles in the sky, self-consolation, and narcissism. Intellectual activity occurs under normal algorithms: a person can think, he has information (and if he does not, then he gathers it), analyzes it, and draws conclusions. Also, the function of imagination is used differently. However, most importantly, intellect is used for its intended purpose: to provide communication with the program, the “Soul” that he knows. For example, for collection and interpretation of information on images of his program, for monitoring of his actions with subsequent analysis, for setting new goals, and for solving problems related to himself, his own life. His intellect is not used only to come up with another artificial image, how he will live and present himself—he simply does not need to do it as he knows himself. Also, intellect is not involved in processing of the many informational sources constructed on artificial images, which are not possible to review, but more importantly, it is harmful and pointless because they do not carry any reliable information. Thus, a person releases a huge amount of time for other, more important, more useful, and more interesting activities. Also, his intellect is not involved in modeling perversions in relation to himself and to others (they will be described below), which beneficially reflects on all of his psychophysiology.

In the physical factor taking care of your own self implies active care in terms of health. This does not consist of swallowing food additives, vitamins and pills, or appointments with doctors. A person turns for help to the Catalog of Mountains and Seas for information on how images of his individual program live, and tries not to violate the natural laws in relation to lives of these images. In addition, the description of each program in the “Catalog of Human Souls” contains information about what exactly the right remedies are for a particular person. These people turn to doctors as to experts in the field of human physiology, but they consider their advice from the point of view that modern medicine has no knowledge of subtype differences within the biological type homo sapiens. A mandatory element in everyday life of a person engaged in taking care of himself are sporting activities, but only those activities and only in those algorithms that are required by the natural program of the person. The range of these activities for any person is huge and it is not necessary to choose any single sport, as he can develop himself in all of them. The same can be said in regard to the wardrobe of a person. He knows exactly what materials, what styles, shapes and colors of clothing, shoes and accessories to wear based on his program’s particularities. The range is also wide. The same can be said about jewelry, if it exists in the individual program of a person—he does not need to wear something on his body that is not related to him personally. The same applies to tattoos, if it exists in the individual program of a person, he does not need to put on his body artificial images that will be killing him; he knows his natural images and in the form of tattoos on his body they will bring him only benefits.

In the nutritional (dietological) factor a person will never get food from "a communal pot," regardless of whether it is a fast food establishment or a posh restaurant. Since he knows that there the same dishes are prepared for all, and that is unacceptable because all people are representatives of different subtypes. And, naturally each subtype has its nutritional range, going beyond which is a health risk. Especially in the case of humans; each subtype has a wide range of what can be eaten, but each subtype has its own range. Therefore, with the style of nutrition that was called "eating from a communal pot," a person puts into himself, figuratively speaking, as into a car, anything instead of proper grades of gasoline: from milk to hydrochloric acid. As a result, if there is a financial possibility, a person who knows